Words Spelled at Least Three Ways (H-P)
2010 August 21
These are words that begin with the letters H-P and that can be spelled at least three different ways (2 of 3 files). This list is based on a list compiled by Amit Chakrabarti and posted on the Seattle Scrabble Club website: http://www.seattlescrabble.org/study.php.
IAMB | a type of metrical foot [n –S] */is |
IAMBIC– | an iamb (a type of metrical foot) [n –S] */s |
IAMBUS | an iamb (a type of metrical foot) [n –BUSES or –BI] */* |
ISOGONAL | isogone (a line on a map used to show characteristics of the earth’s magnetic field) [n –S] */s |
ISOGONE– | a line on a map used to show characteristics of the earth’s magnetic field [n –S] */s |
ISOGONIC | isogone (a line on a map used to show characteristics of the earth’s magnetic field) [n –S] */s |
JAEGER | a hunter (one that hunts (to pursue for food or sport)) [n –S] */s |
–JAGER | jaeger (a hunter (one that hunts (hunt))) [n –S] */s |
–YAGER | jaeger (a hunter (one that hunts (hunt))) [n –S] */s |
JAGGARY | jaggery (a coarse, dark sugar) [n –RIES] */* |
JAGGERY– | a coarse, dark sugar [n –GERIES] */* |
JAGGHERY | jaggery (a coarse, dark sugar) [n –GHERIES] */* |
JAGRA | jaggery (a coarse, dark sugar) [n –S] */s |
JANISARY | janizary (a Turkish soldier) [n –SARIES] */* |
JANISSARY | [n –RIES] */* |
JANIZARY | a Turkish soldier [n –ZARIES] */* |
JEREED | a wooden javelin [n –S] */s |
JERID | jereed (a wooden javelin) [n –S] */s |
JERREED | jereed (a wooden javelin) [n –S] */s |
JERRID | jereed (a wooden javelin) [n –S] */s |
JINRICKSHA | [n –S] */s |
JINRIKISHA | [n –S] */s |
JINRIKSHA | [n –S] */s |
JIUJITSU | jujitsu (a Japanese art of self-defense) [n –S] */s |
JIUJUTSU | jujitsu (a Japanese art of self-defense) [n –S] */s |
JUJITSU | a Japanese art of self-defense [n –S] */s |
JUJUTSU | jujitsu (a Japanese art of self-defense) [n –S] */s |
KACHINA | an ancestral spirit [n –S] */s |
KATCHINA | kachina (an ancestral spirit) [n –S] */s |
KATCINA | kachina (an ancestral spirit) [n –S] */s |
KAFFIYAH | kaffiyeh (a large, square kerchief) [n –S] */s |
KAFFIYEH | a large, square kerchief [n –S] */s |
KEFFIYAH | kaffiyeh (a large, square kerchief) [n –S] */s |
KEFFIYEH | kaffiyeh (a large, square kerchief) [n –S] */s |
KAIAK | kayak [n –S] */s |
KAYAK | to travel in a kayak (an Eskimo canoe) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
–KYAK | a kayak (an Eskimo canoe) [n –S] */s |
KAIF | kef (hemp smoked to produce euphoria) [n –S] */s |
KEEF | kef (hemp smoked to produce euphoria) [n –S] */s |
–KEF | hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n –S] */s |
KIEF | kef (hemp smoked to produce euphoria) [n –S] */s |
–KIF– | kef (hemp smoked to produce euphoria) [n –S] */s |
KAMSEEN | khamsin (a hot, dry wind) [n –S] */s |
KAMSIN | khamsin (a hot, dry wind) [n –S] */s |
KHAMSEEN | khamsin (a hot, dry wind) [n –S] */s |
KHAMSIN | a hot, dry wind [n –S] */s |
–KAT– | an evergreen shrub [n –S] is/as |
–KHAT | kat (an evergreen shrub) [n –S] */s |
–QAT | kat (an evergreen shrub) [n –S] */s |
KAZACHOK | a Russian folk dance [n –ZACHKI] */* |
KAZATSKI | kazachok (a Russian folk dance) [n –ES] */* |
KAZATSKY | kazachok (a Russian folk dance) [n –SKIES] */* |
KEBLAH | kiblah (the direction toward which Muslims face while praying) [n –S] */s |
KIBLA | kiblah (the direction toward which Muslims face while praying) [n –S] */hs |
KIBLAH– | the direction toward which Muslims face while praying [n –S] */s |
KEDDAH | an enclosure for elephants [n –S] */s |
KHEDA | keddah (an enclosure for elephants) [n –S] */hs |
KHEDAH– | keddah (an enclosure for elephants) [n –S] */s |
KEESTER | keister (the buttocks (either of the two rounded parts of the rump)) [n –S] */s |
KEISTER | the buttocks (either of the two rounded parts of the rump) [n –S] */s |
KEYSTER | keister (the buttocks (either of the two rounded parts of the rump)) [n –S] */s |
KIESTER | keister (the buttocks (either of the two rounded parts of the rump)) [n –S] */s |
KERMESS– | kermis (a festival (a day or time of celebration)) [n –ES] */e |
KERMESSE– | kermis (a festival (a day or time of celebration)) [n –S] */s |
KERMIS | a festival (a day or time of celebration) [n –MISES] */* |
KIRMESS | kermis (a festival (a day or time of celebration)) [n –ES] */* |
KIBBE | a Near Eastern dish of ground lamb and bulgur [n –S] */hs |
KIBBEH– | kibbe (a Near Eastern dish of ground lamb and bulgur) [n –S] */s |
KIBBI | kibbe (a Near Eastern dish of ground lamb and bulgur) [n –S] */s |
KIELBASA | a smoked sausage [n –BASAS, –BASI, or –BASY] */s |
KOLBASI | kielbasa (a smoked sausage) [n –S] */s |
KOLBASSI | kielbasa (a smoked sausage) [n –S] */s |
KIELBASAS– | KIELBASA, a smoked sausage [n] */* |
KIELBASI | KIELBASA, a smoked sausage [n] */* |
KIELBASY | KIELBASA, a smoked sausage [n] */* |
KOLBASIS– | KOLBASI, kielbasa (a smoked sausage) [n] */* |
KOLBASSIS– | KOLBASSI, kielbasa (a smoked sausage) [n] */* |
KNAR | a bump on a tree [n –S] : KNARRED, KNARRY [adj] */s |
KNAUR | knar (a bump on a tree) [n –S] */s |
KNUR | a bump on a tree [n –S] */ls |
KOLHOZ | kolkhoz (a collective farm in Russia) [n –HOZY or –HOZES] */y |
KOLKHOS | kolkhoz (a collective farm in Russia) [n –KHOSY or –KHOSES] */y |
KOLKHOZ | a collective farm in Russia [n –KHOZY or –KHOZES] */y |
KOLKOZ | kolkhoz (a collective farm in Russia) [n –KOZY or –KOZES] */y |
KOUMIS | koumiss (a beverage made from camel’s milk) [n –MISES] */s |
KOUMISS– | a beverage made from camel’s milk [n –ES] */* |
KOUMYS | koumiss (a beverage made from camel’s milk) [n –ES] */s |
KOUMYSS– | koumiss (a beverage made from camel’s milk) [n –ES] */* |
KUMISS | koumiss (a beverage made from camel’s milk) [n –ES] */* |
KUMYS | koumiss (a beverage made from camel’s milk) [n –ES] */* |
–KVAS | kvass (a Russian beer) [n –ES] */s |
KVASS– | a Russian beer [n –ES] */* |
QUASS | kvass (a Russian beer) [n –ES] */* |
LACUNAE– | LACUNA, an empty space or missing part [n] */* |
LACUNAS– | LACUNA, an empty space or missing part [n] */* |
LACUNES– | LACUNE, lacuna (an empty space or missing part) [n] */* |
LAGAN | goods thrown into the sea with a buoy attached to enable recovery [n –S] */s |
LAGEND | lagan (goods thrown into the sea with a buoy attached to enable recovery) [n –S] */s |
LIGAN | lagan (goods thrown into the sea with a buoy attached to enable recovery) [n –S] */ds |
LAGOON | a shallow body of water [n –S] : LAGOONAL [adj] */s |
LAGUNA | lagoon (a shallow body of water) [n –S] */s |
LAGUNE | lagoon (a shallow body of water) [n –S] */s |
LALLAN | a lowland (an area of land lying lower than the adjacent country) [n –S] */ds |
LALLAND– | a lowland (an area of land lying lower than the adjacent country) [n –S] */s |
LOWLAND | an area of land lying lower than the adjacent country [n –S] p/s |
LAVALIER | a pendant worn on a chain around the neck [n –S] */es |
LAVALIERE– | [n –S] */s |
LAVALLIERE | [n –S] */s |
LAZARET | a hospital treating contagious diseases [n –S] */s |
LAZARETTE | [n –S] */s |
LAZARETTO | [n –TOS] */s |
LEAPED | LEAP, to spring off the ground [v] */* |
LEAPT– | LEAP, to spring off the ground [v] */* |
LEPT | LEAP, to spring off the ground [v] cs/a |
LECYTHUS | lekythos (an oil jar used in ancient Greece) [n –THI] */* |
LEKYTHOS | an oil jar used in ancient Greece [n –THOI] */* |
LEKYTHUS | lekythos (an oil jar used in ancient Greece) [n –THI] */* |
LICHEE | litchi (the edible fruit of a Chinese tree) [n –S] */s |
LICHI– | litchi (the edible fruit of a Chinese tree) [n –S] */s |
LITCHI | the edible fruit of a Chinese tree [n –S] */s |
LYCHEE | litchi (the edible fruit of a Chinese tree) [n –S] */s |
LIPID | any of a class of fatty substances [n –S] : LIPIDIC [adj] */es |
LIPIDE– | lipid (any of a class of fatty substances) [n –S] */s |
LIPIN | a lipid (any of a class of fatty substances) [n –S] */s |
LIPOID | a lipid (any of a class of fatty substances) [n –S] : LIPOIDAL [adj] */s |
LITAI | LITAS, a former monetary unit of Lithuania [n] */* |
–LITS– | LIT, the litas (a former monetary unit of Lithuania) [n] fs/* |
LITU– | LITAS, a former monetary unit of Lithuania [n] */* |
–LOMENTA– | LOMENTUM, loment (a type of plant pod) [n] */* |
LOMENTS– | LOMENT, a type of plant pod [n] */* |
–LOMENTUMS– | LOMENTUM, loment (a type of plant pod) [n] */* |
LOOFA– | loofah (a tropical vine) [n –S] */hs |
LOOFAH– | a tropical vine [n –S] */s |
LUFFA– | loofah (a tropical vine) [n –S] */s |
LUNGEE– | lungi (a loincloth worn by men in India) [n –S] */s |
LUNGI– | a loincloth worn by men in India [n –S] */s |
LUNGYI | lungi (a loincloth worn by men in India) [n –S] */s |
MACCABAW | maccaboy (a type of snuff) [n –S] */s |
MACCABOY | a type of snuff [n –BOYS] */s |
MACCOBOY | maccaboy (a type of snuff) [n –BOYS] */s |
MACHZORIM | MACHZOR, mahzor (a Jewish prayer book) [n] */* |
MACHZORS– | MACHZOR, mahzor (a Jewish prayer book) [n] */* |
MAHZORIM | MAHZOR, a Jewish prayer book [n] */* |
MAHZORS– | MAHZOR, a Jewish prayer book [n] */* |
MADRASA– | madrassa (a Muslim school) [n –S] */hs |
MADRASAH– | madrassa (a Muslim school) [n –S] */s |
MADRASSA | a Muslim school [n –S] */hs |
MADRASSAH– | [n –S] */s |
MADRONA | an evergreen tree [n –S] */s |
MADRONE | madrona (an evergreen tree) [n –S] */s |
MADRONO | madrona (an evergreen tree) [n –NOS] */s |
MAENADES | MAENAD, a female participant in ancient Greek orgies [n] */* |
MAENADS– | MAENAD, a female participant in ancient Greek orgies [n] */* |
MENADS– | MENAD, maenad (a female participant in ancient Greek orgies) [n] */* |
–MAGE– | a magician (one skilled in magic) [n –S] i/s |
MAGIAN | a magus (a magician (one skilled in magic)) [n –S] */s |
MAGICIAN | one skilled in magic [n –S] */s |
MAGUS | a magician (one skilled in magic) [n –GI] */* |
MAGILP | megilp (a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting) [n –S] */s |
MEGILP | a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting [n –S] */hs |
MEGILPH– | megilp (a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting) [n –S] */s |
MALAMUTE | an Alaskan sled dog [n –S] */s |
MALEMIUT | malamute (an Alaskan sled dog) [n –S] */s |
MALEMUTE | malamute (an Alaskan sled dog) [n –S] */s |
MAMEY | a tropical tree [n MAMEYS or MAMEYES] */s |
–MAMIE | mamey (a tropical tree) [n –S] */s |
MAMMEE | mamey (a tropical tree) [n –S] */s |
MAMMEY | mamey (a tropical tree) [n –MEYS] */s |
MAMZER | a bastard (an illegitimate child) [n –S] */s |
MOMSER | a bastard (an illegitimate child) [n –S] */s |
MOMZER | momser (a bastard (an illegitimate child)) [n –S] */s |
MANDIOCA | manioc (a tropical plant) [n –S] */s |
MANIOC | a tropical plant [n –S] */as |
MANIOCA– | manioc (a tropical plant) [n –S] */s |
MANITO | manitou (an Algonquian Indian deity) [n –TOS] */su |
MANITOU– | an Algonquian Indian deity [n –S] */s |
MANITU | manitou (an Algonquian Indian deity) [n –S] */s |
–MANTES | MANTIS, a predatory insect [n] */* |
MANTIDS– | MANTID, mantis (a predatory insect) [n] */* |
MANTISES | MANTIS, a predatory insect [n] */* |
MARGE | a margin [n –S] */s |
–MARGENT | to margin (to provide with a margin (a border)) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MARGIN | to provide with a margin (a border) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MASTIC | an aromatic resin [n –S] */s |
MASTICHE | mastic (an aromatic resin) [n –S] */s |
MASTIX | mastic (an aromatic resin) [n –ES] */* |
MATSAH | matzo (an unleavened bread) [n –S] */s |
MATZA | matzo (an unleavened bread) [n –S] */hs |
MATZAH– | matzo (an unleavened bread) [n –S] */s |
MATZO | an unleavened bread [n –ZOS, –ZOT, or –ZOTH] */hst |
MATZOH– | matzo (an unleavened bread) [n –S] */s |
MAVEN | mavin (an expert) [n –S] */s |
MAVIN | an expert [n –S] */s |
MAYVIN | mavin (an expert) [n –S] */s |
MEDEVACED | MEDEVAC, to evacuate the wounded from a battlefield by helicopter [v] */* |
MEDEVACKED | MEDEVAC, to evacuate the wounded from a battlefield by helicopter [v] */* |
MEDIVACED | MEDIVAC, to medevac (to evacuate the wounded from a battlefield by helicopter) [v] */* |
MEDIVACKED | MEDIVAC, to medevac (to evacuate the wounded from a battlefield by helicopter) [v] */* |
MEMENTOES | MEMENTO, something that serves as a reminder of the past [n] */* |
MEMENTOS– | MEMENTO, something that serves as a reminder of the past [n] */* |
MOMENTOES | MOMENTO, memento (something that serves as a reminder of the past) [n] */* |
MOMENTOS– | MOMENTO, memento (something that serves as a reminder of the past) [n] */* |
MENSCHEN | MENSCH, an admirable person [n] */* |
MENSCHES | MENSCH, an admirable person [n] */* |
MENSHEN | MENSH, mensch (an admirable person) [n] */* |
MENSHES | MENSH, mensch (an admirable person) [n] */* |
MEOU | meow (to make the crying sound of a cat) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MEOW | to make the crying sound of a cat [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MIAOU | to meow (to make the crying sound of a cat) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MIAOW | to meow (to make the crying sound of a cat) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MIAUL | to meow (to make the crying sound of a cat) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MESHUGA | crazy (insane (mentally unsound)) [adj] */h |
MESHUGAH– | meshuga (crazy (insane (mentally unsound))) [adj] */* |
MESHUGGA | meshuga (crazy (insane (mentally unsound))) [adj] */h |
MESHUGGAH– | [adj] */* |
MESHUGGE | meshuga (crazy (insane (mentally unsound))) [adj] */* |
MESHUGAAS | [n] */* |
MISHEGAAS | [n] */* |
MISHEGOSS | [n] */* |
MESQUIT | mesquite (a spiny tree or shrub) [n –S] */es |
MESQUITE– | a spiny tree or shrub [n –S] */s |
MEZQUIT | mesquite (a spiny tree or shrub) [n –S] */es |
MEZQUITE– | mesquite (a spiny tree or shrub) [n –S] */s |
MUSKIT | mesquite (a spiny tree or shrub) [n –S] */s |
MEZUZAHS– | MEZUZAH, a Judaic scroll [n] */* |
MEZUZAS– | MEZUZA, mezuzah (a Judaic scroll) [n] */* |
MEZUZOT | MEZUZAH, a Judaic scroll [n] */h |
MEZUZOTH– | MEZUZAH, a Judaic scroll [n] */* |
MIASMAS– | MIASMA, a noxious vapor [n] */* |
MIASMATA | MIASMA, a noxious vapor [n] */* |
MIASMS– | MIASM, miasma (a noxious vapor) [n] */* |
MICRA | MICRON, a unit of length [n] */* |
MICRONS– | MICRON, a unit of length [n] o/* |
MIKRA | MIKRON, micron (a unit of length) [n] */* |
MIKRONS– | MIKRON, micron (a unit of length) [n] o/* |
MIKVAHS– | MIKVAH, a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews [n] */* |
MIKVEHS– | MIKVEH, mikvah (a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews) [n] */* |
MIKVOS | MIKVAH, a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews [n] */* |
MIKVOT | MIKVAH, a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews [n] */h |
MIKVOTH– | MIKVAH, a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews [n] */* |
MITSVAHS– | MITSVAH, mitzvah (a commandment of Jewish law) [n] */* |
MITSVOTH | MITSVAH, mitzvah (a commandment of Jewish law) [n] */* |
MITZVAHS– | MITZVAH, a commandment of Jewish law [n] */* |
MITZVOTH | MITZVAH, a commandment of Jewish law [n] */* |
MOGHUL | mogul (an important person) [n –S] */s |
MOGUL | an important person [n –S] */s |
MUGHAL | mogul (an important person) [n –S] */s |
MOLLAH | mullah (a Muslim religious leader or teacher) [n –S] */s |
MULLA– | mullah (a Muslim religious leader or teacher) [n –S] */hs |
MULLAH– | a Muslim religious leader or teacher [n –S] */s |
MONGEESE | MONGOOSE, a carnivorous mammal [n] */* |
MONGOOSES– | MONGOOSE, a carnivorous mammal [n] */* |
MUNGOOSES– | MUNGOOSE, mongoose (a carnivorous mammal) [n] */* |
MONGO | mungo (a low-quality wool) [n –GOS] */els |
MONGOE– | mungo (a low-quality wool) [n –S] */s |
MUNGO | a low-quality wool [n –GOS or –GOES] */s |
MOUJIK | muzhik (a Russian peasant) [n –S] */s |
MUJIK | muzhik (a Russian peasant) [n –S] */s |
MUZHIK | a Russian peasant [n –S] */s |
MUZJIK | muzhik (a Russian peasant) [n –S] */s |
MOZETTAS– | MOZETTA, mozzetta (a hooded cape worn by bishops) [n] */* |
MOZETTE | MOZETTA, mozzetta (a hooded cape worn by bishops) [n] */* |
MOZZETTAS– | MOZZETTA, a hooded cape worn by bishops [n] */* |
MOZZETTE | MOZZETTA, a hooded cape worn by bishops [n] */* |
MUCKLUCK | mukluk (a soft boot worn by Eskimos) [n –S] */s |
MUCLUC | mukluk (a soft boot worn by Eskimos) [n –S] */s |
MUKLUK | a soft boot worn by Eskimos [n –S] */s |
MUGGAR | mugger (a large Asian crocodile) [n –S] */s |
MUGGER | a large Asian crocodile [n –S] s/s |
MUGGUR | mugger (a large Asian crocodile) [n –S] */s |
MUTINE | to mutiny (to revolt against constituted authority) [v –TINED, –TINING, –TINES] */ds |
MUTINEER | to mutiny (to revolt against constituted authority) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
MUTINY | to revolt against constituted authority [v –NIED, –NYING, –NIES] */* |
NARGHILE | a hookah (a water pipe) [n –S] */s |
NARGILE | narghile (a hookah (a water pipe)) [n –S] */hs |
NARGILEH– | narghile (a hookah (a water pipe)) [n –S] */s |
NARIAL | NARIS, a nostril (an external opening of the nose) [adj] */* |
NARIC | NARIS, a nostril (an external opening of the nose) [adj] */* |
NARINE | NARIS, a nostril (an external opening of the nose) [adj] */* |
NARWAL | narwhal (an arctic aquatic mammal) [n –S] */s |
NARWHAL | an arctic aquatic mammal [n –S] */es |
NARWHALE– | narwhal (an arctic aquatic mammal) [n –S] */s |
NATHELESS | [adv] */* |
NATHLESS | nevertheless [adv] */* |
NEVERTHELESS | [adv] */* |
NICKELED | NICKEL, to plate with nickel (a metallic element) [v] */* |
NICKELLED | NICKEL, to plate with nickel (a metallic element) [v] */* |
NICKLED– | NICKLE, nickel (to plate with nickel (a metallic element)) [v] */* |
NILGAI | a large antelope [n –S] */s |
NILGAU | nilgai (a large antelope) [n –S] */s |
NILGHAI | nilgai (a large antelope) [n –S] */s |
NILGHAU | nilgai (a large antelope) [n –S] */s |
NYLGHAI | nilgai (a large antelope) [n –S] */s |
NYLGHAU | nilgai (a large antelope) [n –S] */s |
–OBE | obeah (a form of sorcery of African origin) [n –S] lr/sy |
OBEAH | a form of sorcery of African origin [n –S] */s |
–OBI | obeah (a form of sorcery of African origin) [n –S] */ast |
OBIA– | obeah (a form of sorcery of African origin) [n –S] c/s |
OD | a hypothetical force of natural power [n –S] bcghmnprsty/ades |
ODYL | an od (a hypothetical force of natural power) [n –S] */es |
ODYLE– | odyl (an od (a hypothetical force of natural power)) [n –S] */s |
ODEA– | ODEUM, a theater or concert hall [n] */* |
ODEONS– | ODEON, odeum (a theater or concert hall) [n] */* |
ODEUMS– | ODEUM, a theater or concert hall [n] */* |
OOMIAC | umiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */ks |
OOMIACK– | umiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */s |
OOMIAK | umiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */s |
UMIAC | umiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */ks |
UMIACK– | umiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */s |
UMIAK | an open Eskimo boat [n –S] */s |
UMIAQ | umiak (an open Eskimo boat) [n –S] */s |
–ORANG | a large ape [n –S] */esy |
ORANGUTAN | [n –S] */s |
OURANG | orang (a large ape) [n –S] */s |
ORGANA– | ORGANON, a system of rules for scientific investigation [n] */* |
ORGANONS– | ORGANON, a system of rules for scientific investigation [n] */* |
ORGANUMS– | ORGANUM, organon (a system of rules for scientific investigation) [n] */* |
OSTEOSES | OSTEOSIS, the formation of bone [n] */* |
OSTEOSISES | OSTEOSIS, the formation of bone [n] */* |
OSTOSES | OSTOSIS, the formation of bone [n] */* |
OSTOSISES | OSTOSIS, the formation of bone [n] */* |
PACHALIC | pashalik (the territory of a pasha) [n –S] */s |
PASHALIC | pashalik (the territory of a pasha) [n –S] */s |
PASHALIK | the territory of a pasha [n –S] */s |
PACHISI | a board game of India [n –S] */s |
PARCHEESI | [n –S] */s |
PARCHESI– | pachisi (a board game of India) [n –S] */s |
PARCHISI | pachisi (a board game of India) [n –S] */s |
PAESAN | paesano (a fellow countryman) [n –S] */ios |
PAESANO– | a fellow countryman [n –NI or –NOS] */s |
PAISAN– | paisano (a fellow countryman) [n –S] */aos |
PAISANO– | a fellow countryman [n –NOS] */s |
PANATELA | a long, slender cigar [n –S] */s |
PANATELLA | [n –S] */s |
PANETELA | panatela (a long, slender cigar) [n –S] */s |
PANETELLA | [n –S] */s |
PAPADAM | papadum (a thin, crisp bread of India) [n –S] */s |
PAPADOM | papadum (a thin, crisp bread of India) [n –S] */s |
PAPADUM | a thin, crisp bread of India [n –S] */s |
PAPPADAM | papadum (a thin, crisp bread of India) [n –S] */s |
POPPADOM | papadum (a thin, crisp bread of India) [n –S] */s |
POPPADUM | papadum (a thin, crisp bread of India) [n –S] */s |
PARADISAIC | [adj] */* |
PARADISAICAL | [adj] */* |
PARADISAL | [adj] */* |
PARADISIAC | [adj] */* |
PARADISIACAL | [adj] */* |
PARADISIAL | [adj] */* |
PARADISICAL | [adj] */* |
PARAKEET | a small parrot [n –S] */s |
PARAQUET | parakeet (a small parrot) [n –S] */s |
PAROQUET | parakeet (a small parrot) [n –S] */s |
PARRAKEET | [n –S] */s |
PARROKET | parakeet (a small parrot) [n –S] */s |
PARASHAHS– | PARASHAH, a portion of the Torah read on the Sabbath [n] */* |
PARASHIOTH | PARASHAH, a portion of the Torah read on the Sabbath [n] */* |
PARASHOT | PARASHAH, a portion of the Torah read on the Sabbath [n] */h |
PARASHOTH– | PARASHAH, a portion of the Torah read on the Sabbath [n] */* |
PARDAH | purdah (a curtain used in India to seclude women) [n –S] */s |
PURDA | purdah (a curtain used in India to seclude women) [n –S] */hs |
PURDAH– | a curtain used in India to seclude women [n –S] */s |
PARDEE | pardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */* |
PARDI– | used as a mild oath [interj] */e |
PARDIE– | pardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */* |
PARDY– | pardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */* |
PERDIE | pardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */* |
PERDY | pardi (used as a mild oath) [interj] */* |
PARGED– | PARGE, to parget (to cover with plaster) [v] s/* |
PARGETED | PARGET, to cover with plaster [v] */* |
PARGETTED | PARGET, to cover with plaster [v] */* |
PARRIDGE | porridge (a soft food) [n –S] */s |
PARRITCH | porridge (a soft food) [n –ES] */* |
PORRIDGE | a soft food [n –S] : PORRIDGY [adj] */s |
PAVAN | a slow, stately dance [n –S] */es |
PAVANE– | pavan (a slow, stately dance) [n –S] */s |
PAVIN | pavan (a slow, stately dance) [n –S] s/gs |
–PAVER– | one that paves (to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface) [n –S] */s |
PAVIOR | a paver (one that paves (to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface)) [n –S] */s |
PAVIOUR | a paver (one that paves (to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface)) [n –S] */s |
PAVIS | a large medieval shield [n –ISES] */e |
PAVISE– | pavis (a large medieval shield) [n –S] */rs |
PAVISSE | pavis (a large medieval shield) [n –S] */s |
PEAS– | PEA, the edible seed of an annual herb [n] */e |
PEASEN– | PEASE, a pea (the edible seed of an annual herb) [n] */* |
–PEASES– | PEASE, a pea (the edible seed of an annual herb) [n] */* |
PEDDLER– | one that peddles (to travel about selling wares) [n –S] */sy |
PEDLAR | peddler (one that peddles (to travel about selling wares)) [n –S] */sy |
PEDLER | peddler (one that peddles (to travel about selling wares)) [n –S] */sy |
PENOCHE | penuche (a fudge-like candy) [n –S] */s |
PENUCHE | a fudge-like candy [n –S] */s |
PENUCHI | penuche (a fudge-like candy) [n –S] */s |
PENUCHLE | pinochle (a card game) [n –S] */s |
PENUCKLE | pinochle (a card game) [n –S] */s |
PINOCHLE | a card game [n –S] */s |
PINOCLE | pinochle (a card game) [n –S] */s |
PEREA– | PEREON, pereion (the thorax of some crustaceans) [n] */* |
PEREIA | PEREION, the thorax of some crustaceans [n] */* |
PEREIONS– | PEREION, the thorax of some crustaceans [n] */* |
PEREONS– | PEREON, pereion (the thorax of some crustaceans) [n] */* |
PERIPETEIA | [n –S] */s |
PERIPETIA | [n –S] */s |
PERIPETY | a sudden change in a course of events [n –TIES] */* |
PEYTRAL | a piece of armor for the breast of a horse [n –S] */s |
PEYTREL | peytral (a piece of armor for the breast of a horse) [n –S] */s |
POITREL | peytral (a piece of armor for the breast of a horse) [n –S] */s |
PIASABA | piassava (a coarse, stiff fiber) [n –S] */s |
PIASAVA | piassava (a coarse, stiff fiber) [n –S] */s |
PIASSABA | piassava (a coarse, stiff fiber) [n –S] */s |
PIASSAVA | a coarse, stiff fiber [n –S] */s |
PILAF | a dish made of seasoned rice and often meat [n –S] */fs |
PILAFF– | pilaf (a dish made of seasoned rice and often meat) [n –S] */s |
PILAU | pilaf (a dish made of seasoned rice and often meat) [n –S] */s |
PILAW | pilaf (a dish made of seasoned rice and often meat) [n –S] */s |
PINONES | PINON, a pine tree [n] */* |
PINONS– | PINON, a pine tree [n] */* |
PINYONS– | PINYON, pinon (a pine tree) [n] */* |
PINTADAS– | PINTADA, pintado (a large food fish) [n] */* |
PINTADOES | PINTADO, a large food fish [n] */* |
PINTADOS– | PINTADO, a large food fish [n] */* |
PIRAGUA | a dugout canoe [n –S] */s |
PIROGUE | piragua (a dugout canoe) [n –S] */s |
PIROQUE | piragua (a dugout canoe) [n –S] */s |
PIRANA | piranha (a voracious fish) [n –S] */s |
PIRANHA | a voracious fish [n –S] */s |
PIRAYA | piranha (a voracious fish) [n –S] */s |
PIROGEN | PIROG, a large Russian pastry [n] */* |
PIROGHI | PIROG, a large Russian pastry [n] */* |
PIROGI– | pierogi (a small dumpling with a filling) [n –ES] */* |
PIROJKI | PIROZHOK, a small Russian pastry [n] */* |
PIROSHKI | PIROZHOK, a small Russian pastry [n] */* |
PIROZHKI | PIROZHOK, a small Russian pastry [n] */* |
PLANCH | a plank [n –ES] */e |
PLANCHE– | planch (a plank) [n –S] */st |
–PLANK– | to cover with planks (long, flat pieces of lumber) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
PLECTRA | PLECTRON, plectrum (an implement used to pluck the strings of a stringed instrument) [n] */* |
PLECTRONS– | PLECTRON, plectrum (an implement used to pluck the strings of a stringed instrument) [n] */* |
PLECTRUMS– | PLECTRUM, an implement used to pluck the strings of a stringed instrument [n] */* |
POCOSEN | pocosin (an upland swamp) [n –S] */s |
POCOSIN | an upland swamp [n –S] */s |
POCOSON | pocosin (an upland swamp) [n –S] */s |
–POM | an English immigrant to Australia or New Zealand — an offensive term [n –S] */eops |
POMMIE | pommy (an English immigrant to Australia or New Zealand — an offensive term) [n –S] */s |
POMMY | an English immigrant to Australia or New Zealand — an offensive term [n POMMIES] */* |
POTEEN | Irish whiskey that is distilled unlawfully [n –S] */s |
POTHEEN | poteen (Irish whiskey that is distilled unlawfully) [n –S] */s |
POTTEEN | poteen (Irish whiskey that is distilled unlawfully) [n –S] */s |
POTLACH | a ceremonial feast [n –ES] */e |
POTLACHE– | potlach (a ceremonial feast) [n –S] */s |
POTLATCH | to hold a ceremonial feast for [v –ED, –ING, –ES] */* |
POUF | a loose roll of hair [n –S] : POUFED, POUFFY [adj] */fs |
POUFF– | pouf (a loose roll of hair) [n –S] : POUFFED [adj] */esy |
POUFFE– | pouf (a loose roll of hair) [n –S] */ds |
POUSSIE | pussy (a cat) [n –S] */s |
PUSS– | a cat [n –ES] */y |
PUSSY– | full of pus [adj –SIER, –SIEST], a cat [n PUSSIES] */* |
PRAHU | prau (a swift Malaysian sailing vessel) [n –S] */s |
PRAO | prau (a swift Malaysian sailing vessel) [n PRAOS] */s |
PRAU | a swift Malaysian sailing vessel [n –S] */s |
PROA– | prau (a swift Malaysian sailing vessel) [n –S] */s |
PRIMAS– | PRIMA, primo (the main part in a musical piece) [n] */* |
PRIMI– | PRIMO, the main part in a musical piece [n] */* |
PRIMOS– | PRIMO, the main part in a musical piece [n] */* |
PROPONE | to propose (to put forward for consideration or acceptance) [v –PONED, –PONING, –PONES] */ds |
PROPOSE | to put forward for consideration or acceptance [v –POSED, –POSING, –POSES] */drs |
PROPOUND | to propose (to put forward for consideration or acceptance) [v –ED, –ING, –S] */s |
PROSS– | a prostitute [n –ES] */* |
PROSSIE | a prostitute [n –S] */s |
PROSTIE | a prostitute [n –S] */s |
PROSTITUTOR | [n –S] */s |
PUGAREE | pugree (a cloth band wrapped around a hat) [n –S] */s |
PUGGAREE | pugree (a cloth band wrapped around a hat) [n –S] */s |
PUGGREE | pugree (a cloth band wrapped around a hat) [n –S] */s |
PUGGRY | pugree (a cloth band wrapped around a hat) [n –GRIES] */* |
PUGREE | a cloth band wrapped around a hat [n –S] */s |
PURSLANE | a common garden herb [n –S] */s |
PUSLEY | pussley (purslane (a common garden herb)) [n –LEYS] */s |
PUSSLEY | purslane (a common garden herb) [n –LEYS] */s |
PUSSLY | pussley (purslane (a common garden herb)) [n –LIES] */* |
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