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Tournament Rules

2010 March 31
by admin


The North American SCRABBLE Players Association (NASPA) is the offi­cial orga­ni­za­tion for com­pet­i­tive clubs and tour­na­ments. It was formed in response to Habro’s deci­sion in 2009 to end fund­ing for these activ­i­ties. As of July 1, 2009, a NASPA mem­ber­ship is required to par­tic­i­pate in sanc­tioned tour­na­ments ($30 for a reg­u­lar mem­ber­ship). The NSA now focuses on pro­mot­ing casual play, although it still funds and sup­ports the National School Scrabble Program. Both the Rules Committee and the Dictionary Committee were trans­fered to NASPA.

Here is a link to the “rules” page on the NASAP web­site: http://​www​.scrab​ble​play​ers​.org/​w​/​O​f​f​i​c​i​a​l​_​T​o​u​r​n​a​m​e​n​t​_​R​u​les.

Here are PDFs (the same PDFs that can be down­loaded from the NASPA site) of the Official Tournament Rules and Rule Changes (as of Feb 2, 2010).


1-Page Rule Summary, com­piled by Rebecca Slivka, www​.seat​tle​scrab​ble​.org

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