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2011 Bayou Bash — Houston, TX

2011 May 31
by admin

100_0556Phillip Collier and Brent D. Beal attended the 2011 Bayou Bash Scrabble Tournament in Houston on May 28 – 30, 2011).

Here’s a link to some details on the tour­na­ment: http://​www​.cross​-tables​.com/​d​o​w​n​l​o​a​d​/​2​0​1​1​/​0​5​/​h​o​u​s​t​o​n​.​pdf. The offi­cial results from the tour­na­ment are posted here: http://​www​.scrab​ble​play​ers​.org/​t​o​u​r​n​e​y​s​/​2​0​1​1​/​l​x​t​/​0​5​/​0​3​1​.​s​h​tml.

Phillip played in Division 3; Brent played in Division 4.  Both Phillip and Brent fin­ished the 18-game tour­na­ment with records of 7 – 11.

Brent’s Bingo List: STRINGS (67), TRAINER (73), DOLLIES (62), GLEANERS (60), TRAINED (70), BELTERS (66), SEEDING (75), PELTERS (77), RETAILS (61), WONKIER (75), PALISADE (78), NURSERS (60), RETINAE (60), RIBLESS (64), ENSLAVE (68).

Quick Post Mortem (Brent): First, some pos­i­tives.  Didn’t have many prob­lems with 2s or 3s (although I did almost chal­lenge OLE, and I played one phoney – *MIN).  Now the neg­a­tives.  I need to improve quite a bit in a num­ber of areas.  I need to know front and back hooks from the 3s, for exam­ple.  There were sev­eral times when know­ing these hooks would have helped me out quite a bit (MIR – >MIRI, for exam­ple).  Although I tracked the top 7 tiles (JKQXZBB), I need to track ALL the tiles and use that infor­ma­tion more effec­tively in the end game.  I need to mem­o­rize more bingo “meta­data” and learn how to use that infor­ma­tion to increase my bingo fre­quency.  For exam­ple, near the end of one game, my oppo­nent played ATONERS, but formed a phoney when he hooked the word (and I chal­lenged it off the board).  He knew what let­ters com­bined with ATONERS to make an 8-letter bingo (BCEFGIMNPRSU), how­ever, and was hop­ing I’d play a word he could play through to get his Bingo on the board (and he knew he had a good chance, given what was on my rack because he had been track­ing tiles).  I played RIBLESS – then he bin­goed out by play­ing ANTRORSE through the R.  This is a great exam­ple of a good endgame (care­ful tile track­ing, good knowl­edge of bingo meta­data, and sound strategy).

I had a few good plays.  ENSLAVE and PALISADE, both nat­ural bin­gos.  CORS for 52 points near the end of a game (into a TW, form­ing three other words).  There were a few more I was proud of.  Over all, it was a great tour­na­ment.  We met some great Scrabble folks (and it was nice see­ing folks we already knew).  I came away from the tour­na­ment real­iz­ing I have some study­ing to do before going to another tour­na­ment (because get­ting kicked around in the bot­tom of Division 4 isn’t some­thing I want to con­tinue doing, smile). Learn more at Themonstercycle.

Phillip's Bingo List and Quick Post Mortem are forthcoming.

4 Responses leave one →
  1. May 31, 2011

    Brent — LOVE your web­site, love your com­men­tary, your pictures.…everything! What a great direc­tor and over­all Scrabble dude you are! Hope you never get tired of it as you are def­i­nitely on the right path for suc­cess! So glad you came to our tour­na­ment this week­end and sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk to you more. I pre­dict big rat­ings increases for you from now on!

  2. admin permalink*
    May 31, 2011

    Thanks for the kind words and encour­age­ment. It was a great tour­na­ment – and it gave me some moti­va­tion to tackle some word lists.

  3. Judy Newhouse permalink
    June 5, 2011

    I am so happy that you and Phillip came to our tour­na­ment, Brent. Thanks for pro­mot­ing it and for post­ing your com­men­tary and Phillip’s pho­tos. He really caught the fla­vor of our tour­na­ment. Your com­men­tary is ter­rific, and I loved that you ana­lyzed your per­for­mance. You will keep get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter. Best wishes to you with your club. Hope to see you and Phillip at Nationals.

  4. admin permalink*
    June 6, 2011

    Thanks Judy. We had a great time (we’re both busy try­ing to improve our game so that we can com­pete with y’all). We appre­ci­ate all the work you put into the tour­na­ment. We’re think­ing of try­ing to put on a tour­na­ment our­selves up here in October.

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