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Aero Words

2010 June 18
by admin

117 “AERO” words: 

 AERO  per­tain­ing to air­craft (any machine or device capa­ble of fly­ing) [adj]  
 AEROBAT  one that per­forms feats in an air­craft [n –S]  s
 AEROBATIC  [adj]  s
 AEROBATS– AEROBAT, one that per­forms feats in an air­craft [n]  
 AEROBE  an organ­ism that requires oxy­gen to live [n –S] : AEROBIC [adj]  s
 AEROBES– AEROBE, an organ­ism that requires oxy­gen to live [n]  
 AEROBIA  AEROBIUM, aer­obe (an organ­ism that requires oxy­gen to live) [n]  
 AEROBIC  AEROBE, an organ­ism that requires oxy­gen to live [adj]  s
 AEROBICS– exer­cises for con­di­tion­ing the heart and lungs by increas­ing oxy­gen con­sump­tion [n]  
 AEROBIUM  aer­obe (an organ­ism that requires oxy­gen to live) [n –BIA]  
 AERODROME  [n –S]  s
 AERODUCT  a type of jet engine [n –S]  s
 AERODUCTS– AERODUCT, a type of jet engine [n]  
 AERODYNAMIC  [adj]  s
 AERODYNE  an air­craft that is heav­ier than air [n –S]  s
 AERODYNES– AERODYNE, an air­craft that is heav­ier than air [n]  
 AEROFOIL  air­foil (a part of an air­craft designed to pro­vide lift or con­trol) [n –S]  s
 AEROFOILS– AEROFOIL, air­foil (a part of an air­craft designed to pro­vide lift or con­trol) [n]  
 AEROGEL  a highly porous solid [n –S]  s
 AEROGELS– AEROGEL, a highly porous solid [n]  
 AEROGRAM  an air­mail let­ter [n –S]  s
 AEROGRAMME  [n –S]  s
 AEROGRAMS– AEROGRAM, an air­mail let­ter [n]  
 AEROLITE  a mete­orite con­tain­ing more stone than iron [n –S]  s
 AEROLITES– AEROLITE, a mete­orite con­tain­ing more stone than iron [n]  
 AEROLITH  aero­lite (a mete­orite con­tain­ing more stone than iron) [n –S]  s
 AEROLITHS– AEROLITH, aero­lite (a mete­orite con­tain­ing more stone than iron) [n]  
 AEROLITIC  [adj]  
 AEROLOGIC  [adj]  
 AEROLOGIES  AEROLOGY, the study of the atmos­phere [n]  
 AEROLOGY  the study of the atmos­phere [n –GIES]  
 AEROMETER  [n –S]  s
 AERONAUT  one who oper­ates an air­ship [n –S]  s
 AERONAUTIC  [adj]  s
 AERONAUTS– AERONAUT, one who oper­ates an air­ship [n]  
 AERONOMER  [n –S]  s
 AERONOMIC  [adj]  
 AERONOMIES  AERONOMY, the study of the upper atmos­phere [n]  
 AERONOMIST  [n –S]  s
 AERONOMY  the study of the upper atmos­phere [n –MIES]  
 AEROPAUSE  [n –S]  s
 AEROPHOBE  [n –S]  s
 AEROPHORE  [n –S]  s
 AEROPHYTE  [n –S]  s
 AEROPLANE  [n –S]  s
 AEROPULSE  [n –S]  s
 AEROSAT  a satel­lite for use in air-traffic con­trol [n –S]  s
 AEROSATS– AEROSAT, a satel­lite for use in air-traffic con­trol [n]  
 AEROSCOPE  [n –S]  s
 AEROSOL  a gaseous sus­pen­sion of fine solid or liq­uid par­ti­cles [n –S]  s
 AEROSOLS– AEROSOL, a gaseous sus­pen­sion of fine solid or liq­uid par­ti­cles [n]  
 AEROSPACE  [n –S]  s
 AEROSTAT  an air­craft that is lighter than air [n –S]  s
 AEROSTATS– AEROSTAT, an air­craft that is lighter than air [n]  
 ANAEROBE  an organ­ism that does not require oxy­gen to live [n –S]  s
 ANAEROBES– ANAEROBE, an organ­ism that does not require oxy­gen to live [n]  
 ANAEROBIC  [adj]  

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