Words Spelled at Least Three Ways (A-H)
2010 August 19
These are words that begin with the letters A-H and that can be spelled at least three different ways (1 of 3 files). This list is based on a list compiled by Amit Chakrabarti and posted on the Seattle Scrabble Club website: http://www.seattlescrabble.org/study.php.
AARGH | used to express disgust [interj] */* |
AARRGH | aargh (used to express disgust) [interj] */h |
AARRGHH– | aargh (used to express disgust) [interj] */* |
ABLINGS | ablins (perhaps) [adv] */* |
ABLINS | perhaps [adv] */* |
AIBLINS | ablins (perhaps) [adv] */* |
ABOIDEAUS– | ABOIDEAU, a type of dike [n] */* |
ABOIDEAUX– | ABOIDEAU, a type of dike [n] */* |
ABOITEAUS– | ABOITEAU, aboideau (a type of dike) [n] */* |
ABOITEAUX– | ABOITEAU, aboideau (a type of dike) [n] */* |
ACALEPHAE | ACALEPH, a jellyfish [n] */* |
ACALEPHES– | ACALEPHE, acaleph (a jellyfish) [n] */* |
ACALEPHS– | ACALEPH, a jellyfish [n] */* |
ACAULESCENT | [adj] */* |
–ACAULINE | having no stem [adj] */* |
ACAULOSE | acauline (having no stem) [adj] */* |
ACAULOUS | acauline (having no stem) [adj] */* |
ACCIDIA | acedia (apathy (lack of emotion)) [n –S] */s |
ACCIDIE | acedia (apathy (lack of emotion)) [n –S] */s |
ACEDIA | apathy (lack of emotion) [n –S] */s |
ACTINIAE– | ACTINIA, a marine animal [n] */* |
ACTINIANS– | ACTINIAN, actinia (a marine animal) [n] */* |
ACTINIAS– | ACTINIA, a marine animal [n] */* |
ADOBE | an unburnt, sun-dried brick [n –S] */s |
DOBIE | adobe (an unburnt, sun-dried brick) [n –S] */s |
DOBY | dobie (adobe (an unburnt, sun-dried brick)) [n –BIES] */* |
ADUNC | bent inward [adj] */* |
ADUNCATE | adunc (bent inward) [adj] */* |
ADUNCOUS | adunc (bent inward) [adj] */* |
AERIE | a bird’s nest built high on a mountain or cliff [n –S] : AERIED [adj] f/drs |
AERY | airy (having the nature of air) [adj AERIER, AERIEST], aerie (a bird’s nest built high on a mountain or cliff) [n AERIES] f/* |
EYRIE | aerie (a bird’s nest built high on a mountain or cliff) [n –S] */s |
EYRY | aerie (a bird’s nest built high on a mountain or cliff) [n –RIES] */* |
AFEARD | afraid (filled with apprehension) [adj] */* |
–AFEARED | afeard (afraid (filled with apprehension)) [adj] */* |
AFRAID | filled with apprehension [adj] */* |
–AGAINST | in opposition to [prep] */* |
–AGIN | against (in opposition to) [prep] f/g |
GAINST– | against (in opposition to) [prep] a/* |
AGAPAE | AGAPE, a communal meal of fellowship [n] */* |
AGAPAI | AGAPE, a communal meal of fellowship [n] */* |
–AGAPES– | AGAPE, a communal meal of fellowship [n] */* |
AGGADA | haggadah (a biblical narrative) [n –DAS or –DOT or –DOTH] h/hs |
AGGADAH– | haggadah (a biblical narrative) [n –DAHS or –DOT or –DOTH] h/s |
–HAGGADA | haggadah (a biblical narrative) [n –DAS, –DOT or –DOTH] */hs |
–HAGGADAH– | a biblical narrative [n –DAHS, –DOT or –DOTH] : HAGGADIC [adj] */s |
AGGADIC | haggadic (a biblical narrative) [adj] h/* |
HAGADIC | haggadic (a biblical narrative) [adj] */* |
–HAGGADIC | HAGGADAH, a biblical narrative [adj] */* |
–AGLEE | agley (awry (with a turn or twist to one side)) [adv] */* |
–AGLEY | awry (with a turn or twist to one side) [adv] */* |
AGLY | agley (awry (with a turn or twist to one side)) [adv] */* |
ALAN– | a large hunting dog [n –S] */degst |
–ALAND– | alan (a large hunting dog) [n –S] */s |
ALANT– | alan (a large hunting dog) [n –S] */s |
ALARM– | to frighten by a sudden revelation of danger [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–ALARUM | to alarm (to frighten by a sudden revelation of danger) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–LARUM | an alarm [n –S] a/s |
ALIYAHS– | ALIYAH, the immigration of Jews to Israel [n] */* |
ALIYAS– | ALIYA, aliyah (the immigration of Jews to Israel) [n] */* |
ALIYOS | ALIYAH, the immigration of Jews to Israel [n] */* |
ALIYOT | ALIYAH, the immigration of Jews to Israel [n] */* |
ALLOD | allodium (land held in absolute ownership) [n –S] */s |
ALLODIUM | land held in absolute ownership [n –DIA] : ALLODIAL [adj] */* |
ALODIUM | allodium (land held in absolute ownership) [n –DIA] : ALODIAL [adj] */* |
ALMA | almah (an Egyptian girl who sings and dances professionally) [n –S] h/hs |
ALMAH– | an Egyptian girl who sings and dances professionally [n –S] */s |
ALME | almah (an Egyptian girl who sings and dances professionally) [n –S] */hs |
ALMEH– | almah (an Egyptian girl who sings and dances professionally) [n –S] */s |
AMEBAE– | AMEBA, amoeba (a unicellular microscopic organism) [n] */* |
AMEBAS– | AMEBA, amoeba (a unicellular microscopic organism) [n] */* |
AMOEBAE– | AMOEBA, a unicellular microscopic organism [n] */* |
AMOEBAS– | AMOEBA, a unicellular microscopic organism [n] */* |
AMEER | amir (a Muslim prince or governor) [n –S] */s |
–AMIR– | a Muslim prince or governor [n –S] */s |
EMEER | emir (an Arab chieftain or prince) [n –S] */s |
–EMIR | an Arab chieftain or prince [n –S] */s |
AMPOULE | ampule (a small glass vial) [n –S] */s |
AMPUL | ampule (a small glass vial) [n –S] */es |
AMPULE– | a small glass vial [n –S] */s |
ANATTO | annatto (a yellowish-red dye) [n –TOS] */s |
ANNATTO | a yellowish-red dye [n –TOS] */s |
ARNATTO | annatto (a yellowish-red dye) [n –TOS] */s |
ARNOTTO | a tropical tree [n –TOS] */s |
ANCONAL | ANCON, the elbow [adj] */* |
ANCONEAL | ANCON, the elbow [adj] */* |
ANCONOID | ANCON, the elbow [adj] */* |
ANOOPSIA | a visual defect [n –S] */s |
ANOPIA | anoopsia (a visual defect) [n –S] */s |
ANOPSIA | anoopsia (a visual defect) [n –S] */s |
ANTEFIXA– | ANTEFIX, an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n] */el |
ANTEFIXAE– | ANTEFIX, an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n] */* |
ANTEFIXES | ANTEFIX, an upright ornament at the eaves of a tiled roof [n] */* |
ANTHELICES | ANTHELIX, the inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear [n] */* |
ANTHELIXES | ANTHELIX, the inner curved ridge on the cartilage of the external ear [n] */* |
ARBALEST | a type of crossbow (a kind of weapon) [n –S] */s |
ARBALIST | arbalest (a type of crossbow (a kind of weapon)) [n –S] */s |
ARBELEST | arbalest (a type of crossbow (a kind of weapon)) [n –S] */s |
AREOLAE– | AREOLA, a small space in a network of leaf veins [n] */* |
AREOLAS– | AREOLA, a small space in a network of leaf veins [n] */* |
AREOLES– | AREOLE, areola (a small space in a network of leaf veins) [n] */* |
ARQUEBUS | an early portable firearm [n –ES] h/* |
HACKBUT | a type of gun [n –S] */s |
HAGBUT | hackbut (a type of gun) [n –S] */s |
–HARQUEBUS | [n –ES] */* |
ATAGHAN | yataghan (a Turkish sword) [n –S] y/s |
YATAGAN | yataghan (a Turkish sword) [n –S] */s |
–YATAGHAN | a Turkish sword [n –S] */s |
ATTAR | a fragrant oil [n –S] */s |
OTTAR | attar (a fragrant oil) [n –S] c/s |
OTTO | attar (a fragrant oil) [n –TOS] lmp/s |
AUGHT | a zero [n –S] cntw/s |
–NAUGHT | a zero [n –S] */sy |
–NOUGHT | naught (a zero) [n –S] */s |
NOWT– | naught (a zero) [n –S] */s |
AUNT | the sister of one’s father or mother [n –S] dghjtv/sy |
–AUNTIE | aunt (the sister of one’s father or mother) [n –S] v/s |
AUNTY– | aunt (the sister of one’s father or mother) [n AUNTIES] jv/* |
AURICLES– | AURICLE, an ear or ear-shaped part [n] */* |
AURICULAE– | AURICULA, an auricle (an ear or ear-shaped part) [n] */* |
AURICULAS– | AURICULA, an auricle (an ear or ear-shaped part) [n] */* |
–AWAKE | to wake up [v AWAKED or AWOKE, AWOKEN, AWAKING, AWAKES] */dns |
–AWAKEN– | to awake (to wake up) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
WAKE | to rouse from sleep [v WAKED, WOKE, WOKEN, WAKING, WAKES] a/dnrs |
WAKEN– | to wake (to rouse from sleep) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/s |
–WAUK | to wake (to rouse from sleep) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–AWAKED– | AWAKE, to wake up [v] */* |
–AWAKENED | AWAKEN, to awake (to wake up) [v] */* |
–AWOKE | AWAKE, to wake up [v] */n |
WAKED– | WAKE, to rouse from sleep [v] a/* |
WAKENED | WAKEN, to wake (to rouse from sleep) [v] a/* |
WAUKED | WAUK, to wake (to rouse from sleep) [v] */* |
–WOKE– | WAKE, to rouse from sleep [v] a/n |
–AWOKEN– | AWAKE, to wake up [v] */* |
WOKEN– | WAKE, to rouse from sleep [v] a/* |
–AWAKENER | one that awakens (to awake (to wake up)) [n –S] */s |
WAKENER | one that wakens (to wake (to rouse from sleep)) [n –S] a/s |
WAKER– | one that wakes (to rouse from sleep) [n –S] */s |
BAASKAAP | the policy of domination by white people in South Africa [n –S] */s |
BAASKAP | the policy of domination by white people in South Africa [n –S] */s |
BAASSKAP | baaskap (the policy of domination by white people in South Africa) [n –S] */s |
BAIDARKA | bidarka (an Eskimo canoe) [n –S] */s |
BIDARKA | an Eskimo canoe [n –S] */s |
BIDARKEE | bidarka (an Eskimo canoe) [n –S] */s |
BALDRIC | a shoulder belt [n –S] */ks |
BALDRICK– | baldric (a shoulder belt) [n –S] */s |
BAWDRIC | baldric (a shoulder belt) [n –S] */s |
BALONEY | bologna (a seasoned sausage) [n –NEYS] */s |
BOLOGNA | a seasoned sausage [n –S] */s |
BOLONEY | bologna (a seasoned sausage) [n –NEYS] */s |
BANDEROL | a streamer (a long, narrow flag) [n –S] */es |
BANDEROLE– | [n –S] */s |
BANNEROL | a banderol (a streamer (a long, narrow flag)) [n –S] */s |
BANDORA | bandore (an ancient lute) [n –S] */s |
BANDORE | an ancient lute [n –S] */s |
PANDORA | bandore (an ancient lute) [n –S] */s |
PANDORE | bandore (an ancient lute) [n –S] */s |
PANDURA | bandore (an ancient lute) [n –S] */s |
BAREFIT | barefoot (being without shoes) [adj] */* |
BAREFOOT | being without shoes [adj] */* |
BAREFOOTED | [adj] */* |
BARRATER | barrator (one who commits barratry) [n –S] */s |
BARRATOR | one who commits barratry [n –S] */s |
BARRETOR | barrator (one who commits barratry) [n –S] */s |
BASHAW | a pasha (a former Turkish high official) [n –S] */s |
PACHA | pasha (a former Turkish high official) [n –S] */s |
PASHA– | a former Turkish high official [n –S] */s |
BAZILLION | [n –S] */s |
GAZILLION | [n –S] */s |
JILLION | a very large number [n –S] */s |
KAZILLION | [n –S] */s |
ZILLION | an indeterminately large number [n –S] */s |
BEADMAN | beadsman (one who prays for another) [n BEADMEN] */* |
BEADSMAN | one who prays for another [n BEADSMEN] */* |
BEDEMAN | beadsman (one who prays for another) [n BEDEMEN] */* |
BEDESMAN | beadsman (one who prays for another) [n BEDESMEN] */* |
–BEASTINGS | [n] */* |
BEESTINGS | [n] */* |
BIESTINGS | [n] */* |
BEAUCOUP | an abundance [n –S] */s |
BOOCOO | beaucoup (an abundance) [n –COOS] */s |
BOOKOO | beaucoup (an abundance) [n –KOOS] */s |
BEGORAH | begorra (used as a mild oath) [interj] */* |
BEGORRA | used as a mild oath [interj] */h |
BEGORRAH– | begorra (used as a mild oath) [interj] */* |
BEMA | a platform in a synagogue [n –MATA or –MAS] */s |
BIMA | bema (a platform in a synagogue) [n –S] */hs |
BIMAH– | bema (a platform in a synagogue) [n –S] */s |
BENAMED– | BENAME, to name (to give a title to) [v] */* |
BENEMPT | BENAME, to name (to give a title to) [v] */* |
BENEMPTED | BENAME, to name (to give a title to) [v] */* |
BENE– | benne (the sesame plant) [n –S] */s |
BENNE | the sesame plant [n –S] */st |
BENNI | benne (the sesame plant) [n –S] */s |
BENZENE | a volatile liquid [n –S] */s |
BENZIN | benzine (a volatile liquid) [n –S] */es |
BENZINE– | a volatile liquid [n –S] */s |
BENZOL | a benzene (a volatile liquid) [n –S] */es |
BENZOLE– | benzol (a benzene (a volatile liquid)) [n –S] */s |
BERETTA | biretta (a cap worn by clergymen) [n –S] */s |
BERRETTA | biretta (a cap worn by clergymen) [n –S] */s |
BIRETTA | a cap worn by clergymen [n –S] */s |
BIRRETTA | biretta (a cap worn by clergymen) [n –S] */s |
BEZANT | a coin of ancient Rome [n –S] */s |
BEZZANT | bezant (a coin of ancient Rome) [n –S] */s |
BYZANT | bezant (a coin of ancient Rome) [n –S] */s |
BEZAZZ | pizazz (the quality of being exciting or attractive) [n –ES] */* |
PAZAZZ | pizazz (the quality of being exciting or attractive) [n –ES] */* |
PIZAZZ | the quality of being exciting or attractive [n –ES] */y |
PIZZAZ– | pizazz (the quality of being exciting or attractive) [n –ES] */z |
PIZZAZZ– | pizazz (the quality of being exciting or attractive) [n –ES] */y |
BHEESTIE | bheesty (a water carrier) [n –S] */s |
BHEESTY | a water carrier [n –TIES] */* |
BHISTIE | bheesty (a water carrier) [n –S] */s |
BIALIES | BIALY, an onion roll [n] */* |
BIALIS– | BIALI, bialy (an onion roll) [n] */* |
BIALYS– | BIALY, an onion roll [n] */* |
BILBOAS– | BILBOA, bilbo (a finely tempered sword) [n] */* |
BILBOES | BILBO, a finely tempered sword [n] */* |
BILBOS– | BILBO, a finely tempered sword [n] */* |
–BLOUSY | blowsy (slovenly (habitually untidy or unclean)) [adj BLOUSIER, BLOUSIEST] : BLOUSILY [adv] */* |
BLOWSY– | slovenly (habitually untidy or unclean) [adj –SIER, –SIEST] : BLOWSILY [adv] */* |
BLOWZY | blowsy (slovenly (habitually untidy or unclean)) [adj –ZIER, –ZIEST] : BLOWZILY [adv] */* |
BOART– | bort (a low-quality diamond) [n –S] */s |
–BORT | a low-quality diamond [n –S] : BORTY [adj] a/syz |
BORTZ– | bort (a low-quality diamond) [n –ES] */* |
BOCCE | boccie (an Italian bowling game) [n –S] */s |
BOCCI | boccie (an Italian bowling game) [n –S] */aes |
BOCCIA– | boccie (an Italian bowling game) [n –S] */s |
BOCCIE– | an Italian bowling game [n –S] */s |
–BOFF | to have sexual intercourse with — sometimes considered vulgar [v –ED, –ING, –S] */os |
BOFFO– | a boff [n –FOS] */s |
BOFFOLA | a boff [n –S] */s |
BOGEY | to shoot in one stroke over par in golf [v –GEYED, –GEYING, –GEYS] */s |
BOGIE | bogy (a goblin (an evil or mischievous creature)) [n –S] */s |
–BOGLE | a bogy (a goblin (an evil or mischievous creature)) [n –S] */s |
BOGY– | a goblin (an evil or mischievous creature) [n –GIES] */* |
BOGEYMAN | a terrifying creature [n BOGEYMEN] */* |
BOGYMAN | bogeyman (a terrifying creature) [n BOGYMEN] */* |
BOOGYMAN | bogeyman (a terrifying creature) [n BOOGYMEN] */* |
BOLETES– | BOLETE, boletus (a fungus (any of a major group of lower plants)) [n] */* |
BOLETI | BOLETUS, a fungus (any of a major group of lower plants) [n] */* |
BOLETUSES | BOLETUS, a fungus (any of a major group of lower plants) [n] */* |
BOLSHIE | a Bolshevik [n –S] */s |
BOLSHY | bolshie (a Bolshevik) [n –SHIES] */* |
BONITAS– | BONITA, bonito (a marine food fish) [n] */* |
BONITOES | BONITO, a marine food fish [n] */* |
BONITOS– | BONITO, a marine food fish [n] */* |
BOOGEY | boogie (to dance to rock music) [v –GEYED, –GEYING, –GEYS] */s |
BOOGIE | to dance to rock music [v –GIED, –GYING or –GIEING, –GIES] */ds |
BOOGY | boogie (to dance to rock music) [v –GIED, –GYING, –GIES] */* |
BOSCAGE | a thicket (a dense growth of shrubs or small trees) [n –S] */s |
BOSK– | a small wooded area [n –S] */sy |
BOSKAGE | boscage (a thicket (a dense growth of shrubs or small trees)) [n –S] */s |
BOSKET | a thicket (a dense growth of shrubs or small trees) [n –S] */s |
BOSQUE | bosk (a small wooded area) [n –S] */st |
BOSQUET– | bosket (a thicket (a dense growth of shrubs or small trees)) [n –S] */s |
BOSCHBOK | bushbuck (a small antelope) [n –S] */s |
BOSHBOK | bushbuck (a small antelope) [n –S] */s |
BUSHBUCK | a small antelope [n –S] */s |
BUSHGOAT | a bushbuck (a small antelope) [n –S] */s |
BOULE | buhl (a style of furniture decoration) [n –S] */s |
BOULLE | buhl (a style of furniture decoration) [n –S] */s |
BUHL | a style of furniture decoration [n –S] */s |
BULBEL | bulbil (a small bulb) [n –S] */s |
BULBIL | a small bulb [n –S] */s |
BULBLET | a small bulb [n –S] */s |
BOUSOUKI | bouzouki (a stringed musical instrument) [n –KIA or –KIS] */as |
BOUZOUKI | a stringed musical instrument [n –KIA or –KIS] */as |
BUZUKI | bouzouki (a stringed musical instrument) [n –KIA or –KIS] */as |
BRACHES | BRACH, a hound bitch [n] */* |
–BRACHETS– | BRACHET, a brach (a hound bitch) [n] */* |
BRACHS– | BRACH, a hound bitch [n] */* |
BRASIL | brazil (a dyewood (a wood from which a dye is extracted)) [n –S] */s |
BRAZIL | a dyewood (a wood from which a dye is extracted) [n –S] */s |
BRAZILWOOD | [n –S] */s |
BRAVI | BRAVO, a hired killer [n] */* |
BRAVOES | BRAVO, a hired killer [n] */* |
BRAVOS– | BRAVO, a hired killer [n] */* |
–BREE | broth (a thin clear soup) [n –S] */ds |
BRIE | bree (broth (a thin clear soup)) [n –S] */frs |
BROO– | a bree (broth (a thin clear soup)) [n BROOS] */dkms |
BRITSKA | an open carriage [n –S] */s |
BRITZKA | britska (an open carriage) [n –S] */s |
BRITZSKA | britska (an open carriage) [n –S] */s |
BROKAGE | the business of a broker [n –S] */s |
BROKERAGE | [n –S] */s |
BROKING | brokerage [n –S] */s |
BRONC | bronco (a wild horse) [n –S] */os |
BRONCHO | bronco (a wild horse) [n –CHOS] */s |
BRONCO– | a wild horse [n –COS] */s |
BUBAL | a large antelope [n –S] */es |
BUBALE– | bubal (a large antelope) [n –S] */s |
BUBALIS | bubal (a large antelope) [n –LISES] */* |
BUBKES | the least amount [n] */* |
BUPKES | bubkes (the least amount) [n] */* |
BUPKUS | bubkes (the least amount) [n] */* |
BUCKAROO | a cowboy [n –ROOS] */s |
BUCKAYRO | buckaroo (a cowboy) [n –ROS] */s |
BUCKEROO | buckaroo (a cowboy) [n –ROOS] */s |
CABALA– | an occult or secret doctrine [n –S] */s |
CABBALA | cabala (an occult or secret doctrine) [n –S] */hs |
CABBALAH– | cabala (an occult or secret doctrine) [n –S] */s |
KABALA | cabala (an occult or secret doctrine) [n –S] */s |
KABBALA | cabala (an occult or secret doctrine) [n –S] */hs |
KABBALAH– | cabala (an occult or secret doctrine) [n –S] */s |
QABALA | cabala (an occult or secret doctrine) [n –S] */hs |
QABALAH– | cabala (an occult or secret doctrine) [n –S] */s |
CABER | a heavy pole thrown as a trial of strength [n –S] */s |
KABAR | caber (a heavy pole thrown as a trial of strength) [n –S] */s |
KEBAR | caber (a heavy pole thrown as a trial of strength) [n –S] */s |
CABESTRO | a lasso [n –TROS] */s |
CABRESTA | cabestro (a lasso) [n –S] */s |
CABRESTO | cabestro (a lasso) [n –TOS] */s |
CABOB | kabob (cubes of meat cooked on a skewer) [n –S] */s |
KABAB | kabob (cubes of meat cooked on a skewer) [n –S] */s |
KABOB | cubes of meat cooked on a skewer [n –S] */s |
KEBAB | kabob (cubes of meat cooked on a skewer) [n –S] */s |
KEBOB | kabob (cubes of meat cooked on a skewer) [n –S] */s |
CACHOU | catechu (a resin used in tanning) [n –S] */s |
CASHOO | catechu (a resin used in tanning) [n –SHOOS] */s |
CATECHU | a resin used in tanning [n –S] */s |
CUTCH | catechu (a resin used in tanning) [n –ES] s/* |
CADI– | a Muslim judge [n –S] */s |
KADI | cadi (a Muslim judge) [n –S] */s |
QADI | cadi (a Muslim judge) [n –S] */s |
CAESAREAN | [n –S] */s |
CAESARIAN | [n –S] */s |
CESAREAN | a method of child delivery [n –S] */s |
CESARIAN | cesarean (a method of child delivery) [n –S] */s |
CAESTUS | cestus (a hand covering for ancient Roman boxers) [n –ES] */* |
CESTOS | cestus (a hand covering for ancient Roman boxers) [n –TOI] */* |
CESTUS | a hand covering for ancient Roman boxers [n –ES], a belt or girdle [n –TI] */* |
CAESTUSES | CAESTUS, cestus (a hand covering for ancient Roman boxers) [n] */* |
CESTOI | CESTOS, cestus (a hand covering for ancient Roman boxers) [n] */d |
CESTUSES | CESTUS, a hand covering for ancient Roman boxers [n] */* |
CAESURAE– | CAESURA, a pause in a line of verse [n] */* |
CAESURAS– | CAESURA, a pause in a line of verse [n] */* |
CESURAE– | CESURA, caesura (a pause in a line of verse) [n] */* |
CESURAS– | CESURA, caesura (a pause in a line of verse) [n] */* |
CAJAPUT | cajeput (an Australian tree) [n –S] */s |
CAJEPUT | an Australian tree [n –S] */s |
CAJUPUT | cajeput (an Australian tree) [n –S] */s |
KAJEPUT | cajuput (cajeput (an Australian tree)) [n –S] */s |
CALAMAR | calamary (a squid) [n –S] */isy |
CALAMARI– | squid used as food [n –S] */s |
CALAMARY– | a squid [n –MARIES] */* |
CALASH | a light carriage [n –ES] */* |
CALECHE | calash (a light carriage) [n –S] */s |
CALESA | a calash (a light carriage) [n –S] */s |
–CALIF | caliph (a Muslim leader) [n –S] */s |
CALIPH | a Muslim leader [n –S] : CALIPHAL [adj] */s |
–KALIF | caliph (a Muslim leader) [n –S] */s |
KALIPH | caliph (a Muslim leader) [n –S] */s |
KHALIF | caliph (a Muslim leader) [n –S] */as |
KHALIFA– | caliph (a Muslim leader) [n –S] */s |
CALPAC | a sheepskin hat [n –S] */ks |
CALPACK– | calpac (a sheepskin hat) [n –S] */s |
KALPAC– | calpac (a sheepskin hat) [n –S] */s |
KALPAK– | calpac (a sheepskin hat) [n –S] */s |
CALTHROP | caltrop (a spiny plant) [n –S] */s |
CALTRAP | caltrop (a spiny plant) [n –S] */s |
CALTROP | a spiny plant [n –S] */s |
CALYCATE | calycine (pertaining to a calyx (the outer protective covering of a flower)) [adj] */* |
CALYCEAL | calycine (pertaining to a calyx (the outer protective covering of a flower)) [adj] */* |
CALYCINE | pertaining to a calyx (the outer protective covering of a flower) [adj] */* |
–CAMAS | camass (a perennial herb) [n –ES] */s |
–CAMASS– | a perennial herb [n –ES] */* |
QUAMASH | camass (a perennial herb) [n –ES] */* |
CAMISA | a shirt or chemise [n –S] */s |
CAMISE | a loose shirt or gown [n –S] */s |
CAMISIA | camise (a loose shirt or gown) [n –S] */s |
CHEMISE | a loose dress [n –S] */s |
CAMISADES– | CAMISADE, camisado (an attack made at night) [n] */* |
CAMISADOES | CAMISADO, an attack made at night [n] */* |
CAMISADOS– | CAMISADO, an attack made at night [n] */* |
CANAKIN | cannikin (a small can or cup) [n –S] */s |
CANIKIN | cannikin (a small can or cup) [n –S] */s |
CANNIKIN | a small can or cup [n –S] */s |
CANNULAE– | CANNULA, a tube inserted into a bodily cavity [n] */* |
CANNULAS– | CANNULA, a tube inserted into a bodily cavity [n] */* |
CANULAE– | CANULA, cannula (a tube inserted into a bodily cavity) [n] */* |
CANULAS– | CANULA, cannula (a tube inserted into a bodily cavity) [n] */* |
CANTRAIP | cantrip (a magic spell) [n –S] */s |
CANTRAP | cantrip (a magic spell) [n –S] */s |
CANTRIP | a magic spell [n –S] */s |
CANZONAS– | CANZONA, canzone (a form of lyric poetry) [n] */* |
CANZONES– | CANZONE, a form of lyric poetry [n] */* |
CANZONI | CANZONE, a form of lyric poetry [n] */* |
CAPELAN | capelin (a small, edible fish) [n –S] */s |
CAPELIN | a small, edible fish [n –S] */s |
CAPLIN | capelin (a small, edible fish) [n –S] */s |
CAPH– | kaph (a Hebrew letter) [n –S] */s |
KAF– | kaph (a Hebrew letter) [n –S] */s |
KAPH | a Hebrew letter [n –S] */s |
KHAF | kaph (a Hebrew letter) [n –S] */s |
KHAPH | kaph (a Hebrew letter) [n –S] */s |
CARABIN | carbine (a light rifle) [n –S] */es |
CARABINE– | carbine (a light rifle) [n –S] */rs |
CARBINE | a light rifle [n –S] */s |
CARABINEER | [n –S] */s |
CARABINERO– | [n –ROS] */s |
CARABINIER | [n –S] */eis |
CARBINEER | [n –S] */s |
CARDAMOM | a tropical herb [n –S] */s |
CARDAMON | cardamom (a tropical herb) [n –S] */s |
CARDAMUM | cardamom (a tropical herb) [n –S] */s |
CARNEY | carny (a carnival (a traveling amusement show)) [n –NEYS] */s |
CARNIE | carny (a carnival (a traveling amusement show)) [n –S] */s |
CARNY– | a carnival (a traveling amusement show) [n –NIES] */* |
CAROACH | caroche (a stately carriage) [n –ES] */* |
CAROCH | caroche (a stately carriage) [n –ES] */e |
CAROCHE– | a stately carriage [n –S] */s |
CARROCH | caroche (a stately carriage) [n –ES] */* |
CAROTENE | a plant pigment [n –S] */s |
CAROTIN | carotene (a plant pigment) [n –S] */s |
CARROTIN | carotene (a plant pigment) [n –S] */s |
CASHMERE | a fine wool [n –S] */s |
CASIMERE | a woolen fabric [n –S] */s |
CASIMIRE | casimere (a woolen fabric) [n –S] */s |
CASSIMERE | [n –S] */s |
KASHMIR | cashmere (a fine wool) [n –S] */s |
CASSENA | cassina (an evergreen tree) [n –S] */s |
CASSENE | cassina (an evergreen tree) [n –S] */s |
CASSINA | an evergreen tree [n –S] */s |
CASSINE | cassina (an evergreen tree) [n –S] */s |
CATALOES | CATALO, a hybrid between a buffalo and a cow [n] */* |
CATALOS– | CATALO, a hybrid between a buffalo and a cow [n] */* |
CATTALOES | CATTALO, catalo (a hybrid between a buffalo and a cow) [n] */* |
CATTALOS– | CATTALO, catalo (a hybrid between a buffalo and a cow) [n] */* |
CATCHUP | ketchup (a spicy tomato sauce) [n –S] */s |
CATSUP | ketchup (a spicy tomato sauce) [n –S] */s |
KETCHUP | a spicy tomato sauce [n –S] */s |
CELOM | coelom (a body cavity in some animals) [n –LOMS or –LOMATA] */s |
COELOM | a body cavity in some animals [n –LOMS or –LOMATA] : COELOMIC [adj] */es |
COELOME– | coelom (a body cavity in some animals) [n –S] */s |
CHACHKA | chatchka (a knickknack) [n –S] */s |
CHATCHKA | a knickknack [n –S] */s |
CHATCHKE | chatchka (a knickknack) [n –S] */s |
TCHOTCHKE | [n –S] */s |
TSATSKE | chachka (chatchka (a knickknack)) [n –S] */s |
CHADAR | chador (a large shawl) [n –DARS or –DRI] */s |
CHADOR | a large shawl [n –DORS or –DRI] */s |
CHADRI | CHADOR, a large shawl [n] */* |
CHUDDAH | chuddar (a large, square shawl) [n –S] */s |
CHUDDAR | a large, square shawl [n –S] */s |
CHUDDER | chuddar (a large, square shawl) [n –S] */s |
–CHADARIM | CHEDER, heder (a Jewish school) [n] */* |
–CHEDERS– | CHEDER, heder (a Jewish school) [n] */* |
HADARIM | HEDER, a Jewish school [n] c/* |
HEDERS– | HEDER, a Jewish school [n] c/* |
CHALAH | challah (a kind of bread) [n CHALAHS, –LOTH or –LOT] */s |
CHALEH | challah (a kind of bread) [n –S] */s |
CHALLA | challah (a kind of bread) [n –S] */hs |
–CHALLAH– | a kind of bread [n –LAHS, –LOTH, or –LOT] */s |
HALLAH | challah (a kind of bread) [n –LAHS, –LOTH or –LOT] c/s |
–CHAMMY | to chamois (to prepare leather like chamois) [v –MIED, –MYING, –MIES] */* |
CHAMOIS | a soft leather [n –OIX], to prepare leather like chamois [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */* |
–SHAMMY | to chamois (to prepare leather like chamois) [v –MIED, –MYING, –MIES] */* |
SHAMOIS | chamois (a soft leather) [n SHAMOIS] */* |
SHAMOY | to chamois (to prepare leather like chamois) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
CHAMPAC | champak (an East Indian tree) [n –S] */as |
CHAMPACA– | champak (an East Indian tree) [n –S] */s |
CHAMPAK | an East Indian tree [n –S] */s |
CHANTEY | a sailor’s song [n –TEYS] */s |
CHANTY– | chantey (a sailor’s song) [n –TIES] */* |
SHANTEY | chantey (a sailor’s song) [n –TEYS] */s |
CHAPATI | an unleavened bread of India [n –S] */s |
CHAPATTI | chapati (an unleavened bread of India) [n –S] */s |
CHAPPATI | a round, flat, unleavened bread of India [n –S] */s |
CHAR | to burn slightly [v CHARRED, CHARRING, CHARS] */dekmrsty |
–CHARE– | to do small jobs [v CHARED, CHARING, CHARES] */ds |
CHORE | to do small jobs [v CHORED, CHORING, CHORES] */ads |
CHARIVARI | [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
CHIVAREE | to perform a mock serenade [v –REED, –REEING, –REES] */ds |
CHIVARI | to chivaree (to perform a mock serenade) [v –RIED, –RIING, –RIES] */* |
SHIVAREE | to chivaree (to perform a mock serenade) [v –REED, –REEING, –REES] */ds |
–CHAZAN | a cantor (a religious singer) [n CHAZANS or CHAZANIM] */s |
–CHAZZAN | chazan (a cantor (a religious singer)) [n –ZANS or –ZANIM] */s |
CHAZZEN | chazan (a cantor (a religious singer)) [n –ZENS or –ZENIM] */s |
–HAZAN | a cantor (a religious singer) [n HAZANIM or HAZANS] c/s |
HAZZAN | hazan (a cantor (a religious singer)) [n HAZZANIM or HAZZANS] c/s |
KHAZEN | hazzan (hazan (a cantor (a religious singer))) [n –ZENS or –ZENIM] */s |
CHERUBIM | CHERUB, an angel [n] */s |
CHERUBIMS– | CHERUB, an angel [n] */* |
CHERUBS– | CHERUB, an angel [n] */* |
–CHETH | heth (a Hebrew letter) [n –S] */s |
–HET– | heth (a Hebrew letter) [n –S] kw/hs |
–HETH– | a Hebrew letter [n –S] ck/s |
–KHET | heth (a Hebrew letter) [n –S] */hs |
–KHETH– | heth (a Hebrew letter) [n –S] */s |
CHEVY | to chase about [v CHEVIED, CHEVYING, CHEVIES] */* |
CHIVVY | to chevy (to chase about) [v –VIED, –VYING, –VIES] */* |
CHIVY | to chevy (to chase about) [v CHIVIED, CHIVYING, CHIVIES] */* |
CHIASMAS– | CHIASMA, an anatomical junction [n] */* |
CHIASMATA | CHIASMA, an anatomical junction [n] */* |
CHIASMS– | CHIASM, chiasma (an anatomical junction) [n] */* |
CHICCORY | chicory (a perennial herb) [n –RIES] */* |
–CHICKORY | chicory (a perennial herb) [n –RIES] */* |
CHICORY | a perennial herb [n –RIES] */* |
SUCCORY– | chicory (a perennial herb) [n –RIES] */* |
CHILE | chili (a hot pepper) [n –S] */s |
–CHILI | a hot pepper [n –S or –ES] */s |
CHILLI– | chili (a hot pepper) [n –ES or –S] */s |
CHIMAERIC | [adj] */* |
CHIMERIC | imaginary; unreal [adj] */* |
CHIMERICAL | [adj] */* |
CHIMBLEY | chimley (a chimney (a flue (an enclosed passageway for directing a current))) [n –BLEYS] */s |
CHIMBLY | chimley (a chimney (a flue (an enclosed passageway for directing a current))) [n –BLIES] */* |
CHIMLA | chimley (a chimney (a flue (an enclosed passageway for directing a current))) [n –S] */s |
CHIMLEY | a chimney (a flue (an enclosed passageway for directing a current)) [n –LEYS] */s |
CHIMNEY | a flue (an enclosed passageway for directing a current) [n –NEYS] */s |
CHIRR | to make a harsh, vibrant sound [v –ED, –ING, –S] */es |
CHIRRE– | to chirr (to make a harsh, vibrant sound) [v CHIRRED, CHIRRING, CHIRRES] */dns |
CHURR | to make a vibrant sound [v –ED, –ING, –S] */os |
CHITLIN | chitling (a part of the small intestine of swine) [n –S] */gs |
CHITLING– | a part of the small intestine of swine [n –S] */s |
CHITTERLINGS | [n] */* |
CHORAGI | CHORAGUS, the leader of a chorus or choir [n] */c |
CHORAGUSES | CHORAGUS, the leader of a chorus or choir [n] */* |
CHOREGI | CHOREGUS, choragus (the leader of a chorus or choir) [n] */* |
CHOREGUSES | CHOREGUS, choragus (the leader of a chorus or choir) [n] */* |
CHUPPA | chuppah (a canopy used at a Jewish wedding) [n –S] */hs |
–CHUPPAH– | a canopy used at a Jewish wedding [n –S] */s |
HUPPAH | chuppah (a canopy used at a Jewish wedding) [n –S] c/s |
–CHUTZPA | chutzpah (supreme self-confidence) [n –S] */hs |
–CHUTZPAH– | supreme self-confidence [n –S] */s |
HUTZPA | chutzpah (supreme self-confidence) [n –S] c/hs |
HUTZPAH– | chutzpah (supreme self-confidence) [n –S] c/s |
CIBOL | a variety of onion [n –S] */s |
CIBOULE | cibol (a variety of onion) [n –S] */s |
SYBO | the cibol (a variety of onion) [n –BOES] */* |
CICADAE– | CICADA, a winged insect [n] */* |
CICADAS– | CICADA, a winged insect [n] */* |
CICALAS– | CICALA, cicada (a winged insect) [n] */* |
CICALE | CICALA, cicada (a winged insect) [n] */* |
CITHARA | an ancient stringed instrument [n –S] */s |
–CITHER | cittern (a pear-shaped guitar) [n –S] */ns |
CITHERN– | cittern (a pear-shaped guitar) [n –S] */s |
CITHREN | cittern (a pear-shaped guitar) [n –S] */s |
CITOLA | a cittern (a pear-shaped guitar) [n –S] */s |
CITOLE | citola (a cittern (a pear-shaped guitar)) [n –S] */s |
CITTERN | a pear-shaped guitar [n –S] */s |
KITHARA | cithara (an ancient stringed instrument) [n –S] */s |
–CLAVE | one of a pair of percussion sticks [n –S] */rs |
–CLEAVED– | CLEAVE, to split or divide [v] */* |
–CLEFT– | to insert a scion into the stock of a plant [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–CLOVE | a spice [n –S] */nrs |
CLODPATE | a stupid person [n –S] */s |
CLODPOLE | clodpate (a stupid person) [n –S] */s |
CLODPOLL | clodpate (a stupid person) [n –S] */s |
CODEIA | codeine (a narcotic alkaloid) [n –S] */s |
CODEIN | codeine (a narcotic alkaloid) [n –S] */aes |
CODEINA– | codeine (a narcotic alkaloid) [n –S] */s |
CODEINE– | a narcotic alkaloid [n –S] */s |
COHOG– | a quahog (an edible clam) [n –S] */s |
QUAHAUG | quahog (an edible clam) [n –S] */s |
QUAHOG | an edible clam [n –S] */s |
QUOHOG | quahog (an edible clam) [n –S] */s |
COIF | to style the hair [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
COIFFE | to coif (to style the hair) [v COIFFED, COIFFING, COIFFES] */ds |
COIFFURE | to coif (to style the hair) [v –FURED, –FURING, –FURES] */ds |
COIGN | to quoin (to secure with a type of wedge) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */es |
COIGNE– | to quoin (to secure with a type of wedge) [v COIGNED, COIGNING, COIGNES] */ds |
QUOIN | to secure with a type of wedge [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
COMBE– | a narrow valley [n –S] */drs |
COOMB | combe (a narrow valley) [n –S] */es |
COOMBE– | combe (a narrow valley) [n –S] */s |
COMPONE | compony (composed of squares of alternating colors) [adj] */* |
COMPONY | composed of squares of alternating colors [adj] */* |
GOBONEE | gobony (compony (composed of squares of alternating colors)) [adj] */* |
GOBONY | compony (composed of squares of alternating colors) [adj] */* |
CONIINE | a poisonous alkaloid [n –S] */s |
CONIN– | coniine (a poisonous alkaloid) [n –S] */egs |
CONINE– | coniine (a poisonous alkaloid) [n –S] */s |
COOKEY | cookie (a small, flat cake) [n –EYS] */s |
COOKIE | a small, flat cake [n –S] */s |
COOKY– | cookie (a small, flat cake) [n COOKIES] */* |
COPPERAH | copra (dried coconut meat) [n –S] */s |
COPPRA | copra (dried coconut meat) [n –S] */s |
COPRA | dried coconut meat [n –S] */hs |
COPRAH– | copra (dried coconut meat) [n –S] */s |
CORANTO | courante (an old, lively dance) [n –TOS or –TOES] */s |
COURANT | courante (an old, lively dance) [n –S] */eos |
COURANTE– | an old, lively dance [n –S] */s |
COURANTO– | courante (an old, lively dance) [n –TOS or –TOES] */s |
COSEY | a cozy [n –SEYS] */s |
COSIE | a cozy [n –S] */drs |
COSY– | cozy (snug and comfortable) [adj COSIER, COSIEST], cozy (to attempt to get on friendly terms) [v COSIED, COSYING, COSIES] */* |
COZEY | a cozy [n –ZEYS] */s |
COZIE | a cozy [n –S] */drs |
COZY– | snug and comfortable [adj COZIER, COZIEST] : COZILY [adv], to attempt to get on friendly terms [v COZIED, COZYING, COZIES] */* |
COSS– | kos (a land measure in India) [n COSS] */* |
–KOS | a land measure in India [n KOS] */s |
KOSS– | kos (a land measure in India) [n KOSS] */* |
COULD | CAN, to put in a can (a cylindrical container) [v] */* |
COULDEST | CAN, to put in a can (a cylindrical container) [v] */* |
COULDST | CAN, to put in a can (a cylindrical container) [v] */* |
COURTESY | to curtsy (to bow politely) [v –SIED, –SYING, –SIES] */* |
CURTSEY | to curtsy (to bow politely) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
CURTSY | to bow politely [v –SIED, –SYING, –SIES] */* |
CREATURE | a living being [n –S] */s |
–CRITTER | a creature (a living being) [n –S] */s |
CRITTUR | critter (a creature (a living being)) [n –S] */s |
CRUMHORN | a double-reed woodwind instrument [n –S] */s |
KRUMHORN | crumhorn (a double-reed woodwind instrument) [n –S] */s |
KRUMMHORN | [n –S] */s |
CRUSADOES | CRUSADO, an old Portuguese coin [n] */* |
CRUSADOS– | CRUSADO, an old Portuguese coin [n] */* |
CRUZADOES | CRUZADO, crusado (an old Portuguese coin) [n] */* |
CRUZADOS– | CRUZADO, crusado (an old Portuguese coin) [n] */* |
CULLAY | quillai (an evergreen tree) [n –LAYS] */s |
QUILLAI | an evergreen tree [n –S] */as |
QUILLAIA– | a quillai (an evergreen tree) [n –S] */s |
QUILLAJA | a quillai (an evergreen tree) [n –S] */s |
CULTI– | CULTUS, a cult (a religious society) [n] */c |
CULTS– | CULT, a religious society [n] */* |
CULTUSES | CULTUS, a cult (a religious society) [n] */* |
CURAGH | currach (a coracle (a small boat)) [n –S] */s |
CURRACH | a coracle (a small boat) [n –S] */s |
CURRAGH | currach (a coracle (a small boat)) [n –S] */s |
CURARA | curare (an arrow poison) [n –S] */s |
–CURARE | an arrow poison [n –S] */s |
–CURARI | curare (an arrow poison) [n –S] */s |
OORALI | curare (an arrow poison) [n –S] w/s |
–OURARI | curare (an arrow poison) [n –S] */s |
–URARE | curare (an arrow poison) [n –S] c/s |
URARI | curare (an arrow poison) [n –S] co/s |
–WOORALI | curare (an arrow poison) [n –S] */s |
WOORARI | curare (an arrow poison) [n –S] */s |
CURRAJONG | [n –S] */s |
CURREJONG | [n –S] */s |
CURRIJONG | [n –S] */s |
KURRAJONG | [n –S] */s |
CYMAE– | CYMA, a curved molding [n] */* |
CYMAS– | CYMA, a curved molding [n] */* |
CYMATIA | CYMATIUM, a cyma (a curved molding) [n] */* |
CYMBLING | cymling (a variety of squash) [n –S] */s |
CYMLIN | cymling (a variety of squash) [n –S] */gs |
CYMLING– | a variety of squash [n –S] */s |
SIMLIN | cymling (a variety of squash) [n –S] */s |
CZAR | an emperor or king [n –S] */s |
TSAR | czar (an emperor or king) [n –S] */s |
TZAR | czar (an emperor or king) [n –S] */s |
DAEDAL | skillful (having skill) [adj] */* |
DAEDALEAN | [adj] */* |
DAEDALIAN | [adj] */* |
DEDAL | daedal (skillful (having skill)) [adj] */* |
DAEMONES | DAEMON, demon (an evil spirit) [n] */* |
DAEMONS– | DAEMON, demon (an evil spirit) [n] */* |
DAIMONES | DAIMON, an attendant spirit [n] */* |
DAIMONS– | DAIMON, an attendant spirit [n] */* |
DAHABEAH | a large passenger boat [n –S] */s |
DAHABIAH | dahabeah (a large passenger boat) [n –S] */s |
DAHABIEH | dahabeah (a large passenger boat) [n –S] */s |
DAHABIYA | dahabeah (a large passenger boat) [n –S] */s |
DAHL– | dal (a dish of lentils and spices in India) [n –S] */s |
–DAL | a dish of lentils and spices in India [n –S] */es |
DHAL | dal (a dish of lentils and spices in India) [n –S] */s |
DAMAR | dammar (a hard resin) [n –S] */s |
DAMMAR | a hard resin [n –S] */s |
DAMMER | dammar (a hard resin) [n –S] */s |
DAMOSEL | damsel (a maiden (a young unmarried woman)) [n –S] */s |
DAMOZEL | damsel (a maiden (a young unmarried woman)) [n –S] */s |
DAMSEL | a maiden (a young unmarried woman) [n –S] */s |
DEMOISELLE | [n –S] */s |
DARKEY | darky (a black person — a derogatory term) [n –EYS] */s |
DARKIE | darky (a black person — a derogatory term) [n –S] */s |
DARKY– | a black person — a derogatory term [n DARKIES] */* |
–DHOOLY | dooly (doolee (a stretcher for the sick or wounded)) [n –LIES] */* |
DOOLEE | a stretcher for the sick or wounded [n –S] */s |
DOOLIE | doolee (a stretcher for the sick or wounded) [n –S] */s |
DOOLY | doolee (a stretcher for the sick or wounded) [n –LIES] */* |
DHOORA | durra (a cereal grain) [n –S] */s |
DHOURRA | durra (a cereal grain) [n –S] */s |
DOURA– | durra (a cereal grain) [n –S] */hs |
DOURAH– | durra (a cereal grain) [n –S] */s |
DURA | durra (a cereal grain) [n –S] */ls |
DURR | durra (a cereal grain) [n –S] */as |
DURRA– | a cereal grain [n –S] */s |
DHOOTI | dhoti (a loincloth worn by Hindu men) [n –S] */es |
DHOOTIE– | dhoti (a loincloth worn by Hindu men) [n –S] */s |
DHOTI | a loincloth worn by Hindu men [n –S] */s |
DHUTI | dhoti (a loincloth worn by Hindu men) [n –S] */s |
DIBBUKIM | DIBBUK, dybbuk (a wandering soul in Jewish folklore) [n] */* |
DIBBUKS– | DIBBUK, dybbuk (a wandering soul in Jewish folklore) [n] */* |
DYBBUKIM | DYBBUK, a wandering soul in Jewish folklore [n] */* |
DYBBUKS– | DYBBUK, a wandering soul in Jewish folklore [n] */* |
DICKEY | a blouse front [n –EYS] */s |
DICKIE | dickey (a blouse front) [n –S] */rs |
–DICKY– | poor in condition [adj DICKIER, DICKIEST], dickey (a blouse front) [n DICKIES] */* |
DIDGERIDOO | [n –DOOS] */s |
DIDJERIDOO | [n –DOOS] */s |
DIDJERIDU | [n –DUS] */s |
DIECIOUS | dioicous (unisexual) [adj] */* |
DIOECIOUS | [adj] */* |
DIOICOUS | unisexual [adj] */* |
–DJELLABA | a long hooded garment [n –S] */hs |
DJELLABAH– | [n –S] */s |
GALABIA | djellaba (a long hooded garment) [n –S] */s |
GALABIEH | djellaba (a long hooded garment) [n –S] */s |
GALABIYA | djellaba (a long hooded garment) [n –S] */hs |
GALABIYAH– | [n –S] */s |
JELLABA | djellaba (a long hooded garment) [n –S] d/s |
–DJIN | jinni (jinn (a supernatural being in Muslim mythology)) [n –S] */ns |
–DJINN– | jinni (jinn (a supernatural being in Muslim mythology)) [n –S] */isy |
–DJINNI– | jinni (jinn (a supernatural being in Muslim mythology)) [n DJINN] */* |
DJINNY– | jinni (jinn (a supernatural being in Muslim mythology)) [n DJINN] */* |
GENIE | jinni (jinn (a supernatural being in Muslim mythology)) [n –S] */s |
–JIN | jinn (a supernatural being in Muslim mythology) [n –S] d/knsx |
–JINN– | a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n –S] d/is |
JINNEE | jinn (a supernatural being in Muslim mythology) [n JINN] */* |
JINNI– | jinn (a supernatural being in Muslim mythology) [n –S] d/s |
DO | the first tone of the diatonic musical scale [n DOS], to begin and carry through to completion [v DID or DIDST, DONE, DOING, present sing. 2d person DO, DOEST or DOST, 3d person DOES, DOETH or DOTH] au/ceglmnrstw |
DOEST– | DO, to begin and carry through to completion [v] */* |
DOST– | DO, to begin and carry through to completion [v] */* |
DOBLONES | DOBLON, a former gold coin of Spain and Spanish America [n] */* |
DOBLONS– | DOBLON, a former gold coin of Spain and Spanish America [n] */* |
DOUBLOONS– | DOUBLOON, a former Spanish gold coin [n] */* |
–DOES– | DOE, a female deer (a ruminant mammal) [n] */t |
DOETH | DO, to begin and carry through to completion [v] */* |
DOTH– | DO, to begin and carry through to completion [v] */* |
DOGEY– | dogie (a stray calf) [n –GEYS] */s |
DOGIE | a stray calf [n –S] */s |
DOGY– | dogie (a stray calf) [n –GIES] */* |
–DOILY | a small napkin [n –LIES] */* |
DOYLEY | doily (a small napkin) [n –LEYS] */s |
DOYLY | doily (a small napkin) [n –LIES] */* |
DONNERD | donnered (dazed) [adj] */* |
DONNERED | dazed [adj] */* |
DONNERT | donnered (dazed) [adj] */* |
DOOZER | an extraordinary one of its kind [n –S] */s |
DOOZIE | doozy (doozer (an extraordinary one of its kind)) [n –S] */s |
–DOOZY | doozer (an extraordinary one of its kind) [n –ZIES] */* |
DORSEL | a dossal (an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar) [n –S] */s |
DOSSAL | an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar [n –S] */s |
DOSSEL | dossal (an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar) [n –S] */s |
DRACHMAE– | DRACHMA, a monetary unit of Greece [n] */* |
DRACHMAI– | DRACHMA, a monetary unit of Greece [n] */* |
DRACHMAS– | DRACHMA, a monetary unit of Greece [n] */* |
DREICH | dreary (dismal (cheerless and depressing)) [adj] */* |
DREIGH | dreich (dreary (dismal (cheerless and depressing))) [adj] */* |
DRIEGH | dreary (dismal (cheerless and depressing)) [adj] */* |
DUVETINE | duvetyn (a soft fabric) [n –S] */s |
DUVETYN | a soft fabric [n –S] */es |
DUVETYNE– | duvetyn (a soft fabric) [n –S] */s |
EARTH | to cover with earth (soil) [v –ED, –ING, –S] dh/sy |
YIRD | earth [n –S] */s |
YIRTH | yird (earth) [n –S] */s |
ECLIPSES– | ECLIPSIS, an ellipsis (an omission of a word or words in a sentence) [n] */* |
ECLIPSISES | ECLIPSIS, an ellipsis (an omission of a word or words in a sentence) [n] */* |
ELLIPSES– | ELLIPSIS, an omission of a word or words in a sentence [n] */* |
EDEMAS– | EDEMA, an excessive accumulation of serous fluid [n] o/* |
EDEMATA | EDEMA, an excessive accumulation of serous fluid [n] o/* |
–OEDEMAS– | OEDEMA, edema (an excessive accumulation of serous fluid) [n] */* |
–OEDEMATA | OEDEMA, edema (an excessive accumulation of serous fluid) [n] */* |
ENDAMEBA | a parasitic ameba [n –BAS or –BAE] */es |
ENDAMOEBA | [n –BAE or –BAS] */es |
ENTAMEBA | endameba (a parasitic ameba) [n –BAE or –BAS] */es |
ENTAMOEBA | [n –BAE or –BAS] */es |
ENDORSER– | one that endorses (to sign the back of a negotiable document) [n –S] */s |
ENDORSOR | endorser (one that endorses (to sign the back of a negotiable document)) [n –S] */s |
INDORSER– | endorser (one that endorses (to sign the back of a negotiable document)) [n –S] */s |
INDORSOR | endorsor (endorser (one that endorses (endorse))) [n –S] */s |
ENOUGH | a sufficient supply [n –S] */s |
–ENOW | enough (a sufficient supply) [n –S] */s |
ENUF | enough [adv] */* |
ENTHRAL | to enthrall (to charm (to attract irresistibly)) [v –THRALLED, –THRALLING, –THRALS] */ls |
ENTHRALL– | to charm (to attract irresistibly) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
INTHRAL | to enthrall (to charm (to attract irresistibly)) [v –THRALLED, –THRALLING, –THRALS] */ls |
INTHRALL– | to enthrall (to charm (to attract irresistibly)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
ENTITLE | to give a title to [v –TLED, –TLING, –TLES] */ds |
INTITLE | to entitle (to give a title to) [v –TLED, –TLING, –TLES] */ds |
INTITULE | to entitle (to give a title to) [v –ULED, –ULING, –ULES] */ds |
EPHEBE | ephebus (a young man of ancient Greece) [n –S] : EPHEBIC [adj] */s |
EPHEBOS | ephebus (a young man of ancient Greece) [n –BOI] */* |
EPHEBUS | a young man of ancient Greece [n –BI] */* |
EPIGON | epigone (an inferior imitator) [n –S] */eis |
EPIGONE– | an inferior imitator [n –S] : EPIGONIC [adj] */s |
EPIGONUS | epigone (an inferior imitator) [n –NI] */* |
ERINGOES | ERINGO, eryngo (a medicinal herb) [n] */* |
ERINGOS– | ERINGO, eryngo (a medicinal herb) [n] */* |
ERYNGOES | ERYNGO, a medicinal herb [n] */* |
ERYNGOS– | ERYNGO, a medicinal herb [n] */* |
–ESCAR | esker (a narrow ridge of gravel and sand) [n –S] */ps |
ESKAR | esker (a narrow ridge of gravel and sand) [n –S] */s |
ESKER | a narrow ridge of gravel and sand [n –S] */s |
ESTHESES | ESTHESIS, esthesia (the ability to receive sensation) [n] */* |
ESTHESIAS– | ESTHESIA, the ability to receive sensation [n] a/* |
ESTHESISES | ESTHESIS, esthesia (the ability to receive sensation) [n] */* |
ESTRIN | estrone (an estrogen (a female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus)) [n –S] o/s |
ESTRONE | an estrogen (a female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus) [n –S] o/s |
–OESTRIN | estrin (estrone (an estrogen (a female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus))) [n –S] */s |
–OESTRONE | estrone (an estrogen (a female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus)) [n –S] */s |
EUDAEMON | eudemon (a good spirit) [n –S] */s |
EUDAIMON | eudemon (a good spirit) [n –S] */s |
EUDEMON | a good spirit [n –S] */s |
EULACHAN | eulachon (a marine food fish) [n –S] */s |
EULACHON | a marine food fish [n –S] */s |
OOLACHAN | eulachon (a marine food fish) [n –S] */s |
–EYEN– | EYE, the organ of sight [n] */* |
–EYES– | EYE, the organ of sight [n] */* |
EYNE | EYE, the organ of sight [n] */* |
FACIAE– | FACIA, fascia (a broad and distinct band of color) [n] */* |
FACIAS– | FACIA, fascia (a broad and distinct band of color) [n] */* |
FASCIAE– | FASCIA, a broad and distinct band of color [n] */* |
FASCIAS– | FASCIA, a broad and distinct band of color [n] */* |
–FAERIE | a fairy (an imaginary supernatural being) [n –S] */s |
–FAERY | faerie (a fairy (an imaginary supernatural being)) [n –ERIES] */* |
–FAIRY– | an imaginary supernatural being [n FAIRIES] */* |
FAKEER | fakir (a Hindu ascetic) [n –S] */s |
FAKIR | a Hindu ascetic [n –S] */s |
FAQIR | fakir (a Hindu ascetic) [n –S] */s |
FAQUIR | fakir (a Hindu ascetic) [n –S] */s |
FALDERAL | nonsense (behavior or language that is meaningless or absurd) [n –S] */s |
FALDEROL | falderal (nonsense (behavior or language that is meaningless or absurd)) [n –S] */s |
FOLDEROL | falderal (nonsense (behavior or language that is meaningless or absurd)) [n –S] */s |
FAZE | to disturb the composure of [v FAZED, FAZING, FAZES] */ds |
–FEASE | to faze (to disturb the composure of) [v FEASED, FEASING, FEASES] */ds |
FEAZE | to faze (to disturb the composure of) [v FEAZED, FEAZING, FEAZES] */ds |
FEEZE | to faze (to disturb the composure of) [v FEEZED, FEEZING, FEEZES] */ds |
FE | a Hebrew letter [n –S] */dehmnrstuwyz |
–FEH– | peh (pe (a Hebrew letter)) [n –S] */s |
PE | a Hebrew letter [n –S] ao/acdeghnprstw |
–PEH– | pe (a Hebrew letter) [n –S] */s |
FECIAL | fetial (a priest of ancient Rome) [n –S] */s |
FETIAL | a priest of ancient Rome [n –S] */s |
FETIALIS | fetial (a priest of ancient Rome) [n –LES] */* |
FEIST | a small dog of mixed breed [n –S] */sy |
–FICE | a feist (a small dog of mixed breed) [n –S] */s |
FYCE | feist (a small dog of mixed breed) [n –S] */s |
FERREL | ferrule (to furnish with a metal ring or cap to prevent splitting) [v –RELED, –RELING, –RELS or –RELLED, –RELLING, –RELS] */s |
FERRULE | to furnish with a metal ring or cap to prevent splitting [v –RULED, –RULING, –RULES] */ds |
FERULE | to ferrule (to furnish with a metal ring or cap to prevent splitting) [v –ULED, –ULING, –ULES] */ds |
FILIBEG | a pleated skirt worn by Scottish Highlanders [n –S] */s |
PHILABEG | filibeg (a pleated skirt worn by Scottish Highlanders) [n –S] */s |
PHILIBEG | filibeg (a pleated skirt worn by Scottish Highlanders) [n –S] */s |
FINICAL | finicky (difficult to please) [adj] */* |
FINICKIN | finicky (difficult to please) [adj] */g |
FINICKING– | [adj] */* |
FINICKY | difficult to please [adj –ICKIER, –ICKIEST] */* |
FINIKIN | finicky (difficult to please) [adj] */g |
FINIKING– | finicky (difficult to please) [adj] */* |
FINNICKY | finicky (difficult to please) [adj –NICKIER, –NICKIEST] */* |
–FITCH | a polecat (a carnivorous mammal) [n –ES] */y |
FITCHET | a fitch (a polecat (a carnivorous mammal)) [n –S] */s |
FITCHEW | a fitch (a polecat (a carnivorous mammal)) [n –S] */s |
FLOOSIE | floozy (a prostitute) [n –S] */s |
FLOOSY | floozy (a prostitute) [n –SIES] */* |
FLOOZIE | floozy (a prostitute) [n –S] */s |
FLOOZY | a prostitute [n –ZIES] */* |
FLOSSIE | a floozy (a prostitute) [n –S] */rs |
FLUNKEY | flunky (a servile follower) [n –KEYS] */s |
FLUNKIE | flunky (a servile follower) [n –S] */s |
FLUNKY– | a servile follower [n –KIES] */* |
FOEHN | a warm, dry wind [n –S] */s |
FOHN– | foehn (a warm, dry wind) [n –S] */s |
–FON | foehn (a warm, dry wind) [n –S] */dst |
FOGEY | fogy (an old-fashioned person) [n –GEYS] : FOGEYISH [adj] */s |
FOGIE | fogy (an old-fashioned person) [n –S] */s |
FOGY– | an old-fashioned person [n –GIES] : FOGYISH [adj] */* |
FOLKMOOT | a general assembly of the people in early England [n –S] */s |
FOLKMOT | folkmoot (a general assembly of the people in early England) [n –S] */es |
FOLKMOTE– | folkmoot (a general assembly of the people in early England) [n –S] */s |
FOOTIE | footsie (a flirting game played with the feet) [n –S] */rs |
FOOTSIE | a flirting game played with the feet [n –S] */s |
FOOTSY– | footsie (a flirting game played with the feet) [n –SIES] */* |
–FORBY– | close by [prep] */e |
FORBYE– | forby (close by) [prep] */* |
FOREBY | forby (close by) [prep] */e |
FOREBYE– | forby (close by) [prep] */* |
FORZANDO | sforzato (the playing of a tone or chord with sudden force) [n –DOS or –DI] s/s |
–SFORZANDO | [n –DOS or –DI] */s |
SFORZATO | the playing of a tone or chord with sudden force [n –TOS] */s |
FOVEOLA | a small fovea [n –LAE or –LAS] : FOVEOLAR [adj] */ers |
FOVEOLE | a foveola (a small fovea) [n –S] */st |
FOVEOLET– | a foveola (a small fovea) [n –S] */s |
FRAENUM | frenum (a connecting fold of membrane) [n –NA or –NUMS] */s |
FRENULUM | a frenum (a connecting fold of membrane) [n –LA or –LUMS] : FRENULAR [adj] */s |
FRENUM | a connecting fold of membrane [n –NA or –NUMS] */s |
FRETFUL | inclined to fret [adj] */* |
FRETSOME | fretful (inclined to fret) [adj] */* |
FRETTY | fretful (inclined to fret) [adj –TIER, –TIEST] */* |
FRIZ | to frizz (to form into small, tight curls) [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */z |
FRIZZ– | to form into small, tight curls [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */y |
FRIZZLE | to frizz (to form into small, tight curls) [v –ZLED, –ZLING, –ZLES] */drs |
FROMENTY | frumenty (a dish of wheat boiled in milk and sweetened with sugar) [n –TIES] */* |
FRUMENTY | a dish of wheat boiled in milk and sweetened with sugar [n –TIES] */* |
FURMENTY | frumenty (a dish of wheat boiled in milk and sweetened with sugar) [n –TIES] */* |
FURMETY | frumenty (a dish of wheat boiled in milk and sweetened with sugar) [n –TIES] */* |
FURMITY | frumenty (a dish of wheat boiled in milk and sweetened with sugar) [n –TIES] */* |
FROUZY | frowzy (unkempt (untidy (tidy))) [adj –ZIER, –ZIEST] */* |
FROWSY– | frowzy (unkempt (untidy (tidy))) [adj –SIER, –SIEST] */* |
FROWZY | unkempt (untidy (neat and orderly)) [adj –ZIER, –ZIEST] : FROWZILY [adv] */* |
FUNGALS– | FUNGAL, a fungus (any of a major group of lower plants) [n] */* |
FUNGI | FUNGUS, any of a major group of lower plants [n] */c |
FUNGUSES | FUNGUS, any of a major group of lower plants [n] */* |
FUTHARC | futhark (an ancient alphabet) [n –S] */s |
FUTHARK | an ancient alphabet [n –S] */s |
FUTHORC | futhark (an ancient alphabet) [n –S] */s |
FUTHORK | futhark (an ancient alphabet) [n –S] */s |
GALOSH | an overshoe (a protective outer shoe) [n –ES] : GALOSHED [adj] */e |
GALOSHE– | galosh (an overshoe (a protective outer shoe)) [n –S] */ds |
GOLOSH | galosh (an overshoe (a protective outer shoe)) [n –ES] */e |
GOLOSHE– | galosh (an overshoe (a protective outer shoe)) [n –S] */s |
GAMBADES– | GAMBADE, a gambado (a leap made by a horse) [n] */* |
GAMBADOES | GAMBADO, a leap made by a horse [n] */* |
GAMBADOS– | GAMBADO, a leap made by a horse [n] */* |
GAMBIA | gambier (an extract obtained from an Asian vine) [n –S] */s |
GAMBIER | an extract obtained from an Asian vine [n –S] */s |
GAMBIR | gambier (an extract obtained from an Asian vine) [n –S] */s |
GANEF– | a thief (one that steals (to take without right or permission)) [n –S] */s |
GANEV– | ganef (a thief (one that steals (steal))) [n –S] */s |
GANOF | ganef (a thief (one that steals (steal))) [n –S] */s |
GONEF– | ganef (a thief (one that steals (steal))) [n –S] */s |
GONIF | ganef (a thief (one that steals (steal))) [n –S] */fs |
GONIFF– | ganef (a thief (one that steals (steal))) [n –S] */s |
GONOF | ganef (a thief (one that steals (steal))) [n –S] */s |
GONOPH | ganef (a thief (one that steals (steal))) [n –S] */s |
GAOLER | jailer (a keeper of a jail) [n –S] */s |
JAILER | a keeper of a jail [n –S] */s |
JAILOR | jailer (a keeper of a jail) [n –S] */s |
GAROTE | to garrote (to execute by strangling) [v GAROTED, GAROTING, GAROTES] */ds |
GAROTTE | to garrote (to execute by strangling) [v GAROTTED, GAROTTING, GAROTTES] */drs |
GARROTE | to execute by strangling [v –ROTED, –ROTING, –ROTES] */drs |
GARROTTE | to garrote (to execute by strangling) [v –ROTTED, –ROTTING, –ROTTES] */ds |
GASALIER | gaselier (a gaslight chandelier) [n –S] */s |
GASELIER | a gaslight chandelier [n –S] */s |
GASOLIER | gaselier (a gaslight chandelier) [n –S] */s |
GELATI | gelato (Italian ice cream) [n –S] */ns |
GELATIS– | GELATI, gelato (Italian ice cream) [n] */* |
GELATOS– | GELATO, Italian ice cream [n] */* |
GEODUCK | a large, edible clam [n –S] */s |
GWEDUC | geoduck (a large, edible clam) [n –S] */ks |
GWEDUCK– | geoduck (a large, edible clam) [n –S] */s |
GIDDAP | used as a command to a horse to go faster [interj] */* |
GIDDYAP | giddap (used as a command to a horse to go faster) [interj] */* |
GIDDYUP | giddap (used as a command to a horse to go faster) [interj] */* |
GINGAL | jingal (a heavy musket) [n –S] */ls |
GINGALL– | jingal (a heavy musket) [n –S] */s |
JINGAL | a heavy musket [n –S] */ls |
JINGALL– | jingal (a heavy musket) [n –S] */s |
GINGELEY | gingelly (the sesame seed or its oil) [n –LEYS] */s |
GINGELI | gingelly (the sesame seed or its oil) [n –S] */s |
GINGELLI | gingelly (the sesame seed or its oil) [n –S] */s |
GINGELLY | the sesame seed or its oil [n –LIES] */* |
GINGELY | gingelly (the sesame seed or its oil) [n –LIES] */* |
GINGILI | gingelly (the sesame seed or its oil) [n GINGILIS] */s |
GINGILLI | gingelly (the sesame seed or its oil) [n –S] */s |
GINGKO | ginkgo (an ornamental tree) [n –KOS or –KOES] */s |
GINKGO | an ornamental tree [n –GOES or –GOS] */s |
JINGKO | ginkgo (an ornamental tree) [n –KOES] */* |
GIRASOL | a variety of opal [n –S] */es |
GIRASOLE– | girasol (a variety of opal) [n –S] */s |
GIROSOL | girasol (a variety of opal) [n –S] */s |
GIRSH | qursh (a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia) [n –ES] */* |
GURSH | qursh (a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia) [n –ES] */* |
QURSH | a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia [n –ES] */* |
QURUSH | qursh (a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia) [n –ES] */* |
GOGLET | a long-necked jar [n –S] */s |
GUGLET | goglet (a long-necked jar) [n –S] */s |
GURGLET– | goglet (a long-necked jar) [n –S] */s |
GOMERAL | a fool [n –S] */s |
GOMEREL | gomeral (a fool) [n –S] */s |
GOMERIL | gomeral (a fool) [n –S] */s |
GOONEY | an albatross [n –NEYS] */s |
GOONIE | gooney (an albatross) [n –S] */rs |
GOONY– | gooney (an albatross) [n –NIES], stupid (mentally slow) [adj GOONIER, GOONIEST] */* |
GRAPLIN | a grapnel (a type of anchor) [n –S] */es |
GRAPLINE– | graplin (a grapnel (a type of anchor)) [n –S] */s |
GRAPNEL | a type of anchor [n –S] */s |
GRAPPLING | [n –S] */s |
GRIFFIN | a mythological creature [n –S] */s |
GRIFFON | griffin (a mythological creature) [n –S] */s |
GRYPHON | griffin (a mythological creature) [n –S] */s |
–GROTS– | GROT, a grotto (a cave) [n] */* |
GROTTOES | GROTTO, a cave [n] */* |
GROTTOS– | GROTTO, a cave [n] */* |
GYNAECEA | GYNAECEUM, gynecium (the pistil of a flower) [n] */* |
GYNAECIA | GYNAECIUM, gynecium (the pistil of a flower) [n] */* |
GYNECIA | GYNECIUM, the pistil of a flower [n] */* |
GYNOECIA | GYNOECIUM, gynecium (the pistil of a flower) [n] */* |
HADJ– | a pilgrimage to Mecca [n –ES] */i |
HAJ– | hadj (a pilgrimage to Mecca) [n –ES] */ij |
HAJJ– | hadj (a pilgrimage to Mecca) [n –ES] */i |
HADJEE | hadji (one who has made a hadj) [n –S] */s |
HADJI– | one who has made a hadj [n –S] */s |
HAJI– | hadji (one who has made a hadj) [n –S] */s |
HAJJI– | hadji (one who has made a hadj) [n –S] */s |
HAEMATIN | hematin (heme (a component of hemoglobin)) [n –S] */s |
HEMATIN | heme (a component of hemoglobin) [n –S] */es |
HEMATINE– | hematin (heme (a component of hemoglobin)) [n –S] */s |
HAFTARA | haphtara (a biblical selection) [n –RAS, –ROT or –ROTH] */hs |
HAFTARAH– | haphtara (a biblical selection) [n –RAHS, –ROT or –ROTH] */s |
HAFTORAH | haphtara (a biblical selection) [n –RAHS, –ROS, –ROT, or –ROTH] */s |
HAPHTARA | a biblical selection [n –RAS, –ROT or –ROTH] */hs |
HAPHTARAH– | [n –S] */s |
HALACHA | the legal part of the Talmud [n –CHAS or –CHOT or –CHOTH] : HALACHIC [adj] */s |
HALAKAH | halacha (the legal part of the Talmud) [n –KAHS or –KOTH] : HALAKIC [adj] */s |
HALAKHA | halacha (the legal part of the Talmud) [n –KHAS or –KOTH] : HALAKHIC [adj] */hs |
HALAKHAH– | halacha (the legal part of the Talmud) [n –KHAHS or –KHOTH or –KHOT] : HALAKHIC [adj] */s |
HALACHAS– | HALACHA, the legal part of the Talmud [n] */* |
HALACHOT | HALACHA, the legal part of the Talmud [n] */h |
HALACHOTH– | HALACHA, the legal part of the Talmud [n] */* |
HALAKAHS– | HALAKAH, halacha (the legal part of the Talmud) [n] */* |
HALAKHAHS– | HALAKHAH, halacha (the legal part of the Talmud) [n] */* |
HALAKHOT | HALAKHAH, halacha (the legal part of the Talmud) [n] */h |
HALAKHOTH– | HALAKHAH, halacha (the legal part of the Talmud) [n] */* |
HALAKOTH | HALAKHA, halacha (the legal part of the Talmud) [n] */* |
HALAVAH | halvah (a Turkish confection) [n –S] */s |
HALVA | halvah (a Turkish confection) [n –S] */hs |
HALVAH– | a Turkish confection [n –S] */s |
HALLO– | to shout (to utter loudly) [v –ED, –ING, –S or –ES] */aostw |
HALLOA– | to hallo (to shout (to utter loudly)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
HALLOO– | to hallo (to shout (to utter loudly)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
HELLO– | to greet (to address in a friendly and courteous way) [v –ED, –ING, –ES or –S] */s |
HILLO– | to hallo (to shout (to utter loudly)) [v –ED, –ING, –S or –ES] */as |
HILLOA– | to hallo (to shout (to utter loudly)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–HOLLA | to hallo (to shout (to utter loudly)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] c/s |
HOLLO | to hallo (to shout (to utter loudly)) [v –ED, –ING, –S or –ES] */aosw |
HOLLOA– | to hallo (to shout (to utter loudly)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
HOLLOO– | to hallo (to shout (to utter loudly)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
HULLO– | to hallo (to shout (to utter loudly)) [v –ED, –ING, –S or –ES] */aos |
HULLOA– | to hallo (to shout (to utter loudly)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
HAMAL | a porter in eastern countries [n –S] */s |
HAMAUL | hamal (a porter in eastern countries) [n –S] */s |
HAMMAL | hamal (a porter in eastern countries) [n –S] */s |
HAUTBOIS | hautboy (an oboe (a woodwind instrument)) [n HAUTBOIS] */* |
HAUTBOY | an oboe (a woodwind instrument) [n –BOYS] */s |
OBOE | a woodwind instrument [n –S] */s |
HEGIRA | an exodus (a movement away) [n –S] */s |
HEJIRA | hegira (an exodus (a movement away)) [n –S] */s |
HIJRA | hegira (an exodus (a movement away)) [n –S] */hs |
HIJRAH– | hegira (an exodus (a movement away)) [n –S] */s |
–HEIGHT– | the highest point [n –S] */hs |
–HEIGHTH– | height (the highest point) [n –S] */s |
HIGHT– | to command (to direct with authority) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */hs |
HIGHTH– | height (the highest point) [n –S] */s |
HELOTAGE | helotism (slavery or or serfdom) [n –S] */s |
HELOTISM | slavery or or serfdom [n –S] */s |
HELOTRY | helotism (slavery or or serfdom) [n –RIES] */* |
HENEQUEN | a fiber used to make ropes [n –S] */s |
HENEQUIN | henequen (a fiber used to make ropes) [n –S] */s |
HENIQUEN | henequen (a fiber used to make ropes) [n –S] */s |
HERETRIX | heritrix (a female heritor (one that inherits (inherit))) [n –TRIXES or –TRICES] */* |
HERITRIX | a female heritor (one that inherits (to receive by legal succession)) [n –TRIXES or –TRICES] */* |
INHERITRIX | inheritress (a female inheritor (one that inherits (inherit))) [n –TRIXES or –TRICES] */* |
HERMAE– | HERMA, a herm (a type of statue (a three-dimensional work of art)) [n] t/* |
HERMAI– | HERMA, a herm (a type of statue (a three-dimensional work of art)) [n] */* |
HERMS– | HERM, a type of statue (a three-dimensional work of art) [n] t/* |
HETAERAE– | HETAERA, a concubine [n] */* |
HETAERAS– | HETAERA, a concubine [n] */* |
HETAIRAI– | HETAIRA, hetaera (a concubine) [n] */* |
HETAIRAS– | HETAIRA, hetaera (a concubine) [n] */* |
HOACTZINES | HOACTZIN, hoatzin (a tropical bird) [n] */* |
HOACTZINS– | HOACTZIN, hoatzin (a tropical bird) [n] */* |
HOATZINES | HOATZIN, a tropical bird [n] */* |
HOATZINS– | HOATZIN, a tropical bird [n] */* |
HOGMANAY | a Scottish celebration [n –NAYS] */s |
HOGMANE | hogmanay (a Scottish celebration) [n –S] */s |
HOGMENAY | hogmanay (a Scottish celebration) [n –NAYS] */s |
HOMEY– | homelike (suggestive of a home) [adj HOMIER, HOMIEST], a person from one’s own neighborhood [n HOMEYS] */s |
HOMIE | homey (a person from one’s own neighborhood) [n –S] */rs |
HOMY | homey (homelike (suggestive of a home)) [adj HOMIER, HOMIEST] */* |
HOORAH | to hurrah (to cheer (to applaud with shouts of approval)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
HOORAY | to hurrah (to cheer (to applaud with shouts of approval)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
HURRAH | to cheer (to applaud with shouts of approval) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
HURRAY | to hurrah (to cheer (to applaud with shouts of approval)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
HYP | hypochondria [n –S] */eos |
HYPOCHONDRIA | [n –S] */cs |
3 Responses
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This is so cool!!
Aloha people that read this AWESOME website!!!
Hey, Dad!! I can’t wait to tell you that I finished highlighting the A’s!!!! OOPSIES! Oh well! Tell you about it in detail later!!
Marin Your Awesome Daughter