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IE or Y Words

2010 May 12
by admin

Here’s an inter­est­ing list (all words with 9 or fewer let­ters that, like AUNTIE/AUNTY, end in either IE or Y – there are 204):

AERIEa bird’s nest built high on a moun­tain or cliff [n –S] : AERIED [adj] f/drs
AERYairy (hav­ing the nature of air) [adj AERIER, AERIEST], aerie (a bird’s nest built high on a moun­tain or cliff) [n AERIES] f/*
ALKIEalky (one who is habit­u­ally drunk) [n –S] t/s
ALKYone who is habit­u­ally drunk [n –KIES] bt/dl
ANOMIEa col­lapse of the social struc­tures gov­ern­ing a given soci­ety [n –S] : ANOMIC [adj] */s
ANOMYanomie (a col­lapse of the social struc­tures gov­ern­ing a given soci­ety) [n –MIES] */*
–AUNTIEaunt (the sis­ter of one’s father or mother) [n –S] v/s
AUNTY–aunt (the sis­ter of one’s father or mother) [n AUNTIES] jv/*
BADDIEa bad per­son [n –S] */s
BADDYbad­die (a bad per­son) [n –DIES] */*
–BAGGIEthe stom­ach [n –S] */rs
BAGGYloose-fitting [adj –GIER, –GIEST] : BAGGILY [adv] */*
BARMIEbarmy (full of barm; frothy) [adj] */r
–BARMY–full of barm; frothy [adj BARMIER, BARMIEST] */*
BATTERIEa bal­let move­ment [n –S] */s
BATTERY–a device for gen­er­at­ing an elec­tric cur­rent [n –TERIES] */*
BAWTIEa dog [n –S] */s
BAWTYbawtie (a dog) [n –TIES] */*
BHEESTIEbheesty (a water car­rier) [n –S] */s
BHEESTYa water car­rier [n –TIES] */*
BIGGIEone that is big [n –S] */s
BIGGYbig­gie (one that is big) [n –GIES] */*
BILLIEa com­rade (a close friend) [n –S] */s
–BILLY–a short club [n –LIES] */*
BLASTIEa dwarf (an extremely small per­son) [n –S] */rs
BLASTY–gusty (blow­ing in gusts) [adj BLASTIER, BLASTIEST] */*
BOGIEbogy (a gob­lin (an evil or mis­chie­vous crea­ture)) [n –S] */s
BOGY–a gob­lin (an evil or mis­chie­vous crea­ture) [n –GIES] */*
BOLSHIEa Bolshevik [n –S] */s
BOLSHYbol­shie (a Bolshevik) [n –SHIES] */*
BONNIEbonny (pretty (pleas­ing to the eye)) [adj] */r
BONNYpretty (pleas­ing to the eye) [adj –NIER, –NIEST] : BONNILY [adv] */*
BOOBIEa breast — an offen­sive term [n –S] */s
BOOBY–a dolt (a stu­pid per­son) [n –BIES] */*
BOOGIEto dance to rock music [v –GIED, –GYING or –GIEING, –GIES] */ds
BOOGYboo­gie (to dance to rock music) [v –GIED, –GYING, –GIES] */*
BOOTIEbootee (a baby’s sock) [n –S] */s
BOOTY–a rich gain or prize [n –TIES] */*
BRASSIEa golf club [n –S] */rs
BRASSY–resem­bling brass [adj BRASSIER, BRASSIEST] : BRASSILY [adv] */*
BRAWLIEsplen­didly [adv] */r
–BRAWLY–inclined to brawl [adj BRAWLIER, BRAWLIEST] */*
BROWNIEa small sprite [n –S] */rs
BROWNY–some­what brown [adj BROWNIER, BROWNIEST] */*
BUPPIEa black pro­fes­sional per­son work­ing in a city [n –S] */s
BUPPYbup­pie (a black pro­fes­sional per­son work­ing in a city) [n –PIES] */*
CABBIEcabby (a dri­ver of a cab) [n –S] */s
CABBYa dri­ver of a cab [n –BIES] s/*
CADDIEto serve as a golfer’s assis­tant [v –DIED, –DYING, –DIES] */ds
CADDYto cad­die (to serve as a golfer’s assis­tant) [v –DIED, –DYING, –DIES] */*
CALORIEa unit of heat [n –S] */s
CALORYcalo­rie (a unit of heat) [n –RIES] */*
CANNIEcanny (pru­dent (hav­ing, show­ing, or exer­cis­ing good judg­ment)) [adj –NIER, –NIEST] */r
CANNYpru­dent (hav­ing, show­ing, or exer­cis­ing good judg­ment) [adj –NIER, –NIEST] */*
CARNIEcarny (a car­ni­val (a trav­el­ing amuse­ment show)) [n –S] */s
CARNY–a car­ni­val (a trav­el­ing amuse­ment show) [n –NIES] */*
CATTIEan Asian unit of weight [n –S] */rs
CATTYcat­like; spite­ful [adj –TIER, –TIEST] s/*
CAVIEa hen­coop (a cage for hens) [n –S] */s
CAVYa short-tailed rodent [n –VIES] */*
CHALLIEchal­lis (a light fab­ric) [n –S] */s
CHALLYchal­lis (a light fab­ric) [n –LIES] */*
–CHIPPIEchippy (a pros­ti­tute) [n –S] */rs
–CHIPPYbel­liger­ent [adj –PIER, –PIEST], a pros­ti­tute [n –PIES] */*
CHRISTIEchristy (a ski­ing turn) [n –S] */s
CHRISTYa ski­ing turn [n –TIES] */*
CHRONAXIEthe time required to excite a nerve cell elec­tri­cally [n –S] */s
CHRONAXYthe time required to excite a nerve cell elec­tri­cally [n –AXIES] */*
COLLIEa large dog [n –S] */drs
COLLYto blacken with coal dust [v –LIED, –LYING, –LIES] */*
COMMIEa Communist [n –S] */s
COMMYcom­mie (a Communist) [n –MIES] */*
CONCHIEconchy (a con­sci­en­tious objec­tor) [n –S] */s
CONCHY–a con­sci­en­tious objec­tor [n –CHIES] */*
COOKIEa small, flat cake [n –S] */s
COOKY–cookie (a small, flat cake) [n COOKIES] */*
COOLIEan Oriental laborer [n –S] */s
COOLY–coolie (an Oriental laborer) [n COOLIES] */*
CORBIEa raven or crow [n –S] */s
–CORBYcor­bie (a raven or crow) [n CORBIES] */*
COSIEa cozy [n –S] */drs
COSY–cozy (snug and com­fort­able) [adj COSIER, COSIEST], cozy (to attempt to get on friendly terms) [v COSIED, COSYING, COSIES] */*
COWRIEcowry (a glossy seashell) [n –S] */s
COWRYa glossy seashell [n –RIES] */*
COZIEa cozy [n –S] */drs
COZY–snug and com­fort­able [adj COZIER, COZIEST] : COZILY [adv], to attempt to get on friendly terms [v COZIED, COZYING, COZIES] */*
CRAMOISYcrim­son cloth [n –SIES] */*
CRAPPIEan edi­ble fish [n –S] */rs
CRAPPYmarkedly infe­rior in qual­ity [adj –PIER, –PIEST] s/*
CREEPIEa low stool [n –S] */rs
CREEPY–repug­nant [adj CREEPIER, CREEPIEST] : CREEPILY [adv] */*
CROWDIEcrowdy (por­ridge (a soft food)) [n –S] */s
–CROWDY–por­ridge (a soft food) [n –DIES] */*
CRUMMIEa cow with crooked horns [n –S] */rs
–CRUMMYof lit­tle or no value [adj –MIER, –MIEST] */*
CUDDIEcuddy (a don­key (the domes­tic ass)) [n –S] */s
CUDDYa don­key (the domes­tic ass) [n –DIES] */*
CURRIEto pre­pare food a cer­tain way [v –RIED, –RYING, –RIES] */drs
CURRY–to pre­pare leather for use or sale [v –RIED, –RYING, –RIES] s/*
CUTESIEcutesy (self-consciously cute) [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */r
CUTESY–self-consciously cute [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */*
DARKIEdarky (a black per­son — a deroga­tory term) [n –S] */s
DARKY–a black per­son — a deroga­tory term [n DARKIES] */*
DEARIEdeary (dar­ling (a much-loved per­son)) [n –S] */s
DEARY–dar­ling (a much-loved per­son) [n DEARIES] */*
DEXIEa tablet of dex [n –S] */s
DEXY–dexie (a tablet of dex) [n DEXIES] */*
DIABLERIEsor­cery (alleged use of super­nat­ural pow­ers) [n –S] */s
DIABLERYsor­cery (alleged use of super­nat­ural pow­ers) [n –RIES] */*
DICKIEdickey (a blouse front) [n –S] */rs
–DICKY–poor in con­di­tion [adj DICKIER, DICKIEST], dickey (a blouse front) [n DICKIES] */*
DIDIEdidy (a dia­per) [n –S] */s
DIDY–a dia­per [n –DIES] */*
DOBIEadobe (an unburnt, sun-dried brick) [n –S] */s
DOBYdobie (adobe (an unburnt, sun-dried brick)) [n –BIES] */*
DOGGIEdoggy (a small dog) [n –S] */rs
DOGGYresem­bling or sug­ges­tive of a dog [adj –GIER, –GIEST], a small dog [n –GIES] */*
DOGIEa stray calf [n –S] */s
DOGY–dogie (a stray calf) [n –GIES] */*
DONSIEunlucky (hav­ing good for­tune) [adj] */*
DONSY–don­sie (unlucky (hav­ing good for­tune)) [adj] */*
DOOLIEdoolee (a stretcher for the sick or wounded) [n –S] */s
DOOLYdoolee (a stretcher for the sick or wounded) [n –LIES] */*
DOOZIEdoozy (doozer (an extra­or­di­nary one of its kind)) [n –S] */s
–DOOZYdoozer (an extra­or­di­nary one of its kind) [n –ZIES] */*
DORMIEbeing ahead by as many holes in golf as remain to be played [adj] */*
DORMY–dormie (being ahead by as many holes in golf as remain to be played) [adj] */*
DOXIEdoxy (a doc­trine (a belief or set of beliefs taught or advo­cated)) [n –S] */s
–DOXYa doc­trine (a belief or set of beliefs taught or advo­cated) [n DOXIES] */*
DRUGGIEa drug addict [n –S] */rs
DRUGGYaffected by drugs [adj –GIER, –GIEST] */*
DUCKIEducky (excel­lent) [adj] */rs
DUCKY–excel­lent [adj DUCKIER, DUCKIEST], a dar­ling (a much-loved per­son) [n DUCKIES] */*
DUDDIEragged (tat­tered) [adj] */*
DUDDYdud­die (ragged (tat­tered)) [adj] */*
EERIEweird (mys­te­ri­ously strange) [adj –RIER, –RIEST] : EERILY [adv] p/r
EERYeerie (weird (mys­te­ri­ously strange)) [adj –RIER, –RIEST] blpv/*
EYRIEaerie (a bird’s nest built high on a moun­tain or cliff) [n –S] */s
EYRYaerie (a bird’s nest built high on a moun­tain or cliff) [n –RIES] */*
–FAERIEa fairy (an imag­i­nary super­nat­ural being) [n –S] */s
–FAERYfaerie (a fairy (an imag­i­nary super­nat­ural being)) [n –ERIES] */*
FANTASIEa fan­ta­sia (a free-form musi­cal com­po­si­tion) [n –S] */ds
FANTASYto imag­ine (to form a men­tal pic­ture of) [v –SIED, –SYING, –SIES] */*
FARCIE–farci (stuffed with finely chopped meat) [adj] */s
FARCYa dis­ease of horses [n –CIES] */*
FERLIEa strange sight [n –S] */s
FERLYfer­lie (a strange sight) [n –LIES] */*
FLOOSIEfloozy (a pros­ti­tute) [n –S] */s
FLOOSYfloozy (a pros­ti­tute) [n –SIES] */*
FLOOZIEfloozy (a pros­ti­tute) [n –S] */s
FLOOZYa pros­ti­tute [n –ZIES] */*
FLOSSIEa floozy (a pros­ti­tute) [n –S] */rs
–FLOSSY–resem­bling floss (a soft, light fiber) [adj FLOSSIER, FLOSSIEST] : FLOSSILY [adv] */*
FLUNKIEflunky (a servile fol­lower) [n –S] */s
FLUNKY–a servile fol­lower [n –KIES] */*
FOGIEfogy (an old-fashioned per­son) [n –S] */s
FOGY–an old-fashioned per­son [n –GIES] : FOGYISH [adj] */*
FOLKIEa per­former of folk music [n –S], being in the style of folk music [adj FOLKIER, FOLKIEST] */rs
FOLKY–folkie (a per­former of folk music) [n FOLKIES] */*
FOOTIEfoot­sie (a flirt­ing game played with the feet) [n –S] */rs
FOOTY–pal­try (petty (insignif­i­cant)) [adj –TIER, –TIEST] */*
FOOTSIEa flirt­ing game played with the feet [n –S] */s
FOOTSY–foot­sie (a flirt­ing game played with the feet) [n –SIES] */*
GAWSIEwell-fed and healthy look­ing [adj] */*
GAWSYgawsie (well-fed and healthy look­ing) [adj] */*
GILLIEghillie (a type of shoe (a cov­er­ing for the foot)) [n –S] */ds
–GILLY–to trans­port on a type of wagon [v –LIED, –LYING, –LIES] */*
GIRLIEa pub­li­ca­tion fea­tur­ing scant­ily clothed women [n –S], girl­ish (of, per­tain­ing to, or hav­ing the char­ac­ter­is­tics of a girl) [adj GIRLIER, GIRLIEST] */rs
GIRLY–girlie (a pub­li­ca­tion fea­tur­ing scant­ily clothed women) [n –LIES] */*
–GLASSIEa type of play­ing mar­ble [n –S] */rs
GLASSY–resem­bling glass [adj GLASSIER, GLASSIEST] */*
GOODIEgoody (a desir­able food) [n –S] */s
GOODY–a desir­able food [n GOODIES] */*
GOONIEgooney (an alba­tross) [n –S] */rs
GOONY–gooney (an alba­tross) [n –NIES], stu­pid (men­tally slow) [adj GOONIER, GOONIEST] */*
GRANNIEgranny (a grand­mother) [n –S] */s
GRANNYa grand­mother [n –NIES] */*
GREENIEan amphet­a­mine pill [n –S] */rs
GREENY–some­what green [adj GREENIER, GREENIEST] */*
GREMMIEan inex­pe­ri­enced surfer [n –S] */s
GREMMYgrem­mie (an inex­pe­ri­enced surfer) [n –MIES] */*
GRUMPHIEa pig [n –S] */s
GRUMPHYgrum­phie (a pig) [n GRUMPHIES] */*
GUSSIEgussy (to dress up in fine or showy clothes) [v –SIED, –SYING, –SIES] */ds
GUSSYto dress up in fine or showy clothes [v –SIED, –SYING, –SIES] */*
HANKIEhanky (a hand­ker­chief) [n –S] */s
HANKY–a hand­ker­chief [n –KIES] */*
HEMPIEhempy (mis­chie­vous) [adj HEMPIER, HEMPIEST] */r
HEMPY–mis­chie­vous [adj HEMPIER, HEMPIEST] */*
HIPPIEa non­con­formist [n –S] c/rs
HIPPYhav­ing big hips [adj –PIER, –PIEST] cw/*
HOAGIEa long sand­wich [n –S] */s
HOAGYhoagie (a long sand­wich) [n –GIES] */*
HOMIEhomey (a per­son from one’s own neigh­bor­hood) [n –S] */rs
HOMYhomey (home­like (sug­ges­tive of a home)) [adj HOMIER, HOMIEST] */*
HONKIEa white man — a deroga­tory term [n –S] */s
HONKY–honkie (a white man — a deroga­tory term) [n –KIES] */*
HOODIEa gray crow of Europe [n –S] */rs
HOODY–resem­bling a hood­lum (a thug (a bru­tal ruf­fian or assas­sin)) [adj HOODIER, HOODIEST] */*
HOOLIEeasy; slow [adj] */*
HOOLYhoolie (easy; slow) [adj] d/*
HOWDIEa mid­wife [n –S] */ds
HOWDYto greet with the words “how do you do” [v –DIED, –DYING, –DIES] */*
HUNKIEhunky (an unskilled laborer — an offen­sive term) [n –S] */rs
HUNKY–mus­cu­lar and attrac­tive [adj HUNKIER, HUNKIEST], an unskilled laborer — an offen­sive term [n –KIES] c/*
JIMMIEa tiny bit of candy for dec­o­rat­ing ice cream [n –S] */ds
–JIMMYto pry open with a crow­bar [v –MIED, –MYING, –MIES] */*
JOHNNIEjohnny (a sleeve­less hos­pi­tal gown) [n –S] */s
JOHNNYa sleeve­less hos­pi­tal gown [n –NIES] */*
JUNKIEa drug addict [n –S] */rs
JUNKY–worth­less [adj JUNKIER, JUNKIEST] */*
KELPIEa water sprite [n –S] */s
KELPY–kelpie (a water sprite) [n –PIES] */*
KIDDIEa small child [n –S] */s
KIDDYkid­die (a small child) [n –DIES] s/*
KILTIEone who wears a kilt (a type of skirt) [n –S] */s
KILTY–kiltie (one who wears a kilt (a type of skirt)) [n KILTIES] */*
KOOKIEkooky (eccen­tric) [adj KOOKIER, KOOKIEST] */r
KOOKY–eccen­tric [adj KOOKIER, KOOKIEST] */*
LAMBIEa lam­bkin (a small lamb) [n –S] */rs
LAMBY–resem­bling a lamb [adj LAMBIER, LAMBIEST] */*
LEZZIElezzy (a les­bian — an offen­sive term) [n –S] */s
LEZZYa les­bian — an offen­sive term [n –ZIES] */*
LOGGIELOGGIA, an open gallery [n] */r
LOGGYlogy (slug­gish (dis­play­ing lit­tle move­ment or activ­ity)) [adj –GIER, –GIEST] c/*
LOONIEa coin worth one Canadian dol­lar [n –S] */rs
LOONY–crazy (insane (men­tally unsound)) [adj –NIER, –NIEST] : LOONILY [adv], a loony per­son [n –NIES] */*
LUCKIEan old woman [n –S] */rs
LUCKY–hav­ing good for­tune [adj LUCKIER, LUCKIEST] : LUCKILY [adv] p/*
MAMMIEmammy (mother) [n –S] */s
MAMMYmother [n –MIES] */*
MASHIEa golf club [n –S] */s
–MASHY–mashie (a golf club) [n MASHIES] */*
MEALIEan ear of corn [n –S] */rs
MEALY–soft, dry, and fri­able [adj MEALIER, MEALIEST] */*
MEANIEa nasty per­son [n –S] */s
MEANY–meanie (a nasty per­son) [n MEANIES] */*
MEINIEmeiny (a ret­inue (a group of atten­dants)) [n –S] */s
MEINYa ret­inue (a group of atten­dants) [n –NIES] */*
MOGGIEmoggy (a cat) [n –S] */s
MOGGYa cat [n –GIES] s/*
MOLLIEa trop­i­cal fish [n –S] */s
MOLLY–mol­lie (a trop­i­cal fish) [n –LIES] */*
MONIEmany (con­sist­ing of or amount­ing to a large num­ber) [adj] */ds
MONY–many (con­sist­ing of or amount­ing to a large num­ber) [adj] */*
MUSKIEa fresh­wa­ter fish [n –S] */rs
MUSKY–resem­bling musk (a strongly odor­ous sub­stance secreted by cer­tain ani­mals) [adj MUSKIER, MUSKIEST] */*
NANNIEnanny (a children’s nurse) [n –S] */s
NANNYa children’s nurse [n –NIES] : NANNYISH [adj] */*
NAPPIEa dia­per [n –S] */rs
NAPPYkinky (tightly curled) [adj –PIER, –PIEST] s/*
NELLIEan effem­i­nate male [n –S] */s
NELLYnel­lie (an effem­i­nate male) [n –LIES] */*
NEWSIEnewsy (a news­boy (a boy who deliv­ers or sells news­pa­pers)) [n –S] */rs
NEWSY–full of news [adj NEWSIER, NEWSIEST], a news­boy (a boy who deliv­ers or sells news­pa­pers) [n NEWSIES] */*
NIGHTIEa night­gown [n –S] */s
NIGHTY–nightie (a night­gown) [n NIGHTIES] */*
NITERIEnitery (a night­club) [n –S] */s
NITERY–a night­club [n –ERIES] */*
NIXIEa female water sprite [n –S] */s
NIXY–an unde­liv­er­able piece of mail [n NIXIES] */*
NOOKIEnooky (sex­ual inter­course — usu­ally con­sid­ered vul­gar) [n –S] */s
NOOKY–sex­ual inter­course — usu­ally con­sid­ered vul­gar [n NOOKIES] */*
OLDIEa pop­u­lar song of an ear­lier day [n –S] */s
OLDY–oldie (a pop­u­lar song of an ear­lier day) [n OLDIES] m/*
ORANGERYa place where orange trees are cul­ti­vated [n –RIES] */*
ORGANDIEorgandy (a cot­ton fab­ric) [n –S] */s
ORGANDYa cot­ton fab­ric [n –DIES] */*
OVERLIEto lie over [v –LAY, –LAIN, –LYING, –LIES] */s
OVERLYto an exces­sive degree [adv] l/*
PANTIEa woman’s or child’s under­gar­ment [n –S] */s
PANTY–pantie (a woman’s or child’s under­gar­ment) [n PANTIES] */*
PARDIE–pardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */*
PARDY–pardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */*
PASTIEpasty (a meat pie) [n –S] */rs
PASTY–pale and unhealthy in appear­ance [adj PASTIER, PASTIEST], a meat pie [n PASTIES] */*
PATTIEpatty (a small, flat cake of chopped food) [n –S] */s
PATTYa small, flat cake of chopped food [n –TIES] */*
–PEERIEpeery (a child’s toy) [n –S] */s
–PEERY–a child’s toy [n PEERIES] */*
PERDIEpardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */*
PERDYpardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */*
PIGGIEpiggy (a small pig) [n –S] */rs
PIGGYpig­gish (greedy or dirty) [adj –GIER, –GIEST], a small pig [n –GIES] */*
PINKIEthe lit­tle fin­ger [n –S] */s
–PINKY–pinkie (the lit­tle fin­ger) [n PINKIES] */*
PIXIEpixy (a play­fully mis­chie­vous fairy or elf) [n –S] : PIXIEISH [adj] */s
PIXY–a play­fully mis­chie­vous fairy or elf [n PIXIES] : PIXYISH [adj] */*
–PLIEa move­ment in bal­let [n –S] */drs
PLYto sup­ply with or offer repeat­edly [v PLIED, PLYING, PLIES] : PLYINGLY [adv] */*
PLISKIEa prac­ti­cal joke [n –S] */s
PLISKYpliskie (a prac­ti­cal joke) [n –KIES] */*
POMMIEpommy (an English immi­grant to Australia or New Zealand — an offen­sive term) [n –S] */s
POMMYan English immi­grant to Australia or New Zealand — an offen­sive term [n POMMIES] */*
POPSIEpopsy (a girl­friend) [n –S] */s
POPSY–a girl­friend [n –SIES] */*
POTSIEpotsy (a children’s game) [n –S] */s
POTSY–a children’s game [n –SIES] */*
PREPPIEone who preps (to attend a prepara­tory school) [n –S] */rs
PREPPYasso­ci­ated with the style and behav­ior of prepara­tory school stu­dents [adj –PIER, –PIEST] : PREPPILY [adv] */*
PUNKIEa bit­ing gnat [n –S] s/rs
PUNKY–resem­bling punk (dry, decayed wood used as tin­der) [adj PUNKIER, PUNKIEST] s/*
PUTTIE–put­tee (a strip of cloth wound around the leg) [n –S] */drs
PUTTY–to fill with a type of cement [v –TIED, –TYING, –TIES] */*
REVERIEa day­dream [n –S] */s
–REVERYreverie (a day­dream) [n –ERIES] */*
ROOKIEa novice (a per­son new to any field or activ­ity) [n –S] b/rs
ROOKY–abound­ing in rooks [adj ROOKIER, ROOKIEST] */*
ROOMIEa room­mate (one with whom a room is shared) [n –S] */rs
ROOMY–spa­cious (vast or ample in extent) [adj ROOMIER, ROOMIEST] : ROOMILY [adv] b/*
SALTIEa deep-sea ves­sel sail­ing the Great Lakes [n –S] */rs
SALTY–tast­ing of or con­tain­ing salt [adj SALTIER, SALTIEST] */*
–SCRUNCHY–an elas­tic band for fas­ten­ing the hair [n SCRUNCHIES] */*
SHARPIEa very alert per­son [n –S] */s
–SHARPY–sharpie (a very alert per­son) [n SHARPIES] */*
SHEENIEa Jew — an offen­sive term [n –S] */rs
SHEENY–shin­ing (emit­ting or reflect­ing light) [adj SHEENIER, SHEENIEST] */*
SHELTIEa small, shaggy pony [n –S] */s
SHELTYsheltie (a small, shaggy pony) [n –TIES] */*
SHORTIEshorty (one that is short) [n –S] */s
SHORTY–one that is short [n SHORTIES] */*
SILKIEselkie (a crea­ture in Scottish and Irish folk­lore) [n –S] */rs
SILKY–resem­bling silk [adj SILKIER, SILKIEST], a glossy-coated ter­rier [n SILKIES] */*
SMARTIEsmarty (an obnox­iously con­ceited per­son) [n –S] */s
SMARTY–an obnox­iously con­ceited per­son [n SMARTIES] */*
SMOOTHIEa per­son with pol­ished man­ners [n –S] */s
SMOOTHY–smoothie (a per­son with pol­ished man­ners) [n SMOOTHIES] */*
SNUGGERY–a snug place [n –GERIES] */*
SOFTIEsofty (a sen­ti­men­tal per­son) [n –S] */s
SOFTY–a sen­ti­men­tal per­son [n SOFTIES] */*
SONSIEsonsy (comely (pleas­ing to look at)) [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */r
SONSY–comely (pleas­ing to look at) [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */*
–SPUNKIEa light caused by the com­bus­tion of marsh gas [n –S] */rs
–SPUNKY–plucky (brave and spir­ited) [adj SPUNKIER, SPUNKIEST] : SPUNKILY [adv] */*
STAGGIEa colt (a young male horse) [n –S] */rs
STAGGYhav­ing the appear­ance of a mature male [adj –GIER, –GIEST] */*
STEELIEa steel play­ing mar­ble [n –S] */rs
STEELY–resem­bling steel [adj STEELIER, STEELIEST] */*
STOGIEstogy (a long, slen­der cigar) [n –S] */s
STOGYa long, slen­der cigar [n –GIES] */*
STOURIEstoury (dusty (full of dust)) [adj] */*
STOURY–dusty (full of dust) [adj] */*
STYMIEto thwart (to pre­vent the accom­plish­ment of) [v –MIED, –MIEING, –MIES] */ds
STYMYto stymie (to thwart (to pre­vent the accom­plish­ment of)) [v –MIED, –MYING, –MIES] */*
SWABBIEa sailor (a mem­ber of a ship’s crew) [n –S] */s
SWABBYswab­bie (a sailor (a mem­ber of a ship’s crew)) [n –BIES] */*
–TALKIEa mov­ing pic­ture with syn­chro­nized sound [n –S] */rs
–TALKY–tend­ing to talk a great deal [adj TALKIER, TALKIEST] s/*
TAMMIEtammy (a fab­ric of mixed fibers) [n –S] */s
TAMMYa fab­ric of mixed fibers [n –MIES] */*
TATTIEa potato (the edi­ble tuber of a cul­ti­vated plant) [n –S] */rs
TATTYshabby (ragged (tat­tered)) [adj –TIER, –TIEST] */*
TECHIEa tech­ni­cian [n –S] */rs
TECHY–tetchy (irri­ta­ble) [adj TECHIER, TECHIEST] : TECHILY [adv] */*
TENTIEtenty (watch­ful (closely obser­vant or alert)) [adj TENTIER, TENTIEST] */r
TENTY–watch­ful (closely obser­vant or alert) [adj TENTIER, TENTIEST] */*
TITTIEa sis­ter [n –S] */s
TITTYa teat (a mam­mary gland) [n –TIES] */*
TOOTSIEtootsy (a foot (the ter­mi­nal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves)) [n –S] */s
TOOTSY–a foot (the ter­mi­nal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves) [n –SIES] */*
TOUGHIEa tough per­son [n –S] */s
TOUGHY–toughie (a tough per­son) [n TOUGHIES] */*
TOWIEa form of con­tract bridge for three play­ers [n –S] */s
TOWNIEa non­stu­dent who lives in a col­lege town [n –S] */s
TOWNY–townie (a non­stu­dent who lives in a col­lege town) [n TOWNIES] */*
TOWY–resem­bling coarse hemp or flax fiber [adj] */*
TRICKIEtricky (char­ac­ter­ized by decep­tion) [adj TRICKIER, TRICKIEST] */r
TRICKY–char­ac­ter­ized by decep­tion [adj TRICKIER, TRICKIEST] */*
TUSHIEthe but­tocks (either of the two rounded parts of the rump) [n –S] */s
TUSHY–tushie (the but­tocks (either of the two rounded parts of the rump)) [n TUSHIES] */*
UNSONSIEunlucky (hav­ing good for­tune) [adj] */*
UNSONSYunson­sie (unlucky (hav­ing good for­tune)) [adj] */*
–VAUNTIEboast­ful (given to boast­ing) [adj] */*
–VAUNTY–vaun­tie (boast­ful (given to boast­ing)) [adj] */*
WADDIEa cow­boy [n –S] */ds
WADDYto strike with a thick club [v –DIED, –DYING, –DIES] */*
WALLIEa valet [n –S] */s
–WALLY–waly (some­thing visu­ally pleas­ing) [n –LIES] */*
WASTERIEwastry (reck­less extrav­a­gance) [n –S] */s
WASTERY–wastry (reck­less extrav­a­gance) [n –RIES] */*
WASTRIEwastry (reck­less extrav­a­gance) [n –S] */s
WASTRYreck­less extrav­a­gance [n –RIES] */*
WEDGIEa type of woman’s shoe [n –S] */rs
–WEDGYresem­bling a wedge [adj WEDGIER, WEDGIEST] */*
WEENIEa wiener (a frank­furter) [n –S] */rs
WEENY–tiny (very small) [adj –NIER, –NIEST] st/*
WEEPIEa very maudlin movie [n –S] */rs
WEEPY–tend­ing to weep [adj WEEPIER, WEEPIEST] s/*
WEIRDIEa very strange per­son [n –S] */s
WEIRDY–weirdie (a very strange per­son) [n WEIRDIES] */*
WELLIEa Wellington boot [n –S] */s
WELLY–wellie (a Wellington boot) [n –LIES] */*
WIDDIEwiddy (a hangman’s noose) [n –S] */s
WIDDYa hangman’s noose [n –DIES] */*
WILLIEthe penis — usu­ally con­sid­ered vul­gar [n –S] */ds
–WILLY–to wil­low (to clean tex­tile fibers with a cer­tain machine) [v –LIED, –LYING, –LIES] */*
WOODIEwoody (a wood-paneled sta­tion wagon) [n –S] */rs
WOODY–con­tain­ing or resem­bling wood [adj WOODIER, WOODIEST], a wood-paneled sta­tion wagon [n WOODIES] */*
WOOLIEa woolly (a gar­ment made of wool) [n –S] */rs
WOOLY–woolly (con­sist­ing of or resem­bling wool) [adj WOOLIER, WOOLIEST], a woolly (a gar­ment made of wool) [n WOOLIES] */*
YABBIEyabby (an Australian cray­fish) [n –S] */s
YABBYan Australian cray­fish [n –BIES] */*
YUPPIEa young pro­fes­sional per­son work­ing in a city [n –S] */s
YUPPYyup­pie (a young pro­fes­sional per­son work­ing in a city) [n –PIES] */*
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