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Words Spelled at Least Three Ways (H-P)

2010 August 21
by admin

These are words that begin with the let­ters H-P and that can be spelled at least three dif­fer­ent ways (2 of 3 files).  This list is based on a list com­piled by Amit Chakrabarti and posted on the Seattle Scrabble Club web­site: http://​www​.seat​tle​scrab​ble​.org/​s​t​u​d​y​.​php.

IAMBa type of met­ri­cal foot [n –S] */is
IAMBIC–an iamb (a type of met­ri­cal foot) [n –S] */s
IAMBUSan iamb (a type of met­ri­cal foot) [n –BUSES or –BI] */*
ISOGONALiso­gone (a line on a map used to show char­ac­ter­is­tics of the earth’s mag­netic field) [n –S] */s
ISOGONE–a line on a map used to show char­ac­ter­is­tics of the earth’s mag­netic field [n –S] */s
ISOGONICiso­gone (a line on a map used to show char­ac­ter­is­tics of the earth’s mag­netic field) [n –S] */s
JAEGERa hunter (one that hunts (to pur­sue for food or sport)) [n –S] */s
–JAGERjaeger (a hunter (one that hunts (hunt))) [n –S] */s
–YAGERjaeger (a hunter (one that hunts (hunt))) [n –S] */s
JAGGARYjag­gery (a coarse, dark sugar) [n –RIES] */*
JAGGERY–a coarse, dark sugar [n –GERIES] */*
JAGGHERYjag­gery (a coarse, dark sugar) [n –GHERIES] */*
JAGRAjag­gery (a coarse, dark sugar) [n –S] */s
JANISARYjanizary (a Turkish sol­dier) [n –SARIES] */*
JANIZARYa Turkish sol­dier [n –ZARIES] */*
JEREEDa wooden javelin [n –S] */s
JERIDjereed (a wooden javelin) [n –S] */s
JERREEDjereed (a wooden javelin) [n –S] */s
JERRIDjereed (a wooden javelin) [n –S] */s
JIUJITSUjujitsu (a Japanese art of self-defense) [n –S] */s
JIUJUTSUjujitsu (a Japanese art of self-defense) [n –S] */s
JUJITSUa Japanese art of self-defense [n –S] */s
JUJUTSUjujitsu (a Japanese art of self-defense) [n –S] */s
KACHINAan ances­tral spirit [n –S] */s
KATCHINAkachina (an ances­tral spirit) [n –S] */s
KATCINAkachina (an ances­tral spirit) [n –S] */s
KAFFIYAHkaf­fiyeh (a large, square ker­chief) [n –S] */s
KAFFIYEHa large, square ker­chief [n –S] */s
KEFFIYAHkaf­fiyeh (a large, square ker­chief) [n –S] */s
KEFFIYEHkaf­fiyeh (a large, square ker­chief) [n –S] */s
KAIAKkayak [n –S] */s
KAYAKto travel in a kayak (an Eskimo canoe) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s
–KYAKa kayak (an Eskimo canoe) [n –S] */s
KAIFkef (hemp smoked to pro­duce eupho­ria) [n –S] */s
KEEFkef (hemp smoked to pro­duce eupho­ria) [n –S] */s
–KEFhemp smoked to pro­duce eupho­ria [n –S] */s
KIEFkef (hemp smoked to pro­duce eupho­ria) [n –S] */s
–KIF–kef (hemp smoked to pro­duce eupho­ria) [n –S] */s
KAMSEENkham­sin (a hot, dry wind) [n –S] */s
KAMSINkham­sin (a hot, dry wind) [n –S] */s
KHAMSEENkham­sin (a hot, dry wind) [n –S] */s
KHAMSINa hot, dry wind [n –S] */s
–KAT–an ever­green shrub [n –S] is/as
–KHATkat (an ever­green shrub) [n –S] */s
–QATkat (an ever­green shrub) [n –S] */s
KAZACHOKa Russian folk dance [n –ZACHKI] */*
KAZATSKIkaza­chok (a Russian folk dance) [n –ES] */*
KAZATSKYkaza­chok (a Russian folk dance) [n –SKIES] */*
KEBLAHkiblah (the direc­tion toward which Muslims face while pray­ing) [n –S] */s
KIBLAkiblah (the direc­tion toward which Muslims face while pray­ing) [n –S] */hs
KIBLAH–the direc­tion toward which Muslims face while pray­ing [n –S] */s
KEDDAHan enclo­sure for ele­phants [n –S] */s
KHEDAked­dah (an enclo­sure for ele­phants) [n –S] */hs
KHEDAH–ked­dah (an enclo­sure for ele­phants) [n –S] */s
KEESTERkeis­ter (the but­tocks (either of the two rounded parts of the rump)) [n –S] */s
KEISTERthe but­tocks (either of the two rounded parts of the rump) [n –S] */s
KEYSTERkeis­ter (the but­tocks (either of the two rounded parts of the rump)) [n –S] */s
KIESTERkeis­ter (the but­tocks (either of the two rounded parts of the rump)) [n –S] */s
KERMESS–ker­mis (a fes­ti­val (a day or time of cel­e­bra­tion)) [n –ES] */e
KERMESSE–ker­mis (a fes­ti­val (a day or time of cel­e­bra­tion)) [n –S] */s
KERMISa fes­ti­val (a day or time of cel­e­bra­tion) [n –MISES] */*
KIRMESSker­mis (a fes­ti­val (a day or time of cel­e­bra­tion)) [n –ES] */*
KIBBEa Near Eastern dish of ground lamb and bul­gur [n –S] */hs
KIBBEH–kibbe (a Near Eastern dish of ground lamb and bul­gur) [n –S] */s
KIBBIkibbe (a Near Eastern dish of ground lamb and bul­gur) [n –S] */s
KIELBASAa smoked sausage [n –BASAS, –BASI, or –BASY] */s
KOLBASIkiel­basa (a smoked sausage) [n –S] */s
KOLBASSIkiel­basa (a smoked sausage) [n –S] */s
KIELBASAS–KIELBASA, a smoked sausage [n] */*
KIELBASIKIELBASA, a smoked sausage [n] */*
KIELBASYKIELBASA, a smoked sausage [n] */*
KOLBASIS–KOLBASI, kiel­basa (a smoked sausage) [n] */*
KOLBASSIS–KOLBASSI, kiel­basa (a smoked sausage) [n] */*
KNARa bump on a tree [n –S] : KNARRED, KNARRY [adj] */s
KNAURknar (a bump on a tree) [n –S] */s
KNURa bump on a tree [n –S] */ls
KOLHOZkolkhoz (a col­lec­tive farm in Russia) [n –HOZY or –HOZES] */y
KOLKHOSkolkhoz (a col­lec­tive farm in Russia) [n –KHOSY or –KHOSES] */y
KOLKHOZa col­lec­tive farm in Russia [n –KHOZY or –KHOZES] */y
KOLKOZkolkhoz (a col­lec­tive farm in Russia) [n –KOZY or –KOZES] */y
KOUMISkoumiss (a bev­er­age made from camel’s milk) [n –MISES] */s
KOUMISS–a bev­er­age made from camel’s milk [n –ES] */*
KOUMYSkoumiss (a bev­er­age made from camel’s milk) [n –ES] */s
KOUMYSS–koumiss (a bev­er­age made from camel’s milk) [n –ES] */*
KUMISSkoumiss (a bev­er­age made from camel’s milk) [n –ES] */*
KUMYSkoumiss (a bev­er­age made from camel’s milk) [n –ES] */*
–KVASkvass (a Russian beer) [n –ES] */s
KVASS–a Russian beer [n –ES] */*
QUASSkvass (a Russian beer) [n –ES] */*
LACUNAE–LACUNA, an empty space or miss­ing part [n] */*
LACUNAS–LACUNA, an empty space or miss­ing part [n] */*
LACUNES–LACUNE, lacuna (an empty space or miss­ing part) [n] */*
LAGANgoods thrown into the sea with a buoy attached to enable recov­ery [n –S] */s
LAGENDlagan (goods thrown into the sea with a buoy attached to enable recov­ery) [n –S] */s
LIGANlagan (goods thrown into the sea with a buoy attached to enable recov­ery) [n –S] */ds
LAGOONa shal­low body of water [n –S] : LAGOONAL [adj] */s
LAGUNAlagoon (a shal­low body of water) [n –S] */s
LAGUNElagoon (a shal­low body of water) [n –S] */s
LALLANa low­land (an area of land lying lower than the adja­cent coun­try) [n –S] */ds
LALLAND–a low­land (an area of land lying lower than the adja­cent coun­try) [n –S] */s
LOWLANDan area of land lying lower than the adja­cent coun­try [n –S] p/s
LAVALIERa pen­dant worn on a chain around the neck [n –S] */es
LAVALIERE–[n –S] */s
LAZARETa hos­pi­tal treat­ing con­ta­gious dis­eases [n –S] */s
LEAPEDLEAP, to spring off the ground [v] */*
LEAPT–LEAP, to spring off the ground [v] */*
LEPTLEAP, to spring off the ground [v] cs/a
LECYTHUSlekythos (an oil jar used in ancient Greece) [n –THI] */*
LEKYTHOSan oil jar used in ancient Greece [n –THOI] */*
LEKYTHUSlekythos (an oil jar used in ancient Greece) [n –THI] */*
LICHEElitchi (the edi­ble fruit of a Chinese tree) [n –S] */s
LICHI–litchi (the edi­ble fruit of a Chinese tree) [n –S] */s
LITCHIthe edi­ble fruit of a Chinese tree [n –S] */s
LYCHEElitchi (the edi­ble fruit of a Chinese tree) [n –S] */s
LIPIDany of a class of fatty sub­stances [n –S] : LIPIDIC [adj] */es
LIPIDE–lipid (any of a class of fatty sub­stances) [n –S] */s
LIPINa lipid (any of a class of fatty sub­stances) [n –S] */s
LIPOIDa lipid (any of a class of fatty sub­stances) [n –S] : LIPOIDAL [adj] */s
LITAILITAS, a for­mer mon­e­tary unit of Lithuania [n] */*
–LITS–LIT, the litas (a for­mer mon­e­tary unit of Lithuania) [n] fs/*
LITU–LITAS, a for­mer mon­e­tary unit of Lithuania [n] */*
–LOMENTA–LOMENTUM, loment (a type of plant pod) [n] */*
LOMENTS–LOMENT, a type of plant pod [n] */*
–LOMENTUMS–LOMENTUM, loment (a type of plant pod) [n] */*
LOOFA–loofah (a trop­i­cal vine) [n –S] */hs
LOOFAH–a trop­i­cal vine [n –S] */s
LUFFA–loofah (a trop­i­cal vine) [n –S] */s
LUNGEE–lungi (a loin­cloth worn by men in India) [n –S] */s
LUNGI–a loin­cloth worn by men in India [n –S] */s
LUNGYIlungi (a loin­cloth worn by men in India) [n –S] */s
MACCABAWmac­caboy (a type of snuff) [n –S] */s
MACCABOYa type of snuff [n –BOYS] */s
MACCOBOYmac­caboy (a type of snuff) [n –BOYS] */s
MACHZORIMMACHZOR, mah­zor (a Jewish prayer book) [n] */*
MACHZORS–MACHZOR, mah­zor (a Jewish prayer book) [n] */*
MAHZORIMMAHZOR, a Jewish prayer book [n] */*
MAHZORS–MAHZOR, a Jewish prayer book [n] */*
MADRASA–madrassa (a Muslim school) [n –S] */hs
MADRASAH–madrassa (a Muslim school) [n –S] */s
MADRASSAa Muslim school [n –S] */hs
MADRASSAH–[n –S] */s
MADRONAan ever­green tree [n –S] */s
MADRONEmadrona (an ever­green tree) [n –S] */s
MADRONOmadrona (an ever­green tree) [n –NOS] */s
MAENADESMAENAD, a female par­tic­i­pant in ancient Greek orgies [n] */*
MAENADS–MAENAD, a female par­tic­i­pant in ancient Greek orgies [n] */*
MENADS–MENAD, mae­nad (a female par­tic­i­pant in ancient Greek orgies) [n] */*
–MAGE–a magi­cian (one skilled in magic) [n –S] i/s
MAGIANa magus (a magi­cian (one skilled in magic)) [n –S] */s
MAGICIANone skilled in magic [n –S] */s
MAGUSa magi­cian (one skilled in magic) [n –GI] */*
MAGILPmegilp (a sub­stance with which pig­ments are mixed in paint­ing) [n –S] */s
MEGILPa sub­stance with which pig­ments are mixed in paint­ing [n –S] */hs
MEGILPH–megilp (a sub­stance with which pig­ments are mixed in paint­ing) [n –S] */s
MALAMUTEan Alaskan sled dog [n –S] */s
MALEMIUTmala­mute (an Alaskan sled dog) [n –S] */s
MALEMUTEmala­mute (an Alaskan sled dog) [n –S] */s
MAMEYa trop­i­cal tree [n MAMEYS or MAMEYES] */s
–MAMIEmamey (a trop­i­cal tree) [n –S] */s
MAMMEEmamey (a trop­i­cal tree) [n –S] */s
MAMMEYmamey (a trop­i­cal tree) [n –MEYS] */s
MAMZERa bas­tard (an ille­git­i­mate child) [n –S] */s
MOMSERa bas­tard (an ille­git­i­mate child) [n –S] */s
MOMZERmomser (a bas­tard (an ille­git­i­mate child)) [n –S] */s
MANDIOCAman­ioc (a trop­i­cal plant) [n –S] */s
MANIOCa trop­i­cal plant [n –S] */as
MANIOCA–man­ioc (a trop­i­cal plant) [n –S] */s
MANITOman­i­tou (an Algonquian Indian deity) [n –TOS] */su
MANITOU–an Algonquian Indian deity [n –S] */s
MANITUman­i­tou (an Algonquian Indian deity) [n –S] */s
–MANTESMANTIS, a preda­tory insect [n] */*
MANTIDS–MANTID, man­tis (a preda­tory insect) [n] */*
MANTISESMANTIS, a preda­tory insect [n] */*
MARGEa mar­gin [n –S] */s
–MARGENTto mar­gin (to pro­vide with a mar­gin (a bor­der)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s
MARGINto pro­vide with a mar­gin (a bor­der) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s
MASTICan aro­matic resin [n –S] */s
MASTICHEmas­tic (an aro­matic resin) [n –S] */s
MASTIXmas­tic (an aro­matic resin) [n –ES] */*
MATSAHmatzo (an unleav­ened bread) [n –S] */s
MATZAmatzo (an unleav­ened bread) [n –S] */hs
MATZAH–matzo (an unleav­ened bread) [n –S] */s
MATZOan unleav­ened bread [n –ZOS, –ZOT, or –ZOTH] */hst
MATZOH–matzo (an unleav­ened bread) [n –S] */s
MAVENmavin (an expert) [n –S] */s
MAVINan expert [n –S] */s
MAYVINmavin (an expert) [n –S] */s
MEDEVACEDMEDEVAC, to evac­u­ate the wounded from a bat­tle­field by heli­copter [v] */*
MEDEVACKEDMEDEVAC, to evac­u­ate the wounded from a bat­tle­field by heli­copter [v] */*
MEDIVACEDMEDIVAC, to mede­vac (to evac­u­ate the wounded from a bat­tle­field by heli­copter) [v] */*
MEDIVACKEDMEDIVAC, to mede­vac (to evac­u­ate the wounded from a bat­tle­field by heli­copter) [v] */*
MEMENTOESMEMENTO, some­thing that serves as a reminder of the past [n] */*
MEMENTOS–MEMENTO, some­thing that serves as a reminder of the past [n] */*
MOMENTOESMOMENTO, memento (some­thing that serves as a reminder of the past) [n] */*
MOMENTOS–MOMENTO, memento (some­thing that serves as a reminder of the past) [n] */*
MENSCHENMENSCH, an admirable per­son [n] */*
MENSCHESMENSCH, an admirable per­son [n] */*
MENSHENMENSH, men­sch (an admirable per­son) [n] */*
MENSHESMENSH, men­sch (an admirable per­son) [n] */*
MEOUmeow (to make the cry­ing sound of a cat) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s
MEOWto make the cry­ing sound of a cat [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s
MIAOUto meow (to make the cry­ing sound of a cat) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s
MIAOWto meow (to make the cry­ing sound of a cat) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s
MIAULto meow (to make the cry­ing sound of a cat) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s
MESHUGAcrazy (insane (men­tally unsound)) [adj] */h
MESHUGAH–meshuga (crazy (insane (men­tally unsound))) [adj] */*
MESHUGGAmeshuga (crazy (insane (men­tally unsound))) [adj] */h
MESHUGGAH–[adj] */*
MESHUGGEmeshuga (crazy (insane (men­tally unsound))) [adj] */*
MESQUITmesquite (a spiny tree or shrub) [n –S] */es
MESQUITE–a spiny tree or shrub [n –S] */s
MEZQUITmesquite (a spiny tree or shrub) [n –S] */es
MEZQUITE–mesquite (a spiny tree or shrub) [n –S] */s
MUSKITmesquite (a spiny tree or shrub) [n –S] */s
MEZUZAHS–MEZUZAH, a Judaic scroll [n] */*
MEZUZAS–MEZUZA, mezuzah (a Judaic scroll) [n] */*
MEZUZOTMEZUZAH, a Judaic scroll [n] */h
MEZUZOTH–MEZUZAH, a Judaic scroll [n] */*
MIASMAS–MIASMA, a nox­ious vapor [n] */*
MIASMATAMIASMA, a nox­ious vapor [n] */*
MIASMS–MIASM, miasma (a nox­ious vapor) [n] */*
MICRAMICRON, a unit of length [n] */*
MICRONS–MICRON, a unit of length [n] o/*
MIKRAMIKRON, micron (a unit of length) [n] */*
MIKRONS–MIKRON, micron (a unit of length) [n] o/*
MIKVAHS–MIKVAH, a place for rit­ual bathing by Orthodox Jews [n] */*
MIKVEHS–MIKVEH, mik­vah (a place for rit­ual bathing by Orthodox Jews) [n] */*
MIKVOSMIKVAH, a place for rit­ual bathing by Orthodox Jews [n] */*
MIKVOTMIKVAH, a place for rit­ual bathing by Orthodox Jews [n] */h
MIKVOTH–MIKVAH, a place for rit­ual bathing by Orthodox Jews [n] */*
MITSVAHS–MITSVAH, mitz­vah (a com­mand­ment of Jewish law) [n] */*
MITSVOTHMITSVAH, mitz­vah (a com­mand­ment of Jewish law) [n] */*
MITZVAHS–MITZVAH, a com­mand­ment of Jewish law [n] */*
MITZVOTHMITZVAH, a com­mand­ment of Jewish law [n] */*
MOGHULmogul (an impor­tant per­son) [n –S] */s
MOGULan impor­tant per­son [n –S] */s
MUGHALmogul (an impor­tant per­son) [n –S] */s
MOLLAHmul­lah (a Muslim reli­gious leader or teacher) [n –S] */s
MULLA–mul­lah (a Muslim reli­gious leader or teacher) [n –S] */hs
MULLAH–a Muslim reli­gious leader or teacher [n –S] */s
MONGEESEMONGOOSE, a car­niv­o­rous mam­mal [n] */*
MONGOOSES–MONGOOSE, a car­niv­o­rous mam­mal [n] */*
MUNGOOSES–MUNGOOSE, mon­goose (a car­niv­o­rous mam­mal) [n] */*
MONGOmungo (a low-quality wool) [n –GOS] */els
MONGOE–mungo (a low-quality wool) [n –S] */s
MUNGOa low-quality wool [n –GOS or –GOES] */s
MOUJIKmuzhik (a Russian peas­ant) [n –S] */s
MUJIKmuzhik (a Russian peas­ant) [n –S] */s
MUZHIKa Russian peas­ant [n –S] */s
MUZJIKmuzhik (a Russian peas­ant) [n –S] */s
MOZETTAS–MOZETTA, mozzetta (a hooded cape worn by bish­ops) [n] */*
MOZETTEMOZETTA, mozzetta (a hooded cape worn by bish­ops) [n] */*
MOZZETTAS–MOZZETTA, a hooded cape worn by bish­ops [n] */*
MOZZETTEMOZZETTA, a hooded cape worn by bish­ops [n] */*
MUCKLUCKmuk­luk (a soft boot worn by Eskimos) [n –S] */s
MUCLUCmuk­luk (a soft boot worn by Eskimos) [n –S] */s
MUKLUKa soft boot worn by Eskimos [n –S] */s
MUGGARmug­ger (a large Asian croc­o­dile) [n –S] */s
MUGGERa large Asian croc­o­dile [n –S] s/s
MUGGURmug­ger (a large Asian croc­o­dile) [n –S] */s
MUTINEto mutiny (to revolt against con­sti­tuted author­ity) [v –TINED, –TINING, –TINES] */ds
MUTINEERto mutiny (to revolt against con­sti­tuted author­ity) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s
MUTINYto revolt against con­sti­tuted author­ity [v –NIED, –NYING, –NIES] */*
NARGHILEa hookah (a water pipe) [n –S] */s
NARGILEnarghile (a hookah (a water pipe)) [n –S] */hs
NARGILEH–narghile (a hookah (a water pipe)) [n –S] */s
NARIALNARIS, a nos­tril (an exter­nal open­ing of the nose) [adj] */*
NARICNARIS, a nos­tril (an exter­nal open­ing of the nose) [adj] */*
NARINENARIS, a nos­tril (an exter­nal open­ing of the nose) [adj] */*
NARWALnar­whal (an arc­tic aquatic mam­mal) [n –S] */s
NARWHALan arc­tic aquatic mam­mal [n –S] */es
NARWHALE–nar­whal (an arc­tic aquatic mam­mal) [n –S] */s
NATHELESS[adv] */*
NATHLESSnev­er­the­less [adv] */*
NICKELEDNICKEL, to plate with nickel (a metal­lic ele­ment) [v] */*
NICKELLEDNICKEL, to plate with nickel (a metal­lic ele­ment) [v] */*
NICKLED–NICKLE, nickel (to plate with nickel (a metal­lic ele­ment)) [v] */*
NILGAIa large ante­lope [n –S] */s
NILGAUnil­gai (a large ante­lope) [n –S] */s
NILGHAInil­gai (a large ante­lope) [n –S] */s
NILGHAUnil­gai (a large ante­lope) [n –S] */s
NYLGHAInil­gai (a large ante­lope) [n –S] */s
NYLGHAUnil­gai (a large ante­lope) [n –S] */s
–OBEobeah (a form of sor­cery of African ori­gin) [n –S] lr/sy
OBEAHa form of sor­cery of African ori­gin [n –S] */s
–OBIobeah (a form of sor­cery of African ori­gin) [n –S] */ast
OBIA–obeah (a form of sor­cery of African ori­gin) [n –S] c/s
ODa hypo­thet­i­cal force of nat­ural power [n –S] bcghmnprsty/ades
ODYLan od (a hypo­thet­i­cal force of nat­ural power) [n –S] */es
ODYLE–odyl (an od (a hypo­thet­i­cal force of nat­ural power)) [n –S] */s
ODEA–ODEUM, a the­ater or con­cert hall [n] */*
ODEONS–ODEON, odeum (a the­ater or con­cert hall) [n] */*
ODEUMS–ODEUM, a the­ater or con­cert hall [n] */*
OOMIACumiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */ks
OOMIACK–umiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */s
OOMIAKumiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */s
UMIACumiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */ks
UMIACK–umiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */s
UMIAKan open Eskimo boat [n –S] */s
UMIAQumiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */s
–ORANGa large ape [n –S] */esy
OURANGorang (a large ape) [n –S] */s
ORGANA–ORGANON, a sys­tem of rules for sci­en­tific inves­ti­ga­tion [n] */*
ORGANONS–ORGANON, a sys­tem of rules for sci­en­tific inves­ti­ga­tion [n] */*
ORGANUMS–ORGANUM, organon (a sys­tem of rules for sci­en­tific inves­ti­ga­tion) [n] */*
OSTEOSESOSTEOSIS, the for­ma­tion of bone [n] */*
OSTEOSISESOSTEOSIS, the for­ma­tion of bone [n] */*
OSTOSESOSTOSIS, the for­ma­tion of bone [n] */*
OSTOSISESOSTOSIS, the for­ma­tion of bone [n] */*
PACHALICpasha­lik (the ter­ri­tory of a pasha) [n –S] */s
PASHALICpasha­lik (the ter­ri­tory of a pasha) [n –S] */s
PASHALIKthe ter­ri­tory of a pasha [n –S] */s
PACHISIa board game of India [n –S] */s
PARCHESI–pachisi (a board game of India) [n –S] */s
PARCHISIpachisi (a board game of India) [n –S] */s
PAESANpae­sano (a fel­low coun­try­man) [n –S] */ios
PAESANO–a fel­low coun­try­man [n –NI or –NOS] */s
PAISAN–paisano (a fel­low coun­try­man) [n –S] */aos
PAISANO–a fel­low coun­try­man [n –NOS] */s
PANATELAa long, slen­der cigar [n –S] */s
PANETELApanatela (a long, slen­der cigar) [n –S] */s
PAPADAMpapadum (a thin, crisp bread of India) [n –S] */s
PAPADOMpapadum (a thin, crisp bread of India) [n –S] */s
PAPADUMa thin, crisp bread of India [n –S] */s
PAPPADAMpapadum (a thin, crisp bread of India) [n –S] */s
POPPADOMpapadum (a thin, crisp bread of India) [n –S] */s
POPPADUMpapadum (a thin, crisp bread of India) [n –S] */s
PARADISAL[adj] */*
PARAKEETa small par­rot [n –S] */s
PARAQUETpara­keet (a small par­rot) [n –S] */s
PAROQUETpara­keet (a small par­rot) [n –S] */s
PARROKETpara­keet (a small par­rot) [n –S] */s
PARASHAHS–PARASHAH, a por­tion of the Torah read on the Sabbath [n] */*
PARASHIOTHPARASHAH, a por­tion of the Torah read on the Sabbath [n] */*
PARASHOTPARASHAH, a por­tion of the Torah read on the Sabbath [n] */h
PARASHOTH–PARASHAH, a por­tion of the Torah read on the Sabbath [n] */*
PARDAHpur­dah (a cur­tain used in India to seclude women) [n –S] */s
PURDApur­dah (a cur­tain used in India to seclude women) [n –S] */hs
PURDAH–a cur­tain used in India to seclude women [n –S] */s
PARDEEpardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */*
PARDI–used as a mild oath [interj] */e
PARDIE–pardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */*
PARDY–pardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */*
PERDIEpardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */*
PERDYpardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */*
PARGED–PARGE, to par­get (to cover with plas­ter) [v] s/*
PARGETEDPARGET, to cover with plas­ter [v] */*
PARGETTEDPARGET, to cover with plas­ter [v] */*
PARRIDGEpor­ridge (a soft food) [n –S] */s
PARRITCHpor­ridge (a soft food) [n –ES] */*
PORRIDGEa soft food [n –S] : PORRIDGY [adj] */s
PAVANa slow, stately dance [n –S] */es
PAVANE–pavan (a slow, stately dance) [n –S] */s
PAVINpavan (a slow, stately dance) [n –S] s/gs
–PAVER–one that paves (to cover with mate­r­ial that forms a firm, level sur­face) [n –S] */s
PAVIORa paver (one that paves (to cover with mate­r­ial that forms a firm, level sur­face)) [n –S] */s
PAVIOURa paver (one that paves (to cover with mate­r­ial that forms a firm, level sur­face)) [n –S] */s
PAVISa large medieval shield [n –ISES] */e
PAVISE–pavis (a large medieval shield) [n –S] */rs
PAVISSEpavis (a large medieval shield) [n –S] */s
PEAS–PEA, the edi­ble seed of an annual herb [n] */e
PEASEN–PEASE, a pea (the edi­ble seed of an annual herb) [n] */*
–PEASES–PEASE, a pea (the edi­ble seed of an annual herb) [n] */*
PEDDLER–one that ped­dles (to travel about sell­ing wares) [n –S] */sy
PEDLARped­dler (one that ped­dles (to travel about sell­ing wares)) [n –S] */sy
PEDLERped­dler (one that ped­dles (to travel about sell­ing wares)) [n –S] */sy
PENOCHEpenuche (a fudge-like candy) [n –S] */s
PENUCHEa fudge-like candy [n –S] */s
PENUCHIpenuche (a fudge-like candy) [n –S] */s
PENUCHLEpinochle (a card game) [n –S] */s
PENUCKLEpinochle (a card game) [n –S] */s
PINOCHLEa card game [n –S] */s
PINOCLEpinochle (a card game) [n –S] */s
PEREA–PEREON, pereion (the tho­rax of some crus­taceans) [n] */*
PEREIAPEREION, the tho­rax of some crus­taceans [n] */*
PEREIONS–PEREION, the tho­rax of some crus­taceans [n] */*
PEREONS–PEREON, pereion (the tho­rax of some crus­taceans) [n] */*
PERIPETYa sud­den change in a course of events [n –TIES] */*
PEYTRALa piece of armor for the breast of a horse [n –S] */s
PEYTRELpey­tral (a piece of armor for the breast of a horse) [n –S] */s
POITRELpey­tral (a piece of armor for the breast of a horse) [n –S] */s
PIASABApias­sava (a coarse, stiff fiber) [n –S] */s
PIASAVApias­sava (a coarse, stiff fiber) [n –S] */s
PIASSABApias­sava (a coarse, stiff fiber) [n –S] */s
PIASSAVAa coarse, stiff fiber [n –S] */s
PILAFa dish made of sea­soned rice and often meat [n –S] */fs
PILAFF–pilaf (a dish made of sea­soned rice and often meat) [n –S] */s
PILAUpilaf (a dish made of sea­soned rice and often meat) [n –S] */s
PILAWpilaf (a dish made of sea­soned rice and often meat) [n –S] */s
PINONESPINON, a pine tree [n] */*
PINONS–PINON, a pine tree [n] */*
PINYONS–PINYON, pinon (a pine tree) [n] */*
PINTADAS–PINTADA, pin­tado (a large food fish) [n] */*
PINTADOESPINTADO, a large food fish [n] */*
PINTADOS–PINTADO, a large food fish [n] */*
PIRAGUAa dugout canoe [n –S] */s
PIROGUEpiragua (a dugout canoe) [n –S] */s
PIROQUEpiragua (a dugout canoe) [n –S] */s
PIRANApiranha (a vora­cious fish) [n –S] */s
PIRANHAa vora­cious fish [n –S] */s
PIRAYApiranha (a vora­cious fish) [n –S] */s
PIROGENPIROG, a large Russian pas­try [n] */*
PIROGHIPIROG, a large Russian pas­try [n] */*
PIROGI–pierogi (a small dumpling with a fill­ing) [n –ES] */*
PIROJKIPIROZHOK, a small Russian pas­try [n] */*
PIROSHKIPIROZHOK, a small Russian pas­try [n] */*
PIROZHKIPIROZHOK, a small Russian pas­try [n] */*
PLANCHa plank [n –ES] */e
PLANCHE–planch (a plank) [n –S] */st
–PLANK–to cover with planks (long, flat pieces of lum­ber) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s
PLECTRAPLECTRON, plec­trum (an imple­ment used to pluck the strings of a stringed instru­ment) [n] */*
PLECTRONS–PLECTRON, plec­trum (an imple­ment used to pluck the strings of a stringed instru­ment) [n] */*
PLECTRUMS–PLECTRUM, an imple­ment used to pluck the strings of a stringed instru­ment [n] */*
POCOSENpocosin (an upland swamp) [n –S] */s
POCOSINan upland swamp [n –S] */s
POCOSONpocosin (an upland swamp) [n –S] */s
–POMan English immi­grant to Australia or New Zealand — an offen­sive term [n –S] */eops
POMMIEpommy (an English immi­grant to Australia or New Zealand — an offen­sive term) [n –S] */s
POMMYan English immi­grant to Australia or New Zealand — an offen­sive term [n POMMIES] */*
POTEENIrish whiskey that is dis­tilled unlaw­fully [n –S] */s
POTHEENpoteen (Irish whiskey that is dis­tilled unlaw­fully) [n –S] */s
POTTEENpoteen (Irish whiskey that is dis­tilled unlaw­fully) [n –S] */s
POTLACHa cer­e­mo­nial feast [n –ES] */e
POTLACHE–pot­lach (a cer­e­mo­nial feast) [n –S] */s
POTLATCHto hold a cer­e­mo­nial feast for [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */*
POUFa loose roll of hair [n –S] : POUFED, POUFFY [adj] */fs
POUFF–pouf (a loose roll of hair) [n –S] : POUFFED [adj] */esy
POUFFE–pouf (a loose roll of hair) [n –S] */ds
POUSSIEpussy (a cat) [n –S] */s
PUSS–a cat [n –ES] */y
PUSSY–full of pus [adj –SIER, –SIEST], a cat [n PUSSIES] */*
PRAHUprau (a swift Malaysian sail­ing ves­sel) [n –S] */s
PRAOprau (a swift Malaysian sail­ing ves­sel) [n PRAOS] */s
PRAUa swift Malaysian sail­ing ves­sel [n –S] */s
PROA–prau (a swift Malaysian sail­ing ves­sel) [n –S] */s
PRIMAS–PRIMA, primo (the main part in a musi­cal piece) [n] */*
PRIMI–PRIMO, the main part in a musi­cal piece [n] */*
PRIMOS–PRIMO, the main part in a musi­cal piece [n] */*
PROPONEto pro­pose (to put for­ward for con­sid­er­a­tion or accep­tance) [v –PONED, –PONING, –PONES] */ds
PROPOSEto put for­ward for con­sid­er­a­tion or accep­tance [v –POSED, –POSING, –POSES] */drs
PROPOUNDto pro­pose (to put for­ward for con­sid­er­a­tion or accep­tance) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s
PROSS–a pros­ti­tute [n –ES] */*
PROSSIEa pros­ti­tute [n –S] */s
PROSTIEa pros­ti­tute [n –S] */s
PUGAREEpugree (a cloth band wrapped around a hat) [n –S] */s
PUGGAREEpugree (a cloth band wrapped around a hat) [n –S] */s
PUGGREEpugree (a cloth band wrapped around a hat) [n –S] */s
PUGGRYpugree (a cloth band wrapped around a hat) [n –GRIES] */*
PUGREEa cloth band wrapped around a hat [n –S] */s
PURSLANEa com­mon gar­den herb [n –S] */s
PUSLEYpus­s­ley (purslane (a com­mon gar­den herb)) [n –LEYS] */s
PUSSLEYpurslane (a com­mon gar­den herb) [n –LEYS] */s
PUSSLYpus­s­ley (purslane (a com­mon gar­den herb)) [n –LIES] */*
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