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VOWEL DUMPS Short (2 of 4)

2010 March 10
by admin

NOTE: This post relates to the “VOWEL DUMPS Short” (Beg. 1.5) word list or note sheet (see the Word List page).

I’m going to start with word 18 and move down the list through word 37 (AMIA through EURO).

The first two words (AMIA and AMIE) are both hooks from AMI:

AMI a friend [n –S]

This matches up well with AMIE (a female friend), so think of adding an A and and E to AMI as a way to get a fish and female com­pan­ion­ship.  Also inter­est­ing here are the four front hooks for these two words:

LAMIA a female demon (an evil spirit) [n –MIAS or –MIAE]
ZAMIA a trop­i­cal plant [n –S]
MAMIE mamey (a trop­i­cal tree) [n –S]
RAMIE an Asian shrub [n –S]

Almost hate to acknowl­edge it, but LAMIA can eas­ily be remem­ber by asso­ci­at­ing it with LABIUM/LABIA, ZAMIA is a great Z word (for stretch­ing from a DL to a DW, etc.).  MAMIE and RAMIE just have to get filed in the inter­est­ing “plant” hook category.

ANOA stands alone.  Picture a lone ox stand­ing on a hill at dusk.  No inner or outer hooks.  Only an “S” to make a plural.

You have to get the “E” plu­rals down if you are seri­ous about learn­ing vowel dumps.  The next few words are good exam­ples (AQUAE, AREAE, AURAE), note that all three of these words also take the more nor­mal “S.”  AREA has a cou­ple inter­est­ing derivaties (AREAL, AREALLY).  ARIA also has a cou­ple inter­est­ing hooks:

MARIA MARE, a dark area on the sur­face of the moon or Mars [n]
VARIA a mis­cel­lany of lit­er­ary works [n –S]

VARIA is a great word (a handy V word, also with enough let­ters to stretch from a DL to a DW, etc.).  ASEA (SEA plus “A”, just like ALEE, AJEE, AGEE, which can be reduced to LEE, JEE, GEE; in each case the “A” adds “direc­tion”).  The R hook for AURA seems a lit­tle odd (and it is).  AURAL, AURAE, and AURAS all make sense, but what is AURAR?  As it turns out, AURAR is the plural of:

EYRIR a mon­e­tary unit of Iceland [n AURAR]

Offer to buy your friends lunch if they know the plural of EYRIR.  You’re prob­a­bly not going to be putting out for lunch.

AWEE is a cute word, built from WEE (WEER, WEEST).  BEAU is part of a nice tan­gle of words (EAU, EAUX, BEAUS, BEAUT, BEAUX, BEAUISH).  Everyone knows CIAO (but are you con­fi­dent enough that you know how to spell it to play it in a Scrabble game?).  EASE has a nice clus­ter of front and back hooks, most of which are obvi­ous, except for:

FEASE to faze (to dis­turb the com­po­sure of) [v FEASED, FEASING, FEASES]
PEASE a pea (the edi­ble seed of an annual herb) [n PEASEN or PEASES]

FEASE is a inter­est­ing vari­ant of FAZE – it can also be spelled FEAZE and FEEZE, each with the usual ED-ING-S end­ings (so there’s nine Z words right there, all vari­ants of FAZE).

EAVE also has a clus­ter of hooks, two of which are uncommon:

DEAVE to deafen (to make deaf (lack­ing the sense of hear­ing)) [v DEAVED, DEAVING, DEAVES]
REAVE to plun­der (to rob of goods by force) [v REAVED or REFT, REAVING, REAVES]

DEAVE is one of those neat words that just seems to stick, at least for me (and it’s clearly related to DEAFEN, so it should be easy to con­nect).  If you’ve seen the tele­vi­sion series Firefly or the movie Serenity, then you already know the word REAVER (if you haven’t, then Netflix the movie, you’ll at least get a Scrabble word out of it).  Note that the past tense of REAVE can be REAVED or REFT.  Take the E off of EAVE and you have:

AVE an expres­sion of greet­ing or farewell [n –S]

EIDOS, with it’s plural, EIDE, may seem eso­teric, but some­how adding an R to EIDE makes the pair more memorable:

EIDER a large sea duck [n –S]

EMU can also be spelled EMEU, and EPEE take us down the path of dif­fer­ent ways to spell TEPEE (TEEPEE, TIPI).  ETUI is tough to remem­ber, but pair­ing it with its inner hook helps (think of a lit­tle case for car­ry­ing around a bird):

TUI a bird of New Zealand [n –S]

The obvi­ous def­i­n­i­tion for EURO is the cur­rency, but that’s not what’s in the OSPD4 – it’s a large kan­ga­roo (or WALLAROO).

And that takes us down to word 37 out of 89 on the VOWEL DUMPS Short word list.

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