Y, ER, EST Words
2010 August 8
I think this is a pretty neat list. These are the words, 2 to 8 letters in length, that take a Y (e.g. AIR => AIRY), with the new word following the –ER, –EST adjective pattern (e.g. AIRIER, AIRIEST). There are 338 of them (let me know if you run across any I’ve missed). Note that many of the original words are also verbs [-ED, –ING, –ES] and that some have additional forms (e.g. BALM => BALMLIKE). Most of these words are fairly easy to learn and they give you a lot of bang for the buck.
AIR– | early (near the beginning of a period of time or a series of events) [adv AIRER, AIREST], to expose to the air (the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth) [v –ED, –ING, –S] fhlmpvw/nsty |
AIRY– | having the nature of air [adj AIRIER, AIRIEST] dfh/* |
ANTS– | ANT, a small insect [n] chprw/y |
ANTSY– | fidgety (nervously restless) [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */* |
ART– | an esthetically pleasing and meaningful arrangement of elements [n –S] cdfhkmptw/sy |
ARTS– | ART, an esthetically pleasing and meaningful arrangement of elements [n] cdfhkmptw/y |
ARTSY– | arty (showily or pretentiously artistic) [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */* |
ARTY– | showily or pretentiously artistic [adj ARTIER, ARTIEST] ptw/* |
–ASH– | to convert into ash (the residue of a substance that has been burned) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] bcdfghlmprsw/y |
–ASHY– | covered with ashes [adj ASHIER, ASHIEST] dmw/* |
BALK– | to stop short and refuse to proceed [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–BALKY– | stubborn (unyielding (to give up)) [adj BALKIER, BALKIEST] : BALKILY [adv] */* |
BALM– | a fragrant resin [n –S] : BALMLIKE [adj] */sy |
BALMY– | mild (not harsh or rough) [adj BALMIER, BALMIEST] : BALMILY [adv] */* |
–BARK– | to cry like a dog [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BARKY– | covered with bark (tough outer covering of a root or stem) [adj BARKIER, BARKIEST] */* |
–BARM– | the foam on malt liquors [n –S] */sy |
–BARMY– | full of barm; frothy [adj BARMIER, BARMIEST] */* |
BARN– | to store in a barn (a large storage building) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BARNY– | resembling a barn in size, shape, or smell [adj BARNIER, BARNIEST] */* |
–BATT– | a sheet of cotton [n –S] */suy |
BATTY– | crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj –TIER, –TIEST] */* |
BAWD | a madam (a woman who manages a brothel) [n –S] */sy |
BAWDY– | obscene (indecent (not decent)) [adj BAWDIER, BAWDIEST], obscene language [n BAWDIES] */* |
BEAD | to adorn with beads (round pieces of glass) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEADY– | resembling beads [adj BEADIER, BEADIEST] */* |
BEAK | a bird’s bill [n –S] : BEAKED, BEAKLESS, BEAKLIKE [adj] */sy |
BEAKY– | resembling a beak (a bird’s bill) [adj BEAKIER, BEAKIEST] */* |
BEAM | to emit in beams (rays of light) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy |
BEAMY– | beaming [adj BEAMIER, BEAMIEST] */* |
BEEF– | a steer or cow fattened for food [n BEEFS or BEEVES], to add bulk to [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEEFY– | brawny (muscular (pertaining to muscle)) [adj BEEFIER, BEEFIEST] */* |
BEER– | an alcoholic beverage [n –S] */sy |
–BEERY– | affected by beer [adj BEERIER, BEERIEST] */* |
–BEND– | to curve (to deviate from straightness) [v BENT or BENDED, BENDING, BENDS] : BENDABLE [adj] */sy |
BENDY– | okra (a tall annual herb) [n –DYS], flexible (capable of being bent) [adj BENDIER, BENDIEST] */s |
BITT– | to secure a cable [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BITTY– | fragmented [adj –TIER, –TIEST] */* |
–BLOW | to damn (to curse (to wish evil upon)) [v BLEW, BLOWED, BLOWING, BLOWS], to drive or impel by a current of air [v BLEW, BLOWN, BLOWING, BLOWS] */nsy |
BLOWY– | windy (marked by strong wind) [adj BLOWIER, BLOWIEST] */* |
–BONE | to debone (to remove the bones from) [v BONED, BONING, BONES] */drsy |
BONEY– | bony (full of bones) [adj BONIER, BONIEST or BONEYER, BONEYEST] */* |
BOOM– | to make a deep, resonant sound [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BOOMY– | prospering [adj BOOMIER, BOOMIEST] */* |
BOSK– | a small wooded area [n –S] */sy |
BOSKY– | wooded; bushy [adj BOSKIER, BOSKIEST] */* |
BOSS– | to supervise [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
BOSSY– | domineering [adj BOSSIER, BOSSIEST] : BOSSILY [adv], a cow (a farm animal) [n BOSSIES] */* |
–BOX– | to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
–BOXY– | resembling a box [adj BOXIER, BOXIEST] : BOXILY [adv] */* |
–BRIN | a rib of a fan [n –S] */egksy |
BRINY– | salty (tasting of or containing salt) [adj BRINIER, BRINIEST], the sea (the ocean (the vast body of salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface)) [n BRINIES] */* |
BUFF | to polish (to make smooth and lustrous by rubbing) [v –ED, –ING, –S] : BUFFABLE [adj], having a muscular physique [adj BUFFER, BUFFEST] */iosy |
BUFFY– | of a yellowish-brown color [adj BUFFIER, BUFFIEST] */* |
BULK | to gather into a mass [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BULKY– | massive (of considerable size) [adj BULKIER, BULKIEST] : BULKILY [adv] */* |
BULL | to push ahead [v –ED, –ING, –S] */asy |
BULLY– | wonderful [adj –LIER, –LIEST],to treat abusively [v –LIED, –LYING, –LIES] */* |
–BUMP– | to knock against [v –ED, –ING, –S] */hsy |
BUMPY– | of uneven surface [adj BUMPIER, BUMPIEST] : BUMPILY [adv] */* |
BURL– | to finish cloth by removing lumps [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BURLY– | heavy and muscular [adj –LIER, –LIEST] : BURLILY [adv] */* |
BURR– | to remove a rough edge from [v –ED, –ING, –S] */osy |
BURRY– | prickly (having many sharp points) [adj –RIER, –RIEST] */* |
–BUS | to transport by bus (a large motor vehicle) [v BUSED, BUSING, BUSES or BUSSED, BUSSING, BUSSES] */hksty |
BUSH– | to cover with bushes (shrubs) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
BUSHY– | covered with bushes [adj BUSHIER, BUSHIEST] */* |
BUST– | to burst (to break open suddenly or violently) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BUSTY– | full-bosomed [adj BUSTIER, BUSTIEST] */* |
BUSY– | occupied [adj BUSIER, BUSIEST], to make busy (occupied) [v BUSIED, BUSYING, BUSIES] */* |
–CAMP– | to live in the open [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/iosy |
CAMPY– | comically exaggerated [adj CAMPIER, CAMPIEST] */* |
CHAR | to burn slightly [v CHARRED, CHARRING, CHARS] */dekmrsty |
CHARY– | cautious (exercising prudence to avoid danger) [adj CHARIER, CHARIEST] */* |
–CHEW | to crush or grind with the teeth [v –ED, –ING, –S] : CHEWABLE [adj] */sy |
CHEWY– | not easily chewed [adj CHEWIER, CHEWIEST] */* |
COAL | to supply with coal (a carbon fuel) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */asy |
COALY– | containing coal [adj COALIER, COALIEST] */* |
COBB– | a sea gull [n –S] */sy |
COBBY– | stocky (having a short, thick body) [adj –BIER, –BIEST] */* |
COCK | to tilt to one side [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy |
COCKY– | arrogantly self-confident [adj COCKIER, COCKIEST] */* |
CORK– | to stop up [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
CORKY– | corklike (resembling cork (a porous tree bark)) [adj CORKIER, CORKIEST] */* |
CORN– | to preserve with salt [v –ED, –ING, –S] as/suy |
CORNY– | trite (used so often as to be made commonplace) [adj CORNIER, CORNIEST] */* |
–COW | a farm animal [n –S or KINE], to intimidate [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/lsy |
COWY– | suggestive of a cow [adj COWIER, COWIEST] */* |
COZ | a cousin (a child of one’s aunt or uncle) [n COZES or COZZES] */y |
COZY– | snug and comfortable [adj COZIER, COZIEST] : COZILY [adv], to attempt to get on friendly terms [v COZIED, COZYING, COZIES] */* |
–CURD– | to curdle (to congeal (to change from a fluid to a solid)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
CURDY– | curdled [adj CURDIER, CURDIEST] */* |
CURL– | to form into ringlets [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
CURLY– | tending to curl [adj CURLIER, CURLIEST] : CURLILY [adv] */* |
–DAFF | to thrust aside [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
DAFFY– | silly (showing a lack of good sense) [adj –FIER, –FIEST] : DAFFILY [adv] */* |
–DASH | to strike violently [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */iy |
–DASHY– | stylish (fashionable) [adj DASHIER, DASHIEST] */* |
DAUB | to smear (to spread with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */esy |
DAUBY– | smeary (smeared) [adj DAUBIER, DAUBIEST] */* |
DEED– | to transfer by deed (a legal document) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
DEEDY– | industrious [adj DEEDIER, DEEDIEST] */* |
DEW– | to wet with dew (condensed moisture) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
DEWY– | moist with dew [adj DEWIER, DEWIEST] */* |
–DICK | to waste time — an offensive term [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–DICKY– | poor in condition [adj DICKIER, DICKIEST], dickey (a blouse front) [n DICKIES] */* |
DING– | to ring (to form a ring (a circular band) around) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */eosy |
DINGY– | grimy (dirty (unclean (clean))) [adj –GIER, –GIEST], dinghy (a small boat) [n –GIES] */* |
–DINK– | to adorn (to add something to for the purpose of making more attractive) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–DINKY– | small (of limited size or quantity) [adj –KIER, –KIEST], dinkey (a small locomotive) [n –KIES] */* |
DIRT | earth or soil [n –S] */sy |
DIRTY– | unclean (free from dirt or stain) [adj DIRTIER, DIRTIEST] : DIRTILY [adv], to make dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [v DIRTIED, DIRTYING, DIRTIES] */* |
DISH– | to put into a dish (a concave vessel) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
DISHY– | attractive [adj DISHIER, DISHIEST] */* |
–DITS– | DIT, a dot in Morse code [n] ae/y |
DITSY– | silly, eccentric [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */* |
DITZ– | a ditsy person [n –ES] */y |
DITZY– | ditsy (silly, eccentric) [adj –ZIER, –ZIEST] */* |
DOOM | to destine to an unhappy fate [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
DOOMY– | doomful (ominous (portending evil)) [adj DOOMIER, DOOMIEST] : DOOMILY [adv] */* |
DORK– | a stupid or foolish person [n –S] */sy |
DORKY– | stupid, foolish [adj DORKIER, DORKIEST] */* |
DOT– | to cover with dots (tiny round marks) [v DOTTED, DOTTING, DOTS] */ehsy |
DOTY– | stained by decay [adj DOTIER, DOTIEST] */* |
–DOWN– | to cause to fall [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy |
DOWNY– | soft (yielding readily to pressure) [adj DOWNIER, DOWNIEST] */* |
DUCK | to lower quickly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
DUCKY– | excellent [adj DUCKIER, DUCKIEST], a darling (a much-loved person) [n DUCKIES] */* |
–DUMP | to let fall heavily [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
DUMPY– | short and thick [adj DUMPIER, DUMPIEST] */* |
DUNG– | to fertilize with manure [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
DUNGY– | filthy (offensively dirty) [adj DUNGIER, DUNGIEST] */* |
DUSK | to become dark (having little or no light) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
DUSKY– | somewhat dark [adj DUSKIER, DUSKIEST] : DUSKILY [adv] */* |
DUST | to make free of dust (minute particles of matter) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy |
DUSTY– | full of dust [adj DUSTIER, DUSTIEST] */* |
EARL– | a British nobleman [n –S] p/sy |
EARLY– | near the beginning of a period of time or a series of events [adv –LIER, –LIEST] dnpy/* |
–EEL | a snakelike fish [n –S] fhkprstw/sy |
EELY– | resembling an eel (a snakelike fish) [adj EELIER, EELIEST] s/* |
ELM– | a deciduous tree [n –S] h/sy |
ELMY– | abounding in elms (a deciduous tree) [adj –MIER, –MIEST] */* |
–FAWN | to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–FAWNY– | of a yellowish-brown color [adj FAWNIER, FAWNIEST] */* |
–FERN– | a flowerless vascular plant [n –S] : FERNLESS, FERNLIKE [adj] */sy |
FERNY– | abounding in ferns (a flowerless vascular plant) [adj FERNIER, FERNIEST] */* |
FILM– | to make a motion picture [v –ED, –ING, –S] : FILMABLE [adj] */isy |
FILMY– | resembling or covered with film; hazy [adj FILMIER, FILMIEST] */* |
FISH | to catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
FISHY– | of or resembling fish [adj FISHIER, FISHIEST] */* |
FIZZ– | to make a hissing or sputtering sound [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
FIZZY– | fizzing [adj FIZZIER, FIZZIEST] */* |
FLAK | antiaircraft fire [n FLAK] */ey |
–FLAKY– | resembling flakes [adj FLAKIER, FLAKIEST] : FLAKILY [adv] */* |
–FLAM | to deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v FLAMMED, FLAMMING, FLAMS] */esy |
FLAMY– | flaming [adj FLAMIER, FLAMIEST] */* |
–FLAW | to produce a flaw (an imperfection) in [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
FLAWY– | full of flaws [adj FLAWIER, FLAWIEST] */* |
–FLAX | an annual herb [n –ES] */y |
FLAXY– | flaxen (of a pale yellow color) [adj FLAXIER, FLAXIEST] */* |
FOAM | to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v –ED, –ING, –S] : FOAMABLE [adj] */sy |
FOAMY– | covered with foam [adj FOAMIER, FOAMIEST] */* |
FOLK | a people or tribe [n –S] */sy |
FOLKY– | folkie (a performer of folk music) [n FOLKIES] */* |
–FOOT | the terminal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves [n FEET], to walk (to advance on foot) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy |
FOOTY– | paltry (petty (insignificant)) [adj –TIER, –TIEST] */* |
FORK– | to work with a fork (a pronged implement) [v –ED, –ING, –S] : FORKEDLY [adv] */sy |
FORKY– | resembling a fork [adj FORKIER, FORKIEST] */* |
–FOX | to outwit (to get the better of by superior cleverness) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
–FOXY– | crafty (skillful in deceiving) [adj FOXIER, FOXIEST] */* |
FUBS– | FUB, to fob (to deceive (to mislead by falsehood)) [v] */y |
FUBSY– | chubby and somewhat squat [adj FUBSIER, FUBSIEST] */* |
FUNK– | to shrink back in fear [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
FUNKY– | having an offensive odor [adj FUNKIER, FUNKIEST] : FUNKILY [adv] */* |
FUSS | to be overly concerned with small details [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
FUSSY– | overly concerned with small details [adj FUSSIER, FUSSIEST] : FUSSILY [adv] */* |
FUZZ | to become fuzzy (blurry (unclear (clear))) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
FUZZY– | blurry (unclear (clean and pure)) [adj FUZZIER, FUZZIEST] : FUZZILY [adv] */* |
–GAM | to visit socially [v GAMMED, GAMMING, GAMS] o/abepsy |
GAMY– | plucky (brave and spirited) [adj GAMIER, GAMIEST] */* |
GAUD | a showy ornament [n –S] */sy |
GAUDY– | tastelessly showy [adj GAUDIER, GAUDIEST] : GAUDILY [adv], a festival (a day or time of celebration) [n –DIES] */* |
GAWK | to stare stupidly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
GAWKY– | awkward (lacking skill, dexterity, or grace) [adj GAWKIER, GAWKIEST] : GAWKILY [adv], an awkward person [n GAWKIES] */* |
–GEEK– | a carnival performer [n –S] */sy |
GEEKY– | socially awkward or unappealing [adj GEEKIER, GEEKIEST] */* |
GERM | a microorganism that causes disease [n –S] */sy |
GERMY– | full of germs [adj GERMIER, GERMIEST] */* |
–GIMP | to limp (to walk lamely) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
GIMPY– | limping [adj GIMPIER, GIMPIEST] */* |
GIRL | a female child (a young person) [n –S] */sy |
GIRLY– | girlie (a publication featuring scantily clothed women) [n –LIES] */* |
–GLAD | feeling pleasure [adj GLADDER, GLADDEST], to gladden (to make glad (feeling pleasure)) [v GLADDED, GLADDING, GLADS] */esy |
–GLADY– | having glades [adj GLADIER, GLADIEST] */* |
GOOF– | to blunder (to make a mistake) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
GOOFY– | silly (showing a lack of good sense) [adj GOOFIER, GOOFIEST] : GOOFILY [adv] */* |
GOON– | a hired thug [n –S] */sy |
GOONY– | gooney (an albatross) [n –NIES], stupid (mentally slow) [adj GOONIER, GOONIEST] */* |
GOOP– | goo, gunk [n –S] */sy |
GOOPY– | sticky, gooey [adj GOOPIER, GOOPIEST] */* |
GOOS– | GOO, a sticky or viscid substance [n] */ey |
GOOSY– | resembling a goose (a swimming bird) [adj GOOSIER, GOOSIEST] */* |
–GOR– | used as a mild oath [interj] */empy |
GORY– | bloody (stained with blood) [adj GORIER, GORIEST] */* |
–GOUT | a metabolic disease [n –S] */sy |
GOUTY– | affected with gout [adj GOUTIER, GOUTIEST] : GOUTILY [adv] a/* |
–GRIM | stern and unrelenting [adj GRIMMER, GRIMMEST] */ey |
–GRIMY– | dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [adj GRIMIER, GRIMIEST] */* |
–GRIP | to grasp (to seize firmly with the hand) [v GRIPPED or GRIPT, GRIPPING, GRIPS] */esty |
GRIPY– | causing sharp pains in the bowels [adj GRIPIER, GRIPIEST] */* |
GULF– | to swallow up [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
GULFY– | full of whirlpools [adj GULFIER, GULFIEST] */* |
GULP– | to swallow rapidly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
GULPY– | marked by gulping [adj GULPIER, GULPIEST] */* |
GUNK– | filthy, sticky, or greasy matter [n –S] */sy |
GUNKY– | filthy, sticky, or greasy [adj GUNKIER, GUNKIEST] */* |
GUSH | to flow forth forcefully [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
GUSHY– | overly sentimental [adj GUSHIER, GUSHIEST] : GUSHILY [adv] */* |
GUST | to blow in gusts (sudden blasts of wind) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */osy |
GUSTY– | blowing in gusts [adj GUSTIER, GUSTIEST] */* |
–GUTS– | GUT, to remove the guts (intestines) of [v] */y |
GUTSY– | brave (showing courage) [adj GUTSIER, GUTSIEST] */* |
–HAIR | a threadlike growth [n –S] c/sy |
–HAIRY– | covered with hair [adj HAIRIER, HAIRIEST] */* |
–HAND | to present with the hand (the end of the forearm) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
HANDY– | convenient for handling [adj HANDIER, HANDIEST] s/* |
HARD | firm and unyielding [adj HARDER, HARDEST] cs/sy |
HARDY– | very sturdy [adj –DIER, –DIEST], a blacksmith’s chisel [n –DIES] */* |
HAST– | HAVE, to be in possession of [v] g/ey |
HASTY– | speedy (swift (moving with a great rate of motion)) [adj HASTIER, HASTIEST] : HASTILY [adv] */* |
HEAD | to be chief of [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy |
HEADY– | intoxicating [adj HEADIER, HEADIEST] */* |
–HEFT | to lift up [v –ED, –ING, –S] t/sy |
HEFTY– | heavy (having much weight) [adj HEFTIER, HEFTIEST] : HEFTILY [adv] */* |
HEMP– | a tall herb [n –S] */sy |
HEMPY– | mischievous [adj HEMPIER, HEMPIEST] */* |
HERB– | a flowering plant with a nonwoody stem [n –S] */sy |
HERBY– | abounding in herbs (a flowering plant with a nonwoody stem) [adj HERBIER, HERBIEST] */* |
–HILL | to form into a hill (a rounded elevation) [v –ED, –ING, –S] cst/osy |
–HILLY– | abounding in hills [adj HILLIER, HILLIEST] c/* |
HISS– | to make a sibilant sound [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
HISSY– | a tantrum (a fit of rage) [n HISSIES], characterized by a hissing sound [adj HISSIER, HISSIEST] */* |
–HOAR | a white coating [n –S] */dsy |
HOARY– | white with age [adj HOARIER, HOARIEST] */* |
HOOD | to furnish with a hood (a covering for the head) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
HOODY– | resembling a hoodlum (a thug (a brutal ruffian or assassin)) [adj HOODIER, HOODIEST] */* |
HOOK | to catch with a hook (a bent piece of metal) [v –ED, –ING, –S] cs/asy |
HOOKY– | full of hooks [adj HOOKIER, HOOKIEST], truancy (an act of truanting) [n HOOKIES] */* |
–HOOT | to cry like an owl [v –ED, –ING, –S] bs/sy |
HOOTY– | sounding like the cry of an owl [adj HOOTIER, HOOTIEST] */* |
HORN | to form a horn (a hard, bonelike projection of the head) [v –ED, –ING, –S] st/sy |
HORNY– | hornlike in hardness [adj HORNIER, HORNIEST] t/* |
HUFF | to breathe heavily [v –ED, –ING, –S] c/sy |
HUFFY– | easily offended [adj HUFFIER, HUFFIEST] : HUFFILY [adv] c/* |
HULK | to appear impressively large [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
HULKY– | massive (of considerable size) [adj HULKIER, HULKIEST] */* |
–HUMP– | to arch into a hump (a rounded protuberance) [v –ED, –ING, –S] ctw/hsy |
HUMPY– | full of humps [adj HUMPIER, HUMPIEST] */* |
HUNK– | a large piece [n –S] ct/sy |
HUNKY– | muscular and attractive [adj HUNKIER, HUNKIEST], an unskilled laborer — an offensive term [n –KIES] c/* |
HUSK | to remove the husk (the outer covering) from [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
HUSKY– | hoarse (low and rough in sound) [adj –KIER, –KIEST], an Eskimo dog [n –KIES] */* |
ICK | used to express disgust [interj] dhklmnprstw/y |
ICKY– | repulsive [adj ICKIER, ICKIEST] : ICKILY [adv] dkp/* |
IFF– | if and only if [conj] bdjmrt/y |
IFFY– | full of uncertainty [adj IFFIER, IFFIEST] bjm/* |
INK– | to mark with ink (a colored fluid used for writing) [v –ED, –ING, –S] dfgjklmoprsw/sy |
INKY– | resembling ink [adj INKIER, INKIEST] dhklpz/* |
ITCH | to have an uneasy or tingling skin sensation [v –ED, –ING, –ES] abdfhpw/y |
ITCHY– | causing an itching sensation [adj ITCHIER, ITCHIEST] : ITCHILY [adv] bfpw/* |
JAGG– | to jag (to cut unevenly) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
JAGGY– | jagged (having a sharply uneven edge or surface) [adj –GIER, –GIEST] */* |
JAZZ | to enliven (to make lively (full of energy)) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
JAZZY– | lively (full of energy) [adj JAZZIER, JAZZIEST] : JAZZILY [adv] */* |
JERK | to move with a sharp, sudden motion [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
JERKY– | characterized by jerking movements [adj JERKIER, JERKIEST] : JERKILY [adv], dried meat [n –KIES] */* |
JOLT | to jar or shake roughly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
JOLTY– | marked by a jolting motion [adj JOLTIER, JOLTIEST] : JOLTILY [adv] */* |
–JOWL– | the fleshy part under the lower jaw [n –S] : JOWLED [adj] */sy |
JOWLY– | having prominent jowls [adj JOWLIER, JOWLIEST] */* |
–JUMP | to spring off the ground [v –ED, –ING, –S] : JUMPABLE [adj] */sy |
JUMPY– | nervous (easily excited) [adj JUMPIER, JUMPIEST] : JUMPILY [adv] */* |
JUNK– | to discard as trash [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
JUNKY– | worthless [adj JUNKIER, JUNKIEST] */* |
–KICK | to strike out with the foot or feet [v –ED, –ING, –S] : KICKABLE [adj] */sy |
–KICKY– | exciting [adj KICKIER, KICKIEST] */* |
–KINK– | to form a tight curl or bend in [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy |
–KINKY– | tightly curled [adj KINKIER, KINKIEST] : KINKILY [adv] */* |
KOOK | an eccentric person [n –S] */sy |
KOOKY– | eccentric [adj KOOKIER, KOOKIEST] */* |
LAC– | a resinous substance secreted by certain insects [n –S] */eksy |
LACY– | resembling lacework (a delicate openwork fabric) [adj LACIER, LACIEST] */* |
LAMB– | to give birth to a lamb (a young sheep) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
LAMBY– | resembling a lamb [adj LAMBIER, LAMBIEST] */* |
LANK | long and slender [adj LANKER, LANKEST] : LANKLY [adv] bcfps/y |
LANKY– | ungracefully tall and thin [adj LANKIER, LANKIEST] : LANKILY [adv] c/* |
LARD– | to coat with lard (the melted fat of hogs) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
LARDY– | resembling lard [adj LARDIER, LARDIEST] */* |
–LARK– | to behave playfully [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
LARKY– | playful (frolicsome) [adj LARKIER, LARKIEST] */* |
LATH– | to cover with laths (thin strips of wood) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */eisy |
LATHY– | long and slender [adj LATHIER, LATHIEST] */* |
LEAD– | to cover with lead (a heavy metallic element) [v –ED, –ING, –S], to show the way to by going in advance [v LED, LEADING, LEADS] p/sy |
LEADY– | resembling lead [adj LEADIER, LEADIEST] */* |
LEAF– | a usually green, flattened organ of vascular plants [n LEAVES], to turn pages rapidly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
LEAFY– | covered with leaves [adj LEAFIER, LEAFIEST] */* |
LEAK– | to permit the escape of something through a breach or flaw [v –ED, –ING, –S] b/sy |
LEAKY– | tending to leak [adj LEAKIER, LEAKIEST] : LEAKILY [adv] */* |
–LEAR– | learning (acquired knowledge) [n –S] bc/nsy |
LEARY– | leery (suspicious) [adj LEARIER, LEARIEST] b/* |
LEER– | to look with a sideways glance [v –ED, –ING, –S] f/sy |
–LEERY– | suspicious [adj LEERIER, LEERIEST] : LEERILY [adv] */* |
LIMB | to cut off the arms or legs of [v –ED, –ING, –S] c/aiosy |
LIMBY– | having many large branches [adj LIMBIER, LIMBIEST] */* |
–LIN– | linn (a waterfall) [n –S] b/egknosty |
LING– | a heath plant [n –S] cfs/aosy |
LINGY– | covered with heaths [adj LINGIER, LINGIEST] c/* |
LINT– | to give off lint (bits of fiber or fluff) [v –ED, –ING, –S] efg/sy |
LINTY– | covered with lint [adj LINTIER, LINTIEST] fg/* |
LINY– | resembling a line [adj LINIER, LINIEST] */* |
LOAM | to cover with loam (a type of soil) [v –ED, –ING, –S] g/sy |
LOAMY– | resembling loam [adj LOAMIER, LOAMIEST] */* |
–LOFT | to store in a loft (an upper room) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy |
LOFTY– | extending high in the air [adj LOFTIER, LOFTIEST] */* |
LOG– | to cut down trees for timber [v LOGGED, LOGGING, LOGS] bcfs/eosy |
LOGY– | sluggish (displaying little movement or activity) [adj –GIER, –GIEST] o/* |
LOON– | a diving waterfowl [n –S] */sy |
LOONY– | crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj –NIER, –NIEST] : LOONILY [adv], a loony person [n –NIES] */* |
LOOP– | to form loops (circular or oval openings) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bs/sy |
LOOPY– | full of loops [adj LOOPIER, LOOPIEST] : LOOPILY [adv] */* |
LUCK | to succeed by chance or good fortune [v –ED, –ING, –S] cp/sy |
LUCKY– | having good fortune [adj LUCKIER, LUCKIEST] : LUCKILY [adv] p/* |
–LUMP– | to make into lumps (shapeless masses) [v –ED, –ING, –S] cfps/sy |
LUMPY– | full of lumps [adj LUMPIER, LUMPIEST] : LUMPILY [adv] cg/* |
LUST | to have an intense desire [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
LUSTY– | full of vigor [adj LUSTIER, LUSTIEST] */* |
MALM | a soft, friable limestone [n –S] */sy |
MALMY– | resembling malm (a soft, friable limestone) [adj MALMIER, MALMIEST] */* |
–MALT | to treat or combine with malt (germinated grain) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy |
MALTY– | resembling malt [adj MALTIER, MALTIEST] */* |
MARL– | to fertilize with marl (an earthy deposit containing lime, clay, and sand) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
MARLY– | abounding with marl [adj MARLIER, MARLIEST] */* |
–MASS– | to assemble in a mass (a body of coherent matter) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] a/aey |
MASSY– | massive (of considerable size) [adj MASSIER, MASSIEST] */* |
MEAL | the food served and eaten in one sitting [n –S] */sy |
MEALY– | soft, dry, and friable [adj MEALIER, MEALIEST] */* |
–MEAT | animal flesh used as food [n –S] : MEATED [adj] */sy |
MEATY– | full of meat [adj MEATIER, MEATIEST] */* |
MESH | to entangle (to tangle (to bring together in intricate confusion)) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
MESHY– | netty (resembling a net) [adj MESHIER, MESHIEST] */* |
–MESS | to make dirty or untidy [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
MESSY– | dirty or untidy [adj MESSIER, MESSIEST] */* |
–MIFF | to annoy (to be troublesome to) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–MIFFY– | easily annoyed [adj MIFFIER, MIFFIEST] */* |
–MILK– | to draw milk (a whitish, nutritious liquid) from the udder of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
MILKY– | resembling or suggestive of milk [adj MILKIER, MILKIEST] */* |
MILT– | to impregnate with milt (fish sperm) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
MILTY– | full of milt [adj MILTIER, MILTIEST] */* |
MINT | to produce by stamping metal, as coins [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
MINTY– | having the flavor mint (an aromatic herb) [adj MINTIER, MINTIEST] */* |
MIR– | a Russian peasant commune [n MIRS or MIRI] ae/eiksy |
–MIRK– | murk (dark (having little or no light)) [adj MIRKER, MIRKEST], murk (darkness (the state of being dark (having little or no light))) [n –S] s/sy |
MIRKY– | murky (dark (having little or no light)) [adj MIRKIER, MIRKIEST] : MIRKILY [adv] s/* |
MIRY– | swampy (marshy (resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land))) [adj MIRIER, MIRIEST] */* |
MIST– | to become blurry (unclear (clean and pure)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
MISTY– | blurry (unclear (clean and pure)) [adj MISTIER, MISTIEST] */* |
–MOLD– | to work into a particular shape [v –ED, –ING, –S] : MOLDABLE [adj] */sy |
–MOLDY– | musty (having a stale odor) [adj MOLDIER, MOLDIEST] */* |
MOOD– | a person’s emotional state at a particular moment [n –S] */sy |
MOODY– | given to changing moods [adj MOODIER, MOODIEST] : MOODILY [adv] */* |
MOON– | to spend time idly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
MOONY– | resembling the moon [adj MOONIER, MOONIEST] */* |
MOOR– | to secure a vessel by means of cables [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
MOORY– | marshy (resembling a marsh (a tract of low, wet land)) [adj MOORIER, MOORIEST] */* |
–MOP– | to wipe with a mop (an implement for cleaning floors) [v MOPPED, MOPPING, MOPS] */esy |
MOPY– | mopey (dejected) [adj MOPIER, MOPIEST] */* |
MOSS– | to cover with moss (a growth of small, leafy-stemmed plants) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */oy |
MOSSY– | covered with moss [adj MOSSIER, MOSSIEST] */* |
MOTH– | a winged insect [n –S] */sy |
MOTHY– | full of moths [adj MOTHIER, MOTHIEST] */* |
MUCK | to fertilize with manure [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy |
MUCKY– | filthy (offensively dirty) [adj MUCKIER, MUCKIEST] */* |
MUGG– | to make funny faces [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
MUGGY– | warm and humid [adj –GIER, –GIEST] */* |
MURK | dark (having little or no light) [adj MURKER, MURKEST] : MURKLY [adv], darkness (the state of being dark (having little or no light)) [n –S] */sy |
MURKY– | dark (having little or no light) [adj MURKIER, MURKIEST] : MURKILY [adv] */* |
MUSH– | to travel over snow with a dog sled [v –ED, –ING, –ES] s/y |
MUSHY– | pulpy (resembling pulp) [adj MUSHIER, MUSHIEST] : MUSHILY [adv] */* |
MUSK– | a strongly odorous substance secreted by certain animals [n –S] */sy |
MUSKY– | resembling musk (a strongly odorous substance secreted by certain animals) [adj MUSKIER, MUSKIEST] */* |
MUSS– | to mess (to make dirty or untidy) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
MUSSY– | messy (dirty or untidy) [adj MUSSIER, MUSSIEST] : MUSSILY [adv] */* |
MUST– | to become musty (having a stale odor) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */hsy |
MUSTY– | having a stale odor [adj MUSTIER, MUSTIEST] : MUSTILY [adv] */* |
MYTH | a type of traditional story [n –S] */sy |
MYTHY– | resembling myth (a type of traditional story) [adj MYTHIER, MYTHIEST] */* |
NEED– | to have an urgent or essential use for [v –ED, –ING, –S] k/sy |
NEEDY– | in a state of poverty [adj NEEDIER, NEEDIEST] */* |
NERD | a socially inept person [n –S] : NERDISH [adj] */sy |
NERDY– | socially inept [adj NERDIER, NERDIEST] */* |
NETT– | to net (to catch in a net (a type of openwork fabric)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
NETTY– | resembling a net [adj –TIER, –TIEST] */* |
NEWS– | a report of recent events [n] */y |
NEWSY– | full of news [adj NEWSIER, NEWSIEST], a newsboy (a boy who delivers or sells newspapers) [n NEWSIES] */* |
–NOS– | NO, a negative reply [n] o/ehy |
NOSY– | unduly curious [adj NOSIER, NOSIEST] */* |
–NUTS– | NUT, to gather nuts (hard-shelled dry fruits) [v] */y |
NUTSY– | crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj NUTSIER, NUTSIEST] */* |
OAK | a hardwood tree or shrub [n –S] : OAKEN, OAKLIKE [adj] s/sy |
OAKY– | tasting of oak sap [adj OAKIER, OAKIEST] */* |
OIL– | to supply with oil (a greasy liquid used for lubrication, fuel, or illumination) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bcfmnrst/sy |
OILY– | covered or soaked with oil [adj OILIER, OILIEST] dnr/* |
ORB– | to form into a circle or sphere [v –ED, –ING, –S] fs/sy |
ORBY– | resembling a circle or sphere [adj ORBIER, ORBIEST] cf/* |
PAC– | a shoe patterned after a moccasin [n –S] */aeksty |
PACY– | pacey (keeping a fast pace (rate of speed)) [adj PACIER, PACIEST] s/* |
–PAL– | to associate as friends [v PALLED, PALLING, PALS] o/elmpsy |
–PALL– | to become insipid (dull and uninteresting) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy |
–PALLY– | marked by close friendship [adj –LIER, –LIEST] */* |
PALM– | to touch with the palm (inner surface) of the hand [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
PALMY– | marked by prosperity [adj PALMIER, PALMIEST] */* |
PALY– | somewhat pale [adj PALIER, PALIEST] */* |
PAST– | time gone by [n –S] */aesy |
PASTY– | pale and unhealthy in appearance [adj PASTIER, PASTIEST], a meat pie [n PASTIES] */* |
PEAK– | to reach a maximum [v –ED, –ING, –S] as/sy |
PEAKY– | sickly (appearing as if sick) [adj PEAKIER, PEAKIEST] */* |
–PEAT– | a substance composed of partially decayed vegetable matter [n –S] */sy |
PEATY– | resembling or containing peat [adj PEATIER, PEATIEST] */* |
PECK– | to strike with the beak or something pointed [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy |
PECKY– | marked by decay caused by fungi [adj PECKIER, PECKIEST] */* |
PERK– | to carry oneself jauntily [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
PERKY– | jaunty (having a lively and self-confident manner) [adj PERKIER, PERKIEST] : PERKILY [adv] */* |
PEST– | an annoying person or thing [n –S] */osy |
PESTY– | irritating [adj PESTIER, PESTIEST] */* |
–PHON | a unit of loudness [n –S] */eosy |
PHONY– | not genuine or real [adj –NIER, –NIEST], to alter so as to make appear genuine [v –NIED, –NYING, –NIES] */* |
–PICK– | to select (to choose (to take by preference)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy |
–PICKY– | fussy (overly concerned with small details) [adj PICKIER, PICKIEST] */* |
–PIN– | to fasten with a pin (a slender, pointed piece of metal) [v PINNED, PINNING, PINS] s/aegksty |
PINY– | suggestive of or covered with pine trees [adj PINIER, PINIEST] s/* |
PIP– | to break through the shell of an egg [v PIPPED, PIPPING, PIPS] */esy |
PIPY– | shrill (having a high-pitched and piercing quality) [adj PIPIER, PIPIEST] */* |
PITH– | to sever the spinal cord of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
PITHY– | concise (succinct (clearly expressed in few words)) [adj PITHIER, PITHIEST] : PITHILY [adv] */* |
–PLAT | to plait (to braid (to weave together)) [v PLATTED, PLATTING, PLATS] s/esy |
PLATY– | split into thin, flat pieces [adj PLATIER, PLATIEST], a small tropical fish [n PLATYS or PLATIES] */s |
–PLUM | a fleshy fruit [n –S], highly desirable [adj PLUMMER, PLUMMEST] */bepsy |
PLUMY– | covered with feathers [adj PLUMIER, PLUMIEST] */* |
POCK | to mark with pocks (pustules caused by an eruptive disease) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
POCKY– | covered with pocks [adj POCKIER, POCKIEST] : POCKILY [adv] */* |
PORK | to eat ravenously [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
PORKY– | resembling pork [adj PORKIER, PORKIEST], a porcupine [n –KIES] */* |
PORN | pornography [n –S] */osy |
PORNY– | pornographic [adj PORNIER, PORNIEST] */* |
–POUT | to protrude the lips in ill humor [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy |
POUTY– | tending to pout [adj POUTIER, POUTIEST] */* |
–POX | to infect with syphilis [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
–POXY– | afflicted with a pox [adj POXIER, POXIEST] e/* |
PUFF | to blow in short gusts [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
PUFFY– | swollen [adj –FIER, –FIEST] : PUFFILY [adv] */* |
PULP– | to reduce to pulp (a soft, moist mass of matter) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
PULPY– | resembling pulp [adj PULPIER, PULPIEST] */* |
PUNK– | of inferior quality [adj PUNKER, PUNKEST], dry, decayed wood used as tinder [n –S] s/asy |
PUNKY– | resembling punk (dry, decayed wood used as tinder) [adj PUNKIER, PUNKIEST] s/* |
PUSH– | to exert force in order to cause motion away from the force [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
PUSHY– | offensively aggressive [adj PUSHIER, PUSHIEST] */* |
PUSS– | a cat [n –ES] */y |
PUSSY– | full of pus [adj –SIER, –SIEST], a cat [n PUSSIES] */* |
–RAIN– | to fall like rain (drops of water condensed from atmospheric vapor) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bdgt/sy |
RAINY– | marked by rain [adj RAINIER, RAINIEST] bg/* |
–RAND– | a strip of leather at the heel of a shoe [n –S] bg/sy |
RANDY– | lustful (marked by excessive sexual desire) [adj –DIER, –DIEST], a rude person [n RANDIES] b/* |
RANG– | RING, to form a ring (a circular band) around [v] opw/ey |
RANGY– | tall and slender [adj RANGIER, RANGIEST] o/* |
–RASP– | to rub with something rough [v –ED, –ING, –S] g/sy |
RASPY– | rough (having an uneven surface) [adj RASPIER, RASPIEST] */* |
READ | to look at so as to take in the meaning of, as something written or printed [v READ, READING, READS] : READABLE [adj], READABLY [adv] bdot/dsy |
READY– | prepared [adj READIER, READIEST], to make ready (prepared) [v READIED, READYING, READIES] b/* |
REED– | to fasten with reeds (the stalks of tall grasses) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bcdfgpt/sy |
REEDY– | abounding in reeds [adj REEDIER, REEDIEST] g/* |
REEF– | to reduce the area of a sail [v –ED, –ING, –S] : REEFABLE [adj] */sy |
REEFY– | abounding in ridges of rock [adj REEFIER, REEFIEST] */* |
–REEK– | to give off a strong, unpleasant odor [v –ED, –ING, –S] cg/sy |
REEKY– | reeking [adj REEKIER, REEKIEST] */* |
RIM | to provide with a rim (an outer edge) [v RIMMED, RIMMING, RIMS] bgpt/esy |
RIMY– | frosty (covered with frost) [adj RIMIER, RIMIEST] g/* |
RISK | to expose to a risk (a chance of injury or loss) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bf/sy |
RISKY– | dangerous [adj RISKIER, RISKIEST] : RISKILY [adv] f/* |
RITZ | pretentious display [n –ES] f/y |
RITZY– | elegant (tastefully opulent) [adj RITZIER, RITZIEST] : RITZILY [adv] */* |
ROCK– | to move back and forth [v –ED, –ING, –S] : ROCKABLE [adj] bcft/sy |
ROCKY– | unsteady (firm in position) [adj ROCKIER, ROCKIEST] */* |
–ROIL | to make muddy (covered or filled with mud) [v –ED, –ING, –S] b/sy |
–ROILY– | muddy (covered or filled with mud) [adj ROILIER, ROILIEST] */* |
ROOK | to swindle (to take money or property from by fraudulent means) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bc/sy |
ROOKY– | abounding in rooks [adj ROOKIER, ROOKIEST] */* |
ROOM | to occupy a room (a walled space within a building) [v –ED, –ING, –S] bgv/sy |
ROOMY– | spacious (vast or ample in extent) [adj ROOMIER, ROOMIEST] : ROOMILY [adv] b/* |
–ROOT | to put forth a root (an underground portion of a plant) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
ROOTY– | full of roots [adj ROOTIER, ROOTIEST] */* |
ROUP | to auction (to sell publicly to the highest bidder) [v –ED, –ING, –S] cg/sy |
ROUPY– | hoarse (low and rough in sound) [adj ROUPIER, ROUPIEST] : ROUPILY [adv] c/* |
RUB | to move along the surface of a body with pressure [v RUBBED, RUBBING, RUBS] dg/esy |
RUBY– | of a deep-red color [adj –BIER, –BIEST], to tint with the color of a ruby (a deep-red precious stone) [v –BIED, –BYING, –BIES] */* |
RUNT– | a small person or animal [n –S] : RUNTISH [adj] bg/sy |
RUNTY– | small (of limited size or quantity) [adj RUNTIER, RUNTIEST] */* |
RUSH | to move swiftly [v –ED, –ING, –ES] bc/y |
RUSHY– | abounding in rushes [adj RUSHIER, RUSHIEST] b/* |
RUST | to form rust (a reddish coating that forms on iron) [v –ED, –ING, –S] : RUSTABLE [adj] ct/sy |
RUSTY– | covered with rust [adj RUSTIER, RUSTIEST] ct/* |
–SAG | to bend or sink downward from weight or pressure [v SAGGED, SAGGING, SAGS] */aeosy |
SAGY– | flavored with sage [adj SAGIER, SAGIEST] */* |
–SALT– | salty (tasting of or containing salt) [adj SALTER, SALTEST], to treat with salt (a crystalline compound used as a seasoning and preservative) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SALTY– | tasting of or containing salt [adj SALTIER, SALTIEST] */* |
–SAND | to smooth by rubbing with an abrasive [v –ED, –ING, –S] : SANDABLE [adj] */sy |
SANDY– | containing or covered with sand [adj SANDIER, SANDIEST] */* |
–SARK | a shirt (a garment for the upper part of the body) [n –S] */sy |
SARKY– | sarcastic [adj SARKIER, SARKIEST] */* |
–SASS | to talk impudently to [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
SASSY– | impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful) [adj SASSIER, SASSIEST], sasswood (an African tree) [n –SIES] */* |
–SCAR | to form a scar (a mark left by the healing of injured tissue) [v SCARRED, SCARRING, SCARS] e/efpsty |
SCARY– | frightening [adj SCARIER, SCARIEST] */* |
SEAM– | to join with a seam (a line formed by sewing two pieces of fabric together) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SEAMY– | unpleasant (pleasing) [adj SEAMIER, SEAMIEST] */* |
SEED– | to plant seeds (propagative plant structures) in [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SEEDY– | containing seeds; inferior in condition or quality [adj SEEDIER, SEEDIEST] */* |
SEEP– | to pass slowly through small openings [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SEEPY– | soaked or oozing with water [adj SEEPIER, SEEPIEST] */* |
–SEX | to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */ty |
SEXY– | arousing sexual desire [adj SEXIER, SEXIEST] */* |
–SHAD– | a food fish [n –S] */esy |
SHADY– | shaded [adj SHADIER, SHADIEST] */* |
–SHIN | to climb by gripping and pulling alternately with the hands and legs [v SHINNED, SHINNING, SHINS] */esy |
SHINY– | filled with light [adj SHINIER, SHINIEST] */* |
–SHOW | to cause or permit to be seen [v SHOWED, SHOWN, SHOWING, SHOWS] : SHOWABLE [adj] */nsy |
SHOWY– | making a great or brilliant display [adj SHOWIER, SHOWIEST] */* |
–SILK | to cover with silk (a soft, lustrous fabric) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SILKY– | resembling silk [adj SILKIER, SILKIEST], a glossy-coated terrier [n SILKIES] */* |
–SILL | the horizontal piece that bears the upright portion of a frame [n –S] */sy |
–SILLY– | showing a lack of good sense [adj –LIER, –LIEST] : SILLILY [adv], a silly person [n –LIES] */* |
SILT | to fill with silt (a sedimentary material) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SILTY– | full of silt [adj SILTIER, SILTIEST] */* |
–SLAT | to provide with slats (narrow strips of wood or metal) [v SLATTED, SLATTING, SLATS] */esy |
SLATY– | resembling slate [adj SLATIER, SLATIEST] */* |
SLIM | slender (thin (having relatively little density or thickness)) [adj SLIMMER, SLIMMEST], to make slim (slender (thin (having relatively little density or thickness))) [v SLIMMED, SLIMMING, SLIMS] */esy |
–SLIMY– | resembling slime [adj SLIMIER, SLIMIEST] */* |
–SNOW | to fall as snow (precipitation in the form of ice crystals) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SNOWY– | abounding in snow [adj SNOWIER, SNOWIEST] */* |
SOAP | to treat with soap (a cleansing agent) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SOAPY– | containing or resembling soap [adj SOAPIER, SOAPIEST] */* |
–SONS– | SON, a male child (a young person) [n] */y |
SONSY– | comely (pleasing to look at) [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */* |
–SOOT | to cover with soot (a black substance produced by combustion) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */hsy |
SOOTY– | covered with soot [adj SOOTIER, SOOTIEST] : SOOTILY [adv] */* |
SOUP– | to increase the power or efficiency of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SOUPY– | foggy (filled with fog) [adj SOUPIER, SOUPIEST] */* |
–SPIC | a Spanish-American person — an offensive term [n –S] a/aeksy |
SPICY– | containing spices [adj SPICIER, SPICIEST] */* |
SPIK | spic (a Spanish-American person — an offensive term) [n –S] */esy |
SPIKY– | resembling a spike [adj SPIKIER, SPIKIEST] : SPIKILY [adv] */* |
–SPIN | to draw out and twist into threads [v SPUN, SPINNING, SPINS] */esy |
–SPINY– | bearing or covered with thorns [adj SPINIER, SPINIEST] */* |
–STAG | to attend a social function without a female companion [v STAGGED, STAGGING, STAGS] */esy |
STAGY– | having a theatrical quality [adj STAGIER, STAGIEST] */* |
SUCK | to draw in by establishing a partial vacuum [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SUCKY– | extremely objectionable [adj SUCKIER, SUCKIEST] */* |
SUDS | to wash in soapy water [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
SUDSY– | foamy (covered with foam) [adj SUDSIER, SUDSIEST] */* |
SULK | to be sulky [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SULKY– | sullenly aloof or withdrawn [adj SULKIER, SULKIEST] : SULKILY [adv], a light horse-drawn vehicle [n SULKIES] */* |
SURF | to ride breaking waves on a long, narrow board [v –ED, –ING, –S] : SURFABLE [adj] */sy |
SURFY– | abounding in breaking waves [adj SURFIER, SURFIEST] */* |
TACK | to fasten with tacks (short, sharp-pointed nails) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy |
TACKY– | adhesive [adj TACKIER, TACKIEST] */* |
TALK | to communicate by speaking [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy |
–TALKY– | tending to talk a great deal [adj TALKIER, TALKIEST] s/* |
TANG– | to provide with a pungent flavor [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/aosy |
TANGY– | pungent (sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell) [adj TANGIER, TANGIEST] */* |
–TART– | having a sharp, sour taste [adj TARTER, TARTEST], to dress up [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy |
–TARTY– | suggestive of a prostitute [adj TARTIER, TARTIEST] : TARTILY [adv] */* |
–TEAR– | to emit tears (drops of saline liquid secreted by a gland of the eye) [v –ED, –ING, –S], to pull apart or into pieces [v TORE, TORN, TEARING, TEARS] : TEARABLE [adj] */sy |
TEARY– | tearful (full of tears) [adj TEARIER, TEARIEST] */* |
TECH | a technician [n –S] */sy |
TECHY– | tetchy (irritable) [adj TECHIER, TECHIEST] : TECHILY [adv] */* |
TEEN– | a teenager (a person between the ages of thirteen and nineteen) [n –S] */sy |
TEENY– | tiny (very small) [adj –NIER, –NIEST] */* |
TENT– | to live in a tent (a type of portable shelter) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/hsy |
TENTY– | watchful (closely observant or alert) [adj TENTIER, TENTIEST] */* |
TEST | to subject to an examination [v –ED, –ING, –S] : TESTABLE [adj] */asy |
TESTY– | irritable [adj TESTIER, TESTIEST] */* |
–THEW– | a well-developed muscle [n –S] */sy |
THEWY– | brawny (muscular (pertaining to muscle)) [adj THEWIER, THEWIEST] */* |
–TIN– | to coat with tin (a metallic element) [v TINNED, TINNING, TINS] */egsty |
TINY– | very small [adj TINIER, TINIEST] */* |
TIPS– | TIP, to tilt (to cause to slant) [v] */y |
TIPSY– | slightly drunk [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */* |
–TON– | a unit of weight [n –S] */egsy |
TONY– | stylish (fashionable) [adj TONIER, TONIEST] as/* |
TUFT | to form into tufts (clusters of flexible outgrowths attached at the base) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
TUFTY– | abounding in tufts [adj TUFTIER, TUFTIEST] : TUFTILY [adv] */* |
TURF | a surface layer of earth containing a dense growth of grass and its roots [n TURFS or TURVES], to cover with turf [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
TURFY– | covered with turf [adj TURFIER, TURFIEST] */* |
–TWIN | to bring together in close association [v TWINNED, TWINNING, TWINS] */esy |
–TWINY– | resembling twine (a strong string) [adj TWINIER, TWINIEST] */* |
–VAMP | to repair or patch [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
VAMPY– | seductive [adj VAMPIER, VAMPIEST] */* |
VAST– | of great extent or size [adj VASTER, VASTEST], a vast space [n –S] a/sy |
VASTY– | vast (of great extent or size) [adj VASTIER, VASTIEST] */* |
VEAL | to kill and prepare a calf for food [v –ED, –ING, –S] u/sy |
VEALY– | immature [adj VEALIER, VEALIEST] */* |
VEIN | to fill with veins (tubular blood vessels) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
VEINY– | full of veins [adj VEINIER, VEINIEST] */* |
VIEW– | to look at [v –ED, –ING, –S] : VIEWABLE [adj] */sy |
VIEWY– | showy (making a great or brilliant display) [adj VIEWIER, VIEWIEST] */* |
VUGG– | vug (a small cavity in a rock or lode) [n –S] */sy |
VUGGY– | abounding in vugs (a small cavity in a rock or lode) [adj –GIER, –GIEST] */* |
WACK | a wacky person [n –S], very bad [adj WACKER, WACKEST] */eosy |
WACKY– | very irrational [adj WACKIER, WACKIEST] : WACKILY [adv] */* |
–WAN | unnaturally pale [adj WANNER, WANNEST], to become wan (unnaturally pale) [v WANNED, WANNING, WANS] hs/deksty |
–WANY– | waning in some parts [adj WANIER, WANIEST] */* |
–WAR | to engage in war (a state of open, armed conflict) [v WARRED, WARRING, WARS] */dekmnpsty |
–WART– | a protuberance on the skin [n –S] : WARTED [adj] s/sy |
–WARTY– | covered with warts [adj WARTIER, WARTIEST] s/* |
WARY– | watchful (closely observant or alert) [adj WARIER, WARIEST] */* |
–WASH– | to cleanse by immersing in or applying a liquid [v –ED, –ING, –ES] as/y |
–WASHY– | overly diluted [adj WASHIER, WASHIEST] */* |
–WASP– | a stinging insect [n –S] : WASPISH, WASPLIKE [adj] */sy |
WASPY– | resembling a wasp (a stinging insect) [adj WASPIER, WASPIEST] : WASPILY [adv] */* |
–WAX | to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] : WAXABLE [adj] */y |
WAXY– | resembling wax [adj WAXIER, WAXIEST] */* |
–WEAR | to have on one’s person [v WORE, WORN, WEARING, WEARS] s/sy |
WEARY– | tired (sapped of strength) [adj –RIER, –RIEST] : WEARILY [adv], to make or become weary [v –RIED, –RYING, –RIES] a/* |
WEED– | to remove weeds (undesirable plants) [v –ED, –ING, –S] t/sy |
WEEDY– | resembling a weed [adj WEEDIER, WEEDIEST] t/* |
WEEN– | to suppose (to assume to be true) [v –ED, –ING, –S] t/sy |
WEENY– | tiny (very small) [adj –NIER, –NIEST] st/* |
WEEP– | to express sorrow by shedding tears [v WEPT, WEEPING, WEEPS] s/sy |
WEEPY– | tending to weep [adj WEEPIER, WEEPIEST] s/* |
–WHIN | furze (a spiny shrub) [n –S] */esy |
WHINY– | tending to whine [adj WHINIER, WHINIEST] */* |
–WHIT | a particle (a very small piece or part) [n –S] */esy |
WHITY– | whitish (somewhat white) [adj WHITIER, WHITIEST], whitey (a white man — an offensive term) [n WHITIES] */* |
–WIMP | to act in a timid manner [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
WIMPY– | weak, ineffectual [adj WIMPIER, WIMPIEST] */* |
–WIN | to winnow (to free grain from impurities) [v WINNED, WINNING, WINS], to be victorious [v WON or WAN, WINNING, WINS] t/degkosy |
WIND– | to pass around an object or fixed center [v WOUND or WINDED, WINDING, WINDS] : WINDABLE [adj] */sy |
WINDY– | marked by strong wind [adj WINDIER, WINDIEST] */* |
WING– | to travel by means of wings (organs of flight) [v –ED, –ING, –S] aos/sy |
WINGY– | swift (moving with a great rate of motion) [adj WINGIER, WINGIEST] s/* |
WINY– | having the taste or qualities of wine [adj WINIER, WINIEST] t/* |
WISP– | to twist into a wisp (a small bunch or bundle) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
WISPY– | resembling a wisp [adj WISPIER, WISPIEST] */* |
WITH– | in the company of [prep] s/ey |
WITHY– | flexible and tough [adj WITHIER, WITHIEST], a flexible twig [n WITHIES] */* |
WOMB | the uterus (an organ of female mammals) [n –S] : WOMBED [adj] */sy |
WOMBY– | hollow (not solid) [adj WOMBIER, WOMBIEST] */* |
WONK– | an overly studious student [n –S] */sy |
WONKY– | unsteady (firm in position) [adj –KIER, –KIEST] */* |
WOOD– | to furnish with wood (the hard, fibrous substance beneath the bark of a tree or shrub) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
WOODY– | containing or resembling wood [adj WOODIER, WOODIEST], a wood-paneled station wagon [n WOODIES] */* |
WOOL– | the dense, soft hair forming the coat of certain mammals [n –S] */sy |
WOOLY– | woolly (consisting of or resembling wool) [adj WOOLIER, WOOLIEST], a woolly (a garment made of wool) [n WOOLIES] */* |
WORD | to express in words (speech sounds that communicate meaning) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy |
WORDY– | using many or too many words [adj WORDIER, WORDIEST] */* |
WORM | to rid of worms (small, limbless invertebrates) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
WORMY– | infested with worms [adj WORMIER, WORMIEST] */* |
WUSS | a wimp [n –ES] */y |
WUSSY– | wimpy (weak, ineffectual) [adj WUSSIER, WUSSIEST], a wuss (a wimp) [n –SIES] */* |
YOLK | the yellow portion of an egg [n –S] : YOLKED [adj] */sy |
YOLKY– | resembling a yolk (the yellow portion of an egg) [adj YOLKIER, YOLKIEST] */* |
YUCK | to yuk (to laugh loudly) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
YUCKY– | disgusting [adj YUCKIER, YUCKIEST] */* |
ZEST | to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
ZESTY– | marked by zest [adj ZESTIER, ZESTIEST] : ZESTILY [adv] */* |
ZING– | to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
ZINGY– | enjoyably exciting [adj ZINGIER, ZINGIEST] */* |
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