The BE Words
2010 August 10
BE is a great prefix. Funny how words like BEFUDDLE are familiar (but their roots are not: FUDDLE). These are just really cool words (206 of them):
BLOOD | to stain with blood (the fluid circulated by the heart) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEBLOOD | to cover with blood [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
CALM | free from agitation [adj CALMER, CALMEST] : CALMLY [adv], to make calm (free from agitation) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BECALM | to make calm (free from agitation) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
CAP | to provide with a cap (a type of head covering) [v CAPPED, CAPPING, CAPS] */ehos |
BECAP | to put a cap on [v –CAPPED, –CAPPING, –CAPS] */s |
CARPET | to cover a floor with a heavy fabric [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BECARPET | to cover with a carpet [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
CHALK | to mark with chalk (a soft limestone) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BECHALK | to cover with chalk [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–CHANCE | to risk (to expose to a risk (a chance of injury or loss)) [v CHANCED, CHANCING, CHANCES] */dlrs |
BECHANCE | to befall (to happen to) [v –CHANCED, –CHANCING, –CHANCES] */ds |
–CHARM– | to attract irresistibly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BECHARM | to hold under a spell [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
CLAMOR | to make loud outcries [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BECLAMOR | to clamor loudly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
CLASP | to embrace tightly [v CLASPED, CLASPT, CLASPING, CLASPS] */st |
BECLASP | to embrace (to hug (to clasp tightly in the arms)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
CLOAK | to conceal (to keep from sight or discovery) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BECLOAK | to place a cloak on [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–CLOG | to block up or obstruct [v CLOGGED, CLOGGING, CLOGS] */s |
BECLOG | to clog thoroughly [v –CLOGGED, –CLOGGING, –CLOGS] */s |
CLOTHE– | to provide with clothing [v CLOTHED, CLAD, CLOTHING, CLOTHES] */ds |
BECLOTHE | to clothe (to provide with clothing) [v –CLOTHED, –CLOTHING, –CLOTHES] */ds |
–CLOUD | to cover with clouds (masses of visible vapor) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BECLOUD | to make cloudy (overcast with clouds) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–CLOWN | to act like a clown (a humorous performer) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BECLOWN | to cause to appear ridiculous [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
COME | to move toward something or someone [v CAME, COMING, COMES or COMETH] */rst |
BECOME | to come to be [v –CAME, –COMING, –COMES] */s |
COWARD | one who lacks courage [n –S] */s |
BECOWARD | to accuse of cowardice [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
CRAWL– | to move with the body on or near the ground [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/sy |
BECRAWL | to crawl over [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–CRIME | a violation of the law [n –S] */s |
BECRIME | to make guilty of a crime [v –CRIMED, –CRIMING, –CRIMES] */ds |
CROWD– | to press into an insufficient space [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BECROWD | to crowd closely [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–CRUST– | to form a crust (a hardened outer surface) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BECRUST | to cover with a crust [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
CUDGEL | to beat with a heavy club [v –ELED, –ELING, –ELS or –ELLED, –ELLING, –ELS] */s |
BECUDGEL | to cudgel thoroughly [v –GELLED, –GELLING, –GELS or –GELED, –GELING, –GELS] */s |
CURSE– | to wish evil upon [v CURSED, CURST, CURSING, CURSES] */drs |
BECURSE | to curse severely [v –CURSED or –CURST, –CURSING, –CURSES] */ds |
DABBLE | to splash (to scatter a liquid about) [v –BLED, –BLING, –BLES] */drs |
BEDABBLE | to soil (to make dirty (unclean (clean))) [v –BLED, –BLING, –BLES] */ds |
DAMN– | to curse (to wish evil upon) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEDAMN | to swear at [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
DARKEN | to make dark (having little or no light) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEDARKEN | to darken (to make dark (having little or no light)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
DAUB | to smear (to spread with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */esy |
BEDAUB | to besmear (to smear over) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
DAZZLE | to blind by bright light [v –ZLED, –ZLING, –ZLES] */drs |
BEDAZZLE | to confuse (to mix up mentally) [v –ZLED, –ZLING, –ZLES] */ds |
DEAFEN | to make deaf (lacking the sense of hearing) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEDEAFEN | to deafen (to make deaf (lacking the sense of hearing)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
DECK | to adorn (to add something to for the purpose of making more attractive) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEDECK | to clothe with finery [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–DEVIL | to prepare food with pungent seasoning [v –ILED, –ILING, –ILS or –ILLED, –ILLING, –ILS] */s |
BEDEVIL | to harass (to bother persistently) [v –ILED, –ILING, –ILS or –ILLED, –ILLING, –ILS] */s |
DEW– | to wet with dew (condensed moisture) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEDEW | to wet with dew [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
DIAPER | to put a diaper (a baby’s breechcloth) on [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEDIAPER | to ornament with a kind of design [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
DIM | obscure (dark or indistinct) [adj DIMMER, DIMMEST], to make dim (obscure (dark or indistinct)) [v DIMMED, DIMMING, DIMS] */es |
BEDIM | to make dim (obscure (dark or indistinct)) [v –DIMMED, –DIMMING, –DIMS] */s |
DIMPLE | to mark with indentations [v –PLED, –PLING, –PLES] */ds |
BEDIMPLE | to dimple (to mark with indentations) [v –PLED, –PLING, –PLES] */ds |
DIRTY– | unclean (free from dirt or stain) [adj DIRTIER, DIRTIEST] : DIRTILY [adv], to make dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [v DIRTIED, DIRTYING, DIRTIES] */* |
BEDIRTY | to make dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [v –DIRTIED, –DIRTYING, –DIRTIES] */* |
DIZEN | to dress in fine clothes [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEDIZEN | to dress gaudily [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
DOTTED | DOT, to cover with dots (tiny round marks) [v] */* |
BEDOTTED | covered with dots [adj] */* |
–DRAPE | to arrange in graceful folds [v DRAPED, DRAPING, DRAPES] : DRAPABLE [adj] */drsy |
BEDRAPE | to drape (to arrange in graceful folds) [v –DRAPED, –DRAPING, –DRAPES] */ds |
DRENCH | to wet thoroughly [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */* |
BEDRENCH | to drench thoroughly [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */* |
DRIVEL– | to let saliva flow from the mouth [v –ELED, –ELING, –ELS or –ELLED, –ELLING, –ELS] */s |
BEDRIVEL | to cover with saliva [v –ELLED, –ELLING, –ELS or –ELED, –ELING, –ELS] */s |
–DROLL | comical (funny (causing laughter or amusement)) [adj DROLLER, DROLLEST], to jest (to joke (to say something amusing)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEDROLL | a portable roll of bedding [n –S] */s |
–DRUG | to affect with a drug (a medicinal substance) [v DRUGGED, DRUGGING, DRUGS] */s |
BEDRUG | to make sleepy (ready or inclined to sleep) [v –DRUGGED, –DRUGGING, –DRUGS] */s |
DUMB | incapable of speech [adj DUMBER, DUMBEST] : DUMBLY [adv], to make silent (making no sound or noise) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */os |
BEDUMB | to render speechless [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
DUNCE | a stupid person [n –S] : DUNCICAL, DUNCISH [adj] */s |
BEDUNCE | to make a dunce of [v –DUNCED, –DUNCING, –DUNCES] */ds |
DWARF | extremely small [adj DWARFER, DWARFEST], an extremely small person [n DWARFS or DWARVES], to cause to appear small [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEDWARF | to cause to appear small by comparison [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–FALL | to descend under the force of gravity [v FELL, FALLEN, FALLING, FALLS] */s |
BEFALL | to happen to [v –FELL, –FALLEN, –FALLING, –FALLS] */s |
FINGER | to touch with the fingers (the terminating members of the hand) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEFINGER | to touch all over [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–FIT | healthy (having good health) [adj FITTER, FITTEST], to bring to a required form and size [v FITTED, FITTING, FITS] */s |
BEFIT | to be suitable to [v –FITTED, –FITTING, –FITS] */s |
–FLAG | to mark with a flag (a piece of cloth used as a symbol) [v FLAGGED, FLAGGING, FLAGS] */s |
BEFLAG | to deck with flags [v –FLAGGED, –FLAGGING, –FLAGS] */s |
–FLEA | a parasitic insect [n –S] */ms |
BEFLEA | to infest with fleas [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
FLECK | to mark with flecks (tiny streaks or spots) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEFLECK | to fleck (to mark with flecks (tiny streaks or spots)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–FLOWER | to put forth flowers (reproductive structures of seed-bearing plants) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEFLOWER | to cover with flowers [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
FOG | to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth’s surface) [v FOGGED, FOGGING, FOGS] */sy |
BEFOG | to envelop in fog [v –FOGGED, –FOGGING, –FOGS] */s |
FOOL | to deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEFOOL | to deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
FOUL– | offensive to the senses [adj FOULER, FOULEST], to make foul (offensive to the senses) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/s |
BEFOUL | to foul (to make foul (offensive to the senses)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
FOULER | FOUL, offensive to the senses [adj] */* |
BEFOULER | one that befouls (to foul (to make foul)) [n –S] */s |
FRIEND | to enter into a warm association with [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEFRIEND | to act as a friend to [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
FRINGE | to provide with a fringe (an ornamental border) [v FRINGED, FRINGING, FRINGES] */ds |
BEFRINGE | to border with a fringe [v –FRINGED, –FRINGING, –FRINGES] */ds |
FUDDLE | to confuse (to mix up mentally) [v –DLED, –DLING, –DLES] */ds |
BEFUDDLE | to confuse (to mix up mentally) [v –DLED, –DLING, –DLES] */ds |
–GALL– | to vex or irritate [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEGALL | to make sore by rubbing [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
GAZE | to look intently [v GAZED, GAZING, GAZES] a/drs |
BEGAZE | to gaze at [v –GAZED, –GAZING, –GAZES] */ds |
GIRDLE | to encircle with a belt [v –DLED, –DLING, –DLES] */drs |
BEGIRDLE | to surround (to extend completely around) [v –DLED, –DLING, –DLES] */ds |
–GLAD | feeling pleasure [adj GLADDER, GLADDEST], to gladden (to make glad (feeling pleasure)) [v GLADDED, GLADDING, GLADS] */esy |
BEGLAD | to gladden (to make glad (feeling pleasure)) [v –GLADDED, –GLADDING, –GLADS] */s |
GLAMOR | alluring attractiveness [n –S] */s |
BEGLAMOR | to dazzle with glamor [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–GLOOM | to become dark (having little or no light) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEGLOOM | to make gloomy (dismally dark) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–GRIM | stern and unrelenting [adj GRIMMER, GRIMMEST] */ey |
BEGRIM | to begrime (to dirty (to make dirty (unclean))) [v –GRIMMED, –GRIMMING, –GRIMS] */es |
–GRIME– | to make dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [v GRIMED, GRIMING, GRIMES] */ds |
BEGRIME– | to dirty (to make dirty (unclean (clean))) [v –GRIMED, –GRIMING, –GRIMES] */ds |
–GROAN | to utter a low, mournful sound [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEGROAN | to groan at [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
GRUDGE | to be unwilling to give or admit [v GRUDGED, GRUDGING, GRUDGES] */drs |
BEGRUDGE | to concede reluctantly [v –GRUDGED, –GRUDGING, –GRUDGES] */drs |
GUILE | to beguile (to deceive (to mislead by falsehood)) [v GUILED, GUILING, GUILES] */ds |
BEGUILE | to deceive (to mislead by falsehood) [v –GUILED, –GUILING, –GUILES] */drs |
GULF– | to swallow up [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEGULF | to engulf (to surround completely) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–GUM | to smear, seal, or clog with gum (a sticky, viscid substance) [v GUMMED, GUMMING, GUMS] */s |
BEGUM | a Muslim lady of high rank [n –S] */s |
–GUN | to shoot with a gun (a portable firearm) [v GUNNED, GUNNING, GUNS] */ks |
BEGUN | BEGIN, to start (to set out) [v] */* |
HALF | one of two equal parts [n HALVES] */* |
BEHALF | interest, support, or benefit [n –HALVES] */* |
–HAVE | a wealthy person [n –S], to be in possession of [v past 2d person sing. HAD, HADDEST or HADST, present participle HAVING, present 2d person sing. HAVE or HAST, 3d person sing. HAS or HATH] s/nrs |
BEHAVE | to act properly [v –HAVED, –HAVING, –HAVES] */drs |
–HAVER– | to hem and haw [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/s |
BEHAVER– | one that behaves (to act properly) [n –S] */s |
HEAD | to be chief of [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/sy |
BEHEAD | to cut off the head of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
HEADER | a grain harvester [n –S] */s |
BEHEADER | one that beheads (to cut off the head of) [n –S] */s |
–HELD | HOLD, to maintain possession of [v] */* |
BEHELD | BEHOLD, to view (to look at) [v] */* |
HEST– | a command [n –S] c/s |
BEHEST | a command [n –S] */s |
HIND– | a female red deer [n –S] */s |
BEHIND | the buttocks (either of the two rounded parts of the rump) [n –S] */s |
–HOLD | to maintain possession of [v HELD, HOLDEN, HOLDING, HOLDS] : HOLDABLE [adj] a/s |
BEHOLD | to view (to look at) [v –HELD, –HOLDING, –HOLDS] */s |
–HOLDEN | HOLD, to maintain possession of [v] */* |
BEHOLDEN | indebted (beholden (indebted (beholden))) [adj] */* |
–HOLDER | one that holds (to maintain possession of) [n –S] */s |
BEHOLDER | one that beholds (to view (to look at)) [n –S] */s |
HOOF | the hard covering on the feet of certain animals [n HOOVES or HOOFS], to dance (to move rhythmically to music) [v –ED, –ING, –S] w/s |
BEHOOF | use, advantage, or benefit [n –HOOVES] */* |
HOVE | HEAVE, to lift forcefully [v] s/lr |
BEHOVE | to behoove (to be proper for) [v –HOVED, –HOVING, –HOVES] */ds |
–HOWL– | to cry like a dog [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEHOWL | to howl at [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
JEWEL | to adorn or equip with jewels (precious stones) [v –ELED, –ELING, –ELS or –ELLED, –ELLING, –ELS] */s |
BEJEWEL | to adorn with jewels [v –ELED, –ELING, –ELS or –ELLED, –ELLING, –ELS] */s |
JUMBLE | to mix in a disordered manner [v –BLED, –BLING, –BLES] */drs |
BEJUMBLE | to jumble (to mix in a disordered manner) [v –BLED, –BLING, –BLES] */ds |
KISS– | to touch with the lips as a sign of affection [v –ED, –ING, –ES] : KISSABLE [adj], KISSABLY [adv] */y |
BEKISS | to cover with kisses [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */* |
–KNIGHT | to make a knight (a medieval gentleman-soldier) of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEKNIGHT | to raise to knighthood [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–KNOT | to tie in a knot (a closed loop) [v KNOTTED, KNOTTING, KNOTS] */s |
BEKNOT | to tie in knots [v –KNOTTED, –KNOTTING, –KNOTS] */s |
LABOR | to work (to exert one’s powers of body or mind for some purpose) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BELABOR | to discuss for an absurd amount of time [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–LACED– | LACE, to fasten by means of a lace (a cord for drawing together two edges) [v] p/* |
BELACED | adorned with lace [adj] */* |
LADY– | a woman of refinement and gentle manners [n –DIES] g/* |
BELADY | to apply the title of lady to [v –DIED, –DYING, –DIES] */* |
LATED– | belated (late or too late) [adj] aeps/* |
–BELATED | late or too late [adj] */* |
LAUD | to praise (to express approval or admiration of) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BELAUD | to praise (to express approval or admiration of) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
LAYER | to form a layer (a single thickness, coating, or covering) [v –ED, –ING, –S] fps/s |
BELAYER | one that belays (to fasten a rope) [n –S] */s |
LEAP– | to spring off the ground [v LEAPED or LEAPT or LEPT, LEAPING, LEAPS] */st |
BELEAP | to leap upon [v –LEAPT or –LEAPED, –LEAPING, –LEAPS] */st |
LIE– | to be in or get into a horizontal position [v LAY, LAIN, LYING, LIES], to speak falsely [v LIED, LYING, LIES] p/dfnrsu |
BELIE | to misrepresent [v BELIED, BELYING, BELIES] */dfrs |
LIER– | one that lies or reclines [n –S] fps/s |
BELIER– | one that belies (to misrepresent) [n –S] */s |
LIEVE | gladly (in a glad manner) [adv LIEVER, LIEVEST] s/r |
BELIEVE | to accept as true or real [v –LIEVED, –LIEVING, –LIEVES] */drs |
LIEVER– | LIEVE, gladly (in a glad manner) [adv] */* |
BELIEVER– | one that believes (to accept as true or real) [n –S] */s |
LIKE | possessing the same or almost the same characteristics [adj LIKER, LIKEST], to find pleasant [v LIKED, LIKING, LIKES] a/dnrs |
BELIKE | perhaps [adv] */* |
LIQUOR | to intoxicate with liquor (an alcoholic beverage) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BELIQUOR | to soak with liquor [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
LITTLE | small (of limited size or quantity) [adj –TLER, –TLEST], a small amount [n –S] */rs |
BELITTLE | to disparage [v –TLED, –TLING, –TLES] */drs |
LIVE | having life [adj LIVER, LIVEST], to function as an animal or plant [v LIVED, LIVING, LIVES] ao/dnrs |
BELIVE | in due time [adv] */* |
LONG | extending for a considerable distance [adj LONGER, LONGEST], to desire strongly [v –ED, –ING, –S] afk/es |
BELONG– | to be a member of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
LOVED– | LOVE, to feel great affection for [v] g/* |
BELOVED | one who is loved [n –S] */s |
–LOW– | having relatively little upward extension [adj LOWER, LOWEST], to utter the sound characteristic of cattle [v –ED, –ING, –S] abfgps/ens |
BELOW | something that is beneath [n –S] */s |
LYING | the act of telling lies [n –S] fp/s |
BELYING | BELIE, to misrepresent [v] */* |
MADAM | a woman who manages a brothel [n –S] */es |
BEMADAM | to call by the title of madam [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MADDEN | to make or become mad [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEMADDEN | to madden (to make or become mad) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MEAN | inferior in grade, quality, or character [adj MEANER, MEANEST], to intend (to have as a specific aim or purpose) [v MEANT, MEANING, MEANS] */sty |
BEMEAN | to debase (to lower in character, quality, or value) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–MINGLE | to mix together [v –GLED, –GLING, –GLES] */drs |
BEMINGLE | to mix together [v –GLED, –GLING, –GLES] */ds |
–MIRE– | to cause to stick in swampy ground [v MIRED, MIRING, MIRES] */dsx |
BEMIRE | to soil with mud [v –MIRED, –MIRING, –MIRES] */ds |
MIST– | to become blurry (unclear (clean and pure)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEMIST | to envelop in a mist [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MIX– | to put together into one mass [v MIXED or MIXT, MIXING, MIXES] : MIXABLE, MIXIBLE [adj], MIXEDLY [adv] */t |
BEMIX | to mix thoroughly [v –MIXED or –MIXT, –MIXING, –MIXES] */t |
MIXT– | MIX, to put together into one mass [v] */* |
BEMIXT– | BEMIX, to mix thoroughly [v] */* |
MOAN– | to utter a low, mournful sound [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEMOAN | to lament (to express sorrow or regret for) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MOCK– | to ridicule (to make fun of) [v –ED, –ING, –S] : MOCKABLE [adj] s/s |
BEMOCK | to mock (to ridicule (to make fun of)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MUDDLE | to mix in a disordered manner [v –DLED, –DLING, –DLES] */drs |
BEMUDDLE | to confuse completely [v –DLED, –DLING, –DLES] */ds |
MURMUR | to speak unclearly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEMURMUR | to murmur at [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–MUSE– | to ponder (to consider something deeply and thoroughly) [v MUSED, MUSING, MUSES] a/drs |
BEMUSE | to confuse (to mix up mentally) [v –MUSED, –MUSING, –MUSES] */ds |
MUZZLE | to put a covering over the mouth of to prevent biting or eating [v –ZLED, –ZLING, –ZLES] */drs |
BEMUZZLE | to muzzle (to put a covering over the mouth of to prevent biting or eating) [v –ZLED, –ZLING, –ZLES] */ds |
NAME– | to give a title to [v NAMED, NAMING, NAMES] : NAMABLE, NAMEABLE [adj] */drs |
BENAME | to name (to give a title to) [v –NAMED, –NEMPT or –NEMPTED, –NAMING, –NAMES] */ds |
NUMB | lacking sensation [adj NUMBER, NUMBEST], to make numb (lacking sensation) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BENUMB | to make numb (lacking sensation) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
PAINT– | to make a representation of with paints (coloring substances) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEPAINT | to tinge (to apply a trace of color to) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
PIMPLE | an inflamed swelling of the skin [n –S] : PIMPLED [adj] */ds |
BEPIMPLE | to cover with pimples [v –PLED, –PLING, –PLES] */ds |
QUEST | to make a search [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEQUEST | a legacy (something bequeathed) [n –S] */s |
RAKE | to gather with a toothed implement [v RAKED, RAKING, RAKES] bcd/ders |
BERAKE | to rake all over [v –RAKED, –RAKING, –RAKES] */ds |
RASCAL | an unscrupulous or dishonest person [n –S] */s |
BERASCAL | to accuse of being a rascal [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–REAVE | to plunder (to rob of goods by force) [v REAVED or REFT, REAVING, REAVES] g/drs |
BEREAVE | to deprive (to take something away from) [v –REAVED or –REFT, –REAVING, –REAVES] */drs |
REAVER– | one that reaves (to plunder (to rob of goods by force)) [n –S] p/s |
BEREAVER– | one that bereaves (to deprive (to take something away from)) [n –S] */s |
RHYME | to compose verse with corresponding terminal sounds [v RHYMED, RHYMING, RHYMES] */drs |
BERHYME | to compose in rhyme [v –RHYMED, –RHYMING, –RHYMES] */ds |
RIME– | to rhyme (to compose verse with corresponding terminal sounds) [v RIMED, RIMING, RIMES] cgp/drs |
BERIME | to berhyme (to compose in rhyme) [v –RIMED, –RIMING, –RIMES] */ds |
RINGED | RING, to form a ring (a circular band) around [v] cfw/* |
BERINGED | adorned with rings [adj] */* |
ROBED– | ROBE, to cover with a robe (a long, loose outer garment) [v] p/* |
BEROBED | wearing a robe [adj] */* |
ROUGED– | ROUGE, to color with a red cosmetic [v] */* |
BEROUGED | obviously or thickly rouged [adj] */* |
SCOUR | to cleanse or polish by hard rubbing [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BESCOUR | to scour thoroughly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SCREEN– | to provide with a screen (a device designed to divide, conceal, or protect) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BESCREEN | to screen (to provide with a screen (a device designed to divide, conceal, or protect)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SEEM– | to give the impression of being [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BESEEM | to be suitable [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SETTER | one that sets (to put in a particular position) [n –S] */s |
BESETTER | one that besets (to assail (to attack)) [n –S] */s |
SHADOW | to make dark or gloomy [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BESHADOW | to cast a shadow on [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–SHAME– | to cause to feel a painful sense of guilt or degradation [v SHAMED, SHAMING, SHAMES] */ds |
BESHAME | to put to shame [v –SHAMED, –SHAMING, –SHAMES] */ds |
SHIVER– | to tremble with fear or cold [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BESHIVER | to break into small pieces [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SHOUT | to utter loudly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BESHOUT | to shout at [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SHREW | to curse (to wish evil upon) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */ds |
BESHREW | to curse (to wish evil upon) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SHROUD | to wrap in burial clothing [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BESHROUD | to cover (to place something over or upon) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SIDE | to agree with or support [v SIDED, SIDING, SIDES] a/ds |
BESIDE | next to [prep] */s |
SIEGE | to attempt to capture or gain [v SIEGED, SIEGING, SIEGES] */ds |
BESIEGE | to surround (to extend completely around) [v –SIEGED, –SIEGING, –SIEGES] */drs |
–SLAVED– | SLAVE, to work like a slave (one who is owned by another) [v] */* |
BESLAVED | filled with slaves [adj] */* |
–SLIME– | to cover with slime (viscous mud) [v SLIMED, SLIMING, SLIMES] */ds |
BESLIME | to cover with slime [v –SLIMED, –SLIMING, –SLIMES] */ds |
SMEAR | to spread with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BESMEAR | to smear over [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–SMILE | to upturn the corners of the mouth in pleasure [v SMILED, SMILING, SMILES] */drsy |
BESMILE | to smile on [v –SMILED, –SMILING, –SMILES] */ds |
SMIRCH | to soil (to make dirty (unclean (clean))) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */* |
BESMIRCH | to dirty (to make dirty (unclean (clean))) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */* |
–SMOKE | to emit smoke (the gaseous product of burning materials) [v SMOKED, SMOKING, SMOKES] : SMOKABLE [adj] */drsy |
BESMOKE | to soil with smoke [v –SMOKED, –SMOKING, –SMOKES] */ds |
SMOOTH | having a surface that is free from irregularities [adj SMOOTHER, SMOOTHEST], to make smooth (having a surface that is free from irregularities) [v –ED, –ING, –S or –ES] */sy |
BESMOOTH | to smooth (to make smooth (having a surface that is free from irregularities)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SMUDGE | to smear or dirty [v SMUDGED, SMUDGING, SMUDGES] */ds |
BESMUDGE | to smudge (to smear or dirty) [v –SMUDGED, –SMUDGING, –SMUDGES] */ds |
–SMUT | to soil (to make dirty (unclean (clean))) [v SMUTTED, SMUTTING, SMUTS] */s |
BESMUT | to blacken with smut [v –SMUTTED, –SMUTTING, –SMUTS] */s |
–SNOW | to fall as snow (precipitation in the form of ice crystals) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BESNOW | to cover with snow [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SOOTHE– | to restore to a quiet or normal state [v SOOTHED, SOOTHING, SOOTHES] */drs |
BESOOTHE | to soothe (to restore to a quiet or normal state) [v –SOOTHED, –SOOTHING, –SOOTHES] */ds |
SOT– | an habitual drunkard [n –S] */hs |
BESOT | to stupefy (to dull the senses of) [v –SOTTED, –SOTTING, –SOTS] */s |
–SOUGHT– | SEEK, to go in search of [v] */* |
BESOUGHT | BESEECH, to implore (to beg for urgently) [v] */* |
SPAKE | SPEAK, to utter words [v] */* |
BESPAKE | BESPEAK, to claim in advance [v] */* |
–SPEAK | to utter words [v SPOKE or SPAKE, SPOKEN, SPEAKING, SPEAKS] */s |
BESPEAK | to claim in advance [v –SPOKE or –SPAKE, –SPOKEN, –SPEAKING, –SPEAKS] */s |
–SPOKE | to provide with spokes (rods that support the rim of a wheel) [v SPOKED, SPOKING, SPOKES] */dns |
BESPOKE | BESPEAK, to claim in advance [v] */n |
SPOKEN– | SPEAK, to utter words [v] */* |
BESPOKEN– | BESPEAK, to claim in advance [v] */* |
SPOUSE | to marry (to enter into marriage) [v SPOUSED, SPOUSING, SPOUSES] e/ds |
–BESPOUSE | to marry (to enter into marriage) [v –SPOUSED, –SPOUSING, –SPOUSES] */ds |
SPREAD | to open or expand over a larger area [v SPREAD, SPREADING, SPREADS] */s |
BESPREAD | to spread over [v –SPREAD, –SPREADING, –SPREADS] */s |
SPRENT | sprinkled over [adj] */* |
BESPRENT | sprinkled over [adj] */* |
STEAD | to be of advantage to [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BESTEAD | to help (to give assistance to) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–STING | to prick painfully [v STUNG, STINGING, STINGS] */osy |
BESTING | BEST, to outdo (to exceed in performance) [v] */* |
STIR | to pass an implement through in circular motions [v STIRRED, STIRRING, STIRS] a/kps |
BESTIR | to rouse (to bring out of a state of sleep or inactivity) [v –STIRRED, –STIRRING, –STIRS] */s |
–STOW | to pack (to put into a receptacle for transportation or storage) [v –ED, –ING, –S] : STOWABLE [adj] */ps |
BESTOW | to present as a gift [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
STREW | to scatter about [v STREWED, STREWN, STREWING, STREWS] */ns |
BESTREW | to scatter (to go or send in various directions) [v –STREWED, –STREWN, –STREWING, –STREWS] */ns |
STRIDE | to walk with long steps [v STRODE, STRIDDEN, STRIDING, STRIDES] a/rs |
BESTRIDE– | to straddle (to sit, stand, or walk with the legs wide apart) [v –STRODE or –STRID, –STRIDDEN, –STRIDING, –STRIDES] */s |
–STROW | to strew (to scatter about) [v STROWED, STROWN, STROWING, STROWS] */ns |
BESTROW | to bestrew (to scatter (to go or send in various directions)) [v –STROWED, –STROWN, –STROWING, –STROWS] */ns |
STUD | to set thickly with small projections [v STUDDED, STUDDING, STUDS] */sy |
BESTUD | to dot (to cover with dots (tiny round marks)) [v –STUDDED, –STUDDING, –STUDS] */s |
–SWARM | to move in a large group [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/s |
BESWARM | to swarm all over [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
TAKE | to get possession of [v TOOK, TAKEN, TAKING, TAKES] : TAKABLE, TAKEABLE [adj] s/nrs |
BETAKE | to cause to go [v –TOOK, –TAKEN, –TAKING, –TAKES] */ns |
–TAXED | TAX, to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v] */* |
BETAXED | burdened with taxes [adj] */* |
–THANK– | to express gratitude to [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BETHANK | to thank (to express gratitude to) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
THINK– | to formulate in the mind [v THOUGHT, THINKING, THINKS] */s |
BETHINK | to consider (to think about) [v –THOUGHT, –THINKING, –THINKS] */s |
–THORN | to prick with a thorn (a sharp, rigid projection on a plant) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BETHORN | to fill with thorns [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–THUMP | to strike so as to make a dull, heavy sound [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BETHUMP | to thump soundly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
TIDE | to flow like the tide (the rise and fall of the ocean’s waters) [v TIDED, TIDING, TIDES] */ds |
BETIDE | to befall (to happen to) [v –TIDED, –TIDING, –TIDES] */ds |
TIME | to determine the speed or duration of [v TIMED, TIMING, TIMES] s/drs |
BETIME | betimes (soon (in the near future)) [adv] */s |
TOOK– | TAKE, to get possession of [v] s/* |
BETOOK | BETAKE, to cause to go [v] */* |
–TRAY | a flat, shallow receptacle [n TRAYS] s/s |
BETRAY | to aid an enemy of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
TROTH– | to betroth (to engage to marry) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BETROTH | to engage to marry [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–TWEEN– | a child typically of an age eight through twelve [n –S] a/sy |
BETWEEN | in the space that separates [prep] */* |
TWIXT | between (in the space that separates) [prep] */* |
BETWIXT | between (in the space that separates) [prep] */* |
–VOMIT | to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth [v –ED, –ING, –S] */os |
BEVOMIT | to vomit all over [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–WAIL | to utter a long, mournful cry [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/s |
BEWAIL | to lament (to express sorrow or regret for) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
WAILER | one that wails (to utter a long, mournful cry) [n –S] */s |
BEWAILER | one that bewails (to lament (to express sorrow or regret for)) [n –S] */s |
–WARE– | to beware of [v WARED, WARING, WARES] as/ds |
BEWARE | to be careful [v –WARED, –WARING, –WARES] */ds |
WEARY– | tired (sapped of strength) [adj –RIER, –RIEST] : WEARILY [adv], to make or become weary [v –RIED, –RYING, –RIES] a/* |
BEWEARY | to make weary (tired (sapped of strength)) [v –WEARIED, –WEARYING, –WEARIES] */* |
WEEP– | to express sorrow by shedding tears [v WEPT, WEEPING, WEEPS] s/sy |
BEWEEP | to lament (to express sorrow or regret for) [v –WEPT, –WEEPING, –WEEPS] */s |
WIG | to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v WIGGED, WIGGING, WIGS] st/s |
BEWIG | to adorn with a wig [v –WIGGED, –WIGGING, –WIGS] */s |
WILDER | to bewilder (to confuse (to mix up mentally)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BEWILDER | to confuse (to mix up mentally) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
WINGED | WING, to travel by means of wings (organs of flight) [v] st/* |
BEWINGED | having wings [adj] */* |
–WITCH | to bewitch (to affect by witchcraft or magic) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] st/y |
BEWITCH | to affect by witchcraft or magic [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */* |
WORM | to rid of worms (small, limbless invertebrates) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
BEWORM | to infest with worms [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
WORRY | to feel anxious and uneasy about something [v –RIED, –RYING, –RIES] */* |
BEWORRY | to worry (to feel anxious and uneasy about something) [v –RIED, –RYING, –RIES] */* |
–WRAP | to enclose in something wound or folded about [v WRAPPED or WRAPT, WRAPPING, WRAPS] */st |
BEWRAP | to wrap completely [v –WRAPPED or –WRAPT, –WRAPPING, –WRAPS] */st |
Here is a running list of BE words with roots that ARE NOT acceptable words: BEQUEATH
A few of these shouldn’t be on the list: BEDROLL (DROLL). If BEDROLL is included, then so should BEBOP.
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