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Club Minutes — September 12, 2010

2010 September 18
by admin

NASPA Scrabble Club #803 Nacogdoches
09/12/2010 (Sunday)


Next Meeting: Sunday, October 10, at 3:00 pm, at Java Jacks in Nacogdoches, TX, 1122 North Street, Nacogdoches, TX,  75961, (936) 559‑9350.  We will meet upstairs.  Click HERE for a map.

Attendees: Brent D. Beal (with daugh­ter, Marin Beal; Stuart Beal spectated).

Marin was hop­ing for an even num­ber of atten­dees so that she would be able to play.  It was a good thing she tagged along.  We played two games – It was her first time play­ing with a clock and a track­ing sheet.


High Score:

Brent, 378 (not really worth mentioning)

Bingos Played:

Brent: rat­line (70), removes (67)

[no phonies]

Wins/Losses (cer­tifi­cates will be issued for sig­nif­i­cant “win” mile­stones, e.g. 50 club wins, etc.):

Brent: 2 (undefeated)


Does any­one have any input on how to adver­tise the club more effec­tively or on what our sched­ule should look like for 2011?  I think we should find a qui­eter loca­tion – if any­one has any ideas about where we could meet, please let me know.

Here’s a link to the Cheat Sheet: http://​www​.cross​-tables​.com/cs.

Please con­sider becom­ing a mem­ber of NASPA (North American Scrabble Players Association): http://​www​.scrab​ble​play​ers​.org/​w​/​M​e​m​b​e​r​s​hip.

No dues or other club fees until January 2011.

We have 1 cus­tum board and 1 timer avail­able for use.  If you have your own equip­ment, please bring it.  I will con­tinue to bring 4 game sets, just in case they’re needed, but they’re cheap sets that aren’t appro­pri­ate for com­pet­i­tive play.  You can take a look at cus­tom sets (and other equip­ment) here: http://​sam​timer​.com/ (see the club web­site for addi­tional links).

4 Responses leave one →
  1. September 20, 2010

    Not sure how to bet­ter adver­tise the club. I should be able to make it to the meet­ing on the 10th, so I’ll try to think of some­thing before then. Have you thought about cre­at­ing a Facebook fan page? I made one for the yoga stu­dio and it works really well to keep peo­ple informed and updated. I could make one for the Scrabble club if you want, or you could make one and I could help get peo­ple to join it. Let me know!

  2. admin permalink*
    September 21, 2010

    Here’s a page I set up a while ago on Facebook: http://​www​.face​book​.com/​g​r​o​u​p​.​p​h​p​?​g​i​d​=​1​7​7​8​7​3​1​7​0​043. I just made you an admin…

  3. September 21, 2010

    Thanks! And I even belong to that group… Sorry… I’m sick today and not think­ing straight. I’ll see if I can get more folks to join!

  4. admin permalink*
    September 21, 2010

    Hope you feel bet­ter. I think by the end of the year I’ll be ready to put a lit­tle more time into pro­mot­ing it. I’m start­ing to look around for a bet­ter meet­ing place – let me know if you have any ideas on that front…

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