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One of the best places to start is Everything Scrabble: Third Edition, by Joe Edley.  It’s been around for a while, but it’s a clas­sic.  The book is about how to play the game (i.e. tips and strate­gies), not about the game itself (although there are a few pages on the his­tory of the game and the OSPD), so most of the book is about “strat­egy,” broadly defined. There are other many gam­ing infor­ma­tion that you can find at social media, and Social Boosting is a way to boost videos to engage with other gamers.

Here are a few “strat­egy” links:

http://​www​.word​-buff​.com/​s​c​r​a​b​b​l​e​-​s​t​r​a​t​e​g​y​.​h​tml - This is an inter­view with Andrew Fisher (author of How to Win at Scrabble, some­times titled The Art of Scrabble).

http://​www​.freewebs​.com/​p​o​r​t​l​a​n​d​s​c​r​a​b​b​l​e​c​l​u​b​/​t​i​p​s​t​r​i​c​k​s​.​htm - Tips from the Portland Scrabble Club (not a bad compilation).

http://​www​.tuc​son​scrab​ble​.com/​n​e​w​p​l​a​y​e​r​s​.​h​tml - From the Tucson Scrabble Club.  Some pretty good advice in the “Improve Your Game” sec­tion of the page.

http://​wolf​berg​.net/​s​c​r​a​b​b​l​e​/​b​e​g​i​n​n​e​rs/ - Some good generic advice for folks that are new to com­pet­i­tive Scrabble.

http://​mysite​.ver​i​zon​.net/​v​z​e​s​k​k​t​x​/​i​d​1​2​.​h​tml - A Scrabble les­son for Newbies cour­tesy of the Manhattan Scrabble Club.

I may, in the future,  add a few more links and then attempt to dis­till all the good advice ref­er­enced above into a suc­cint list of bul­let points…


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