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Club Minutes — August 8, 2010

2010 August 9
by admin

NASPA Scrabble Club #803 Nacogdoches
08/08/2010 (Sunday)

Next Meeting: Sunday, September 12, at 3:00 pm, at Java Jacks in Nacogdoches, TX, 1122 North Street, Nacogdoches, TX,  75961, (936) 559‑9350.  We will meet upstairs.  Click HERE for a map.

Attendees: Brent D. Beal & Heather Olson Beal (with daugh­ter, Marin Beal), Sudeshna Roy (with daugh­ter, Trishala, and son, Josh), Phillip Collier, Krystal Roach, Laura McKinney, Nathan Woodward, Christine Hennessey.

The more the mer­rier – find a friend or two and bring them to our meet­ing on Sunday, September 12, 2010.


High Score:

Nathan, 485 (a new all-time club high)

Bingos Played:

Brent: WRANGLED (92), TRACINGS (80), INTERNS (78), MOURNERS (80)
Phillip: BRAIDED (76), BASKETS (109)
Nathan: DESIRES (72), SNORERS (79)
Marin & Trishala: CRITICS (94)
Josh: HOLDUPS (95)

[no phonies]

Wins/Losses (cer­tifi­cates will be issued for sig­nif­i­cant “win” mile­stones, e.g. 50 club wins, etc.):

Phillip: 4, unde­feated
Brent: 2
Krystal: 1
Laura: 1
Nathan: 1
Heather: 1
Marin & Trishala: 1


It was great fun guys – thanks to every­one that came and played.

Here’s a link to the Cheat Sheet: http://​www​.cross​-tables​.com/cs.

Please con­sider becom­ing a mem­ber of NASPA (North American Scrabble Players Association): http://​www​.scrab​ble​play​ers​.org/​w​/​M​e​m​b​e​r​s​hip.

No dues or other club fees until January 2011.

We have 1 cus­tum board and 1 timer avail­able for use.  If you have your own equip­ment, please bring it.  I will con­tinue to bring 4 game sets, just in case they’re needed, but they’re cheap sets that aren’t appro­pri­ate for com­pet­i­tive play.  You can take a look at cus­tom sets (and other equip­ment) here: http://​sam​timer​.com/ (see the club web­site for addi­tional links).

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