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Club Update — June 25, 2010

2010 June 25
by admin

NASPA Scrabble Club #803 Nacogdoches
06/25/2010 (Friday)

Two issues:

1) I just received a ship­ment of new Scrabble equip­ment from www​.sam​timer​.com.  Michelle hap­pened to be at my house when it arrived, so she was for­tu­nate enough (or unfor­tu­nate enough, depend­ing on how you look at it) to see it shortly after it arrived.  I’ve included a pic­ture below (as you can see, I now own a tour­na­ment board, an offi­cial timer, a tile bag and addi­tional tiles).  We will do a bet­ter job of tim­ing games at our next meet­ing (Sunday, July 11, 3:00 pm at Java Jacks).

2) Does any­one want to meet on SATURDAY instead of Sunday?  I’m not propos­ing a sched­ule change (at least not right now) – I just want to know if there is any inter­est in meet­ing on a Saturday to SEE if we should change some of the sched­uled dates to Saturdays.  How about SATURDAY, July 3, 10:00 am at Java Jacks (2 – 3 games, mostly infor­mal), just to try it out?  If I get a few com­mitt­ments for Saturday, July 3, 10:00 am, I’ll post a con­fir­ma­tion of the time and place here on the site.  PLEASE RESPOND BY LEAVING A COMMENT BELOW.

NOTE: This DOES NOT affect the sched­uled Club meet­ing on Sunday, July 11, at 3:00 pm.

One Response leave one →
  1. June 27, 2010

    Hahaha, Heather was watch­ing the unveil­ing with a lot of uncer­tainty! I’d like to play. Sat. the 3rd might be a good morn­ing. Heather, you’re com­ing this time, too, right? You’ve got to help break in the new board — over Brent’s head. Haha, just kidding.

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