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ER or OR Words

2010 July 29
by admin

Here are 118 are words from 2 to 8 let­ters in length that end in both ER and OR.  In most cases, the mean­ing is the same.  I believe this is an exhaus­tive list:

ABATER–one that abates (to reduce in degree or inten­sity) [n –S] /s
ABATORone that unlaw­fully seizes an inher­i­tance [n –S] /s
–ABETTERabet­tor (one that abets (to encour­age and sup­port)) [n –S] /s
–ABETTORone that abets (to encour­age and sup­port) [n –S] /s
ACCEPTERone that accepts (to receive will­ingly) [n –S] /s
ACCEPTORaccepter (one that accepts (to receive will­ingly)) [n –S] /s
ADAPTERone that adapts (to make suit­able (appro­pri­ate)) [n –S] /s
ADAPTORadapter (one that adapts (to make suit­able)) [n –S] /s
ADJURER–one that adjures (to com­mand solemnly) [n –S] /s
ADJURORadjurer (one that adjures (to com­mand solemnly)) [n –S] /s
ADJUSTERone that adjusts (to bring to a more sat­is­fac­tory state) [n –S] /s
ADJUSTORadjuster (one that adjusts (to bring to a more sat­is­fac­tory state)) [n –S] /s
ADVISER–one that advises (to give advice to) [n –S] /s
ADVISORadviser (one that advises (to give advice to)) [n –S] /sy
ALIENERalienor (one that trans­fers prop­erty) [n –S] /s
ALIENORone that trans­fers prop­erty [n –S] /s
ANIMATER–ani­ma­tor (one that ani­mates (to give life to)) [n –S] /s
ANIMATOR–one that ani­mates (to give life to) [n –S] /s
ARMERone that arms (to sup­ply with weapons) [n –S] fhw/s
ARMORto fur­nish with armor (a defen­sive cov­er­ing) [v –ED, –ING, –S] /sy
ARRESTERone that arrests (to seize and hold by legal author­ity) [n –S] /s
ARRESTORarrester (one that arrests (to seize and hold by legal author­ity)) [n –S] /s
ASPERSER–one that asperses (to spread false charges against) [n –S] /s
ASPERSORasperser (one that asperses (to spread false charges against)) [n –S] /s
ASSENTERone that assents (to express agree­ment) [n –S] /s
ASSENTORassen­ter (one that assents (to express agree­ment)) [n –S] /s
ASSERTERone that asserts (to state pos­i­tively) [n –S] /s
ASSERTORasserter (one that asserts (to state pos­i­tively)) [n –S] /s
ASSIGNERone that assigns (to set apart for a par­tic­u­lar pur­pose) [n –S] /s
ASSIGNORone who legally trans­fers prop­erty or right [n –S] /s
ASSISTERone that assists (to give aid or sup­port to) [n –S] /s
ASSISTORassis­ter (one that assists (to give aid or sup­port to)) [n –S] /s
ASSURER–one that assures (to insure (to guar­an­tee against loss)) [n –S] /s
ASSURORassurer (one that assures (to insure)) [n –S] /s
ATTESTERone that attests (to affirm to be true or gen­uine) [n –S] /s
ATTESTORattester (one that attests (to affirm to be true or gen­uine)) [n –S] /s
BAILERbailor (a per­son who bails prop­erty to another) [n –S] /s
BAILORa per­son who bails prop­erty to another [n –S] /s
BARRATERbar­ra­tor (one who com­mits bar­ra­try) [n –S] /s
BARRATORone who com­mits bar­ra­try [n –S] /s
BETTERto improve (to make bet­ter) [v –ED, –ING, –S] a/s
BETTORone that bets (to wager (to risk on an uncer­tain out­come)) [n –S] a/s
CANTERto ride a horse at a mod­er­ate pace [v –ED, –ING, –S] s/s
CANTOR–a reli­gious singer [n –S] /s
–CASTER–a small, swivel­ing wheel [n –S] /s
CASTORcaster (a small, swivel­ing wheel) [n –S] /s
CENSER–a ves­sel for burn­ing incense [n –S] /s
CENSORto delete an objec­tion­able word or pas­sage [v –ED, –ING, –S] /s
CHANTERone that chants (to sing (to utter with musi­cal inflec­tions of the voice)) [n –S] /s
CHANTORchanter (one that chants (to sing)) [n –S] /s
CLANGERa blun­der [n –S] /s
CLANGORto clang repeat­edly [v –ED, –ING, –S] /s
CONJURER–a sor­cerer (one who prac­tices sor­cery (alleged use of super­nat­ural pow­ers)) [n –S] /s
CONJURORcon­jurer (a sor­cerer (one who prac­tices sor­cery (alleged use of super­nat­ural pow­ers))) [n –S] /s
CONVENER–one that con­venes (to assem­ble (to come or bring together)) [n –S] /s
CONVENORcon­vener (one that con­venes (to assem­ble)) [n –S] /s
CONVEYERone that con­veys (to trans­port) [n –S] /s
CONVEYORcon­veyer (one that con­veys (to trans­port)) [n –S] /s
CURSER–one that curses (to wish evil upon) [n –S] /s
CURSORa light indi­ca­tor on a com­puter dis­play [n –S] /sy
DEFLATER–one that deflates (to release the air or gas from) [n –S] /s
DEFLATORone that deflates (to release the air or gas from) [n –S] /s
DEPICTERone that depicts (to por­tray (to rep­re­sent pic­to­ri­ally)) [n –S] /s
DEPICTORdepicter (one that depicts (to por­tray)) [n –S] /s
DETECTERdetec­tor (one that detects (to dis­cover or per­ceive)) [n –S] /s
DETECTORone that detects (to dis­cover or per­ceive) [n –S] /s
DEVISER–one that devises (to form in the mind) [n –S] /s
DEVISORone who makes a will [n –S] /s
DIFFUSER–one that dif­fuses (to spread widely or thinly) [n –S] /s
DIFFUSORdif­fuser (one that dif­fuses (to spread widely or thinly)) [n –S] /s
DIGESTERan appa­ra­tus in which sub­stances are soft­ened or decom­posed [n –S] /s
DIGESTORdigester (an appa­ra­tus in which sub­stances are soft­ened or decom­posed) [n –S] /s
DILATER–dila­tor (one that dilates (to make wider or larger)) [n –S] /s
DILATORone that dilates (to make wider or larger) [n –S] /sy
DILUTER–one that dilutes (to thin or reduce the con­cen­tra­tion of) [n –S] /s
DILUTORdiluter (one that dilutes (to thin or reduce the con­cen­tra­tion of)) [n –S] /s
DIRECTERDIRECT, straight­for­ward [adj] /
DIRECTORone that directs (to con­trol or con­duct the affairs of) [n –S] /sy
DOER–one that does some­thing [n –S] /s
DOORa mov­able bar­rier at an entrance­way [n –S] /s
EFFECTEReffec­tor (a bod­ily organ that responds to a nerve impulse) [n –S] /s
EFFECTORa bod­ily organ that responds to a nerve impulse [n –S] /s
ENDORSER–one that endorses (to sign the back of a nego­tiable doc­u­ment) [n –S] /s
ENDORSORendorser (one that endorses (to sign the back of a nego­tiable doc­u­ment)) [n –S] /s
ERECTERerec­tor (one that erects (to build)) [n –S] /s
–ERECTORone that erects (to build (to con­struct)) [n –S] /s
EXACTERone that exacts (to force the pay­ment or yield­ing of) [n –S] /s
EXACTORexac­ter (one that exacts (to force the pay­ment or yield­ing of)) [n –S] /s
EXCITER–one that excites (to arouse the emo­tions of) [n –S] /s
EXCITORexciter (one that excites (to arouse the emo­tions of)) [n –S] /s
EXECUTER–execu­tor (one that exe­cutes (to carry out)) [n –S] /s
EXECUTORone that exe­cutes (to carry out) [n –S] /sy
EXPANDERone that expands (to increase in size or vol­ume) [n –S] /s
EXPANDORa type of trans­ducer [n –S] /s
FEOFFERone that grants a fief to another [n –S] /s
FEOFFORfeof­fer (one that grants a fief to another) [n –S] /s
–FER–for (directed or sent to) [prep] /en
–FORdirected or sent to [prep] /abdekmt
GATER–gator (an alli­ga­tor) [n –S] /s
GATORan alli­ga­tor [n –S] /s
–GRANTERone that grants (to bestow upon) [n –S] /s
GRANTORgranter (one that grants (to bestow upon)) [n –S] /s
HONER–one that hones (to sharpen (to make sharp)) [n –S] /s
HONORto treat with respect [v –ED, –ING, –S] /s
IDOLATERone that wor­ships idols [n –S] /s
IDOLATORidol­ater (one that wor­ships idols) [n –S] /s
IGNITER–one that ignites (to set on fire) [n –S] /s
IGNITORigniter (one that ignites (to set on fire)) [n –S] /s
IMPACTERone that impacts (to pack firmly together) [n –S] /s
IMPACTORimpacter (one that impacts (to pack firmly together)) [n –S] /s
IMPELLERone that impels (to force into action) [n –S] /s
IMPELLORimpeller (one that impels (to force into action)) [n –S] /s
IMPOSTERimpos­tor (one that poses as another for decep­tive pur­poses) [n –S] /s
IMPOSTORone that poses as another for decep­tive pur­poses [n –S] /s
INDENTERone that indents (to cut or tear irreg­u­larly) [n –S] /s
INDENTORinden­ter (one that indents (to cut or tear irreg­u­larly)) [n –S] /s
INDICTERone that indicts (to charge with a crime) [n –S] /s
INDICTORindicter (one that indicts (to charge with a crime)) [n –S] /s
INDORSER–endorser (one that endorses (to sign the back of a nego­tiable doc­u­ment)) [n –S] /s
INDORSORendor­sor (endorser (one that endorses (endorse))) [n –S] /s
INFECTERone that infects (to con­t­a­m­i­nate with disease-producing germs) [n –S] /s
INFECTORinfecter (one that infects (to con­t­a­m­i­nate with disease-producing germs)) [n –S] /s
INFLATER–one that inflates (to cause to expand by fill­ing with gas or air) [n –S] /s
INFLATORinflater (one that inflates (to cause to expand by fill­ing with gas or air)) [n –S] /s
INVENTERinven­tor (one that invents (to devise orig­i­nally)) [n –S] /s
INVENTORone that invents (to devise orig­i­nally) [n –S] /sy
INVERTERone that inverts (to turn upside down) [n –S] /s
INVERTORa type of elec­tri­cal device [n –S] /s
JAILERa keeper of a jail [n –S] /s
JAILORjailer (a keeper of a jail) [n –S] /s
KRONER–KRONE, a for­mer mon­e­tary unit of Austria [n] /
KRONORKRONA, a mon­e­tary unit of Sweden [n] /
LESSERnot as large or impor­tant [adj] b/
LESSORone that grants a lease [n –S] p/s
LICENSER–one that licenses (to issue or grant author­i­ta­tive per­mis­sion to) [n –S] /s
LICENSORlicenser (one that licenses (to issue or grant author­i­ta­tive per­mis­sion to)) [n –S] /s
LOCATER–one that locates (to deter­mine the posi­tion of) [n –S] /s
LOCATORlocater (one that locates (to deter­mine the posi­tion of)) [n –S] /s
MINER–one that mines (to dig into for valu­able mate­ri­als) [n –S] /s
MINORto pur­sue a spe­cific sub­or­di­nate course of study [v –ED, –ING, –S] /s
NARRATER–nar­ra­tor (one that nar­rates (to tell a story)) [n –S] /s
NARRATORone that nar­rates (to tell a story) [n –S] /s
NEGATER–one that negates (to nul­lify (to make use­less or inef­fec­tive)) [n –S] /s
NEGATORnegater (one that negates (to nul­lify)) [n –S] /s
–NESTERone that nests (to build a nest (a struc­ture for hold­ing bird eggs)) [n –S] /s
NESTORa wise old man [n –S] /s
OBLIGER–one that obliges (to put in one’s debt by a favor or ser­vice) [n –S] /s
OBLIGORone who places him­self under a legal oblig­a­tion [n –S] /s
OFFERERone that offers (to present for accep­tance or rejec­tion) [n –S] /s
OFFERORofferer (one that offers (to present for accep­tance or rejec­tion)) [n –S] /s
OUTDOERone that out­does (to exceed in per­for­mance) [n –S] /s
OUTDOORper­tain­ing to the open air [adj] /s
PARADER–one that parades (to march in a pub­lic pro­ces­sion) [n –S] /s
PARADORan inn in Spain [n –DORS or –DORES] /s
–PASTER–one that pastes (to fas­ten with a sticky mix­ture) [n –S] /ns
PASTORto serve as the spir­i­tual over­seer of [v –ED, –ING, –S] /s
PAWNERone that pawns some­thing [n –S] s/s
PAWNORpawner (one that pawns some­thing) [n –S] /s
PAYERone that pays (to give money or some­thing of value in exchange for goods or ser­vices) [n –S] /s
PAYORpayer (one that pays (to give money or some­thing of value in exchange for goods or ser­vices)) [n –S] /s
–PLEDGER–one that pledges some­thing [n –S] /s
PLEDGORpledger (one that pledges some­thing) [n –S] /s
PRESSERone that presses (to act upon with steady force) [n –S] /s
PRESSORa sub­stance that raises blood pres­sure [n –S] /s
PRIERone that pries (to inquire imper­ti­nently into pri­vate mat­ters) [n –S] s/s
PRIORan offi­cer in a monastery [n –S] /sy
PROMISER–promisor (one that promises (to make a dec­la­ra­tion of assur­ance)) [n –S] /s
PROMISORone that promises (to make a dec­la­ra­tion of assur­ance) [n –S] /s
QUESTERone that quests (to make a search) [n –S] /s
QUESTORquaestor (an ancient Roman mag­is­trate) [n –S] /s
QUITTERone that quits (to end one’s engage­ment in or occu­pa­tion with) [n –S] /s
QUITTORan inflam­ma­tion of an animal’s hoof [n –S] /s
RAZER–one that razes (to tear down or demol­ish) [n –S] bg/s
RAZORto shave or cut with a sharp-edged instru­ment [v –ED, –ING, –S] /s
REALTERALTER, to make dif­fer­ent [v –ED, –ING, –S] p/s
REALTORa real estate agent who is a mem­ber of the National Association of Realtors — a col­lec­tive mark [n –S] /s
REJECTERone that rejects (to refuse to accept, con­sider, or make use of) [n –S] /s
–REJECTORrejecter (one that rejects (to refuse to accept, con­sider, or make use of)) [n –S] /s
–RELATER–one that relates (to give an account of) [n –S] /s
RELATORrelater (one that relates (to give an account of)) [n –S] /s
–REMITTERone that remits (to send money in pay­ment) [n –S] /s
REMITTORremit­ter (one that remits (to send money in pay­ment)) [n –S] /s
RESISTERone that resists (to strive against) [n –S] /s
RESISTORa device in an elec­tric cir­cuit [n –S] /s
RETAILERone that retails (to sell in small quan­ti­ties) [n –S] /s
RETAILORTAILOR, to fit with clothes [v –ED, –ING, –S] /s
REVISER–one that revises (to make a new or improved ver­sion of) [n –S] /s
REVISORreviser (one that revises (to make a new or improved ver­sion of)) [n –S] p/sy
SAILERa ves­sel that sails [n –S] /s
SAILORa mem­ber of a ship’s crew [n –S] : SAILORLY [adj] /s
SALVER–a tray or serv­ing plat­ter [n –S] /s
SALVOR–a sal­vager (one that sal­vages (to save from loss or destruc­tion)) [n –S] /s
–SAVER–one that saves (to res­cue from dan­ger, injury, or loss) [n –S] /s
SAVORto taste or smell with plea­sure [v –ED, –ING, –S] /sy
SECRETER–SECRET, kept from knowl­edge or view [adj] /
SECRETORone that secretes (to gen­er­ate and sep­a­rate out from cells or bod­ily flu­ids) [n –S] /sy
SEISER–seizer (one that seizes (to take hold of sud­denly and forcibly)) [n –S] /s
SEISORseizor (one that takes seizin) [n –S] /s
SEIZER–one that seizes (to take hold of sud­denly and forcibly) [n –S] /s
SEIZORone that takes seizin [n –S] /s
SETTLER–one that set­tles (to place in a desired state or order) [n –S] /s
SETTLORone that makes a legal set­tle­ment [n –S] /s
SIGNERone that signs (to write one’s name on) [n –S] /s
SIGNORan Italian title of cour­tesy for a man [n –GNORI or –GNORS] /aeisy
–STATER–one that states (to set forth in words) [n –S] /s
STATORthe part of a machine about which the rotor revolves [n –S] /s
STRIDER–one that strides (to walk with long steps) [n –S] /s
STRIDORa stri­dent sound [n –S] /s
SUITER–a suit­case hold­ing a spec­i­fied num­ber of suits (sets of gar­ments) [n –S] /s
SUITORone that is court­ing a woman [n –S] /s
SURVIVER–sur­vivor (one that sur­vives (to remain in exis­tence)) [n –S] /s
SURVIVORone that sur­vives (to remain in exis­tence) [n –S] /s
TABERto tabor (to beat on a small drum) [v –ED, –ING, –S] /s
TABORto beat on a small drum [v –ED, –ING, –S] /s
TAILERone that secretly fol­lows another [n –S] /s
TAILORto fit with clothes [v –ED, –ING, –S] /s
TENSER–TENSE, taut (fully stretched, so as not to be slack) [adj] /
TENSORa mus­cle that stretches a body part [n –S] /s
TERMERa pris­oner serv­ing a spec­i­fied sen­tence [n –S] /s
TERMORone that holds land for a cer­tain num­ber of years [n –S] /s
THRUSTERone that thrusts (to push forcibly) [n –S] /s
THRUSTORthruster (one that thrusts (to push forcibly)) [n –S] /s
TRUSTERone that trusts (to place con­fi­dence in) [n –S] /s
TRUSTORone that trustees his prop­erty [n –S] /s
TUSSERtus­sah (an Asian silk­worm) [n –S] /s
TUSSORtus­sah (an Asian silk­worm) [n –S] /es
–VENDERven­dor (a seller (one that sells (sell))) [n –S] /s
VENDORa seller (one that sells (to give up to another for money or other valu­able con­sid­er­a­tion)) [n –S] /s
VERDERERan offi­cer in charge of the royal forests of England [n –S] /s
VERDERORverderer (an offi­cer in charge of the royal forests of England) [n –S] /s
VIOLATER–vio­la­tor (one that vio­lates (to break or dis­re­gard the terms or require­ments of)) [n –S] /s
VIOLATORone that vio­lates (to break or dis­re­gard the terms or require­ments of) [n –S] /s
VISITERvis­i­tor (one that vis­its (to go or come to see some­one or some­thing)) [n –S] /s
VISITORone that vis­its (to go or come to see some­one or some­thing) [n –S] /s
–WELDERone that welds (to join by apply­ing heat) [n –S] /s
WELDORwelder (one that welds (to join by apply­ing heat)) [n –S] /s
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