Words that are Verbs & Adjectives
2010 August 10
These are words, between 2 and 8 letters in length, that function as both verbs AND adjectives (that follow the –ER, –EST pattern). There are 189 of them (if you find any that aren’t on the list, please let me know):
AIR– | early (near the beginning of a period of time or a series of events) [adv AIRER, AIREST], to expose to the air (the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth) [v –ED, –ING, –S] fhlmpvw/nsty |
ALERT | ready for sudden action [adj ALERTER, ALERTEST] : ALERTLY [adv], to warn (to make aware of impending or possible danger) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–BABY | to coddle (to pamper (to treat with extreme or excessive indulgence)) [v –BIED, –BYING, –BIES], resembling a baby (an infant) [adj BABIER, BABIEST] */* |
BALD– | lacking hair [adj BALDER, BALDEST], to become bald (lacking hair) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–BARE– | naked (being without clothing or covering) [adj BARER, BAREST], to expose (to lay open to view) [v BARED, BARING, BARES] */drs |
BASE– | morally low [adj BASER, BASEST], to found (to establish) [v BASED, BASING, BASES] a/drs |
–BLACK | being of the darkest color [adj BLACKER, BLACKEST], to make black (being of the darkest color) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–BLANK | empty (containing nothing) [adj BLANKER, BLANKEST], to delete (to remove written or printed matter) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BLIND– | sightless [adj BLINDER, BLINDEST], to make sightless [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BLUE | having the color of the clear sky [adj BLUER, BLUEST], to make blue (having the color of the clear sky) [v BLUED, BLUEING or BLUING, BLUES] */drsty |
–BLUFF | having a broad front [adj BLUFFER, BLUFFEST] : BLUFFLY [adv], to mislead (to lead astray) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–BLUNT | not sharp or pointed [adj BLUNTER, BLUNTEST] : BLUNTLY [adv], to make blunt (not sharp or pointed) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–BRAG– | first-rate [adj BRAGGER, BRAGGEST], to speak vainly of one’s deeds [v BRAGGED, BRAGGING, BRAGS] */s |
–BRAVE | showing courage [adj BRAVER, BRAVEST] : BRAVELY [adv], to face with courage [v BRAVED, BRAVING, BRAVES] */drs |
BRIEF– | short (having little length) [adj BRIEFER, BRIEFEST], to summarize [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
BULLY– | wonderful [adj –LIER, –LIEST], to treat abusively [v –LIED, –LYING, –LIES] */* |
–BUM | of little value; worthless [adj BUMMER, BUMMEST], to live idly [v BUMMED, BUMMING, BUMS] */fps |
BUSY– | occupied [adj BUSIER, BUSIEST], to make busy (occupied) [v BUSIED, BUSYING, BUSIES] */* |
CALM | free from agitation [adj CALMER, CALMEST] : CALMLY [adv], to make calm (free from agitation) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–CHILL | cool (moderately cold) [adj CHILLER, CHILLEST], to make cold (having little or no warmth) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */isy |
CHIRK | cheerful (full of spirits) [adj CHIRKER, CHIRKEST], to make a shrill noise [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–CHUFF | gruff (low and harsh in speech) [adj CHUFFER, CHUFFEST], to chug (to move with a dull explosive sound) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–CLEAN | free from dirt or stain [adj CLEANER, CLEANEST], to rid of dirt or stain [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–CLEAR | clean and pure [adj CLEARER, CLEAREST], to remove obstructions [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–CLOSE | near (situated within a short distance) [adj CLOSER, CLOSEST] : CLOSELY [adv], to block against entry or passage [v CLOSED, CLOSING, CLOSES] : CLOSABLE [adj] */drst |
COOL– | moderately cold [adj COOLER, COOLEST], to make less warm [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
COSY– | cozy (snug and comfortable) [adj COSIER, COSIEST], cozy (to attempt to get on friendly terms) [v COSIED, COSYING, COSIES] */* |
–COY | shy (timid (lacking courage or self-confidence)) [adj COYER, COYEST], to caress (to touch lovingly) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
COZY– | snug and comfortable [adj COZIER, COZIEST] : COZILY [adv], to attempt to get on friendly terms [v COZIED, COZYING, COZIES] */* |
–CRANK | lively (full of energy) [adj CRANKER, CRANKEST], to start manually [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
CRISP– | brittle (likely to break) [adj CRISPER, CRISPEST], to make crisp (brittle (likely to break)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–CROOK | to bend (to curve (to deviate from straightness)) [v –ED, –ING, –S], sick (affected with disease or ill health) [adj CROOKER, CROOKEST] */s |
CROSS | ill-tempered [adj CROSSER, CROSSEST], to intersect [v –ED, –ING, –ES] a/e |
–DAMP– | moist (slightly wet) [adj DAMPER, DAMPEST], to lessen in intensity [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–DARK | having little or no light [adj DARKER, DARKEST], to darken (to make dark (having little or no light)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
DIM | obscure (dark or indistinct) [adj DIMMER, DIMMEST], to make dim (obscure (dark or indistinct)) [v DIMMED, DIMMING, DIMS] */es |
DIRTY– | unclean (free from dirt or stain) [adj DIRTIER, DIRTIEST] : DIRTILY [adv], to make dirty (unclean (free from dirt or stain)) [v DIRTIED, DIRTYING, DIRTIES] */* |
DIVINE | pertaining to or characteristic of a god [adj –VINER, –VINEST] : DIVINELY [adv], to foretell by occult means [v –VINED, –VINING, –VINES] */drs |
DIZZY | having a sensation of whirling [adj –ZIER, –ZIEST] : DIZZILY [adv], to make dizzy (having a sensation of whirling) [v –ZIED, –ZYING, –ZIES] */* |
DRAB | cheerless [adj DRABBER, DRABBEST], to consort with prostitutes [v DRABBED, DRABBING, DRABS] */s |
–DROLL | comical (funny (causing laughter or amusement)) [adj DROLLER, DROLLEST], to jest (to joke (to say something amusing)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
DRY | having no moisture [adj DRIER, DRIEST or DRYER, DRYEST], a prohibitionist [n DRYS], to make dry (having no moisture) [v DRIED, DRYING, DRIES] : DRYABLE [adj] */s |
DULL | mentally slow [adj DULLER, DULLEST], to make less sharp [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
DUMB | incapable of speech [adj DUMBER, DUMBEST] : DUMBLY [adv], to make silent (making no sound or noise) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */os |
–DUN | of a dull brown color [adj DUNNER, DUNNEST], to make demands upon for payment of a debt [v DUNNED, DUNNING, DUNS] */egkst |
DWARF | extremely small [adj DWARFER, DWARFEST], an extremely small person [n DWARFS or DWARVES], to cause to appear small [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
EMPTY | containing nothing [adj –TIER, –TIEST], to remove the contents of [v –TIED, –TYING, –TIES] */* |
EVEN– | flat and smooth [adj EVENER, EVENEST], to make even (flat and smooth) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/st |
EXACT | precise (sharply and clearly defined or stated) [adj –ACTER, –ACTEST], to force the payment or yielding of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */as |
FAINT– | lacking strength or vigor [adj FAINTER, FAINTEST], to lose consciousness [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–FAIR | free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice [adj FAIRER, FAIREST], to make smooth (having a surface that is free from irregularities) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
FANCY | ornamental [adj –CIER, –CIEST] : FANCILY [adv], to take a liking to [v –CIED, –CYING, –CIES] */* |
FAST– | moving or able to move quickly [adj FASTER, FASTEST], to abstain from eating [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–FAT– | having an abundance of flesh [adj FATTER, FATTEST], to make fat (having an abundance of flesh) [v FATTED, FATTING, FATS] */es |
–FELL | cruel (indifferent to the pain of others) [adj FELLER, FELLEST], to cause to fall [v –ED, –ING, –S] */asy |
FINE– | of excellent quality [adj FINER, FINEST], to subject to a fine (a monetary penalty) [v FINED, FINING, FINES] */drs |
FIRM– | unyielding to pressure [adj FIRMER, FIRMEST], to make firm (unyielding to pressure) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–FIT | healthy (having good health) [adj FITTER, FITTEST], to bring to a required form and size [v FITTED, FITTING, FITS] */s |
–FLAT | having a smooth or even surface [adj FLATTER, FLATTEST], to flatten (to make or become flat) [v FLATTED, FLATTING, FLATS] */s |
–FLEET– | swift (moving with a great rate of motion) [adj FLEETER, FLEETEST] : FLEETLY [adv], to move swiftly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–FLIP | flippant (impudent (offensively bold or disrespectful)) [adj FLIPPER, FLIPPEST], to throw with a brisk motion [v FLIPPED, FLIPPING, FLIPS] */s |
–FLUSH– | ruddy (having a healthy, reddish color) [adj FLUSHER, FLUSHEST], to blush (to become red (of the color of blood)) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */* |
FLY | clever (mentally keen) [adj FLIER, FLIEST], to move through the air [v FLEW, FLOWN, FLYING, FLIES], to hit a ball high into the air in baseball [v FLIED, FLYING, FLIES] */* |
FOND– | having an affection [adj FONDER, FONDEST], to display affection [v –ED, –ING, –S] */su |
FOUL– | offensive to the senses [adj FOULER, FOULEST], to make foul (offensive to the senses) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/s |
–FRANK | honest and unreserved in speech [adj FRANKER, FRANKEST], to mark (a piece of mail) for free delivery [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–FRESH | new (existing only a short time) [adj FRESHER, FRESHEST], to freshen (to make or become fresh) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] a/* |
FULL | filled completely [adj FULLER, FULLEST], to shrink and thicken, as cloth [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–FUN | providing enjoyment [adj FUNNER, FUNNEST], to act playfully [v FUNNED, FUNNING, FUNS] */dks |
GAME– | plucky (brave and spirited) [adj GAMER, GAMEST], to gamble (to play a game of chance for money or valuables) [v GAMED, GAMING, GAMES] */drsy |
–GASH– | knowing (astute (shrewd (having keen insight))) [adj GASHER, GASHEST], to make a long deep cut in [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */* |
GENTLE | mild (not harsh or rough) [adj –TLER, –TLEST] : GENTLY [adv], to tame (to make tame (gentle or docile)) [v –TLED, –TLING, –TLES] */drs |
GIDDY | dizzy (having a sensation of whirling) [adj –DIER, –DIEST] : GIDDILY [adv], to make giddy (dizzy (having a sensation of whirling)) [v –DIED, –DYING, –DIES] */* |
–GLAD | feeling pleasure [adj GLADDER, GLADDEST], to gladden (to make glad (feeling pleasure)) [v GLADDED, GLADDING, GLADS] */esy |
–GRAVE | extremely serious [adj GRAVER, GRAVEST], to engrave (to form by incision) [v GRAVED, GRAVEN, GRAVING, GRAVES] */dlnrs |
–GRAY | of a color between white and black [adj GRAYER, GRAYEST], to make gray (of a color between white and black) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
GREEN– | of the color of growing foliage [adj GREENER, GREENEST], to become green (of the color of growing foliage) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
GREY | gray (of a color between white and black) [adj GREYER, GREYEST], to gray (to make gray (of a color between white and black)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
GROSS | flagrant (extremely or deliberately conspicuous) [adj GROSSER, GROSSEST], to earn exclusive of deductions [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */* |
–GRUFF | low and harsh in speech [adj GRUFFER, GRUFFEST], to utter in a gruff voice [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–HALE | healthy (having good health) [adj HALER, HALEST], to compel to go [v HALED, HALING, HALES] sw/drs |
HIP– | aware of the most current styles and trends [adj HIPPER, HIPPEST], to build a type of roof [v HIPPED, HIPPING, HIPS] csw/s |
–HONE– | to sharpen (to make sharp (suitable for or capable of cutting or piercing)) [v HONED, HONING, HONES] ps/drsy |
HOT– | having a high temperature [adj HOTTER, HOTTEST], to heat (to make hot (having a high temperature)) [v HOTTED, HOTTING, HOTS] ps/s |
HUMBLE | modest (having a moderate regard for oneself) [adj –BLER, –BLEST], to reduce the pride of [v –BLED, –BLING, –BLES] */drs |
IDLE | inactive (not active) [adj IDLER, IDLEST], to pass time idly [v IDLED, IDLING, IDLES] s/drs |
JETTY | having the color jet black [adj –TIER, –TIEST], to jut (to protrude (to extend beyond the main portion)) [v –TIED, –TYING, –TIES] */* |
JOLLY | cheerful (full of spirits) [adj –LIER, –LIEST] : JOLLILY [adv], to put in a good humor for one’s own purposes [v –LIED, –LYING, –LIES] */* |
JUST– | acting in conformity with what is morally good [adj JUSTER, JUSTEST], to joust (to engage in personal combat) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
KEEN | enthusiastic [adj KEENER, KEENEST], to wail loudly over the dead [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/s |
KITTLE | ticklish (sensitive to tickling) [adj –TLER, –TLEST], to tickle (to touch lightly so as to produce a tingling sensation) [v –TLED, –TLING, –TLES] s/drs |
LAME– | physically disabled [adj LAMER, LAMEST], to make lame (physically disabled) [v LAMED, LAMING, LAMES] bf/drs |
LAZY | disinclined toward work or exertion [adj LAZIER, LAZIEST], to move or lie lazily [v LAZIED, LAZYING, LAZIES] g/* |
LEAN– | having little fat [adj LEANER, LEANEST] : LEANLY [adv], to deviate from a vertical position [v LEANED or LEANT, LEANING, LEANS] cg/st |
LIGHT | having little weight [adj LIGHTER, LIGHTEST], to illuminate [v LIGHTED or LIT, LIGHTING, LIGHTS] abfps/s |
LIKE | possessing the same or almost the same characteristics [adj LIKER, LIKEST], to find pleasant [v LIKED, LIKING, LIKES] a/dnrs |
–LIMP | lacking rigidity [adj LIMPER, LIMPEST], to walk lamely [v –ED, –ING, –S] b/as |
LIVE | having life [adj LIVER, LIVEST], to function as an animal or plant [v LIVED, LIVING, LIVES] ao/dnrs |
LONG | extending for a considerable distance [adj LONGER, LONGEST], to desire strongly [v –ED, –ING, –S] afk/es |
LOOSE– | not firm, taut, or rigid [adj LOOSER, LOOSEST] : LOOSELY [adv], to set free [v LOOSED, LOOSING, LOOSES] */dnrs |
–LOW– | having relatively little upward extension [adj LOWER, LOWEST], to utter the sound characteristic of cattle [v –ED, –ING, –S] abfgps/ens |
LUSH | abounding in vegetation [adj LUSHER, LUSHEST] : LUSHLY [adv], to drink to excess [v –ED, –ING, –ES] bfps/* |
–MAD– | insane (mentally unsound) [adj MADDER, MADDEST], to madden (to make or become mad) [v MADDED, MADDING, MADS] */es |
MATURE | fully developed [adj –TURER, –TUREST] : MATURELY [adv], to make or become mature [v –TURED, –TURING, –TURES] */drs |
–MAY– | to gather flowers in the spring [v –ED, –ING, –S], used as an auxiliary to express permission [v present 2d person sing. MAY, MAYEST, or MAYST, past tense MIGHT] */aos |
MEAN | inferior in grade, quality, or character [adj MEANER, MEANEST], to intend (to have as a specific aim or purpose) [v MEANT, MEANING, MEANS] */sty |
MILD– | not harsh or rough [adj MILDER, MILDEST], to diminish (to lessen (to make or become less)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MINUTE | very small [adj –NUTER, –NUTEST] : MINUTELY [adv], to make a brief note of [v –UTED, –UTING, –UTES] */drs |
MUDDY | covered or filled with mud [adj –DIER, –DIEST], to make or become muddy [v –DIED, –DYING, –DIES] */* |
–MUTE– | characterized by an absence of speech [adj MUTER, MUTEST] : MUTELY [adv], to deaden the sound of [v MUTED, MUTING, MUTES] : MUTEDLY [adv] */drs |
–NEAR | situated within a short distance [adj NEARER, NEAREST], to approach (to come near or nearer to) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/s |
NIGH | near (situated within a short distance) [adj NIGHER, NIGHEST], to approach (to come near or nearer to) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */st |
NUMB | lacking sensation [adj NUMBER, NUMBEST], to make numb (lacking sensation) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
OPAQUE | impervious to light [adj OPAQUER, OPAQUEST] : OPAQUELY [adv], to make opaque (impervious to light) [v OPAQUED, OPAQUING, OPAQUES] */drs |
–OPEN– | affording unobstructed access, passage, or view [adj OPENER, OPENEST], to cause to become open [v –ED, –ING, –S] : OPENABLE [adj] c/s |
–PALE– | lacking intensity of color [adj PALER, PALEST], to make or become pale [v PALED, PALING, PALES] s/adrst |
PHONY– | not genuine or real [adj –NIER, –NIEST], to alter so as to make appear genuine [v –NIED, –NYING, –NIES] */* |
–PLAIN | evident (clear to the vision or understanding) [adj PLAINER, PLAINEST] : PLAINLY [adv], to complain (to express discontent) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */st |
–PLUMP– | well-rounded and full in form [adj PLUMPER, PLUMPEST], to make plump (well-rounded and full in form) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–PRIM | formally precise or proper [adj PRIMMER, PRIMMEST], to give a prim expression to [v PRIMMED, PRIMMING, PRIMS] */aeiops |
PURPLE | of a color intermediate between red and blue [adj –PLER, –PLEST], to make purple (of a color intermediate between red and blue) [v –PLED, –PLING, –PLES] */drs |
QUEER | deviating from the expected or normal [adj QUEERER, QUEEREST], to spoil the effect or success of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
QUIET | making little or no noise [adj –ETER, –ETEST], to cause to be quiet [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
RANK– | strong and disagreeable in odor or taste [adj RANKER, RANKEST], to determine the relative position of [v –ED, –ING, –S] bcdfpt/s |
–RARE | occurring infrequently [adj RARER, RAREST], to be enthusiastic [v RARED, RARING, RARES] u/drs |
READY– | prepared [adj READIER, READIEST], to make ready (prepared) [v READIED, READYING, READIES] b/* |
RIGHT | being in accordance with what is good, proper, or just [adj RIGHTER, RIGHTEST], to put in proper order or condition [v –ED, –ING, –S] abfw/osy |
RIPE– | fully developed [adj RIPER, RIPEST] : RIPELY [adv], to cleanse (to clean (to rid of dirt or stain)) [v RIPED, RIPING, RIPES] cgt/dnrs |
ROUGH | having an uneven surface [adj ROUGHER, ROUGHEST], to make rough (having an uneven surface) [v –ED, –ING, –S] t/sy |
ROUND | shaped like a sphere [adj ROUNDER, ROUNDEST], to make round (shaped like a sphere) [v –ED, –ING, –S] ag/s |
RUBY– | of a deep-red color [adj –BIER, –BIEST], to tint with the color of a ruby (a deep-red precious stone) [v –BIED, –BYING, –BIES] */* |
–SALT– | salty (tasting of or containing salt) [adj SALTER, SALTEST], to treat with salt (a crystalline compound used as a seasoning and preservative) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–SANE | mentally sound [adj SANER, SANEST] : SANELY [adv], to sain (to make the sign of the cross on) [v SANED, SANING, SANES] */drs |
SAVAGE | fierce (violently hostile or aggressive) [adj –AGER, –AGEST] : SAVAGELY [adv], to attack or treat brutally [v –AGED, –AGING, –AGES] */drs |
SAVVY | shrewd (having keen insight) [adj –VIER, –VIEST] : SAVVILY [adv], to understand [v –VIED, –VYING, –VIES] */* |
–SCANT– | meager (deficient in quantity or quality) [adj SCANTER, SCANTEST], to provide with a meager portion [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–SEAR– | sere (withered; dry) [adj SEARER, SEAREST], to burn the surface of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SECURE | free from danger [adj –CURER, –CUREST] : SECURELY [adv], to make firm or tight [v –CURED, –CURING, –CURES] */drs |
SEDATE | calm (free from agitation) [adj –DATER, –DATEST] : SEDATELY [adv], to administer a sedative to [v –DATED, –DATING, –DATES] */drs |
–SERE– | withered; dry [adj SERER, SEREST], to sear (to burn the surface of) [v SERED, SERING, SERES] */drs |
–SHARP | suitable for or capable of cutting or piercing [adj SHARPER, SHARPEST], to raise in pitch, as a musical tone [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SHEER | of very thin texture [adj SHEERER, SHEEREST] : SHEERLY [adv], to swerve (to turn aside suddenly from a straight course) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SHOAL | shallow (having little depth) [adj SHOALER, SHOALEST], to become shallow (having little depth) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SHORT | having little length [adj SHORTER, SHORTEST], to cause a type of electrical malfunction in [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SHY– | timid (lacking courage or self-confidence) [adj SHIER, SHIEST or SHYER, SHYEST], to move suddenly back or aside, as in fear [v SHIED, SHYING, SHIES] a/* |
–SICK– | affected with disease or ill health [adj SICKER, SICKEST], to sic (to urge to attack) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */os |
–SLACK | not tight or taut [adj SLACKER, SLACKEST], to slacken (to make less tight or taut) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–SLEEK | smooth and glossy [adj SLEEKER, SLEEKEST], to make sleek (smooth and glossy) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–SLICK | smooth and slippery [adj SLICKER, SLICKEST], to make slick (smooth and slippery) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SLIM | slender (thin (having relatively little density or thickness)) [adj SLIMMER, SLIMMEST], to make slim (slender (thin (having relatively little density or thickness))) [v SLIMMED, SLIMMING, SLIMS] */esy |
–SLOW | moving with little speed [adj SLOWER, SLOWEST], to lessen the speed of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–SMART | characterized by mental acuity [adj SMARTER, SMARTEST], to cause a sharp, stinging pain [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SNELL | keen (enthusiastic) [adj SNELLER, SNELLEST], to attach a short line to a fishhook [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
SNUG | warmly comfortable [adj SNUGGER, SNUGGEST], to make snug (warmly comfortable) [v SNUGGED, SNUGGING, SNUGS] */s |
SOBER | having control of one’s faculties [adj SOBERER, SOBEREST], to make sober (having control of one’s faculties) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–SORE | to mutilate the feet of (a horse) so as to force a particular gait [v SORED, SORING, SORES], painfully sensitive to the touch [adj SORER, SOREST] */dlrs |
SOUND | being in good health or condition [adj SOUNDER, SOUNDEST], to make a sound (something that stimulates the auditory receptors) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–SOUR– | sharp or biting to the taste [adj SOURER, SOUREST], to make or become sour [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–SPARE– | meager (deficient in quantity or quality) [adj SPARER, SPAREST] : SPARELY [adv], to refrain from punishing, harming, or destroying [v SPARED, SPARING, SPARES] */drs |
SPRUCE | neat and trim in appearance [adj SPRUCER, SPRUCEST] : SPRUCELY [adv], to make spruce (neat and trim in appearance) [v SPRUCED, SPRUCING, SPRUCES] */drs |
–SQUARE | having four equal sides and four right angles; rigidly conventional [adj SQUARER, SQUAREST], to make square (having four equal sides and four right angles; rigidly conventional) [v SQUARED, SQUARING, SQUARES] */drs |
–STABLE | resistant to sudden change or position or condition [adj –BLER, –BLEST], to put in a stable (a shelter for domestic animals) [v –BLED, –BLING, –BLES] */drs |
STAY | to continue in a place or condition [v STAYED or STAID, STAYING, STAYS] */s |
STEEP | inclined sharply [adj STEEPER, STEEPEST], to soak in a liquid [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–STIFF | difficult to bend or stretch [adj STIFFER, STIFFEST], to cheat someone by not paying [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–STILL | free from sound or motion [adj STILLER, STILLEST], to make still (free from sound or motion) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
SUPPLE | pliant (easily bent) [adj –PLER, –PLEST] : SUPPLELY [adv], to make supple (pliant (easily bent)) [v –PLED, –PLING, –PLES] */drs |
–SWANK– | imposingly elegant [adj SWANKER, SWANKEST], to swagger (to walk with a pompous air) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–SWELL | stylish (fashionable) [adj SWELLER, SWELLEST], to increase in size or volume [v SWELLED, SWOLLEN, SWELLING, SWELLS] */s |
TAME– | gentle or docile [adj TAMER, TAMEST], to make tame (gentle or docile) [v TAMED, TAMING, TAMES] */drs |
–TAN– | brown from the sun’s rays [adj TANNER, TANNEST], to convert hide into leather by soaking in chemicals [v TANNED, TANNING, TANS] */gks |
TARRY | resembling tar [adj –RIER, –RIEST], to delay or be slow in acting or doing [v –RIED, –RYING, –RIES] s/* |
TAUT– | fully stretched, so as not to be slack [adj TAUTER, TAUTEST], to tangle (to bring together in intricate confusion) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
TENSE– | taut (fully stretched, so as not to be slack) [adj TENSER, TENSEST] : TENSELY [adv], to make tense (taut (fully stretched, so as not to be slack)) [v TENSED, TENSING, TENSES] */drs |
–THIN | having relatively little density or thickness [adj THINNER, THINNEST], to make thin (having relatively little density or thickness) [v THINNED, THINNING, THINS] */egks |
TIDY | neat and orderly [adj –DIER, –DIEST], to make tidy (neat and orderly) [v –DIED, –DYING, –DIES] */* |
TOUGH | strong and resilient [adj TOUGHER, TOUGHEST], to endure hardship [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy |
–TRAP | to catch in a trap (a device for capturing and holding animals) [v TRAPPED or TRAPT, TRAPPING, TRAPS] s/st |
–TRIG | neat (being in a state of cleanliness and order) [adj TRIGGER, TRIGGEST], to make trig (neat (being in a state of cleanliness and order)) [v TRIGGED, TRIGGING, TRIGS] */os |
–TRIM | neat and orderly [adj TRIMMER, TRIMMEST], to make trim by cutting [v TRIMMED, TRIMMING, TRIMS] */s |
–TRUE | consistent with fact or reality [adj TRUER, TRUEST], to bring to conformity with a standard or requirement [v TRUED, TRUING or TRUEING, TRUES] */drs |
–WARM– | moderately hot [adj WARMER, WARMEST], to make warm (moderately hot) [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/s |
WEARY– | tired (sapped of strength) [adj –RIER, –RIEST] : WEARILY [adv], to make or become weary [v –RIED, –RYING, –RIES] a/* |
WEIRD– | to cause to experience a strange sensation [v –ED, –ING, –S], mysteriously strange [adj WEIRDER, WEIRDEST] */osy |
–WET– | covered or saturated with a liquid [adj WETTER, WETTEST], to make wet (covered or saturated with a liquid) [v WETTED, WETTING, WETS] */s |
WHITE– | of the color of pure snow [adj WHITER, WHITEST], to whiten (to make white (of the color of pure snow)) [v WHITED, WHITING, WHITES] */dnrsy |
WISE– | having wisdom [adj WISER, WISEST], to become aware or informed [v WISED, WISING, WISES] */drs |
WRONG | not according to what is right, proper, or correct [adj WRONGER, WRONGEST], to treat injuriously or unjustly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
WRY | contorted [adj WRIER, WRIEST, WRYER, WRYEST] : WRYLY [adv], to contort (to twist out of shape) [v WRIED, WRYING, WRIES] a/* |
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