VOWEL DUMPS Short (1 of 4)
NOTE: This post relates to the “VOWEL DUMPS Short” (Beg. 1.5) word list or note sheet (see the Word List page).
The word lists I’ve posted are include inner and outer hooks, definitions and a column for notes (I refer to these lists as Note Sheets). These sheets are designed to facilitiate familiarization. Keep in mind that the real test of whether or not a word has been learned is whether or not you can pick it out of a rack of letters (i.e. can you anagram it?). More on that later.
Right now the task at hand to become “familiar” with the 89 “short” vowel dumps on the VOWEL DUMP Short list, so here goes.
Five two-letter vowel only words (AA, AE, AI, OE, OI). No problem here (there were on an earlier word list). Just in case:
AA rough, cindery lava [n –S]
AE one [adj]
AI a three-toed sloth [n –S]
OE a whirlwind off the Faeroe islands [n –S]
OI oy (used to express dismay or pain) [interj]
Although that’s a good review, even better are the hook lists (b/hls for AA, for example). The hook list for AE is interesting – it’s almost entirely comprised of what I call “alt” spelling words, or words that have familiar definitions, but are spelled irregularly. For AE, this words are:
GAE to go (to move along) [v GAED, GANE or GAEN, GAEING or GAUN, GAES]
HAE to have (to be in possession of) [v HAED, HAEN, HAEING, HAES]
KAE a bird resembling a crow [n –S]
MAE more (a greater amount) [n –S]
NAE no; not [adv]
SAE so [adv]
TAE to (in the direction of) [prep]
WAE woe (tremendous grief) [n –S]
The only exception is KAE. Notice all the forms of GAE (or go) – these can be useful. Other interesting hooks off the twos on this list include the following:
AAL an East Indian shrub [n –S]
AIN ayin (a Hebrew letter) [n –S]
AIT a small island [n –S]
JOE a fellow [n –S]
KOI a large and colorful fish [n –S]
RAI a style of popular Algerian music [n –S]
VOE a small bay, creek, or inlet [n –S]
That about does it for the first 5 two-letter vowel dumps.
The next few words (from AEON down through ALOE) have a few interesting hooks:
PAEON a metrical foot of four syllables [n –S]
RAGEE ragi (an East Indian cereal grass) [n –S]
RAKEE raki (a Turkish liqueur) [n –S]
EON is a familar word, you just have to remember that you can put an A in front of it. If you add a P, you get PAEON, which is very close to PAEAN (a song of joy [n –S]).
There are some memorization techniques that can be illustrated using these words. Memorization is about connections and connections can be made in a number of different ways. Think of the process of memorization as a process of linking a new node into an existing network – the more connections you can make, the more likely it is you’ll be able to pick it out of a rack when you need to. AEON can tied to EON in one direction and PAEON in the other. AJEE and AGEE are different spellings of the same word. AERO is an important “cluster” prefix and shows up in more than 100 acceptable Scrabble plays (here’s a quick list of all “aero” words generated using Zyzzyva: http://oldtownscrabble.com/18/06/aero-words/). AUGE can be remembered by linking it to VAGUE, and RAGEE and RAKEE both follow the same pattern (with ee being replaced by the more common i). ALOE is a fairly straightforward word, but your friends will be impressed if you play ALOETIC.
To Be CONTINUED (we made it down to word 17 on the list).
I’ve been having fun looking at your web site. It is worth noting here that the front hooks for AE are all the consonants in KNIGHT SWIM. One trick that I use to remember the back hooks on HAE is the word DAMNDEST. Those consonants hook onto HAE.
Both of those are great. I’ll definitely remember DAMNDEST for HAE.