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Y, ER, EST Words

2010 August 8
by admin

I think this is a pretty neat list.  These are the words, 2 to 8 let­ters in length, that take a Y (e.g. AIR => AIRY), with the new word fol­low­ing the –ER, –EST adjec­tive pat­tern (e.g. AIRIER, AIRIEST).  There are 338 of them (let me know if you run across any I’ve missed).   Note that many of the orig­i­nal words are also verbs [-ED, –ING, –ES] and that some have addi­tional forms (e.g. BALM => BALMLIKE).  Most of these words are fairly easy to learn and they give you a lot of bang for the buck.

AIR–early (near the begin­ning of a period of time or a series of events) [adv AIRER, AIREST], to expose to the air (the mix­ture of gases that sur­rounds the earth) [v –ED, –ING, –S] fhlmpvw/nsty
AIRY–hav­ing the nature of air [adj AIRIER, AIRIEST] dfh/*
ANTS–ANT, a small insect [n] chprw/y
ANTSY–fid­gety (ner­vously rest­less) [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */*
ART–an esthet­i­cally pleas­ing and mean­ing­ful arrange­ment of ele­ments [n –S] cdfhkmptw/sy
ARTS–ART, an esthet­i­cally pleas­ing and mean­ing­ful arrange­ment of ele­ments [n] cdfhkmptw/y
ARTSY–arty (show­ily or pre­ten­tiously artis­tic) [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */*
ARTY–show­ily or pre­ten­tiously artis­tic [adj ARTIER, ARTIEST] ptw/*
–ASH–to con­vert into ash (the residue of a sub­stance that has been burned) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] bcdfghlmprsw/y
–ASHY–cov­ered with ashes [adj ASHIER, ASHIEST] dmw/*
BALK–to stop short and refuse to pro­ceed [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
–BALKY–stub­born (unyield­ing (to give up)) [adj BALKIER, BALKIEST] : BALKILY [adv] */*
BALM–a fra­grant resin [n –S] : BALMLIKE [adj] */sy
BALMY–mild (not harsh or rough) [adj BALMIER, BALMIEST] : BALMILY [adv] */*
–BARK–to cry like a dog [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
BARKY–cov­ered with bark (tough outer cov­er­ing of a root or stem) [adj BARKIER, BARKIEST] */*
–BARM–the foam on malt liquors [n –S] */sy
–BARMY–full of barm; frothy [adj BARMIER, BARMIEST] */*
BARN–to store in a barn (a large stor­age build­ing) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
BARNY–resem­bling a barn in size, shape, or smell [adj BARNIER, BARNIEST] */*
–BATT–a sheet of cot­ton [n –S] */suy
BATTY–crazy (insane (men­tally unsound)) [adj –TIER, –TIEST] */*
BAWDa madam (a woman who man­ages a brothel) [n –S] */sy
BAWDY–obscene (inde­cent (not decent)) [adj BAWDIER, BAWDIEST], obscene lan­guage [n BAWDIES] */*
BEADto adorn with beads (round pieces of glass) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
BEADY–resem­bling beads [adj BEADIER, BEADIEST] */*
BEAKa bird’s bill [n –S] : BEAKED, BEAKLESS, BEAKLIKE [adj] */sy
BEAKY–resem­bling a beak (a bird’s bill) [adj BEAKIER, BEAKIEST] */*
BEAMto emit in beams (rays of light) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy
BEAMY–beam­ing [adj BEAMIER, BEAMIEST] */*
BEEF–a steer or cow fat­tened for food [n BEEFS or BEEVES], to add bulk to [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
BEEFY–brawny (mus­cu­lar (per­tain­ing to mus­cle)) [adj BEEFIER, BEEFIEST] */*
BEER–an alco­holic bev­er­age [n –S] */sy
–BEERY–affected by beer [adj BEERIER, BEERIEST] */*
–BEND–to curve (to devi­ate from straight­ness) [v BENT or BENDED, BENDING, BENDS] : BENDABLE [adj] */sy
BENDY–okra (a tall annual herb) [n –DYS], flex­i­ble (capa­ble of being bent) [adj BENDIER, BENDIEST] */s
BITT–to secure a cable [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
BITTY–frag­mented [adj –TIER, –TIEST] */*
–BLOWto damn (to curse (to wish evil upon)) [v BLEW, BLOWED, BLOWING, BLOWS], to drive or impel by a cur­rent of air [v BLEW, BLOWN, BLOWING, BLOWS] */nsy
BLOWY–windy (marked by strong wind) [adj BLOWIER, BLOWIEST] */*
–BONEto debone (to remove the bones from) [v BONED, BONING, BONES] */drsy
BONEY–bony (full of bones) [adj BONIER, BONIEST or BONEYER, BONEYEST] */*
BOOM–to make a deep, res­o­nant sound [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
BOOMY–pros­per­ing [adj BOOMIER, BOOMIEST] */*
BOSK–a small wooded area [n –S] */sy
BOSKY–wooded; bushy [adj BOSKIER, BOSKIEST] */*
BOSS–to super­vise [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
BOSSY–dom­i­neer­ing [adj BOSSIER, BOSSIEST] : BOSSILY [adv], a cow (a farm ani­mal) [n BOSSIES] */*
–BOX–to put in a box (a rec­tan­gu­lar con­tainer) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
–BOXY–resem­bling a box [adj BOXIER, BOXIEST] : BOXILY [adv] */*
–BRINa rib of a fan [n –S] */egksy
BRINY–salty (tast­ing of or con­tain­ing salt) [adj BRINIER, BRINIEST], the sea (the ocean (the vast body of salt water that cov­ers most of the earth’s sur­face)) [n BRINIES] */*
BUFFto pol­ish (to make smooth and lus­trous by rub­bing) [v –ED, –ING, –S] : BUFFABLE [adj], hav­ing a mus­cu­lar physique [adj BUFFER, BUFFEST] */iosy
BUFFY–of a yellowish-brown color [adj BUFFIER, BUFFIEST] */*
BULKto gather into a mass [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
BULKY–mas­sive (of con­sid­er­able size) [adj BULKIER, BULKIEST] : BULKILY [adv] */*
BULLto push ahead [v –ED, –ING, –S] */asy
BULLY–won­der­ful [adj –LIER, –LIEST],to treat abu­sively [v –LIED, –LYING, –LIES] */*
–BUMP–to knock against [v –ED, –ING, –S] */hsy
BUMPY–of uneven sur­face [adj BUMPIER, BUMPIEST] : BUMPILY [adv] */*
BURL–to fin­ish cloth by remov­ing lumps [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
BURLY–heavy and mus­cu­lar [adj –LIER, –LIEST] : BURLILY [adv] */*
BURR–to remove a rough edge from [v –ED, –ING, –S] */osy
BURRY–prickly (hav­ing many sharp points) [adj –RIER, –RIEST] */*
–BUSto trans­port by bus (a large motor vehi­cle) [v BUSED, BUSING, BUSES or BUSSED, BUSSING, BUSSES] */hksty
BUSH–to cover with bushes (shrubs) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
BUSHY–cov­ered with bushes [adj BUSHIER, BUSHIEST] */*
BUST–to burst (to break open sud­denly or vio­lently) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
BUSTY–full-bosomed [adj BUSTIER, BUSTIEST] */*
BUSY–occu­pied [adj BUSIER, BUSIEST], to make busy (occu­pied) [v BUSIED, BUSYING, BUSIES] */*
–CAMP–to live in the open [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/iosy
CAMPY–com­i­cally exag­ger­ated [adj CAMPIER, CAMPIEST] */*
CHARto burn slightly [v CHARRED, CHARRING, CHARS] */dekmrsty
CHARY–cau­tious (exer­cis­ing pru­dence to avoid dan­ger) [adj CHARIER, CHARIEST] */*
–CHEWto crush or grind with the teeth [v –ED, –ING, –S] : CHEWABLE [adj] */sy
CHEWY–not eas­ily chewed [adj CHEWIER, CHEWIEST] */*
COALto sup­ply with coal (a car­bon fuel) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */asy
COALY–con­tain­ing coal [adj COALIER, COALIEST] */*
COBB–a sea gull [n –S] */sy
COBBY–stocky (hav­ing a short, thick body) [adj –BIER, –BIEST] */*
COCKto tilt to one side [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy
COCKY–arro­gantly self-confident [adj COCKIER, COCKIEST] */*
CORK–to stop up [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
CORKY–cork­like (resem­bling cork (a porous tree bark)) [adj CORKIER, CORKIEST] */*
CORN–to pre­serve with salt [v –ED, –ING, –S] as/suy
CORNY–trite (used so often as to be made com­mon­place) [adj CORNIER, CORNIEST] */*
–COWa farm ani­mal [n –S or KINE], to intim­i­date [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/lsy
COWY–sug­ges­tive of a cow [adj COWIER, COWIEST] */*
COZa cousin (a child of one’s aunt or uncle) [n COZES or COZZES] */y
COZY–snug and com­fort­able [adj COZIER, COZIEST] : COZILY [adv], to attempt to get on friendly terms [v COZIED, COZYING, COZIES] */*
–CURD–to cur­dle (to con­geal (to change from a fluid to a solid)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
CURDY–cur­dled [adj CURDIER, CURDIEST] */*
CURL–to form into ringlets [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
CURLY–tend­ing to curl [adj CURLIER, CURLIEST] : CURLILY [adv] */*
–DAFFto thrust aside [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
DAFFY–silly (show­ing a lack of good sense) [adj –FIER, –FIEST] : DAFFILY [adv] */*
–DASHto strike vio­lently [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */iy
–DASHY–styl­ish (fash­ion­able) [adj DASHIER, DASHIEST] */*
DAUBto smear (to spread with a sticky, greasy, or dirty sub­stance) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */esy
DAUBY–smeary (smeared) [adj DAUBIER, DAUBIEST] */*
DEED–to trans­fer by deed (a legal doc­u­ment) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
DEEDY–indus­tri­ous [adj DEEDIER, DEEDIEST] */*
DEW–to wet with dew (con­densed mois­ture) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
DEWY–moist with dew [adj DEWIER, DEWIEST] */*
–DICKto waste time — an offen­sive term [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
–DICKY–poor in con­di­tion [adj DICKIER, DICKIEST], dickey (a blouse front) [n DICKIES] */*
DING–to ring (to form a ring (a cir­cu­lar band) around) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */eosy
DINGY–grimy (dirty (unclean (clean))) [adj –GIER, –GIEST], dinghy (a small boat) [n –GIES] */*
–DINK–to adorn (to add some­thing to for the pur­pose of mak­ing more attrac­tive) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
–DINKY–small (of lim­ited size or quan­tity) [adj –KIER, –KIEST], dinkey (a small loco­mo­tive) [n –KIES] */*
DIRTearth or soil [n –S] */sy
DIRTY–unclean (free from dirt or stain) [adj DIRTIER, DIRTIEST] : DIRTILY [adv], to make dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [v DIRTIED, DIRTYING, DIRTIES] */*
DISH–to put into a dish (a con­cave ves­sel) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
DISHY–attrac­tive [adj DISHIER, DISHIEST] */*
–DITS–DIT, a dot in Morse code [n] ae/y
DITSY–silly, eccen­tric [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */*
DITZ–a ditsy per­son [n –ES] */y
DITZY–ditsy (silly, eccen­tric) [adj –ZIER, –ZIEST] */*
DOOMto des­tine to an unhappy fate [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
DOOMY–doom­ful (omi­nous (por­tend­ing evil)) [adj DOOMIER, DOOMIEST] : DOOMILY [adv] */*
DORK–a stu­pid or fool­ish per­son [n –S] */sy
DORKY–stu­pid, fool­ish [adj DORKIER, DORKIEST] */*
DOT–to cover with dots (tiny round marks) [v DOTTED, DOTTING, DOTS] */ehsy
DOTY–stained by decay [adj DOTIER, DOTIEST] */*
–DOWN–to cause to fall [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy
DOWNY–soft (yield­ing read­ily to pres­sure) [adj DOWNIER, DOWNIEST] */*
DUCKto lower quickly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
DUCKY–excel­lent [adj DUCKIER, DUCKIEST], a dar­ling (a much-loved per­son) [n DUCKIES] */*
–DUMPto let fall heav­ily [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
DUMPY–short and thick [adj DUMPIER, DUMPIEST] */*
DUNG–to fer­til­ize with manure [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
DUNGY–filthy (offen­sively dirty) [adj DUNGIER, DUNGIEST] */*
DUSKto become dark (hav­ing lit­tle or no light) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
DUSKY–some­what dark [adj DUSKIER, DUSKIEST] : DUSKILY [adv] */*
DUSTto make free of dust (minute par­ti­cles of mat­ter) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy
DUSTY–full of dust [adj DUSTIER, DUSTIEST] */*
EARL–a British noble­man [n –S] p/sy
EARLY–near the begin­ning of a period of time or a series of events [adv –LIER, –LIEST] dnpy/*
–EELa snake­like fish [n –S] fhkprstw/sy
EELY–resem­bling an eel (a snake­like fish) [adj EELIER, EELIEST] s/*
ELM–a decid­u­ous tree [n –S] h/sy
ELMY–abound­ing in elms (a decid­u­ous tree) [adj –MIER, –MIEST] */*
–FAWNto seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
–FAWNY–of a yellowish-brown color [adj FAWNIER, FAWNIEST] */*
–FERN–a flow­er­less vas­cu­lar plant [n –S] : FERNLESS, FERNLIKE [adj] */sy
FERNY–abound­ing in ferns (a flow­er­less vas­cu­lar plant) [adj FERNIER, FERNIEST] */*
FILM–to make a motion pic­ture [v –ED, –ING, –S] : FILMABLE [adj] */isy
FILMY–resem­bling or cov­ered with film; hazy [adj FILMIER, FILMIEST] */*
FISHto catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic ver­te­brates) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
FISHY–of or resem­bling fish [adj FISHIER, FISHIEST] */*
FIZZ–to make a hiss­ing or sput­ter­ing sound [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
FIZZY–fizzing [adj FIZZIER, FIZZIEST] */*
FLAKanti­air­craft fire [n FLAK] */ey
–FLAKY–resem­bling flakes [adj FLAKIER, FLAKIEST] : FLAKILY [adv] */*
–FLAMto deceive (to mis­lead by false­hood) [v FLAMMED, FLAMMING, FLAMS] */esy
FLAMY–flam­ing [adj FLAMIER, FLAMIEST] */*
–FLAWto pro­duce a flaw (an imper­fec­tion) in [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
FLAWY–full of flaws [adj FLAWIER, FLAWIEST] */*
–FLAXan annual herb [n –ES] */y
FLAXY–flaxen (of a pale yel­low color) [adj FLAXIER, FLAXIEST] */*
FOAMto form foam (a light, bub­bly, gas and liq­uid mass) [v –ED, –ING, –S] : FOAMABLE [adj] */sy
FOAMY–cov­ered with foam [adj FOAMIER, FOAMIEST] */*
FOLKa peo­ple or tribe [n –S] */sy
FOLKY–folkie (a per­former of folk music) [n FOLKIES] */*
–FOOTthe ter­mi­nal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves [n FEET], to walk (to advance on foot) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy
FOOTY–pal­try (petty (insignif­i­cant)) [adj –TIER, –TIEST] */*
FORK–to work with a fork (a pronged imple­ment) [v –ED, –ING, –S] : FORKEDLY [adv] */sy
FORKY–resem­bling a fork [adj FORKIER, FORKIEST] */*
–FOXto out­wit (to get the bet­ter of by supe­rior clev­er­ness) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
–FOXY–crafty (skill­ful in deceiv­ing) [adj FOXIER, FOXIEST] */*
FUBS–FUB, to fob (to deceive (to mis­lead by false­hood)) [v] */y
FUBSY–chubby and some­what squat [adj FUBSIER, FUBSIEST] */*
FUNK–to shrink back in fear [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
FUNKY–hav­ing an offen­sive odor [adj FUNKIER, FUNKIEST] : FUNKILY [adv] */*
FUSSto be overly con­cerned with small details [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
FUSSY–overly con­cerned with small details [adj FUSSIER, FUSSIEST] : FUSSILY [adv] */*
FUZZto become fuzzy (blurry (unclear (clear))) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
FUZZY–blurry (unclear (clean and pure)) [adj FUZZIER, FUZZIEST] : FUZZILY [adv] */*
–GAMto visit socially [v GAMMED, GAMMING, GAMS] o/abepsy
GAMY–plucky (brave and spir­ited) [adj GAMIER, GAMIEST] */*
GAUDa showy orna­ment [n –S] */sy
GAUDY–taste­lessly showy [adj GAUDIER, GAUDIEST] : GAUDILY [adv], a fes­ti­val (a day or time of cel­e­bra­tion) [n –DIES] */*
GAWKto stare stu­pidly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
GAWKY–awk­ward (lack­ing skill, dex­ter­ity, or grace) [adj GAWKIER, GAWKIEST] : GAWKILY [adv], an awk­ward per­son [n GAWKIES] */*
–GEEK–a car­ni­val per­former [n –S] */sy
GEEKY–socially awk­ward or unap­peal­ing [adj GEEKIER, GEEKIEST] */*
GERMa microor­gan­ism that causes dis­ease [n –S] */sy
GERMY–full of germs [adj GERMIER, GERMIEST] */*
–GIMPto limp (to walk lamely) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
GIMPY–limp­ing [adj GIMPIER, GIMPIEST] */*
GIRLa female child (a young per­son) [n –S] */sy
GIRLY–girlie (a pub­li­ca­tion fea­tur­ing scant­ily clothed women) [n –LIES] */*
–GLADfeel­ing plea­sure [adj GLADDER, GLADDEST], to glad­den (to make glad (feel­ing plea­sure)) [v GLADDED, GLADDING, GLADS] */esy
–GLADY–hav­ing glades [adj GLADIER, GLADIEST] */*
GOOF–to blun­der (to make a mis­take) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
GOOFY–silly (show­ing a lack of good sense) [adj GOOFIER, GOOFIEST] : GOOFILY [adv] */*
GOON–a hired thug [n –S] */sy
GOONY–gooney (an alba­tross) [n –NIES], stu­pid (men­tally slow) [adj GOONIER, GOONIEST] */*
GOOP–goo, gunk [n –S] */sy
GOOPY–sticky, gooey [adj GOOPIER, GOOPIEST] */*
GOOS–GOO, a sticky or vis­cid sub­stance [n] */ey
GOOSY–resem­bling a goose (a swim­ming bird) [adj GOOSIER, GOOSIEST] */*
–GOR–used as a mild oath [interj] */empy
GORY–bloody (stained with blood) [adj GORIER, GORIEST] */*
–GOUTa meta­bolic dis­ease [n –S] */sy
GOUTY–affected with gout [adj GOUTIER, GOUTIEST] : GOUTILY [adv] a/*
–GRIMstern and unre­lent­ing [adj GRIMMER, GRIMMEST] */ey
–GRIMY–dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [adj GRIMIER, GRIMIEST] */*
–GRIPto grasp (to seize firmly with the hand) [v GRIPPED or GRIPT, GRIPPING, GRIPS] */esty
GRIPY–caus­ing sharp pains in the bow­els [adj GRIPIER, GRIPIEST] */*
GULF–to swal­low up [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
GULFY–full of whirlpools [adj GULFIER, GULFIEST] */*
GULP–to swal­low rapidly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
GULPY–marked by gulp­ing [adj GULPIER, GULPIEST] */*
GUNK–filthy, sticky, or greasy mat­ter [n –S] */sy
GUNKY–filthy, sticky, or greasy [adj GUNKIER, GUNKIEST] */*
GUSHto flow forth force­fully [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
GUSHY–overly sen­ti­men­tal [adj GUSHIER, GUSHIEST] : GUSHILY [adv] */*
GUSTto blow in gusts (sud­den blasts of wind) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */osy
GUSTY–blow­ing in gusts [adj GUSTIER, GUSTIEST] */*
–GUTS–GUT, to remove the guts (intestines) of [v] */y
GUTSY–brave (show­ing courage) [adj GUTSIER, GUTSIEST] */*
–HAIRa thread­like growth [n –S] c/sy
–HAIRY–cov­ered with hair [adj HAIRIER, HAIRIEST] */*
–HANDto present with the hand (the end of the fore­arm) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
HANDY–con­ve­nient for han­dling [adj HANDIER, HANDIEST] s/*
HARDfirm and unyield­ing [adj HARDER, HARDEST] cs/sy
HARDY–very sturdy [adj –DIER, –DIEST], a blacksmith’s chisel [n –DIES] */*
HAST–HAVE, to be in pos­ses­sion of [v] g/ey
HASTY–speedy (swift (mov­ing with a great rate of motion)) [adj HASTIER, HASTIEST] : HASTILY [adv] */*
HEADto be chief of [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy
HEADY–intox­i­cat­ing [adj HEADIER, HEADIEST] */*
–HEFTto lift up [v –ED, –ING, –S] t/sy
HEFTY–heavy (hav­ing much weight) [adj HEFTIER, HEFTIEST] : HEFTILY [adv] */*
HEMP–a tall herb [n –S] */sy
HEMPY–mis­chie­vous [adj HEMPIER, HEMPIEST] */*
HERB–a flow­er­ing plant with a non­woody stem [n –S] */sy
HERBY–abound­ing in herbs (a flow­er­ing plant with a non­woody stem) [adj HERBIER, HERBIEST] */*
–HILLto form into a hill (a rounded ele­va­tion) [v –ED, –ING, –S] cst/osy
–HILLY–abound­ing in hills [adj HILLIER, HILLIEST] c/*
HISS–to make a sibi­lant sound [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
HISSY–a tantrum (a fit of rage) [n HISSIES], char­ac­ter­ized by a hiss­ing sound [adj HISSIER, HISSIEST] */*
–HOARa white coat­ing [n –S] */dsy
HOARY–white with age [adj HOARIER, HOARIEST] */*
HOODto fur­nish with a hood (a cov­er­ing for the head) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
HOODY–resem­bling a hood­lum (a thug (a bru­tal ruf­fian or assas­sin)) [adj HOODIER, HOODIEST] */*
HOOKto catch with a hook (a bent piece of metal) [v –ED, –ING, –S] cs/asy
HOOKY–full of hooks [adj HOOKIER, HOOKIEST], tru­ancy (an act of tru­ant­ing) [n HOOKIES] */*
–HOOTto cry like an owl [v –ED, –ING, –S] bs/sy
HOOTY–sound­ing like the cry of an owl [adj HOOTIER, HOOTIEST] */*
HORNto form a horn (a hard, bone­like pro­jec­tion of the head) [v –ED, –ING, –S] st/sy
HORNY–horn­like in hard­ness [adj HORNIER, HORNIEST] t/*
HUFFto breathe heav­ily [v –ED, –ING, –S] c/sy
HUFFY–eas­ily offended [adj HUFFIER, HUFFIEST] : HUFFILY [adv] c/*
HULKto appear impres­sively large [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
HULKY–mas­sive (of con­sid­er­able size) [adj HULKIER, HULKIEST] */*
–HUMP–to arch into a hump (a rounded pro­tu­ber­ance) [v –ED, –ING, –S] ctw/hsy
HUMPY–full of humps [adj HUMPIER, HUMPIEST] */*
HUNK–a large piece [n –S] ct/sy
HUNKY–mus­cu­lar and attrac­tive [adj HUNKIER, HUNKIEST], an unskilled laborer — an offen­sive term [n –KIES] c/*
HUSKto remove the husk (the outer cov­er­ing) from [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
HUSKY–hoarse (low and rough in sound) [adj –KIER, –KIEST], an Eskimo dog [n –KIES] */*
ICKused to express dis­gust [interj] dhklmnprstw/y
ICKY–repul­sive [adj ICKIER, ICKIEST] : ICKILY [adv] dkp/*
IFF–if and only if [conj] bdjmrt/y
IFFY–full of uncer­tainty [adj IFFIER, IFFIEST] bjm/*
INK–to mark with ink (a col­ored fluid used for writ­ing) [v –ED, –ING, –S] dfgjklmoprsw/sy
INKY–resem­bling ink [adj INKIER, INKIEST] dhklpz/*
ITCHto have an uneasy or tin­gling skin sen­sa­tion [v –ED, –ING, –ES] abdfhpw/y
ITCHY–caus­ing an itch­ing sen­sa­tion [adj ITCHIER, ITCHIEST] : ITCHILY [adv] bfpw/*
JAGG–to jag (to cut unevenly) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
JAGGY–jagged (hav­ing a sharply uneven edge or sur­face) [adj –GIER, –GIEST] */*
JAZZto enliven (to make lively (full of energy)) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
JAZZY–lively (full of energy) [adj JAZZIER, JAZZIEST] : JAZZILY [adv] */*
JERKto move with a sharp, sud­den motion [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
JERKY–char­ac­ter­ized by jerk­ing move­ments [adj JERKIER, JERKIEST] : JERKILY [adv], dried meat [n –KIES] */*
JOLTto jar or shake roughly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
JOLTY–marked by a jolt­ing motion [adj JOLTIER, JOLTIEST] : JOLTILY [adv] */*
–JOWL–the fleshy part under the lower jaw [n –S] : JOWLED [adj] */sy
JOWLY–hav­ing promi­nent jowls [adj JOWLIER, JOWLIEST] */*
–JUMPto spring off the ground [v –ED, –ING, –S] : JUMPABLE [adj] */sy
JUMPY–ner­vous (eas­ily excited) [adj JUMPIER, JUMPIEST] : JUMPILY [adv] */*
JUNK–to dis­card as trash [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
JUNKY–worth­less [adj JUNKIER, JUNKIEST] */*
–KICKto strike out with the foot or feet [v –ED, –ING, –S] : KICKABLE [adj] */sy
–KICKY–excit­ing [adj KICKIER, KICKIEST] */*
–KINK–to form a tight curl or bend in [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy
–KINKY–tightly curled [adj KINKIER, KINKIEST] : KINKILY [adv] */*
KOOKan eccen­tric per­son [n –S] */sy
KOOKY–eccen­tric [adj KOOKIER, KOOKIEST] */*
LAC–a resinous sub­stance secreted by cer­tain insects [n –S] */eksy
LACY–resem­bling lace­work (a del­i­cate open­work fab­ric) [adj LACIER, LACIEST] */*
LAMB–to give birth to a lamb (a young sheep) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
LAMBY–resem­bling a lamb [adj LAMBIER, LAMBIEST] */*
LANKlong and slen­der [adj LANKER, LANKEST] : LANKLY [adv] bcfps/y
LANKY–ungrace­fully tall and thin [adj LANKIER, LANKIEST] : LANKILY [adv] c/*
LARD–to coat with lard (the melted fat of hogs) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
LARDY–resem­bling lard [adj LARDIER, LARDIEST] */*
–LARK–to behave play­fully [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
LARKY–play­ful (frol­ic­some) [adj LARKIER, LARKIEST] */*
LATH–to cover with laths (thin strips of wood) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */eisy
LATHY–long and slen­der [adj LATHIER, LATHIEST] */*
LEAD–to cover with lead (a heavy metal­lic ele­ment) [v –ED, –ING, –S], to show the way to by going in advance [v LED, LEADING, LEADS] p/sy
LEADY–resem­bling lead [adj LEADIER, LEADIEST] */*
LEAF–a usu­ally green, flat­tened organ of vas­cu­lar plants [n LEAVES], to turn pages rapidly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
LEAFY–cov­ered with leaves [adj LEAFIER, LEAFIEST] */*
LEAK–to per­mit the escape of some­thing through a breach or flaw [v –ED, –ING, –S] b/sy
LEAKY–tend­ing to leak [adj LEAKIER, LEAKIEST] : LEAKILY [adv] */*
–LEAR–learn­ing (acquired knowl­edge) [n –S] bc/nsy
LEARY–leery (sus­pi­cious) [adj LEARIER, LEARIEST] b/*
LEER–to look with a side­ways glance [v –ED, –ING, –S] f/sy
–LEERY–sus­pi­cious [adj LEERIER, LEERIEST] : LEERILY [adv] */*
LIMBto cut off the arms or legs of [v –ED, –ING, –S] c/aiosy
LIMBY–hav­ing many large branches [adj LIMBIER, LIMBIEST] */*
–LIN–linn (a water­fall) [n –S] b/egknosty
LING–a heath plant [n –S] cfs/aosy
LINGY–cov­ered with heaths [adj LINGIER, LINGIEST] c/*
LINT–to give off lint (bits of fiber or fluff) [v –ED, –ING, –S] efg/sy
LINTY–cov­ered with lint [adj LINTIER, LINTIEST] fg/*
LINY–resem­bling a line [adj LINIER, LINIEST] */*
LOAMto cover with loam (a type of soil) [v –ED, –ING, –S] g/sy
LOAMY–resem­bling loam [adj LOAMIER, LOAMIEST] */*
–LOFTto store in a loft (an upper room) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy
LOFTY–extend­ing high in the air [adj LOFTIER, LOFTIEST] */*
LOG–to cut down trees for tim­ber [v LOGGED, LOGGING, LOGS] bcfs/eosy
LOGY–slug­gish (dis­play­ing lit­tle move­ment or activ­ity) [adj –GIER, –GIEST] o/*
LOON–a div­ing water­fowl [n –S] */sy
LOONY–crazy (insane (men­tally unsound)) [adj –NIER, –NIEST] : LOONILY [adv], a loony per­son [n –NIES] */*
LOOP–to form loops (cir­cu­lar or oval open­ings) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bs/sy
LOOPY–full of loops [adj LOOPIER, LOOPIEST] : LOOPILY [adv] */*
LUCKto suc­ceed by chance or good for­tune [v –ED, –ING, –S] cp/sy
LUCKY–hav­ing good for­tune [adj LUCKIER, LUCKIEST] : LUCKILY [adv] p/*
–LUMP–to make into lumps (shape­less masses) [v –ED, –ING, –S] cfps/sy
LUMPY–full of lumps [adj LUMPIER, LUMPIEST] : LUMPILY [adv] cg/*
LUSTto have an intense desire [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
LUSTY–full of vigor [adj LUSTIER, LUSTIEST] */*
MALMa soft, fri­able lime­stone [n –S] */sy
MALMY–resem­bling malm (a soft, fri­able lime­stone) [adj MALMIER, MALMIEST] */*
–MALTto treat or com­bine with malt (ger­mi­nated grain) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy
MALTY–resem­bling malt [adj MALTIER, MALTIEST] */*
MARL–to fer­til­ize with marl (an earthy deposit con­tain­ing lime, clay, and sand) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
MARLY–abound­ing with marl [adj MARLIER, MARLIEST] */*
–MASS–to assem­ble in a mass (a body of coher­ent mat­ter) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] a/aey
MASSY–mas­sive (of con­sid­er­able size) [adj MASSIER, MASSIEST] */*
MEALthe food served and eaten in one sit­ting [n –S] */sy
MEALY–soft, dry, and fri­able [adj MEALIER, MEALIEST] */*
–MEATani­mal flesh used as food [n –S] : MEATED [adj] */sy
MEATY–full of meat [adj MEATIER, MEATIEST] */*
MESHto entan­gle (to tan­gle (to bring together in intri­cate con­fu­sion)) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
MESHY–netty (resem­bling a net) [adj MESHIER, MESHIEST] */*
–MESSto make dirty or untidy [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
MESSY–dirty or untidy [adj MESSIER, MESSIEST] */*
–MIFFto annoy (to be trou­ble­some to) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
–MIFFY–eas­ily annoyed [adj MIFFIER, MIFFIEST] */*
–MILK–to draw milk (a whitish, nutri­tious liq­uid) from the udder of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
MILKY–resem­bling or sug­ges­tive of milk [adj MILKIER, MILKIEST] */*
MILT–to impreg­nate with milt (fish sperm) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
MILTY–full of milt [adj MILTIER, MILTIEST] */*
MINTto pro­duce by stamp­ing metal, as coins [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
MINTY–hav­ing the fla­vor mint (an aro­matic herb) [adj MINTIER, MINTIEST] */*
MIR–a Russian peas­ant com­mune [n MIRS or MIRI] ae/eiksy
–MIRK–murk (dark (hav­ing lit­tle or no light)) [adj MIRKER, MIRKEST], murk (dark­ness (the state of being dark (hav­ing lit­tle or no light))) [n –S] s/sy
MIRKY–murky (dark (hav­ing lit­tle or no light)) [adj MIRKIER, MIRKIEST] : MIRKILY [adv] s/*
MIRY–swampy (marshy (resem­bling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land))) [adj MIRIER, MIRIEST] */*
MIST–to become blurry (unclear (clean and pure)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
MISTY–blurry (unclear (clean and pure)) [adj MISTIER, MISTIEST] */*
–MOLD–to work into a par­tic­u­lar shape [v –ED, –ING, –S] : MOLDABLE [adj] */sy
–MOLDY–musty (hav­ing a stale odor) [adj MOLDIER, MOLDIEST] */*
MOOD–a person’s emo­tional state at a par­tic­u­lar moment [n –S] */sy
MOODY–given to chang­ing moods [adj MOODIER, MOODIEST] : MOODILY [adv] */*
MOON–to spend time idly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
MOONY–resem­bling the moon [adj MOONIER, MOONIEST] */*
MOOR–to secure a ves­sel by means of cables [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
MOORY–marshy (resem­bling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land)) [adj MOORIER, MOORIEST] */*
–MOP–to wipe with a mop (an imple­ment for clean­ing floors) [v MOPPED, MOPPING, MOPS] */esy
MOPY–mopey (dejected) [adj MOPIER, MOPIEST] */*
MOSS–to cover with moss (a growth of small, leafy-stemmed plants) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */oy
MOSSY–cov­ered with moss [adj MOSSIER, MOSSIEST] */*
MOTH–a winged insect [n –S] */sy
MOTHY–full of moths [adj MOTHIER, MOTHIEST] */*
MUCKto fer­til­ize with manure [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy
MUCKY–filthy (offen­sively dirty) [adj MUCKIER, MUCKIEST] */*
MUGG–to make funny faces [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
MUGGY–warm and humid [adj –GIER, –GIEST] */*
MURKdark (hav­ing lit­tle or no light) [adj MURKER, MURKEST] : MURKLY [adv], dark­ness (the state of being dark (hav­ing lit­tle or no light)) [n –S] */sy
MURKY–dark (hav­ing lit­tle or no light) [adj MURKIER, MURKIEST] : MURKILY [adv] */*
MUSH–to travel over snow with a dog sled [v –ED, –ING, –ES] s/y
MUSHY–pulpy (resem­bling pulp) [adj MUSHIER, MUSHIEST] : MUSHILY [adv] */*
MUSK–a strongly odor­ous sub­stance secreted by cer­tain ani­mals [n –S] */sy
MUSKY–resem­bling musk (a strongly odor­ous sub­stance secreted by cer­tain ani­mals) [adj MUSKIER, MUSKIEST] */*
MUSS–to mess (to make dirty or untidy) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
MUSSY–messy (dirty or untidy) [adj MUSSIER, MUSSIEST] : MUSSILY [adv] */*
MUST–to become musty (hav­ing a stale odor) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */hsy
MUSTY–hav­ing a stale odor [adj MUSTIER, MUSTIEST] : MUSTILY [adv] */*
MYTHa type of tra­di­tional story [n –S] */sy
MYTHY–resem­bling myth (a type of tra­di­tional story) [adj MYTHIER, MYTHIEST] */*
NEED–to have an urgent or essen­tial use for [v –ED, –ING, –S] k/sy
NEEDY–in a state of poverty [adj NEEDIER, NEEDIEST] */*
NERDa socially inept per­son [n –S] : NERDISH [adj] */sy
NERDY–socially inept [adj NERDIER, NERDIEST] */*
NETT–to net (to catch in a net (a type of open­work fab­ric)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
NETTY–resem­bling a net [adj –TIER, –TIEST] */*
NEWS–a report of recent events [n] */y
NEWSY–full of news [adj NEWSIER, NEWSIEST], a news­boy (a boy who deliv­ers or sells news­pa­pers) [n NEWSIES] */*
–NOS–NO, a neg­a­tive reply [n] o/ehy
NOSY–unduly curi­ous [adj NOSIER, NOSIEST] */*
–NUTS–NUT, to gather nuts (hard-shelled dry fruits) [v] */y
NUTSY–crazy (insane (men­tally unsound)) [adj NUTSIER, NUTSIEST] */*
OAKa hard­wood tree or shrub [n –S] : OAKEN, OAKLIKE [adj] s/sy
OAKY–tast­ing of oak sap [adj OAKIER, OAKIEST] */*
OIL–to sup­ply with oil (a greasy liq­uid used for lubri­ca­tion, fuel, or illu­mi­na­tion) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bcfmnrst/sy
OILY–cov­ered or soaked with oil [adj OILIER, OILIEST] dnr/*
ORB–to form into a cir­cle or sphere [v –ED, –ING, –S] fs/sy
ORBY–resem­bling a cir­cle or sphere [adj ORBIER, ORBIEST] cf/*
PAC–a shoe pat­terned after a moc­casin [n –S] */aeksty
PACY–pacey (keep­ing a fast pace (rate of speed)) [adj PACIER, PACIEST] s/*
–PAL–to asso­ciate as friends [v PALLED, PALLING, PALS] o/elmpsy
–PALL–to become insipid (dull and unin­ter­est­ing) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy
–PALLY–marked by close friend­ship [adj –LIER, –LIEST] */*
PALM–to touch with the palm (inner sur­face) of the hand [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
PALMY–marked by pros­per­ity [adj PALMIER, PALMIEST] */*
PALY–some­what pale [adj PALIER, PALIEST] */*
PAST–time gone by [n –S] */aesy
PASTY–pale and unhealthy in appear­ance [adj PASTIER, PASTIEST], a meat pie [n PASTIES] */*
PEAK–to reach a max­i­mum [v –ED, –ING, –S] as/sy
PEAKY–sickly (appear­ing as if sick) [adj PEAKIER, PEAKIEST] */*
–PEAT–a sub­stance com­posed of par­tially decayed veg­etable mat­ter [n –S] */sy
PEATY–resem­bling or con­tain­ing peat [adj PEATIER, PEATIEST] */*
PECK–to strike with the beak or some­thing pointed [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy
PECKY–marked by decay caused by fungi [adj PECKIER, PECKIEST] */*
PERK–to carry one­self jaun­tily [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
PERKY–jaunty (hav­ing a lively and self-confident man­ner) [adj PERKIER, PERKIEST] : PERKILY [adv] */*
PEST–an annoy­ing per­son or thing [n –S] */osy
PESTY–irri­tat­ing [adj PESTIER, PESTIEST] */*
–PHONa unit of loud­ness [n –S] */eosy
PHONY–not gen­uine or real [adj –NIER, –NIEST], to alter so as to make appear gen­uine [v –NIED, –NYING, –NIES] */*
–PICK–to select (to choose (to take by pref­er­ence)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy
–PICKY–fussy (overly con­cerned with small details) [adj PICKIER, PICKIEST] */*
–PIN–to fas­ten with a pin (a slen­der, pointed piece of metal) [v PINNED, PINNING, PINS] s/aegksty
PINY–sug­ges­tive of or cov­ered with pine trees [adj PINIER, PINIEST] s/*
PIP–to break through the shell of an egg [v PIPPED, PIPPING, PIPS] */esy
PIPY–shrill (hav­ing a high-pitched and pierc­ing qual­ity) [adj PIPIER, PIPIEST] */*
PITH–to sever the spinal cord of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
PITHY–con­cise (suc­cinct (clearly expressed in few words)) [adj PITHIER, PITHIEST] : PITHILY [adv] */*
–PLATto plait (to braid (to weave together)) [v PLATTED, PLATTING, PLATS] s/esy
PLATY–split into thin, flat pieces [adj PLATIER, PLATIEST], a small trop­i­cal fish [n PLATYS or PLATIES] */s
–PLUMa fleshy fruit [n –S], highly desir­able [adj PLUMMER, PLUMMEST] */bepsy
PLUMY–cov­ered with feath­ers [adj PLUMIER, PLUMIEST] */*
POCKto mark with pocks (pus­tules caused by an erup­tive dis­ease) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
POCKY–cov­ered with pocks [adj POCKIER, POCKIEST] : POCKILY [adv] */*
PORKto eat rav­en­ously [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
PORKY–resem­bling pork [adj PORKIER, PORKIEST], a por­cu­pine [n –KIES] */*
PORNpornog­ra­phy [n –S] */osy
PORNY–porno­graphic [adj PORNIER, PORNIEST] */*
–POUTto pro­trude the lips in ill humor [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy
POUTY–tend­ing to pout [adj POUTIER, POUTIEST] */*
–POXto infect with syphilis [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
–POXY–afflicted with a pox [adj POXIER, POXIEST] e/*
PUFFto blow in short gusts [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
PUFFY–swollen [adj –FIER, –FIEST] : PUFFILY [adv] */*
PULP–to reduce to pulp (a soft, moist mass of mat­ter) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
PULPY–resem­bling pulp [adj PULPIER, PULPIEST] */*
PUNK–of infe­rior qual­ity [adj PUNKER, PUNKEST], dry, decayed wood used as tin­der [n –S] s/asy
PUNKY–resem­bling punk (dry, decayed wood used as tin­der) [adj PUNKIER, PUNKIEST] s/*
PUSH–to exert force in order to cause motion away from the force [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
PUSHY–offen­sively aggres­sive [adj PUSHIER, PUSHIEST] */*
PUSS–a cat [n –ES] */y
PUSSY–full of pus [adj –SIER, –SIEST], a cat [n PUSSIES] */*
–RAIN–to fall like rain (drops of water con­densed from atmos­pheric vapor) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bdgt/sy
RAINY–marked by rain [adj RAINIER, RAINIEST] bg/*
–RAND–a strip of leather at the heel of a shoe [n –S] bg/sy
RANDY–lust­ful (marked by exces­sive sex­ual desire) [adj –DIER, –DIEST], a rude per­son [n RANDIES] b/*
RANG–RING, to form a ring (a cir­cu­lar band) around [v] opw/ey
RANGY–tall and slen­der [adj RANGIER, RANGIEST] o/*
–RASP–to rub with some­thing rough [v –ED, –ING, –S] g/sy
RASPY–rough (hav­ing an uneven sur­face) [adj RASPIER, RASPIEST] */*
READto look at so as to take in the mean­ing of, as some­thing writ­ten or printed [v READ, READING, READS] : READABLE [adj], READABLY [adv] bdot/dsy
READY–pre­pared [adj READIER, READIEST], to make ready (pre­pared) [v READIED, READYING, READIES] b/*
REED–to fas­ten with reeds (the stalks of tall grasses) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bcdfgpt/sy
REEDY–abound­ing in reeds [adj REEDIER, REEDIEST] g/*
REEF–to reduce the area of a sail [v –ED, –ING, –S] : REEFABLE [adj] */sy
REEFY–abound­ing in ridges of rock [adj REEFIER, REEFIEST] */*
–REEK–to give off a strong, unpleas­ant odor [v –ED, –ING, –S] cg/sy
REEKY–reek­ing [adj REEKIER, REEKIEST] */*
RIMto pro­vide with a rim (an outer edge) [v RIMMED, RIMMING, RIMS] bgpt/esy
RIMY–frosty (cov­ered with frost) [adj RIMIER, RIMIEST] g/*
RISKto expose to a risk (a chance of injury or loss) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bf/sy
RISKY–dan­ger­ous [adj RISKIER, RISKIEST] : RISKILY [adv] f/*
RITZpre­ten­tious dis­play [n –ES] f/y
RITZY–ele­gant (taste­fully opu­lent) [adj RITZIER, RITZIEST] : RITZILY [adv] */*
ROCK–to move back and forth [v –ED, –ING, –S] : ROCKABLE [adj] bcft/sy
ROCKY–unsteady (firm in posi­tion) [adj ROCKIER, ROCKIEST] */*
–ROILto make muddy (cov­ered or filled with mud) [v –ED, –ING, –S] b/sy
–ROILY–muddy (cov­ered or filled with mud) [adj ROILIER, ROILIEST] */*
ROOKto swin­dle (to take money or prop­erty from by fraud­u­lent means) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bc/sy
ROOKY–abound­ing in rooks [adj ROOKIER, ROOKIEST] */*
ROOMto occupy a room (a walled space within a build­ing) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bgv/sy
ROOMY–spa­cious (vast or ample in extent) [adj ROOMIER, ROOMIEST] : ROOMILY [adv] b/*
–ROOTto put forth a root (an under­ground por­tion of a plant) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
ROOTY–full of roots [adj ROOTIER, ROOTIEST] */*
ROUPto auc­tion (to sell pub­licly to the high­est bid­der) [v –ED, –ING, –S] cg/sy
ROUPY–hoarse (low and rough in sound) [adj ROUPIER, ROUPIEST] : ROUPILY [adv] c/*
RUBto move along the sur­face of a body with pres­sure [v RUBBED, RUBBING, RUBS] dg/esy
RUBY–of a deep-red color [adj –BIER, –BIEST], to tint with the color of a ruby (a deep-red pre­cious stone) [v –BIED, –BYING, –BIES] */*
RUNT–a small per­son or ani­mal [n –S] : RUNTISH [adj] bg/sy
RUNTY–small (of lim­ited size or quan­tity) [adj RUNTIER, RUNTIEST] */*
RUSHto move swiftly [v –ED, –ING, –ES] bc/y
RUSHY–abound­ing in rushes [adj RUSHIER, RUSHIEST] b/*
RUSTto form rust (a red­dish coat­ing that forms on iron) [v –ED, –ING, –S] : RUSTABLE [adj] ct/sy
RUSTY–cov­ered with rust [adj RUSTIER, RUSTIEST] ct/*
–SAGto bend or sink down­ward from weight or pres­sure [v SAGGED, SAGGING, SAGS] */aeosy
SAGY–fla­vored with sage [adj SAGIER, SAGIEST] */*
–SALT–salty (tast­ing of or con­tain­ing salt) [adj SALTER, SALTEST], to treat with salt (a crys­talline com­pound used as a sea­son­ing and preser­v­a­tive) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
SALTY–tast­ing of or con­tain­ing salt [adj SALTIER, SALTIEST] */*
–SANDto smooth by rub­bing with an abra­sive [v –ED, –ING, –S] : SANDABLE [adj] */sy
SANDY–con­tain­ing or cov­ered with sand [adj SANDIER, SANDIEST] */*
–SARKa shirt (a gar­ment for the upper part of the body) [n –S] */sy
SARKY–sar­cas­tic [adj SARKIER, SARKIEST] */*
–SASSto talk impu­dently to [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
SASSY–impu­dent (offen­sively bold or dis­re­spect­ful) [adj SASSIER, SASSIEST], sass­wood (an African tree) [n –SIES] */*
–SCARto form a scar (a mark left by the heal­ing of injured tis­sue) [v SCARRED, SCARRING, SCARS] e/efpsty
SCARY–fright­en­ing [adj SCARIER, SCARIEST] */*
SEAM–to join with a seam (a line formed by sewing two pieces of fab­ric together) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
SEAMY–unpleas­ant (pleas­ing) [adj SEAMIER, SEAMIEST] */*
SEED–to plant seeds (prop­aga­tive plant struc­tures) in [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
SEEDY–con­tain­ing seeds; infe­rior in con­di­tion or qual­ity [adj SEEDIER, SEEDIEST] */*
SEEP–to pass slowly through small open­ings [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
SEEPY–soaked or ooz­ing with water [adj SEEPIER, SEEPIEST] */*
–SEXto deter­mine the sex (the prop­erty by which organ­isms are clas­si­fied accord­ing to repro­duc­tive func­tions) of [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */ty
SEXY–arous­ing sex­ual desire [adj SEXIER, SEXIEST] */*
–SHAD–a food fish [n –S] */esy
SHADY–shaded [adj SHADIER, SHADIEST] */*
–SHINto climb by grip­ping and pulling alter­nately with the hands and legs [v SHINNED, SHINNING, SHINS] */esy
SHINY–filled with light [adj SHINIER, SHINIEST] */*
–SHOWto cause or per­mit to be seen [v SHOWED, SHOWN, SHOWING, SHOWS] : SHOWABLE [adj] */nsy
SHOWY–mak­ing a great or bril­liant dis­play [adj SHOWIER, SHOWIEST] */*
–SILKto cover with silk (a soft, lus­trous fab­ric) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
SILKY–resem­bling silk [adj SILKIER, SILKIEST], a glossy-coated ter­rier [n SILKIES] */*
–SILLthe hor­i­zon­tal piece that bears the upright por­tion of a frame [n –S] */sy
–SILLY–show­ing a lack of good sense [adj –LIER, –LIEST] : SILLILY [adv], a silly per­son [n –LIES] */*
SILTto fill with silt (a sed­i­men­tary mate­r­ial) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
SILTY–full of silt [adj SILTIER, SILTIEST] */*
–SLATto pro­vide with slats (nar­row strips of wood or metal) [v SLATTED, SLATTING, SLATS] */esy
SLATY–resem­bling slate [adj SLATIER, SLATIEST] */*
SLIMslen­der (thin (hav­ing rel­a­tively lit­tle den­sity or thick­ness)) [adj SLIMMER, SLIMMEST], to make slim (slen­der (thin (hav­ing rel­a­tively lit­tle den­sity or thick­ness))) [v SLIMMED, SLIMMING, SLIMS] */esy
–SLIMY–resem­bling slime [adj SLIMIER, SLIMIEST] */*
–SNOWto fall as snow (pre­cip­i­ta­tion in the form of ice crys­tals) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
SNOWY–abound­ing in snow [adj SNOWIER, SNOWIEST] */*
SOAPto treat with soap (a cleans­ing agent) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
SOAPY–con­tain­ing or resem­bling soap [adj SOAPIER, SOAPIEST] */*
–SONS–SON, a male child (a young per­son) [n] */y
SONSY–comely (pleas­ing to look at) [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */*
–SOOTto cover with soot (a black sub­stance pro­duced by com­bus­tion) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */hsy
SOOTY–cov­ered with soot [adj SOOTIER, SOOTIEST] : SOOTILY [adv] */*
SOUP–to increase the power or effi­ciency of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
SOUPY–foggy (filled with fog) [adj SOUPIER, SOUPIEST] */*
–SPICa Spanish-American per­son — an offen­sive term [n –S] a/aeksy
SPICY–con­tain­ing spices [adj SPICIER, SPICIEST] */*
SPIKspic (a Spanish-American per­son — an offen­sive term) [n –S] */esy
SPIKY–resem­bling a spike [adj SPIKIER, SPIKIEST] : SPIKILY [adv] */*
–SPINto draw out and twist into threads [v SPUN, SPINNING, SPINS] */esy
–SPINY–bear­ing or cov­ered with thorns [adj SPINIER, SPINIEST] */*
–STAGto attend a social func­tion with­out a female com­pan­ion [v STAGGED, STAGGING, STAGS] */esy
STAGY–hav­ing a the­atri­cal qual­ity [adj STAGIER, STAGIEST] */*
SUCKto draw in by estab­lish­ing a par­tial vac­uum [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
SUCKY–extremely objec­tion­able [adj SUCKIER, SUCKIEST] */*
SUDSto wash in soapy water [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y
SUDSY–foamy (cov­ered with foam) [adj SUDSIER, SUDSIEST] */*
SULKto be sulky [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
SULKY–sul­lenly aloof or with­drawn [adj SULKIER, SULKIEST] : SULKILY [adv], a light horse-drawn vehi­cle [n SULKIES] */*
SURFto ride break­ing waves on a long, nar­row board [v –ED, –ING, –S] : SURFABLE [adj] */sy
SURFY–abound­ing in break­ing waves [adj SURFIER, SURFIEST] */*
TACKto fas­ten with tacks (short, sharp-pointed nails) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy
TACKY–adhe­sive [adj TACKIER, TACKIEST] */*
TALKto com­mu­ni­cate by speak­ing [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy
–TALKY–tend­ing to talk a great deal [adj TALKIER, TALKIEST] s/*
TANG–to pro­vide with a pun­gent fla­vor [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/aosy
TANGY–pun­gent (sharply affect­ing the organs of taste or smell) [adj TANGIER, TANGIEST] */*
–TART–hav­ing a sharp, sour taste [adj TARTER, TARTEST], to dress up [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy
–TARTY–sug­ges­tive of a pros­ti­tute [adj TARTIER, TARTIEST] : TARTILY [adv] */*
–TEAR–to emit tears (drops of saline liq­uid secreted by a gland of the eye) [v –ED, –ING, –S], to pull apart or into pieces [v TORE, TORN, TEARING, TEARS] : TEARABLE [adj] */sy
TEARY–tear­ful (full of tears) [adj TEARIER, TEARIEST] */*
TECHa tech­ni­cian [n –S] */sy
TECHY–tetchy (irri­ta­ble) [adj TECHIER, TECHIEST] : TECHILY [adv] */*
TEEN–a teenager (a per­son between the ages of thir­teen and nine­teen) [n –S] */sy
TEENY–tiny (very small) [adj –NIER, –NIEST] */*
TENT–to live in a tent (a type of portable shel­ter) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/hsy
TENTY–watch­ful (closely obser­vant or alert) [adj TENTIER, TENTIEST] */*
TESTto sub­ject to an exam­i­na­tion [v –ED, –ING, –S] : TESTABLE [adj] */asy
TESTY–irri­ta­ble [adj TESTIER, TESTIEST] */*
–THEW–a well-developed mus­cle [n –S] */sy
THEWY–brawny (mus­cu­lar (per­tain­ing to mus­cle)) [adj THEWIER, THEWIEST] */*
–TIN–to coat with tin (a metal­lic ele­ment) [v TINNED, TINNING, TINS] */egsty
TINY–very small [adj TINIER, TINIEST] */*
TIPS–TIP, to tilt (to cause to slant) [v] */y
TIPSY–slightly drunk [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */*
–TON–a unit of weight [n –S] */egsy
TONY–styl­ish (fash­ion­able) [adj TONIER, TONIEST] as/*
TUFTto form into tufts (clus­ters of flex­i­ble out­growths attached at the base) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
TUFTY–abound­ing in tufts [adj TUFTIER, TUFTIEST] : TUFTILY [adv] */*
TURFa sur­face layer of earth con­tain­ing a dense growth of grass and its roots [n TURFS or TURVES], to cover with turf [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
TURFY–cov­ered with turf [adj TURFIER, TURFIEST] */*
–TWINto bring together in close asso­ci­a­tion [v TWINNED, TWINNING, TWINS] */esy
–TWINY–resem­bling twine (a strong string) [adj TWINIER, TWINIEST] */*
–VAMPto repair or patch [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
VAMPY–seduc­tive [adj VAMPIER, VAMPIEST] */*
VAST–of great extent or size [adj VASTER, VASTEST], a vast space [n –S] a/sy
VASTY–vast (of great extent or size) [adj VASTIER, VASTIEST] */*
VEALto kill and pre­pare a calf for food [v –ED, –ING, –S] u/sy
VEALY–imma­ture [adj VEALIER, VEALIEST] */*
VEINto fill with veins (tubu­lar blood ves­sels) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
VEINY–full of veins [adj VEINIER, VEINIEST] */*
VIEW–to look at [v –ED, –ING, –S] : VIEWABLE [adj] */sy
VIEWY–showy (mak­ing a great or bril­liant dis­play) [adj VIEWIER, VIEWIEST] */*
VUGG–vug (a small cav­ity in a rock or lode) [n –S] */sy
VUGGY–abound­ing in vugs (a small cav­ity in a rock or lode) [adj –GIER, –GIEST] */*
WACKa wacky per­son [n –S], very bad [adj WACKER, WACKEST] */eosy
WACKY–very irra­tional [adj WACKIER, WACKIEST] : WACKILY [adv] */*
–WANunnat­u­rally pale [adj WANNER, WANNEST], to become wan (unnat­u­rally pale) [v WANNED, WANNING, WANS] hs/deksty
–WANY–wan­ing in some parts [adj WANIER, WANIEST] */*
–WARto engage in war (a state of open, armed con­flict) [v WARRED, WARRING, WARS] */dekmnpsty
–WART–a pro­tu­ber­ance on the skin [n –S] : WARTED [adj] s/sy
–WARTY–cov­ered with warts [adj WARTIER, WARTIEST] s/*
WARY–watch­ful (closely obser­vant or alert) [adj WARIER, WARIEST] */*
–WASH–to cleanse by immers­ing in or apply­ing a liq­uid [v –ED, –ING, –ES] as/y
–WASHY–overly diluted [adj WASHIER, WASHIEST] */*
–WASP–a sting­ing insect [n –S] : WASPISH, WASPLIKE [adj] */sy
WASPY–resem­bling a wasp (a sting­ing insect) [adj WASPIER, WASPIEST] : WASPILY [adv] */*
–WAXto coat with wax (a nat­ural, heat-sensitive sub­stance) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] : WAXABLE [adj] */y
WAXY–resem­bling wax [adj WAXIER, WAXIEST] */*
–WEARto have on one’s per­son [v WORE, WORN, WEARING, WEARS] s/sy
WEARY–tired (sapped of strength) [adj –RIER, –RIEST] : WEARILY [adv], to make or become weary [v –RIED, –RYING, –RIES] a/*
WEED–to remove weeds (unde­sir­able plants) [v –ED, –ING, –S] t/sy
WEEDY–resem­bling a weed [adj WEEDIER, WEEDIEST] t/*
WEEN–to sup­pose (to assume to be true) [v –ED, –ING, –S] t/sy
WEENY–tiny (very small) [adj –NIER, –NIEST] st/*
WEEP–to express sor­row by shed­ding tears [v WEPT, WEEPING, WEEPS] s/sy
WEEPY–tend­ing to weep [adj WEEPIER, WEEPIEST] s/*
–WHINfurze (a spiny shrub) [n –S] */esy
WHINY–tend­ing to whine [adj WHINIER, WHINIEST] */*
–WHITa par­ti­cle (a very small piece or part) [n –S] */esy
WHITY–whitish (some­what white) [adj WHITIER, WHITIEST], whitey (a white man — an offen­sive term) [n WHITIES] */*
–WIMPto act in a timid man­ner [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
WIMPY–weak, inef­fec­tual [adj WIMPIER, WIMPIEST] */*
–WINto win­now (to free grain from impu­ri­ties) [v WINNED, WINNING, WINS], to be vic­to­ri­ous [v WON or WAN, WINNING, WINS] t/degkosy
WIND–to pass around an object or fixed cen­ter [v WOUND or WINDED, WINDING, WINDS] : WINDABLE [adj] */sy
WINDY–marked by strong wind [adj WINDIER, WINDIEST] */*
WING–to travel by means of wings (organs of flight) [v –ED, –ING, –S] aos/sy
WINGY–swift (mov­ing with a great rate of motion) [adj WINGIER, WINGIEST] s/*
WINY–hav­ing the taste or qual­i­ties of wine [adj WINIER, WINIEST] t/*
WISP–to twist into a wisp (a small bunch or bun­dle) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
WISPY–resem­bling a wisp [adj WISPIER, WISPIEST] */*
WITH–in the com­pany of [prep] s/ey
WITHY–flex­i­ble and tough [adj WITHIER, WITHIEST], a flex­i­ble twig [n WITHIES] */*
WOMBthe uterus (an organ of female mam­mals) [n –S] : WOMBED [adj] */sy
WOMBY–hol­low (not solid) [adj WOMBIER, WOMBIEST] */*
WONK–an overly stu­dious stu­dent [n –S] */sy
WONKY–unsteady (firm in posi­tion) [adj –KIER, –KIEST] */*
WOOD–to fur­nish with wood (the hard, fibrous sub­stance beneath the bark of a tree or shrub) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
WOODY–con­tain­ing or resem­bling wood [adj WOODIER, WOODIEST], a wood-paneled sta­tion wagon [n WOODIES] */*
WOOL–the dense, soft hair form­ing the coat of cer­tain mam­mals [n –S] */sy
WOOLY–woolly (con­sist­ing of or resem­bling wool) [adj WOOLIER, WOOLIEST], a woolly (a gar­ment made of wool) [n WOOLIES] */*
WORDto express in words (speech sounds that com­mu­ni­cate mean­ing) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy
WORDY–using many or too many words [adj WORDIER, WORDIEST] */*
WORMto rid of worms (small, limb­less inver­te­brates) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
WORMY–infested with worms [adj WORMIER, WORMIEST] */*
WUSSa wimp [n –ES] */y
WUSSY–wimpy (weak, inef­fec­tual) [adj WUSSIER, WUSSIEST], a wuss (a wimp) [n –SIES] */*
YOLKthe yel­low por­tion of an egg [n –S] : YOLKED [adj] */sy
YOLKY–resem­bling a yolk (the yel­low por­tion of an egg) [adj YOLKIER, YOLKIEST] */*
YUCKto yuk (to laugh loudly) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
YUCKY–dis­gust­ing [adj YUCKIER, YUCKIEST] */*
ZESTto fill with zest (invig­o­rat­ing excite­ment) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
ZESTY–marked by zest [adj ZESTIER, ZESTIEST] : ZESTILY [adv] */*
ZING–to move with a high-pitched hum­ming sound [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy
ZINGY–enjoy­ably excit­ing [adj ZINGIER, ZINGIEST] */*
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