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Club Minutes — December 12, 2010

2010 December 12
by admin

NASPA Scrabble Club #803 Nacogdoches
12/12/2010 (Sunday)


Next Meeting: Sunday, January 9, at 3:00 pm, at Java Jacks in Nacogdoches, TX, 1122 North Street, Nacogdoches, TX,  75961, (936) 559‑9350.  We will meet upstairs.  Click HERE for a map.

Attendees: Phillip Collier, Krystal Roach, Brent D. Beal, Marin Beal


High Score:

Phillip, 391

Bingos Played (*=phoney:

Brent: RATINGS (70), WASTREL (78), *STEEDING (66), *ENCASER (61)
Phillip: BALLERINA (87), BASTION (63)


Phillip plays a bingo on the last play of the game by adding LLERINA to BA already on the board and scores 87 points – just enough to edge out Brent, who was lead­ing by nearly 100 points going into the last play.  The pic­ture above is Brent look­ing at the score sheet try­ing to fig­ure out how Phillip beat him.

Wins (cer­tifi­cates will be issued for sig­nif­i­cant “win” mile­stones, e.g. 50 club wins, etc.):

Phillip: 3


Look for a post with next year’s club sched­ule and goals some­time between now and our first Scrabble meet­ing of the year on January 9, 2011.  Here is a sum­mary of the items that will be dis­cussed in more detail in the post:

1) Meetings twice a month (on the sec­ond and fourth Sundays of each month), unless we have another club activ­ity sched­uled for that month (in which case, we will just meet the sec­ond Sunday).
2) Upgraded web­site.
3) Sponsorship of a 6th grade Scrabble team (at Mike Moses) – assum­ing we can get per­mis­sion.
4) Two toura­ments (one in Houston) and the national tour­na­ment in Dallas.
5) Visit and play with the Houston club.

Check out this site for a list of upcom­ing Scrabble tour­na­ments in 2011: http://​www​.cross​-tables​.com/.

Please con­sider becom­ing a mem­ber of NASPA (North American Scrabble Players Association): http://​www​.scrab​ble​play​ers​.org/​w​/​M​e​m​b​e​r​s​hip.

No dues or other club fees until January 2012.

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