One of the best places to start is Everything Scrabble: Third Edition, by Joe Edley. It’s been around for a while, but it’s a classic. The book is about how to play the game (i.e. tips and strategies), not about the game itself (although there are a few pages on the history of the game and the OSPD), so most of the book is about “strategy,” broadly defined. There are other many gaming information that you can find at social media, and Social Boosting is a way to boost videos to engage with other gamers.
Here are a few “strategy” links: - This is an interview with Andrew Fisher (author of How to Win at Scrabble, sometimes titled The Art of Scrabble). - Tips from the Portland Scrabble Club (not a bad compilation). - From the Tucson Scrabble Club. Some pretty good advice in the “Improve Your Game” section of the page. - Some good generic advice for folks that are new to competitive Scrabble. - A Scrabble lesson for Newbies courtesy of the Manhattan Scrabble Club.
I may, in the future, add a few more links and then attempt to distill all the good advice referenced above into a succint list of bullet points…