Top 1015 Bingos (by Probability)
There are different approaches to learning seven-letter words. One of the most interesting approaches involves learning what are called six-letter bingo “stems.” Bingo stems are six-letter words, like TISANE, that have a high probability of showing up on one’s rack (particularly if one practices good rack management techniques). The idea is to use mnemonics to memorize the different letters that can be combined with bingo stems (i.e. words like TISANE) to form bingos. A mnemonic for TISANE is “Tuckshop wiz fixes medicinal beverage” – every letter in the phrase can be combined with TISANE to form a seven-letter word. In other words, if you have TISANE on your rack along with an X, for example, and you remember the phrase “Tuckshop wiz fixes medicinal beverage,” then you know you have a bingo on your rack. All you have to do it find it. In this case, there are two words (TISANE+X = ANTISEX or SEXTAIN).
More on bingo stems later. Right now – in this post – I’ve taken a more straightforward (and boring) approach. The following are the highest probability 1015 seven-letter words. The last column (PROB) is the probability rank of the word (between 1 and 1015).
Note: The table below can be resorted (click on the column headers) and searched (just type in the search box).
ANEROID | a type of barometer [n –S] */s | 1 |
AILERON | a movable control surface on an airplane wing [n –S] */s | 2 |
ALIENOR | one that transfers property [n –S] */s | 3 |
ELATION | a feeling of great joy [n –S] dgr/s | 4 |
TOENAIL | to fasten with obliquely driven nails [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 5 |
ERASION | an erasure (the act of erasing (to rub or scrape out)) [n –S] */s | 6 |
ATONIES | ATONY, muscular weakness [n] */* | 7 |
ARENITE | rock made up chiefly of sand grains [n –S] */s | 8 |
RETINAE– | RETINA, a membrane of the eye [n] */* | 9 |
TRAINEE | a person receiving training [n –S] */s | 10 |
ANTIRED | opposed to communism [adj] */* | 11 |
DETRAIN | to get off a railroad train [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 12 |
–TRAINED | TRAIN, to instruct systematically [v] s/* | 13 |
LATRINE | a type of toilet [n –S] */s | 14 |
RATLINE– | one of the ropes forming the steps of a rope ladder on a ship [n –S] */s | 15 |
RELIANT | showing reliance [adj] */* | 16 |
RETINAL– | retinene (a pigment in the retina) [n –S] */s | 17 |
–TRENAIL | treenail (a wooden peg used for fastening timbers) [n –S] */s | 18 |
ANESTRI | ANESTRUS, a period of sexual dormancy [n] */* | 19 |
ANTSIER | ANTSY, fidgety (nervously restless) [adj] */* | 20 |
NASTIER | NASTY, offensive to the senses [adj] */* | 21 |
RATINES– | RATINE, a heavy fabric [n] */* | 22 |
RETAINS– | RETAIN, to keep possession of [v] */* | 23 |
RETINAS– | RETINA, a membrane of the eye [n] */* | 24 |
RETSINA | a resin-flavored Greek wine [n –S] */s | 25 |
STAINER | one that stains (to discolor or dirty) [n –S] */s | 26 |
STEARIN | the solid portion of a fat [n –S] : STEARIC [adj] */es | 27 |
RUINATE | to ruin (to destroy (to damage beyond repair or renewal)) [v –ATED, –ATING, –ATES] */ds | 28 |
TAURINE | a chemical compound [n –S] */s | 29 |
URANITE | a mineral [n –S] : URANITIC [adj] */s | 30 |
URINATE | to discharge urine [v –NATED, –NATING, –NATES] */ds | 31 |
DARIOLE | a type of pastry filled with cream, custard, or jelly [n –S] */s | 32 |
ROADIES– | ROADIE, a person who works for traveling entertainers [n] */* | 33 |
IODATES– | IODATE, to iodize (to treat with iodine) [v] */* | 34 |
TOADIES | TOADY, to engage in servile flattering [v] */* | 35 |
ANISOLE | a chemical compound [n –S] */s | 36 |
–ISOLATE | to set apart from others [v –LATED, –LATING, –LATES] */ds | 37 |
INERTIA | the tendency of a body to resist acceleration [n –TIAS or –TIAE] : INERTIAL [adj] */els | 38 |
–ATONERS– | ATONER, one that atones (to make amends or reparation) [n] */* | 39 |
SANTERO | a priest of santeria [n –ROS] */s | 40 |
SENATOR | a member of a senate [n –S] */s | 41 |
–TREASON | violation of allegiance toward one’s country [n –S] */s | 42 |
OUTEARN | to surpass in earning (to gain or deserve for one’s labor or service) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 43 |
RETINOL | a liquid hydrocarbon [n –S] */s | 44 |
NORITES– | NORITE, a granular rock [n] */* | 45 |
–OESTRIN | estrin (estrone (an estrogen (a female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus))) [n –S] */s | 46 |
ORIENTS– | ORIENT, to adjust in relation to something else [v] */* | 47 |
–STONIER | STONY, abounding in stones [adj] */* | 48 |
ROUTINE | a regular course of procedure [n –S] */s | 49 |
ALIENER | alienor (one that transfers property) [n –S] */s | 50 |
LINEATE | marked with lines [adj] */d | 51 |
ATELIER | a workshop or studio [n –S] */s | 52 |
ETESIAN | an annually recurring wind [n –S] */s | 53 |
AERIEST– | AERY, airy (having the nature of air) [adj] */* | 54 |
SERIATE | to put into a series [v –ATED, –ATING, –ATES] */ds | 55 |
–AEOLIAN | eolian (pertaining to the wind) [adj] */* | 56 |
–ENATION | an outgrowth from the surface of an organ [n –S] v/s | 57 |
GRANITE | a type of rock [n –S] : GRANITIC [adj] */s | 58 |
–GRATINE– | covered with a crust [adj] */e | 59 |
INGRATE | an ungrateful person [n –S] */s | 60 |
TANGIER | TANGY, pungent (sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell) [adj] */* | 61 |
–TEARING | TEAR, to emit tears (drops of saline liquid secreted by a gland of the eye) [v] */* | 62 |
TAENIAE– | TAENIA, a headband worn in ancient Greece [n] */* | 63 |
ARENOSE | sandy (containing or covered with sand) [adj] */* | 64 |
ROSEATE | rose-colored [adj] */* | 65 |
ELOINER | one that eloins (to eloign (to remove to a distant place)) [n –S] */s | 66 |
NIOBATE | a chemical salt [n –S] */s | 67 |
ACONITE | a poisonous herb [n –S] : ACONITIC [adj] t/s | 68 |
EROTICA– | literature or art dealing with sexual love [n] */l | 69 |
MORAINE | an accumulation of debris deposited by a glacier [n –S] : MORAINAL, MORAINIC [adj] */s | 70 |
ROMAINE | a variety of lettuce [n –S] */s | 71 |
AMNIOTE | a vertebrate that develops an amnion during the embryonic stage [n –S] */s | 72 |
GODETIA | a showy annual herb [n –S] */s | 73 |
AGONIES | AGONY, extreme pain [n] */* | 74 |
AGONISE | to agonize (to suffer extreme pain) [v –NISED, –NISING, –NISES] */ds | 75 |
NEGATOR | negater (one that negates (to nullify)) [n –S] */s | 76 |
GENITOR | a male parent [n –S] */s | 77 |
DILATER– | dilator (one that dilates (to make wider or larger)) [n –S] */s | 78 |
REDTAIL | a type of hawk [n –S] */s | 79 |
–TRAILED | TRAIL, to drag along a surface [v] */* | 80 |
RANDIES | RANDY, a rude person [n] b/t | 81 |
SANDIER | SANDY, containing or covered with sand [adj] */* | 82 |
SARDINE | to pack tightly [v –DINED, –DINING, –DINES] */ds | 83 |
UNAIRED | AIR, to expose to the air (the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth) [adj] */* | 84 |
URANIDE | uranium (a radioactive element) [n –S] */s | 85 |
DESTAIN | to remove stain from [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 86 |
DETAINS– | DETAIN, to hold in custody [v] */* | 87 |
INSTEAD | as a substitute or equivalent [adv] */* | 88 |
NIDATES– | NIDATE, to become implanted in the uterus [v] */* | 89 |
SAINTED | SAINT, to declare to be a saint (a person of exceptional holiness) [v] */* | 90 |
STAINED | STAIN, to discolor or dirty [v] */* | 91 |
AUDIENT | one that hears (to perceive by the ear) [n –S] */s | 92 |
ARIDEST | ARID, extremely dry [adj] */* | 93 |
–ASTRIDE | with one leg on each side [adv] */* | 94 |
DIASTER | a stage in mitosis [n –S] : DIASTRAL [adj] */s | 95 |
DISRATE | to lower in rating or rank [v –RATED, –RATING, –RATES] */ds | 96 |
STAIDER | STAID, sober and sedate [adj] */* | 97 |
TARDIES | TARDY, an instance of being late [n] */t | 98 |
–TIRADES– | TIRADE, a long, vehement speech [n] */* | 99 |
–ALINERS– | ALINER, aligner (one that aligns (to arrange in a straight line)) [n] */* | 100 |
NAILERS– | NAILER, one that nails (to fasten with a nail (a slender piece of metal)) [n] */* | 101 |
RENAILS– | RENAIL, NAIL, to fasten with a nail (a slender piece of metal) [v] t/* | 102 |
ELASTIN | a bodily protein [n –S] */s | 103 |
ENTAILS– | ENTAIL, to restrict the inheritance of to a specified line of heirs [v] v/* | 104 |
NAILSET | a steel rod for driving a nail into something [n –S] */s | 105 |
SALIENT | the part of a fortification projecting closest to the enemy [n –S] */s | 106 |
SALTINE | a salted cracker [n –S] */s | 107 |
SLAINTE | used to toast one’s health [interj] */* | 108 |
TENAILS– | TENAIL, tenaille (an outer defense) [n] */* | 109 |
ALUNITE | a mineral [n –S] */s | 110 |
REALIST | one who is concerned with fact or reality [n –S] */s | 111 |
RETAILS– | RETAIL, to sell in small quantities [v] */* | 112 |
SALTIER– | saltire (a heraldic design) [n –S] */s | 113 |
SALTIRE | a heraldic design [n –S] */s | 114 |
SLATIER | SLATEY, slaty (resembling slate) [adj] */* | 115 |
TAILERS– | TAILER, one that secretly follows another [n] */* | 116 |
URALITE | a mineral [n –S] : URALITIC [adj] r/s | 117 |
–AUNTIES– | AUNTY, aunt (the sister of one’s father or mother) [n] */* | 118 |
SINUATE | to curve in and out [v –ATED, –ATING, –ATES] */ds | 119 |
REGINAE– | REGINA, queen [n] */* | 120 |
DIATRON | a circuitry design that uses diodes [n –S] */s | 121 |
AROINTS– | AROINT, to drive away [v] */* | 122 |
RATIONS– | RATION, to distribute in fixed portions [v] o/* | 123 |
RAINOUT | atomic fallout occurring in precipitation [n –S] */s | 124 |
ARANEID | a spider (a type of arachnid (any of a class of segmented invertebrate animals)) [n –S] */s | 125 |
AIRDATE | the scheduled date of a broadcast [n –S] */s | 126 |
RADIATE | to emit rays [v –ATED, –ATING, –ATES] e/ds | 127 |
TIARAED | TIARA, a jeweled headpiece worn by women [adj] */* | 128 |
ENTASIA | spasmodic contraction of a muscle [n –S] */s | 129 |
TAENIAS– | TAENIA, a headband worn in ancient Greece [n] */* | 130 |
ARISTAE– | ARISTA, a bristlelike structure or appendage [n] */* | 131 |
ASTERIA | a gemstone cut to exhibit asterism [n –S] */s | 132 |
ATRESIA | absence or closure of a natural bodily passage [n –S] : ATRESIC, ATRETIC [adj] */s | 133 |
DENARII– | DENARIUS, a coin of ancient Rome [n] */* | 134 |
INEDITA | unpublished literary works [n] */* | 135 |
AIRLINE | an air transportation system [n –S] h/rs | 136 |
SENARII | SENARIUS, a Greek or Latin verse consisting of six metrical feet [n] */* | 137 |
ISATINE– | isatin (a chemical compound) [n –S] */s | 138 |
AIRIEST | AIRY, having the nature of air [adj] h/* | 139 |
ISOLEAD | a line on a ballistic graph [n –S] */s | 140 |
LADRONE– | a thief (one that steals (to take without right or permission)) [n –S] */s | 141 |
TALONED | TALON, a claw of a bird of prey [adj] */* | 142 |
DELATOR | one that delates (to accuse (to make an assertion against)) [n –S] */s | 143 |
LEOTARD | a close-fitting garment [n –S] */s | 144 |
RONDEAU | a short poem of fixed form [n –DEAUX] */x | 145 |
DONATES– | DONATE, to contribute [v] o/* | 146 |
ROASTED | ROAST, to cook with dry heat [v] */* | 147 |
TORSADE | a twisted cord [n –S] */s | 148 |
OUTDARE | to surpass in daring [v –DARED, –DARING, –DARES] */ds | 149 |
OUTREAD | to surpass in reading [v –READ, –READING, –READS] */s | 150 |
READOUT | a presentation of computer data [n –S] */s | 151 |
LOANERS– | LOANER, one that loans (to lend (to give the temporary use of)) [n] */* | 152 |
RELOANS– | RELOAN, LOAN, to lend (to give the temporary use of) [v] */* | 153 |
ALEURON | aleurone (protein matter found in the seeds of certain plants) [n –S] */es | 154 |
–ETALONS– | ETALON, an optical instrument [n] */* | 155 |
TOLANES– | TOLANE, tolan (a chemical compound) [n] */* | 156 |
OLESTRA | a noncaloric fat substitute [n –S] */s | 157 |
TORULAE– | TORULA, a type of fungus (any of a major group of lower plants) [n] */* | 158 |
ARENOUS | arenose (sandy (containing or covered with sand)) [adj] */* | 159 |
SOUTANE | a cassock (a long garment worn by clergymen) [n –S] */s | 160 |
LENTOID | an object shaped like a lens [n –S] */s | 161 |
DINEROS– | DINERO, a former silver coin of Peru [n] */* | 162 |
INDORSE | to endorse (to sign the back of a negotiable document) [v –DORSED, –DORSING, –DORSES] */ders | 163 |
ORDINES | ORDO, a calendar of religious directions [n] s/* | 164 |
ROSINED | ROSIN, to treat with rosin (a brittle resin) [v] */* | 165 |
SORDINE | a device used to muffle the tone of a musical instrument [n –S] */s | 166 |
DOURINE | a disease of horses [n –S] */s | 167 |
NEUROID | resembling a nerve [adj] */* | 168 |
EDITORS– | EDITOR, one that edits (to correct and prepare for publication) [n] */* | 169 |
SORTIED– | SORTIE, to attack suddenly from a defensive position [v] */* | 170 |
STEROID | a type of chemical compound [n –S] a/s | 171 |
STORIED | STORY, to relate as a story (an account of an event or series of events) [v] */* | 172 |
TRIODES– | TRIODE, a type of electron tube [n] */* | 173 |
OUTRIDE | to ride faster or better than [v –RODE, –RIDDEN, –RIDING, –RIDES] */rs | 174 |
NEROLIS– | NEROLI, a fragrant oil [n] */* | 175 |
ENTOILS– | ENTOIL, to entrap (to trap (to catch in a trap (a device for capturing and holding animals))) [v] */* | 176 |
ELUTION | the act of eluting (to remove by means of a solvent) [n –S] */s | 177 |
OUTLINE | to indicate the main features or different parts of [v –LINED, –LINING, –LINES] */drs | 178 |
ESTRIOL | an estrogen (a female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus) [n –S] o/s | 179 |
LOITERS– | LOITER, to stand idly about [v] */* | 180 |
–TOILERS– | TOILER, one that toils (to work strenuously) [n] */* | 181 |
OUTLIER– | an outlying area or portion [n –S] */s | 182 |
URINOSE | pertaining to urine (a liquid containing body wastes) [adj] */* | 183 |
STOURIE | stoury (dusty (full of dust)) [adj] */* | 184 |
ENTRAIN | to board a train [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 185 |
RETRAIN | TRAIN, to instruct systematically [v –ED, –ING, –S] p/s | 186 |
TERRAIN | a tract of land [n –S] */s | 187 |
TRAINER | one that trains (to instruct systematically) [n –S] s/s | 188 |
INTREAT | to entreat (to ask for earnestly) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 189 |
ITERANT | repeating [adj] */* | 190 |
NATTIER | NATTY, neatly dressed [adj] g/* | 191 |
NITRATE | to treat with nitric acid [v –TRATED, –TRATING, –TRATES] */ds | 192 |
TERTIAN | a recurrent fever [n –S] */s | 193 |
ALIENED | ALIEN, to transfer to another, as property [v] */* | 194 |
DELAINE | a wool fabric [n –S] */s | 195 |
LEADIER | LEADY, resembling lead [adj] */* | 196 |
ANISEED | the seed of the anise used as a flavoring [n –S] */s | 197 |
DEARIES– | DEARIE, deary (darling (a much-loved person)) [n] */* | 198 |
READIES | READY, to make ready (prepared) [v] */t | 199 |
IDEATES– | IDEATE, to form an idea [v] */* | 200 |
AUDITEE | one that is audited [n –S] */s | 201 |
REALISE | to realize (to understand completely) [v –ISED, –ISING, –ISES] */drs | 202 |
ENTERAL– | enteric (pertaining to the enteron) [adj] */* | 203 |
ETERNAL | something lasting forever [n –S] */s | 204 |
TELERAN | a system of air navigation [n –S] */s | 205 |
EARNEST | a down payment [n –S] */s | 206 |
–EASTERN– | being to, toward, or in the east [adj] */* | 207 |
NEAREST | NEAR, situated within a short distance [adj] */* | 208 |
ENTIRES– | ENTIRE, the whole of something [n] */* | 209 |
ENTRIES | ENTRY, a place of entrance [n] gs/* | 210 |
RETINES– | RETINE, a substance in cells that retards growth and cell division [n] */* | 211 |
TRIENES– | TRIENE, a type of chemical compound [n] */* | 212 |
RETINUE | a group of attendants [n –S] : RETINUED [adj] */ds | 213 |
REUNITE | UNITE, to bring together so as to form a whole [v –UNITED, –UNITING, –UNITES] p/drs | 214 |
UTERINE | UTERUS, an organ of female mammals [adj] */* | 215 |
CERATIN | keratin (a fibrous protein) [n –S] */s | 216 |
CERTAIN | absolutely confident [adj –TAINER, –TAINEST] */* | 217 |
CREATIN | creatine (a chemical compound) [n –S] */egs | 218 |
TACRINE | a drug for treating Alzheimer’s disease [n –S] */s | 219 |
FAINTER | one that faints (to lose consciousness) [n –S] */s | 220 |
HAIRNET | a net worn to keep the hair in place [n –S] */s | 221 |
INEARTH | to bury (to put in the ground and cover with earth) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 222 |
THERIAN | any of a subclass of mammals [n –S] */s | 223 |
MINARET | a slender tower attached to a mosque [n –S] */s | 224 |
RAIMENT | clothing (wearing apparel) [n –S] */s | 225 |
PAINTER | one that paints (to make a representation of with paints (coloring substances)) [n –S] */s | 226 |
PERTAIN | to have reference or relation [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 227 |
REPAINT | PAINT, to make a representation of with paints (coloring substances) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 228 |
TAWNIER | TAWNY, light brown [adj] */* | 229 |
TINWARE | articles made of tinplate [n –S] */s | 230 |
AEROSAT | a satellite for use in air-traffic control [n –S] */s | 231 |
EDITION | a particular series of printed material [n –S] s/s | 232 |
DIORITE | an igneous rock [n –S] : DIORITIC [adj] */s | 233 |
IRONIES | IRONY, the use of words to express the opposite of what is literally said [n] */* | 234 |
NOISIER | NOISY, making loud sounds [adj] */* | 235 |
INOSITE | inositol (an alcohol found in plant and animal tissue) [n –S] */s | 236 |
DERAIGN | to dispute a claim [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 237 |
GRADINE– | one of a series of steps [n –S] */s | 238 |
–GRAINED | GRAIN, to form into small particles [v] */* | 239 |
READING | material that is read [n –S] bdt/s | 240 |
TRIAGED– | TRIAGE, to allocate treatment to patients [v] */* | 241 |
ALIGNER | one that aligns (to arrange in a straight line) [n –S] m/s | 242 |
ENGRAIL | to ornament the edge of with curved indentations [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 243 |
NARGILE | narghile (a hookah (a water pipe)) [n –S] */hs | 244 |
REALIGN | ALIGN, to arrange in a straight line [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 245 |
REGINAL– | REGINA, queen [adj] */* | 246 |
–ATINGLE | tingling [adj] */* | 247 |
ELATING | ELATE, to raise the spirits of [v] dgr/* | 248 |
GELATIN– | a glutinous substance [n –S] */egs | 249 |
GENITAL | pertaining to reproduction (production) [adj] */s | 250 |
TAGLINE | the final line of a play or joke that makes the point [n –S] */s | 251 |
EARINGS– | EARING, a line on a ship [n] bgh/* | 252 |
–ERASING | ERASE, to rub or scrape out [v] */* | 253 |
GAINERS– | GAINER, one that gains (to acquire (to come into possession of)) [n] */* | 254 |
REAGINS– | REAGIN, a type of antibody (a body protein that produces immunity against certain microorganisms or toxins) [n] */* | 255 |
REGAINS– | REGAIN, GAIN, to acquire (to come into possession of) [v] */* | 256 |
REGINAS– | REGINA, queen [n] */* | 257 |
–SEARING | SEAR, to burn the surface of [v] */* | 258 |
SERINGA– | a Brazilian tree [n –S] */s | 259 |
EASTING | a movement toward the east [n –S] fy/s | 260 |
EATINGS– | EATING, the act of consuming food [n] bs/* | 261 |
INGATES– | INGATE, a channel by which molten metal enters a mold [n] */* | 262 |
INGESTA– | ingested material [n] */* | 263 |
–SEATING | material for covering seats [n –S] */s | 264 |
–TEASING | TEASE, to make fun of [v] */* | 265 |
UNITAGE | amount in units [n –S] */s | 266 |
AIGRETS– | AIGRET, aigrette (a tuft of feathers worn as a head ornament) [n] */* | 267 |
GAITERS– | GAITER, a covering for the lower leg [n] */* | 268 |
SEAGIRT | surrounded by the sea [adj] */* | 269 |
STAGIER | STAGY, having a theatrical quality [adj] */* | 270 |
TRIAGES– | TRIAGE, to allocate treatment to patients [v] */* | 271 |
–ORATION | a formal speech [n –S] */s | 272 |
INTONER– | one that intones (to speak in a singing voice) [n –S] */s | 273 |
TERNION | a group of three [n –S] */s | 274 |
TRITONE– | a musical interval of three whole tones [n –S] */s | 275 |
ENOLASE | an enzyme (a complex protein) [n –S] */s | 276 |
AREOLES– | AREOLE, areola (a small space in a network of leaf veins) [n] */* | 277 |
AUREOLE | to surround with a halo [v –OLED, –OLING, –OLES] */ds | 278 |
OLEATES– | OLEATE, a chemical salt [n] */* | 279 |
AENEOUS | having a greenish gold color [adj] */* | 280 |
ELOINED | ELOIN, to eloign (to remove to a distant place) [v] */* | 281 |
REOILED | REOIL, OIL, to supply with oil (a greasy liquid used for lubrication, fuel, or illumination) [v] */* | 282 |
OREIDES– | OREIDE, oroide (an alloy used to imitate gold) [n] */* | 283 |
OSIERED | OSIER, a European tree [adj] */* | 284 |
OLEINES– | OLEINE, olein (the liquid portion of a fat) [n] */* | 285 |
–ETOILES– | ETOILE, a star [n] */* | 286 |
NITERIE | nitery (a nightclub) [n –S] */s | 287 |
–ORATING | ORATE, to speak formally [v] b/* | 288 |
ISOBARE– | isobar (a type of atom (the smallest unit of an element)) [n –S] */s | 289 |
CODEINA– | codeine (a narcotic alkaloid) [n –S] */s | 290 |
CALORIE | a unit of heat [n –S] */s | 291 |
CARIOLE | a small, open carriage [n –S] */s | 292 |
COALIER | COALY, containing coal [adj] */* | 293 |
LORICAE– | LORICA, a protective covering or shell [n] */* | 294 |
ALOETIC | ALOE, an African plant [adj] */* | 295 |
ACINOSE | ACINUS, a small, saclike division of a gland [adj] */* | 296 |
SCORIAE– | SCORIA, the refuse of a smelted metal or ore [n] */* | 297 |
AMIDONE | a chemical compound [n –S] */s | 298 |
DOMAINE– | a vineyard in Burgundy [n –S] */s | 299 |
NAEVOID | NAEVUS, nevus (a birthmark) [adj] */* | 300 |
OPIATED– | OPIATE, to treat with opium [v] */* | 301 |
AVODIRE | an African tree [n –S] */s | 302 |
–AVOIDER | one that avoids (to keep away from) [n –S] */s | 303 |
FOLIATE | to hammer into thin plates [v –ATED, –ATING, –ATES] */ds | 304 |
AIRHOLE | a hole to let air in or out [n –S] */s | 305 |
LOAMIER | LOAMY, resembling loam [adj] */* | 306 |
OPALINE | an opaque white glass [n –S] */s | 307 |
PELORIA | abnormal regularity of a flower form [n –S] : PELORIAN, PELORIC [adj] */ns | 308 |
VARIOLE | a foveola (a small fovea) [n –S] o/s | 309 |
VIOLATE | to break or disregard the terms or requirements of [v –LATED, –LATING, –LATES] */drs | 310 |
ANOMIES– | ANOMY, anomie (a collapse of the social structures governing a given society) [n] */* | 311 |
AMOSITE | a type of asbestos (a mineral) [n –S] */s | 312 |
ATOMIES | ATOMY, a tiny particle [n] */* | 313 |
ATOMISE | to atomize (to reduce to a fine spray) [v –ISED, –ISING, –ISES] */drs | 314 |
EPINAOS | a rear vestibule [n –NAOI] */* | 315 |
SENOPIA | an improvement of near vision [n –S] */s | 316 |
EVASION | the act of evading (to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit) [n –S] */s | 317 |
SOAPIER | SOAPY, containing or resembling soap [adj] */* | 318 |
ATOPIES | ATOPY, a type of allergy (a state of hypersensitive reaction to certain things) [n] */* | 319 |
OPIATES– | OPIATE, to treat with opium [v] */* | 320 |
–OVARIES | OVARY, a female reproductive gland [n] c/* | 321 |
–ERODENT | erosive (causing erosion) [adj] */* | 322 |
ESTRONE | an estrogen (a female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus) [n –S] o/s | 323 |
TEARIER | TEARY, tearful (full of tears) [adj] */* | 324 |
ARIETTE | arietta (a short aria) [n –S] */s | 325 |
ITERATE | to repeat (to say or do again) [v –ATED, –ATING, –ATES] l/ds | 326 |
BARONET | the holder of a rank below that of a baron [n –S] */s | 327 |
REBOANT | resounding loudly [adj] */* | 328 |
ENACTOR | one that enacts (to make into a law) [n –S] */sy | 329 |
–ANOTHER | one more [adj] */* | 330 |
TONEARM | the pivoted part of a record player that holds the needle [n –S] */s | 331 |
OPERANT | one that operates (to perform a function) [n –S] */s | 332 |
PRONATE | to turn the palm downward or backward [v –NATED, –NATING, –NATES] */ds | 333 |
PROTEAN– | a type of protein (a nitrogenous organic compound) [n –S] */s | 334 |
BORNITE | an ore of copper [n –S] : BORNITIC [adj] */s | 335 |
COINTER | to bury together [v –TERRED, –TERRING, –TERS] */s | 336 |
NOTICER– | one that notices (to become aware of) [n –S] */s | 337 |
POINTER– | one that points (to indicate direction with the finger) [n –S] */s | 338 |
PROTEIN– | a nitrogenous organic compound [n –S] */s | 339 |
TROPINE– | a poisonous alkaloid [n –S] a/s | 340 |
–ODONATE | any of an order of predacious insects [n –S] */s | 341 |
LOONIER– | LOONEY, loony (crazy (insane (mentally unsound))) [adj] */* | 342 |
EROSION | the act of eroding (to wear away by constant friction) [n –S] */s | 343 |
ISOTONE | a type of atom (the smallest unit of an element) [n –S] */s | 344 |
TOONIES– | TOONIE, a Canadian two-dollar coin [n] */* | 345 |
SOOTIER | SOOTY, covered with soot [adj] */* | 346 |
–AEONIAN | eonian (everlasting) [adj] */* | 347 |
ANERGIA | anergy (lack of energy) [n –S] */s | 348 |
BETAINE | an alkaloid (a type of chemical compound) [n –S] */s | 349 |
HERNIAE– | HERNIA, the protrusion of an organ through its surrounding wall [n] */* | 350 |
ETAMINE– | a loosely woven fabric [n –S] k/s | 351 |
MATINEE | a daytime performance [n –S] */s | 352 |
EMERITA | a retired woman who retains an honorary title [n –TAS or –TAE] */es | 353 |
EMIRATE | the rank of an emir [n –S] */s | 354 |
MEATIER | MEATY, full of meat [adj] */* | 355 |
PERINEA | PERINEUM, a region of the body at the lower end of the trunk [n] */l | 356 |
NAIVETE | the quality of being naive [n –S] */s | 357 |
PEATIER | PEATY, resembling or containing peat [adj] */* | 358 |
GEOIDAL | GEOID, a hypothetical surface of the earth [adj] */* | 359 |
GOALIES– | GOALIE, a player who defends against goals [n] */* | 360 |
SOILAGE | green crops for feeding animals [n –S] */s | 361 |
EULOGIA | holy bread [n –GIAE], a blessing (a prayer (a devout petition to a deity)) [n –S] */es | 362 |
AREOLAE– | AREOLA, a small space in a network of leaf veins [n] */* | 363 |
GROANED | GROAN, to utter a low, mournful sound [v] */* | 364 |
TANGOED | TANGO, to perform a Latin-American dance [v] */* | 365 |
GAROTED– | GAROTE, to garrote (to execute by strangling) [v] */* | 366 |
TANGELO | a citrus fruit [n –LOS] */s | 367 |
GLOATER | one that gloats (to regard with great or excessive satisfaction) [n –S] */s | 368 |
LEGATOR– | one that legates (to bequeath (to grant by testament)) [n –S] */s | 369 |
ONAGERS– | ONAGER, a wild ass of central Asia [n] */* | 370 |
–ORANGES– | ORANGE, a citrus fruit [n] */* | 371 |
ONSTAGE | being on a part of the stage visible to the audience [adj] */* | 372 |
GAROTES– | GAROTE, to garrote (to execute by strangling) [v] */* | 373 |
ORGEATS– | ORGEAT, an almond-flavored syrup [n] */* | 374 |
STORAGE | a place for storing [n –S] */s | 375 |
OUTRAGE | to arouse anger or resentment in [v –RAGED, –RAGING, –RAGES] */ds | 376 |
ERODING | ERODE, to wear away by constant friction [v] */* | 377 |
GROINED | GROIN, to build with intersecting arches [v] */* | 378 |
IGNORED– | IGNORE, to refuse to notice [v] */* | 379 |
NEGROID | member of the black race [n –S] */s | 380 |
REDOING | REDO, DO, to begin and carry through to completion [v] */* | 381 |
INGOTED | INGOT, to shape into a convenient form for storage [v] */* | 382 |
LENTIGO | a freckle [n –TIGINES] */* | 383 |
ERINGOS– | ERINGO, eryngo (a medicinal herb) [n] */* | 384 |
IGNORES– | IGNORE, to refuse to notice [v] */* | 385 |
REGIONS– | REGION, an administrative area or division [n] */* | 386 |
–SIGNORE– | signor (an Italian title of courtesy for a man) [n –GNORI] */* | 387 |
GOITERS– | GOITER, an enlargement of the thyroid gland [n] */* | 388 |
GOITRES– | GOITRE, goiter (an enlargement of the thyroid gland) [n] */* | 389 |
GORIEST | GORY, bloody (stained with blood) [adj] */* | 390 |
GOUTIER | GOUTY, affected with gout [adj] */* | 391 |
AEROBIA | AEROBIUM, aerobe (an organism that requires oxygen to live) [n] */* | 392 |
EPINAOI | EPINAOS, a rear vestibule [n] */* | 393 |
DENIALS– | DENIAL, the act of denying (to declare to be untrue) [n] */* | 394 |
–SNAILED | SNAIL, to move slowly [v] */* | 395 |
ALIUNDE | from a source extrinsic to the matter at hand [adv] */* | 396 |
UNIDEAL | not ideal [adj] */* | 397 |
DERAILS– | DERAIL, to run off the rails of a track [v] */* | 398 |
DIALERS– | DIALER, one that dials (to manipulate a calibrated disk) [n] */* | 399 |
REDIALS– | REDIAL, DIAL, to manipulate a calibrated disk [v] */* | 400 |
–UREDIAL– | pertaining to a uredium (a spore-producing organ of certain fungi) [adj] */* | 401 |
DETAILS– | DETAIL, to report with complete particulars [v] */* | 402 |
DILATES– | DILATE, to make wider or larger [v] */* | 403 |
RESIDUA | RESIDUUM, residue (something remaining after the removal of a part) [n] */l | 404 |
DAUTIES– | DAUTIE, a small pet [n] */* | 405 |
INULASE | an enzyme (a complex protein) [n –S] */s | 406 |
STANDER | one that stands (to assume or maintain an upright position) [n –S] */s | 407 |
DAUNTER | one that daunts (to intimidate) [n –S] */s | 408 |
NATURED– | NATURE, the essential qualities of a person or thing [adj] */* | 409 |
UNRATED | RATE, to estimate the value of [adj] */* | 410 |
UNTREAD | to tread back [v –TROD or –TREADED, –TRODDEN, –TREADING, –TREADS] */s | 411 |
ANTLERS– | ANTLER, the horn of an animal of the deer family [n] */* | 412 |
RENTALS– | RENTAL, an amount paid or collected as rent [n] */* | 413 |
SALTERN– | a place where salt is produced [n –S] */s | 414 |
STERNAL– | pertaining to the sternum [adj] a/* | 415 |
NEUTRAL | one that is impartial [n –S] */s | 416 |
NATURES– | NATURE, the essential qualities of a person or thing [n] */* | 417 |
SAUNTER | to walk in a leisurely manner [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 418 |
TENDRIL | a leafless organ of climbing plants [n –S] */s | 419 |
TRINDLE | to trundle (to propel by causing to rotate) [v –DLED, –DLING, –DLES] */ds | 420 |
TINDERS– | TINDER, readily combustible material [n] */* | 421 |
INTRUDE | to thrust or force oneself in [v –TRUDED, –TRUDING, –TRUDES] */drs | 422 |
TURDINE | belonging to a large family of singing birds [adj] */* | 423 |
UNTIRED | TIRED, sapped of strength [adj] */* | 424 |
UNTRIED | TRY, to attempt (to make an effort to do or accomplish) [adj] */* | 425 |
–LINTERS– | LINTER, a machine for removing fibers from cotton seeds [n] */* | 426 |
NUTSIER | NUTSY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj] */* | 427 |
TRIUNES– | TRIUNE, a trinity (a group of three) [n] */* | 428 |
–UNITERS– | UNITER, one that unites (to bring together so as to form a whole) [n] */* | 429 |
LINEAGE | direct descent from an ancestor [n –S] */s | 430 |
EGALITE | equality (the state of being equal (having the same capability, quantity, or effect as another)) [n –S] */s | 431 |
EUGENIA | a tropical evergreen tree [n –S] */s | 432 |
ORDINAL | a number designating position in a series [n –S] */s | 433 |
DILATOR | one that dilates (to make wider or larger) [n –S] */sy | 434 |
INROADS– | INROAD, a hostile invasion [n] */* | 435 |
ORDAINS– | ORDAIN, to invest with holy authority [v] */* | 436 |
SADIRON | a heavy flatiron [n –S] */s | 437 |
AUDITOR | one that audits (to examine with intent to verify) [n –S] */sy | 438 |
LATINOS– | LATINO, a Latin American [n] */* | 439 |
TALIONS– | TALION, a retaliation for a crime [n] */* | 440 |
OUTLAIN | OUTLIE, to lie beyond [v] */* | 441 |
ORALIST | an advocate of oralism (the use of oral methods of teaching the deaf) [n –S] m/s | 442 |
RIALTOS– | RIALTO, a marketplace [n] */* | 443 |
TAILORS– | TAILOR, to fit with clothes [v] */* | 444 |
SAUTOIR | a saltire (a heraldic design) [n –S] */es | 445 |
NEONATE | a newborn child [n –S] : NEONATAL [adj] */s | 446 |
ONERIER | ONERY, ornery (stubborn and mean-spirited) [adj] */* | 447 |
GRANTEE | one to whom something is granted [n –S] */s | 448 |
GREATEN | to make greater (large (of considerable size or quantity)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 449 |
NEGATER– | one that negates (to nullify (to make useless or ineffective)) [n –S] */s | 450 |
REAGENT | a substance used in a chemical reaction to ascertain the nature or composition of another [n –S] */s | 451 |
INTEGER | a whole number [n –S] */s | 452 |
TREEING | TREE, to drive up a tree (a tall, woody plant) [v] */* | 453 |
ACETONE | a flammable liquid [n –S] : ACETONIC [adj] */s | 454 |
–OCREATE | having ocreae [adj] c/* | 455 |
OPERATE | to perform a function [v –ATED, –ATING, –ATES] */ds | 456 |
OVERATE | OVEREAT, to eat to excess [v] */* | 457 |
OVEREAT | to eat to excess [v OVERATE, –EATEN, –EATING, –EATS] */s | 458 |
EBONITE | a hard rubber [n –S] */s | 459 |
COTERIE | a clique [n –S] */s | 460 |
HEROINE– | a brave woman [n –S] */s | 461 |
ONETIME | former [adj] z/* | 462 |
PEREION | the thorax of some crustaceans [n –REIONS or –REIA] */s | 463 |
PIONEER | to take part in the beginnings of [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 464 |
RADIALE– | a bone of the carpus [n –LIA] */* | 465 |
NAIADES | NAIAD, a water nymph [n] */* | 466 |
AERIALS– | AERIAL, an antenna (a metallic device for sending or receiving radio waves) [n] */* | 467 |
DELIRIA | DELIRIUM, wild excitement [n] */* | 468 |
DAIRIES | DAIRY, an establishment dealing in milk products [n] */* | 469 |
DIARIES | DIARY, a personal journal [n] */* | 470 |
LAITIES | LAITY, the nonclerical membership of a religious faith [n] */* | 471 |
ALIENEE | one to whom property is transferred [n –S] */s | 472 |
SANTERA | a priestess of santeria [n –S] */s | 473 |
INDITER– | one that indites (to write or compose) [n –S] */s | 474 |
NITRIDE– | to convert into a nitride (a compound of nitrogen) [v –TRIDED, –TRIDING, –TRIDES] */ds | 475 |
LINTIER | LINTY, covered with lint [adj] fg/* | 476 |
NITRILE– | a chemical compound [n –S] */s | 477 |
TEENIER | TEENY, tiny (very small) [adj] */* | 478 |
LOADERS– | LOADER, one that loads (to place in or on a means of conveyance) [n] */* | 479 |
ORDEALS– | ORDEAL, a severely difficult or painful experience [n] */* | 480 |
RELOADS– | RELOAD, LOAD, to place in or on a means of conveyance [v] p/* | 481 |
ROULADE | a musical embellishment [n –S] */s | 482 |
SOLATED– | SOLATE, to change to a fluid colloidal system [v] i/* | 483 |
OUTLEAD | to surpass in leading [v –LED, –LEADING, –LEADS] */s | 484 |
–AROUSED– | AROUSE, to stimulate [v] c/* | 485 |
INDOLES– | INDOLE, a chemical compound [n] */* | 486 |
UNOILED | OIL, to supply with oil (a greasy liquid used for lubrication, fuel, or illumination) [adj] */* | 487 |
SOLDIER | to perform military service [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy | 488 |
SOLIDER | SOLID, having definite shape and volume [adj] */* | 489 |
TOLUIDE– | an amide (a type of chemical compound) [n –S] */s | 490 |
OUTSIDE | the outer side, surface, or part [n –S] */rs | 491 |
TEDIOUS | causing weariness [adj] */* | 492 |
ELUSION | the act of eluding (to evade (to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit)) [n –S] d/s | 493 |
LOUSIER | LOUSY, mean or contemptible [adj] b/* | 494 |
SOILURE | a stain or smudge [n –S] */s | 495 |
OUTLIES– | OUTLIE, to lie beyond [v] */* | 496 |
ALATION | the state of having wings [n –S] h/s | 497 |
ATONIAS– | ATONIA, atony (muscular weakness) [n] */* | 498 |
RODENTS– | RODENT, a gnawing mammal [n] */* | 499 |
SNORTED | SNORT, to exhale noisily through the nostrils [v] */* | 500 |
TENOURS– | TENOUR, tenor (a high male singing voice) [n] */* | 501 |
TONSURE | to shave the head of [v –SURED, –SURING, –SURES] */ds | 502 |
GOATEED– | GOATEE, a small pointed beard [adj] */* | 503 |
AEROGEL | a highly porous solid [n –S] */s | 504 |
GOATEES– | GOATEE, a small pointed beard [n] */* | 505 |
GENOISE | a rich spongecake [n –S] */s | 506 |
SOIGNEE– | soigne (carefully done) [adj] */* | 507 |
NARDINE | NARD, a fragrant ointment [adj] */* | 508 |
DRAINER | one that drains (to draw off a liquid) [n –S] */s | 509 |
RANDIER | RANDY, lustful (marked by excessive sexual desire) [adj] */* | 510 |
TAINTED | TAINT, to touch or affect slightly with something bad [v] */* | 511 |
TARDIER | TARDY, late (coming or occurring after the expected time) [adj] */* | 512 |
TARRIED | TARRY, to delay or be slow in acting or doing [v] */* | 513 |
ATTIRED– | ATTIRE, to clothe (to provide with clothing) [v] */* | 514 |
RETRIAL | a second trial [n –S] p/s | 515 |
–TRAILER | to transport by means of a trailer (a vehicle drawn by another) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 516 |
TERTIAL | a flight feather of a bird’s wing [n –S] */s | 517 |
INSANER– | INSANE, mentally unsound [adj] */* | 518 |
INSNARE | to ensnare (to trap (to catch in a trap (a device for capturing and holding animals))) [v –SNARED, –SNARING, –SNARES] */drs | 519 |
ANEURIN | thiamine (a B vitamin) [n –S] */s | 520 |
INANEST– | INANE, nonsensical [adj] */* | 521 |
STANINE | one of the nine classes into which a set of scores are divided [n –S] */s | 522 |
SIERRAN– | SIERRA, a mountain range [adj] */* | 523 |
INSTATE | to place in office [v –STATED, –STATING, –STATES] */ds | 524 |
SATINET | a thin satin [n –S] */s | 525 |
ARTSIER | ARTSY, arty (showily or pretentiously artistic) [adj] */* | 526 |
TARRIES | TARRY, to delay or be slow in acting or doing [v] */t | 527 |
TARSIER | a nocturnal primate [n –S] */s | 528 |
ARTIEST | ARTY, showily or pretentiously artistic [adj] tw/* | 529 |
ARTISTE– | a skilled public performer [n –S] */s | 530 |
ATTIRES– | ATTIRE, to clothe (to provide with clothing) [v] */* | 531 |
IRATEST | IRATE, angry (feeling strong displeasure or hostility) [adj] */* | 532 |
RATITES– | RATITE, a flightless bird [n] */* | 533 |
STRIATE | to mark with striae [v –ATED, –ATING, –ATES] */ds | 534 |
TASTIER | TASTY, pleasant to the taste [adj] */* | 535 |
–AEDILES– | AEDILE, a magistrate of ancient Rome [n] */* | 536 |
BEGONIA | a tropical herb [n –S] */s | 537 |
COINAGE | the act of making coins [n –S] */s | 538 |
–LEARNED | LEARN, to gain knowledge by experience, instruction, or study [v] */* | 539 |
LATENED | LATEN, to become late (coming or occurring after the expected time) [v] */* | 540 |
ALERTED | ALERT, to warn (to make aware of impending or possible danger) [v] */* | 541 |
ALTERED | ALTER, to make different [v] fhp/* | 542 |
–RELATED– | RELATE, to give an account of [v] */* | 543 |
TREADLE | to work a foot lever [v –LED, –LING, –LES] */drs | 544 |
ENDEARS– | ENDEAR, to make dear or beloved [v] */* | 545 |
STANDEE | one who stands because of the lack of seats [n –S] */s | 546 |
DEAREST | DEAR, greatly loved [adj] */* | 547 |
DERATES– | DERATE, to lower the rated capability of [v] */* | 548 |
REDATES– | REDATE, DATE, to determine or record the date of [v] p/* | 549 |
SEDATER– | SEDATE, calm (free from agitation) [adj] */* | 550 |
LEANERS– | LEANER, one that leans (to deviate from a vertical position) [n] cg/* | 551 |
LATEENS– | LATEEN, a sailing vessel [n] */* | 552 |
LEANEST | LEAN, having little fat [adj] c/* | 553 |
ELATERS– | ELATER, a click beetle [n] r/* | 554 |
REALEST– | REAL, having actual existence [adj] */* | 555 |
–RELATES– | RELATE, to give an account of [v] p/* | 556 |
RESLATE | SLATE, to cover with slate (a roofing material) [v –SLATED, –SLATING, –SLATES] */ds | 557 |
STEALER | one that steals (to take without right or permission) [n –S] */s | 558 |
AUSTERE | grave in disposition or appearance [adj –TERER, –TEREST] */r | 559 |
REDLINE | to withhold loans or insurance from certain neighborhoods [v –LINED, –LINING, –LINES] */drs | 560 |
RELINED– | RELINE, LINE, to mark with lines (slender, continuous marks) [v] */* | 561 |
LENITED– | LENITE, to articulate a lenis [v] */* | 562 |
RETILED– | RETILE, TILE, to cover with tiles (thin slabs of baked clay) [v] */* | 563 |
DENIERS– | DENIER, one that denies (to declare to be untrue) [n] */* | 564 |
NEREIDS– | NEREID, a sea nymph [n] */* | 565 |
RESINED | RESIN, to treat with resin (a viscous substance obtained from certain plants) [v] */* | 566 |
DESTINE | to determine beforehand [v –TINED, –TINING, –TINES] */ds | 567 |
ENDITES– | ENDITE, to indite (to write or compose) [v] */* | 568 |
DETINUE | an action to recover property wrongfully detained [n –S] */s | 569 |
DIESTER | a type of chemical compound [n –S] */s | 570 |
DIETERS– | DIETER, one that diets (to regulate one’s daily sustenance) [n] */* | 571 |
REEDITS– | REEDIT, EDIT, to correct and prepare for publication [v] p/* | 572 |
RESITED– | RESITE, SITE, to place in position for operation [v] */* | 573 |
ERUDITE | scholarly [adj] */* | 574 |
LIERNES– | LIERNE, a connecting part in Gothic vaulting [n] */* | 575 |
RELINES– | RELINE, LINE, to mark with lines (slender, continuous marks) [v] */* | 576 |
LENITES– | LENITE, to articulate a lenis [v] */* | 577 |
LISENTE | SENTE, a monetary unit of Lesotho [n] */* | 578 |
SETLINE | a strong fishing line [n –S] */s | 579 |
–TENSILE | tensible (capable of being stretched) [adj] */* | 580 |
LEISTER | to spear with a three-pronged fishing implement [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 581 |
RETILES– | RETILE, TILE, to cover with tiles (thin slabs of baked clay) [v] */* | 582 |
STERILE | incapable of producing offspring [adj] */* | 583 |
–BRAINED | BRAIN, to hit on the head [v] */* | 584 |
REDBAIT | to denounce as Communist [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 585 |
TRIBADE | a lesbian (a female homosexual) [n –S] : TRIBADIC [adj] */s | 586 |
LIBRATE | to move from side to side [v –BRATED, –BRATING, –BRATES] */ds | 587 |
TRIABLE | subject to judicial examination [adj] */* | 588 |
BANTIES | BANTY, a bantam (a small fowl) [n] */* | 589 |
BASINET | a medieval helmet [n –S] */s | 590 |
BAITERS– | BAITER, one that baits (to lure (to attract with something desirable)) [n] */* | 591 |
BARITES– | BARITE, a mineral [n] */* | 592 |
REBAITS– | REBAIT, BAIT, to lure (to attract with something desirable) [v] */* | 593 |
TERBIAS– | TERBIA, an oxide of terbium [n] */* | 594 |
CAIRNED | CAIRN, a mound of stones set up as a memorial [adj] */* | 595 |
CARLINE– | carling (a beam supporting a ship’s deck) [n –S] */s | 596 |
ARTICLE | to charge with specific offenses [v –CLED, –CLING, –CLES] p/ds | 597 |
RECITAL | a detailed account [n –S] */s | 598 |
ARCSINE | the inverse function to the sine [n –S] */s | 599 |
ARSENIC | a metallic element [n –S] */s | 600 |
CARNIES– | CARNIE, carny (a carnival (a traveling amusement show)) [n] */* | 601 |
ACETINS– | ACETIN, a chemical compound [n] */* | 602 |
CINEAST | a devotee of motion pictures [n –S] */es | 603 |
TUNICAE– | TUNICA, an enveloping membrane or layer of body tissue [n] */* | 604 |
ATRESIC | ATRESIA, absence or closure of a natural bodily passage [adj] */* | 605 |
CRISTAE– | CRISTA, a part of a cell [n] */* | 606 |
RACIEST | RACY, bordering on impropriety or indecency [adj] */* | 607 |
STEARIC | STEARIN, the solid portion of a fat [adj] */* | 608 |
DEFIANT | showing defiance [adj] */* | 609 |
FAINTED | FAINT, to lose consciousness [v] */* | 610 |
HANDIER | HANDY, convenient for handling [adj] */* | 611 |
AIRTHED | AIRTH, to airt (to guide (to show the way to)) [v] */* | 612 |
INARMED | INARM, to encircle with the arms [v] */* | 613 |
MEDIANT– | a type of musical tone [n –S] */s | 614 |
READMIT | ADMIT, to allow to enter [v –MITTED, –MITTING, –MITS] p/s | 615 |
PARDINE | pertaining to a leopard (a large, carnivorous feline mammal) [adj] */* | 616 |
DEPAINT | to depict (to portray (to represent pictorially)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 617 |
PAINTED | PAINT, to make a representation of with paints (coloring substances) [v] */* | 618 |
PATINED– | PATINE, to cover with a patina [v] */* | 619 |
INVADER– | one that invades (to enter for conquest or plunder) [n –S] */s | 620 |
RAVINED– | RAVIN, to raven (to eat in a ravenous manner) [v] */* | 621 |
DEVIANT | one that deviates from a norm [n –S] */s | 622 |
DIPTERA | DIPTERON, dipteran (a two-winged fly) [n] */ln | 623 |
PARTIED | PARTY, to attend a social gathering [v] */* | 624 |
PIRATED– | PIRATE, to commit piracy [v] */* | 625 |
TARDIVE | having symptoms that develop slowly [adj] */* | 626 |
DIETARY | a system of dieting [n –ETARIES] */* | 627 |
INFLATE | to cause to expand by filling with gas or air [v –FLATED, –FLATING, –FLATES] */drs | 628 |
INFARES– | INFARE, a reception for newlyweds [n] */* | 629 |
FAINEST | FAIN, glad (feeling pleasure) [adj] */* | 630 |
–FAIREST | FAIR, free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice [adj] */* | 631 |
HERNIAL– | HERNIA, the protrusion of an organ through its surrounding wall [adj] */* | 632 |
INHALER– | one that inhales (to take into the lungs) [n –S] */s | 633 |
LATHIER | LATHY, long and slender [adj] */* | 634 |
HERNIAS– | HERNIA, the protrusion of an organ through its surrounding wall [n] */* | 635 |
SHEITAN | shaitan (an evil spirit) [n –S] */s | 636 |
STHENIA | excessive energy [n –S] : STHENIC [adj] a/s | 637 |
HASTIER | HASTY, speedy (swift (moving with a great rate of motion)) [adj] */* | 638 |
MANLIER | MANLY, having the qualities of a man [adj] */* | 639 |
MARLINE– | a rope used on a ship [n –S] */s | 640 |
MINERAL | a naturally occurring inorganic substance having a characteristic set of physical properties [n –S] */s | 641 |
AILMENT | a physical or mental disorder [n –S] b/s | 642 |
ALIMENT | to nourish (to sustain with food) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 643 |
MALTIER | MALTY, resembling malt [adj] */* | 644 |
MARLITE | a type of marl [n –S] : MARLITIC [adj] */s | 645 |
PLAINER | PLAIN, evident (clear to the vision or understanding) [adj] */* | 646 |
PRALINE | a confection made of nuts cooked in sugar [n –S] */s | 647 |
PANTILE | a roofing tile [n –S] : PANTILED [adj] */ds | 648 |
RAVELIN | a type of fortification [n –S] */gs | 649 |
INLAYER | one that inlays (to set into a surface) [n –S] */s | 650 |
–VENTAIL | the adjustable front of a medieval helmet [n –S] a/s | 651 |
PLAITER | one that plaits (to braid (to weave together)) [n –S] */s | 652 |
PLATIER | PLATY, split into thin, flat pieces [adj] */* | 653 |
IRATELY | IRATE, angry (feeling strong displeasure or hostility) [adv] */* | 654 |
REALITY | something that is real [n –TIES] */* | 655 |
TEARILY | in a teary manner [adv] */* | 656 |
MARINES– | MARINE, a soldier trained for service at sea and on land [n] */* | 657 |
REMAINS– | REMAIN, to continue in the same state [v] c/* | 658 |
SEMINAR– | an advanced study group at a college or university [n –S] */sy | 659 |
ETAMINS– | ETAMIN, etamine (a loosely woven fabric) [n] */* | 660 |
INMATES– | INMATE, one who is confined to an institution [n] */* | 661 |
TAMEINS– | TAMEIN, a garment worn by Burmese women [n] */* | 662 |
IMARETS– | IMARET, a Turkish inn [n] */* | 663 |
MAESTRI | MAESTRO, a master of an art [n] */* | 664 |
MISRATE | to rate incorrectly [v –RATED, –RATING, –RATES] */ds | 665 |
SMARTIE | smarty (an obnoxiously conceited person) [n –S] */s | 666 |
MURIATE | chloride (a chlorine compound) [n –S] */ds | 667 |
PANIERS– | PANIER, pannier (a large basket) [n] */* | 668 |
RAPINES– | RAPINE, the taking of property by force [n] */* | 669 |
PANTIES– | PANTIE, a woman’s or child’s undergarment [n] */* | 670 |
PATINES– | PATINE, to cover with a patina [v] */* | 671 |
SAPIENT | a wise person [n –S] */s | 672 |
SPINATE | bearing thorns [adj] */* | 673 |
PETUNIA | a tropical herb [n –S] */s | 674 |
RAVINES– | RAVINE, a narrow, steep-sided valley [n] */* | 675 |
NAIVEST– | NAIVE, lacking sophistication [adj] */* | 676 |
NATIVES– | NATIVE, an original inhabitant of an area [n] */* | 677 |
VAINEST | VAIN, filled with undue admiration for oneself [adj] */* | 678 |
TAWNIES | TAWNY, a light brown color [n] */t | 679 |
WANIEST | WANY, waning in some parts [adj] */* | 680 |
–VAUNTIE | boastful (given to boasting) [adj] */* | 681 |
PARTIES | PARTY, to attend a social gathering [v] */* | 682 |
PASTIER– | PASTY, pale and unhealthy in appearance [adj] */* | 683 |
PIASTER | a monetary unit of several Arab countries [n –S] */s | 684 |
PIASTRE | piaster (a monetary unit of several Arab countries) [n –S] */s | 685 |
PIRATES– | PIRATE, to commit piracy [v] */* | 686 |
TRAIPSE | to walk about in an idle or aimless manner [v TRAIPSED, TRAIPSING, TRAIPSES] */ds | 687 |
VASTIER | VASTY, vast (of great extent or size) [adj] */* | 688 |
VERITAS | truth (conformity to fact or reality) [n –TATES] */* | 689 |
WAISTER | a seaman stationed in the middle section of a ship [n –S] */s | 690 |
WAITERS– | WAITER, to work as a male server in a restaurant [v] a/* | 691 |
WARIEST | WARY, watchful (closely observant or alert) [adj] */* | 692 |
WASTRIE | wastry (reckless extravagance) [n –S] */s | 693 |
OREGANO | an aromatic herb used as a seasoning [n –NOS] */s | 694 |
ROOTAGE | a system of roots [n –S] */s | 695 |
GOONIER– | GOONY, stupid (mentally slow) [adj] */* | 696 |
AREOLAS– | AREOLA, a small space in a network of leaf veins [n] */* | 697 |
AUREOLA | a halo [n –LAS or –LAE] */es | 698 |
IODINES– | IODINE, a nonmetallic element [n] */* | 699 |
IONISED– | IONISE, to ionize (to convert into ions) [v] l/* | 700 |
ELISION | the act of eliding (to omit (to leave out)) [n –S] */s | 701 |
ISOLINE | an isogram (a line on a map connecting points of equal value) [n –S] */s | 702 |
–LIONISE | to lionize (to treat or regard as a celebrity) [v –ISED, –ISING, –ISES] */drs | 703 |
IOLITES– | IOLITE, a mineral [n] */* | 704 |
OILIEST | OILY, covered or soaked with oil [adj] r/* | 705 |
TABORIN | taborine (a taboret (a small drum)) [n –S] */egs | 706 |
CAROTIN | carotene (a plant pigment) [n –S] */s | 707 |
CORTINA– | a membrane on some mushrooms [n –S] */s | 708 |
–ATROPIN | atropine (a poisonous alkaloid) [n –S] */es | 709 |
WAITRON | a server in a restaurant [n –S] */s | 710 |
ARIETTA | a short aria [n –S] */s | 711 |
RAINIER | RAINY, marked by rain [adj] bg/* | 712 |
ALIGNED | ALIGN, to arrange in a straight line [v] m/* | 713 |
DEALING | a business transaction [n –S] */s | 714 |
LEADING | a covering or border of lead [n –S] p/s | 715 |
GLADIER | GLADY, having glades [adj] */* | 716 |
–GLAIRED– | GLAIRE, to glair (to coat with egg white) [v] */* | 717 |
LIGATED– | LIGATE, to bind (to tie or secure) [v] */* | 718 |
GAUDIER | GAUDY, tastelessly showy [adj] */* | 719 |
AGISTED | AGIST, to feed and take care of for a fee, as livestock [v] */* | 720 |
–LEASING | a falsehood [n –S] p/s | 721 |
LINAGES– | LINAGE, the number of lines of printed material [n] */* | 722 |
SEALING | SEAL, to close or make secure against access, leakage, or passage [v] */* | 723 |
LINGUAE– | LINGUA, the tongue or a tonguelike part [n] */* | 724 |
UNAGILE | AGILE, able to move quickly and easily [adj] */* | 725 |
GLAIRES– | GLAIRE, to glair (to coat with egg white) [v] */* | 726 |
AIGLETS– | AIGLET, aglet (a metal sheath at the end of a lace) [n] */* | 727 |
GELATIS– | GELATI, gelato (Italian ice cream) [n] */* | 728 |
LIGATES– | LIGATE, to bind (to tie or secure) [v] */* | 729 |
GUINEAS– | GUINEA, a former British coin [n] */* | 730 |
AUGITES– | AUGITE, a mineral [n] */* | 731 |
ADORNER | one that adorns (to add something to for the purpose of making more attractive) [n –S] */s | 732 |
READORN | ADORN, to add something to for the purpose of making more attractive [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 733 |
NOTATED– | NOTATE, to put into notation [v] */* | 734 |
ROTATED– | ROTATE, to turn about an axis [v] */* | 735 |
REALTOR | a real estate agent who is a member of the National Association of Realtors — a collective mark [n –S] */s | 736 |
RELATOR | relater (one that relates (to give an account of)) [n –S] */s | 737 |
RETOTAL | TOTAL, to ascertain the entire amount of [v –TALED, –TALING, –TALS or –TALLED, –TALLING, –TALS] */s | 738 |
TONNEAU | the rear seating compartment of an automobile [n –NEAUS or –NEAUX] */sx | 739 |
SERRANO | a small hot pepper [n –NOS] */s | 740 |
NOTATES– | NOTATE, to put into notation [v] */* | 741 |
ROASTER | one that roasts (to cook with dry heat) [n –S] */s | 742 |
ROTATES– | ROTATE, to turn about an axis [v] */* | 743 |
TOASTER | a device for toasting [n –S] */s | 744 |
OUTRATE | to surpass in a rating [v –RATED, –RATING, –RATES] */ds | 745 |
INTONED– | INTONE, to speak in a singing voice [v] */* | 746 |
DOTTIER | DOTTY, crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj] */* | 747 |
LORINER | lorimer (a maker of implements for harnesses and saddles) [n –S] */s | 748 |
TORTILE | twisted; coiled [adj] */* | 749 |
TRIOLET | a short poem of fixed form [n –S] */s | 750 |
REUNION | a reuniting of persons after separation [n –S] p/s | 751 |
INTONES– | INTONE, to speak in a singing voice [v] */* | 752 |
TENSION | to make tense (taut (fully stretched, so as not to be slack)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 753 |
IRONERS– | IRONER, a machine for pressing clothes [n] */* | 754 |
TONIEST | TONY, stylish (fashionable) [adj] s/* | 755 |
RIOTERS– | RIOTER, one that riots (to take part in a violent public disturbance) [n] */* | 756 |
ROISTER | to revel (to engage in revelry (noisy merrymaking)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 757 |
KERATIN | a fibrous protein [n –S] */s | 758 |
–ANEARED | ANEAR, to approach (to come near or nearer to) [v] */* | 759 |
AERATED– | AERATE, to supply with air [v] */* | 760 |
AERATES– | AERATE, to supply with air [v] */* | 761 |
AUREATE | golden (of the color of gold) [adj] l/* | 762 |
SIENITE | syenite (an igneous rock) [n –S] */s | 763 |
ELODEAS– | ELODEA, an aquatic herb [n] */* | 764 |
OILSEED | a seed from which oil is pressed out [n –S] */s | 765 |
DRAGNET | a net for trawling [n –S] */s | 766 |
–GRANTED | GRANT, to bestow upon [v] */* | 767 |
–TANGLER– | one that tangles (to bring together in intricate confusion) [n –S] */s | 768 |
ARGENTS– | ARGENT, silver [n] m/* | 769 |
GARNETS– | GARNET, a mineral [n] */* | 770 |
STRANGE– | unusual or unfamiliar [adj STRANGER, STRANGEST], a fundamental quark [n –S] e/rs | 771 |
GAUNTER | GAUNT, emaciated [adj] */* | 772 |
RINGLET | a small ring [n –S] */s | 773 |
TINGLER– | one that tingles (to cause a prickly, stinging sensation) [n –S] */s | 774 |
RESTING | REST, to refresh oneself by ceasing work or activity [v] cw/* | 775 |
STINGER | one that stings (to prick painfully) [n –S] */s | 776 |
TRUEING | TRUE, to bring to conformity with a standard or requirement [v] */* | 777 |
ADENOID | an enlarged lymphoid growth behind the pharynx [n –S] */s | 778 |
RADIOED | RADIO, to transmit by radio (an apparatus for wireless communication) [v] */* | 779 |
IODATED– | IODATE, to iodize (to treat with iodine) [v] */* | 780 |
TOADIED | TOADY, to engage in servile flattering [v] */* | 781 |
ACARINE | acarid (a type of arachnid (any of a class of segmented invertebrate animals)) [n –S] */s | 782 |
CARINAE– | CARINA, a carinate anatomical part [n] */* | 783 |
HETAIRA | hetaera (a concubine) [n –RAI or –RAS] */is | 784 |
AMENTIA | mental deficiency [n –S] */s | 785 |
ANIMATE | to give life to [v –MATED, –MATING, –MATES] */drs | 786 |
AMIRATE | the rank of an amir [n –S] */s | 787 |
PATINAE– | PATINA, a green film that forms on bronze [n] */d | 788 |
APTERIA | APTERIUM, a bare area of skin between feathers [n] */* | 789 |
VARIATE | to vary (to become or make different) [v –ATED, –ATING, –ATES] */ds | 790 |
–AWAITER | one that awaits (to wait for) [n –S] */s | 791 |
INTIMAE– | INTIMA, the innermost layer of an organ [n] */* | 792 |
AIRTIME | the time when a broadcast begins [n –S] */s | 793 |
ADORING | ADORE, to love deeply [v] */* | 794 |
DOATING | DOAT, to dote (to show excessive affection) [v] */* | 795 |
GORDITA | a stuffed and fried pocket of cornmeal dough [n –S] */s | 796 |
ANTILOG | the number corresponding to a given logarithm [n –S] */sy | 797 |
ORIGANS– | ORIGAN, marjoram (fragrant herb) [n] */* | 798 |
SIGNORA– | an Italian title of courtesy for a married woman [n –GNORE or –GNORAS] */s | 799 |
–SOARING | the sport of flying in a heavier-than-air craft without power [n –S] */s | 800 |
AGONIST | one that is engaged in a struggle [n –S] */s | 801 |
GITANOS– | GITANO, a Spanish gypsy [n] */* | 802 |
AUTOING | AUTO, to ride in an automobile [v] */* | 803 |
OUTGAIN | to gain more than [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 804 |
ORGIAST | one who participates in an orgy [n –S] */s | 805 |
ENDORSE | to sign the back of a negotiable document [v –DORSED, –DORSING, –DORSES] */ders | 806 |
DENOTES– | DENOTE, to indicate (to point out) [v] */* | 807 |
OERSTED | a unit of magnetic intensity [n –S] */s | 808 |
TEREDOS– | TEREDO, a bivalve mollusk [n] */* | 809 |
TOLUENE | a flammable liquid [n –S] */s | 810 |
SOLERET | solleret (a sabaton (a piece of armor for the foot)) [n –S] */s | 811 |
OUTSEEN– | OUTSEE, to see beyond [v] */* | 812 |
OBELIAS– | OBELIA, a marine hydroid [n] l/* | 813 |
CODEIAS– | CODEIA, codeine (a narcotic alkaloid) [n] */* | 814 |
CELOSIA | a flowering plant [n –S] */s | 815 |
MELODIA | a type of organ stop [n –S] */s | 816 |
OEDIPAL | pertaining to the libidinal feelings in a child toward the parent of the opposite sex [adj] */* | 817 |
MIAOUED | MIAOU, to meow (to make the crying sound of a cat) [v] */* | 818 |
ADIPOSE | animal fat [n –S] : ADIPIC [adj] */s | 819 |
ADENINE | an alkaloid (a type of chemical compound) [n –S] */s | 820 |
READIER | READY, prepared [adj] */* | 821 |
EARLIER | EARLY, near the beginning of a period of time or a series of events [adv] np/* | 822 |
LEARIER | LEARY, leery (suspicious) [adj] b/* | 823 |
RERAISE | RAISE, to move to a higher position [v –RAISED, –RAISING, –RAISES] */ds | 824 |
BANDORE | an ancient lute [n –S] */s | 825 |
BROADEN | to make broad (wide (having great extent from side to side)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 826 |
ABORTED | ABORT, to bring forth a fetus prematurely [v] */* | 827 |
–BORATED– | BORATE, to mix with borax or boric acid [v] */* | 828 |
TABORED | TABOR, to beat on a small drum [v] */* | 829 |
NOTABLE | a person of distinction [n –S] */s | 830 |
BLOATER | a smoked herring [n –S] */s | 831 |
BORANES– | BORANE, a chemical compound [n] */* | 832 |
BOASTER | one that boasts (to brag (to speak vainly of one’s deeds)) [n –S] */s | 833 |
–BOATERS– | BOATER, one that boats (to travel by boat (watercraft)) [n] */* | 834 |
–BORATES– | BORATE, to mix with borax or boric acid [v] */* | 835 |
REBATOS– | REBATO, rabato (a wide, lace-edged collar) [n] */* | 836 |
SORBATE | a sorbed substance [n –S] */s | 837 |
–ACORNED | ACORN, the fruit of the oak tree [adj] */* | 838 |
–TACNODE | a point of contact between two curves [n –S] */s | 839 |
CORDATE | heart-shaped [adj] */* | 840 |
REDCOAT | a British soldier during the American Revolution [n –S] */s | 841 |
CORNEAL– | CORNEA, a part of the eye [adj] */* | 842 |
LACTONE | any of a group of esters [n –S] : LACTONIC [adj] */s | 843 |
LOCATER– | one that locates (to determine the position of) [n –S] */s | 844 |
CANOERS– | CANOER, one who canoes (to paddle a canoe (a light, slender boat)) [n] */* | 845 |
COARSEN– | to make coarse (rough (having an uneven surface)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 846 |
CORNEAS– | CORNEA, a part of the eye [n] */* | 847 |
NARCOSE– | characterized by stupor [adj] */s | 848 |
OCTANES– | OCTANE, a liquid hydrocarbon [n] */* | 849 |
COASTER | a sled [n –S] */s | 850 |
–COATERS– | COATER, one that coats (to cover with a coat (an outer garment)) [n] */* | 851 |
RECOATS– | RECOAT, COAT, to cover with a coat (an outer garment) [v] */* | 852 |
OUTRACE | to run faster or farther than [v –RACED, –RACING, –RACES] */ds | 853 |
MADRONE | madrona (an evergreen tree) [n –S] */s | 854 |
APRONED | APRON, to provide with an apron (a garment worn to protect one’s clothing) [v] */* | 855 |
OPERAND | a quantity on which a mathematical operation is performed [n –S] */s | 856 |
PADRONE | a master [n –NES or –NI] */s | 857 |
PANDORE | bandore (an ancient lute) [n –S] */s | 858 |
NOTEPAD | a number of sheets of paper glued together at one end [n –S] */s | 859 |
ADOPTER | one that adopts (to take into one’s family by legal means) [n –S] */s | 860 |
READOPT | ADOPT, to take into one’s family by legal means [v –ED, –ING, –S] p/s | 861 |
FLOATER | one that floats (to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid) [n –S] */s | 862 |
REFLOAT | FLOAT, to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 863 |
ANETHOL | anethole (a chemical compound) [n –S] */es | 864 |
ETHANOL | an alcohol (a flammable liquid) [n –S] m/s | 865 |
LOATHER– | one that loathes (to detest greatly) [n –S] */s | 866 |
RATHOLE | a hole made by a rat [n –S] */s | 867 |
HOARSEN– | to make hoarse (low and rough in sound) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 868 |
SENHORA– | a married Portuguese or Brazilian woman [n –S] */s | 869 |
EARSHOT | the range within which sound can be heard [n –S] */s | 870 |
OUTHEAR | to surpass in hearing [v –HEARD, –HEARING, –HEARS] */ds | 871 |
ALMONER | one that distributes alms [n –S] */s | 872 |
–LOMENTA– | LOMENTUM, loment (a type of plant pod) [n] */* | 873 |
–OMENTAL– | OMENTUM, a fold in an abdominal membrane [adj] */* | 874 |
TELAMON | a male figure used as a supporting column [n –ES] */* | 875 |
POLENTA | a thick mush of cornmeal [n –S] */s | 876 |
VOLANTE– | moving with light rapidity — used as a musical direction [adj] */* | 877 |
ANOLYTE | the part of an electricity-conducting solution nearest the anode [n –S] */s | 878 |
PROLATE | extended lengthwise [adj] */* | 879 |
LEVATOR | a muscle that raises an organ or part [n –ES or –S] e/s | 880 |
ENAMORS– | ENAMOR, to inspire with love [v] */* | 881 |
MOANERS– | MOANER, one that moans (to utter a low, mournful sound) [n] */* | 882 |
OARSMEN | OARSMAN, a person who rows a boat [n] */* | 883 |
ENAMOUR | to enamor (to inspire with love) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 884 |
NEUROMA | a type of tumor (an abnormal swelling) [n –MAS or –MATA] */s | 885 |
AUTOMEN | AUTOMAN, an automobile maker [n] */* | 886 |
MAESTRO | a master of an art [n –STROS or –STRI] */s | 887 |
PERSONA– | a character in a literary work [n –NAE], the public role that a person assumes [n –S] */els | 888 |
TEOPANS– | TEOPAN, a teocalli (an Aztec temple) [n] */* | 889 |
AUTOPEN | a device for imitating signatures [n –S] */s | 890 |
ESPARTO | a perennial grass [n –TOS] */s | 891 |
PROTEAS– | PROTEA, an evergreen shrub [n] */e | 892 |
SEAPORT | a harbor or town accessible to seagoing ships [n –S] */s | 893 |
OUTRAVE | to surpass in raving [v –RAVED, –RAVING, –RAVES] */ds | 894 |
OUTWEAR | to last longer than [v –WORE, –WORN, –WEARING, –WEARS] */sy | 895 |
DEORBIT | to come out of an orbit [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 896 |
ORBITED | ORBIT, to move or revolve around [v] */* | 897 |
BONIEST | BONEY, bony (full of bones) [adj] */* | 898 |
ORBIEST | ORBY, resembling a circle or sphere [adj] */* | 899 |
CTENOID | comblike (resembling a comb) [adj] */* | 900 |
DEONTIC | pertaining to moral obligation [adj] */* | 901 |
NOTICED– | NOTICE, to become aware of [v] */* | 902 |
CORDITE | an explosive powder [n –S] */s | 903 |
LECTION | a portion of sacred writing read in a church service [n –S] ef/s | 904 |
COINERS– | COINER, one that coins (to make coins (metal currency)) [n] */* | 905 |
CRONIES | CRONY, a close friend [n] */* | 906 |
ORCEINS– | ORCEIN, a reddish brown dye [n] */* | 907 |
RECOINS– | RECOIN, COIN, to make coins (metal currency) [v] */* | 908 |
COENURI | COENURUS, a tapeworm larva [n] */* | 909 |
NOTICES– | NOTICE, to become aware of [v] */* | 910 |
SECTION | to divide into sections (distinct parts) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 911 |
EROTICS– | EROTIC, an amatory poem [n] */* | 912 |
HORDEIN | a simple protein [n –S] */s | 913 |
THEROID | resembling a beast (an animal (a living organism typically capable of voluntary motion and sensation)) [adj] */* | 914 |
MINORED | MINOR, to pursue a specific subordinate course of study [v] */* | 915 |
POINTED– | POINT, to indicate direction with the finger [v] */* | 916 |
DOWNIER | DOWNY, soft (yielding readily to pressure) [adj] */* | 917 |
DIOPTER | a measure of refractive power [n –S] : DIOPTRAL [adj] */s | 918 |
DIOPTRE | diopter (a measure of refractive power) [n –S] */s | 919 |
PERIDOT | a mineral [n –S] */s | 920 |
PROTEID– | protein (a nitrogenous organic compound) [n –S] */es | 921 |
LOFTIER | LOFTY, extending high in the air [adj] */* | 922 |
TREFOIL | a plant having ternate leaves [n –S] */s | 923 |
FORTIES | FORTY, a number [n] */* | 924 |
OUTFIRE | to surpass in firing [v –FIRED, –FIRING, –FIRES] */ds | 925 |
HOTLINE | a direct communications system for immediate contact [n –S] */s | 926 |
–NEOLITH | an ancient stone implement [n –S] */s | 927 |
HEROINS– | HEROIN, an addictive narcotic [n] */* | 928 |
INSHORE | near the shore [adj] */* | 929 |
ETHIONS– | ETHION, a pesticide [n] */* | 930 |
HISTONE | a simple protein [n –S] */s | 931 |
HERIOTS– | HERIOT, a feudal tribute or payment [n] */* | 932 |
HOISTER | one that hoists (to haul up by some mechanical means) [n –S] */s | 933 |
SHORTIE | shorty (one that is short) [n –S] */s | 934 |
MOTLIER | MOTLEY, composed of diverse elements [adj] */* | 935 |
PROLINE | an amino acid [n –S] */s | 936 |
POTLINE | a row of electrolytic cells [n –S] */s | 937 |
TOPLINE | the outline of the top of an animal’s body [n –S] */s | 938 |
VIOLENT | marked by intense physical force or roughness [adj] */* | 939 |
TOWLINE | a line used in towing [n –S] */s | 940 |
POITREL | peytral (a piece of armor for the breast of a horse) [n –S] */s | 941 |
POLITER– | POLITE, showing consideration for others [adj] */* | 942 |
OVERLIT | OVERLIGHT, to light excessively [v] */* | 943 |
MERINOS– | MERINO, a fine wool [n] */* | 944 |
MESTINO | mestizo (a person of mixed ancestry) [n –NOS or –NOES] */s | 945 |
MOISTEN | to make or become moist [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 946 |
SENTIMO | a monetary unit of the Philippines [n –MOS] */s | 947 |
EROTISM | sexual excitement [n –S] */s | 948 |
MOISTER | MOIST, slightly wet [adj] */* | 949 |
MORTISE | to join or fasten securely [v –TISED, –TISING, –TISES] a/drs | 950 |
TRISOME | an organism having one chromosome in addition to the usual diploid number [n –S] */s | 951 |
ORPINES– | ORPINE, a perennial herb [n] */* | 952 |
PINTOES | PINTO, a spotted horse [n] */* | 953 |
POINTES– | POINTE, a ballet position [n] */* | 954 |
POUTINE | a dish of french fries and cheese curds topped with gravy [n –S] */s | 955 |
ENVIROS– | ENVIRO, an advocate for the preservation of the natural environment [n] */* | 956 |
–RENVOIS– | RENVOI, the expulsion by a government of an alien [n] */* | 957 |
VERSION | an account or description from a particular point of view [n –S] ae/s | 958 |
SNOWIER | SNOWY, abounding in snow [adj] */* | 959 |
TOWNIES– | TOWNY, townie (a nonstudent who lives in a college town) [n] */* | 960 |
PROSTIE | a prostitute [n –S] */s | 961 |
REPOSIT | to put away [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s | 962 |
RIPOSTE– | to make a return thrust in fencing [v –POSTED, –POSTING, –POSTES] */ds | 963 |
ROPIEST | ROPEY, ropy (resembling a rope or ropes) [adj] */* | 964 |
POUTIER | POUTY, tending to pout [adj] */* | 965 |
UNITARD | a leotard that also covers the legs [n –S] */s | 966 |
RATLINS– | RATLIN, ratline (one of the ropes forming the steps of a rope ladder on a ship) [n] */* | 967 |
NUTRIAS– | NUTRIA, the coypu (an aquatic rodent) [n] */* | 968 |
TERRANE | a rock formation [n –S] */s | 969 |
ENTREAT | to ask for earnestly [v –ED, –ING, –S] */sy | 970 |
RATTEEN | a coarse woolen fabric [n –S] */s | 971 |
TERNATE | arranged in groups of three [adj] */* | 972 |
INTERNE– | a recent medical school graduate on a hospital staff [n –S] */des | 973 |
REINTER | INTER, to bury (to put in the ground and cover with earth) [v –TERRED, –TERRING, –TERS] */s | 974 |
RENTIER | one that receives a fixed income [n –S] */s | 975 |
TERRINE | an earthenware jar [n –S] */s | 976 |
NETTIER | NETTY, resembling a net [adj] */* | 977 |
TENTIER– | TENTIE, tenty (watchful (closely observant or alert)) [adj] */* | 978 |
ROADEOS– | ROADEO, a competition for truck drivers [n] */* | 979 |
AEROSOL | a gaseous suspension of fine solid or liquid particles [n –S] */s | 980 |
ROSEOLA | a rose-colored skin rash [n –S] : ROSEOLAR [adj] */rs | 981 |
EIDOLON | a phantom (something existing in appearance only) [n –LONS or –LA] */s | 982 |
OROIDES– | OROIDE, an alloy used to imitate gold [n] */* | 983 |
OSTEOID | uncalcified bone matrix [n –S] */s | 984 |
LOONIES– | LOONIE, a coin worth one Canadian dollar [n] */t | 985 |
ORIOLES– | ORIOLE, an American songbird [n] */* | 986 |
OOLITES– | OOLITE, a variety of limestone [n] */* | 987 |
OSTIOLE | a small bodily opening [n –S] : OSTIOLAR [adj] */s | 988 |
STOOLIE | an informer (one that informs (to supply with information)) [n –S] */s | 989 |
REGALIA | the rights and privileges of a king [n] */* | 990 |
BEADIER | BEADY, resembling beads [adj] */* | 991 |
BEANIES– | BEANIE, a small cap [n] */* | 992 |
BEASTIE | a tiny animal [n –S] */s | 993 |
DECIARE | a metric unit of area [n –S] */s | 994 |
EUCAINE | an anesthetic [n –S] */s | 995 |
HEADIER | HEADY, intoxicating [adj] */* | 996 |
MEDIATE | to act between disputing parties in order to bring about a settlement [v –ATED, –ATING, –ATES] */ds | 997 |
WEARIED | WEARY, to make or become weary [v] */* | 998 |
DEVIATE | to turn aside from a course or norm [v –ATED, –ATING, –ATES] */ds | 999 |
FILAREE | a European weed [n –S] */s | 1000 |
LEAFIER | LEAFY, covered with leaves [adj] */* | 1001 |
–FAERIES– | FAERIE, a fairy (an imaginary supernatural being) [n] */* | 1002 |
FREESIA | an African herb [n –S] */s | 1003 |
MEALIER– | MEALY, soft, dry, and friable [adj] */* | 1004 |
ELAPINE | pertaining to a family of snakes [adj] */* | 1005 |
EPILATE | to remove hair from [v –LATED, –LATING, –LATES] d/ds | 1006 |
PILEATE | having a pileus [adj] */d | 1007 |
LEAVIER | LEAVY, leafy (covered with leaves) [adj] */* | 1008 |
VEALIER | VEALY, immature [adj] */* | 1009 |
ELATIVE | an adjectival form in some languages [n –S] r/s | 1010 |
MEANIES– | MEANIE, a nasty person [n] */* | 1011 |
SEAMIER | SEAMY, unpleasant (pleasing) [adj] */* | 1012 |
SERIEMA | a Brazilian bird [n –S] */s | 1013 |
APERIES | APERY, the act of aping (to mimic (to imitate closely)) [n] jn/* | 1014 |
WEARIES | WEARY, to make or become weary [v] */t | 1015 |