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FIVES JQXZ (2 of 7)

2010 April 8
by admin

This is the 2nd of seven planned posts on the FIVES JQXZ (697) list. The first post is here: http://​old​town​scrab​ble​.com/​0​6​/​0​4​/​f​i​v​e​s​-​j​q​x​z​-​1​-​o​f​-7/.  I cov­ered words start­ing with A, B and C in the first post – I’m start­ing with the D words here.

There are some “DE” words here that are fairly easy to remem­ber: DESEX, DETOX, DEWAX.  DEOXY also belongs in this list.  The word DEX (a sul­fate) has a few deriv­a­tives: DEXES, DEXIE, DEXIES.  DIAZO is a tough word to remem­ber – some­how rhyming it with GINZO or GONZO helps.  Here’s a list of words to remember:

–DIT  a dot in Morse code [n –S]
–DITS– DIT, a dot in Morse code [n]
 DITZ– a ditsy per­son [n –ES]
 DITSY– silly, eccen­tric [adj –SIER, –SIEST]
 DITZY– ditsy (silly, eccen­tric) [adj –ZIER, –ZIEST]
 DITSIER  DITSY, silly, eccen­tric [adj]
 DITSIEST  DITSY, silly, eccen­tric [adj]
 DITZIER  DITZY, ditsy (silly, eccen­tric) [adj]
 DITZIEST  DITZY, ditsy (silly, eccen­tric) [adj]

DIZEN is also dif­fi­cult.  I made up a sen­tence of sorts – I DIZEN to WIZEN the MIZEN.

 DIZEN  to dress in fine clothes [v –ED, –ING, –S]
 WIZEN  to shrivel (to con­tract into wrin­kles) [v –ED, –ING, –S]
 MIZEN  mizzen (a type of sail) [n –S]

Then there is the list of dif­fer­ent vari­ants of DJINN:

–JIN jinn (a super­nat­ural being in Muslim mythol­ogy) [n –S]
–DJIN  jinni (jinn (a super­nat­ural being in Muslim mythol­ogy)) [n –S]
–DJINN– jinni (jinn (a super­nat­ural being in Muslim mythol­ogy)) [n –S]
–DJINNI– jinni (jinn (a super­nat­ural being in Muslim mythol­ogy)) [n DJINN]
 DJINNY– jinni (jinn (a super­nat­ural being in Muslim mythol­ogy)) [n DJINN]
 GENIE  jinni (jinn (a super­nat­ural being in Muslim mythol­ogy)) [n –S]
–JINN– a super­nat­ural being in Muslim mythol­ogy [n –S]
 JINNEE  jinn (a super­nat­ural being in Muslim mythol­ogy) [n JINN]
 JINNI– jinn (a super­nat­ural being in Muslim mythol­ogy) [n –S]

DOOZY I was famil­iar with, but not DOOZER (“Wow, He’s a DOOZER of a DOZER!”).  DOXY or DOXIE, either way.

These two words fol­low­ing a mem­o­rable pat­tern (and EJECTA is a cool word):

 EJECT  to throw out forcibly [v –ED, –ING, –S]
 EJECTA– ejected mate­r­ial [n]
 EXACT  pre­cise (sharply and clearly defined or stated) [adj –ACTER, –ACTEST]; to force the pay­ment or yield­ing of [v –ED, –ING, –S]
 EXACTA– a type of horse rac­ing bet [n –S]

ENZYM or ENZYME.  EPOXY is the prod­uct of a nice hook chain:

 OX  a clumsy per­son [n –ES]
a hoofed mam­mal [n OXEN]
 OXY– con­tain­ing oxy­gen [adj]
–POX  to infect with syphilis [v –ED, –ING, –ES]
–POXY– afflicted with a pox [adj POXIER, POXIEST]
–EPOXY  to glue with epoxy (a type of resin) [v EPOXIED or EPOXYED, EPOXYING, EPOXIES]

Here is an inter­est­ing pat­tern involv­ing EQUID:

 QUID  a por­tion of some­thing to be chewed [n –S]
–EQUID  an ani­mal of the horse fam­ily [n –S]
 QUIP  to make witty remarks [v QUIPPED, QUIPPING, QUIPS]
–EQUIP  to pro­vide with what­ever is needed [v EQUIPPED, EQUIPPING, EQUIPS]
 QUATE  quiet (mak­ing lit­tle or no noise) [adj]
–EQUATE  to make equal (hav­ing the same capa­bil­ity, quan­tity, or effect as another) [v EQUATED, EQUATING, EQUATES]

Other inter­est­ing hooks down through the end of the E words:

 EXPOSE– to lay open to view [v –POSED, –POSING, –POSES]
 EXTOLL– to extol (to praise highly) [v –ED, –ING, –S]
–HEXING  HEX, to cast an evil spell upon [v]
–REXINE  a strong, coated cloth used as a cov­er­ing mate­r­ial for books — a trade­mark [n –S]
–SEXING  SEX, to deter­mine the sex (the prop­erty by which organ­isms are clas­si­fied accord­ing to repro­duc­tive func­tions) of [v]
–SEXIST  one that prac­tices sex­ism (prej­u­dice or dis­crim­i­na­tion against women) [n –S]
–VEXING  VEX, to annoy (to be trou­ble­some to) [v]

Remember than EXTOL takes an L – >EXTOLL.  EXINE (an outer layer of cer­tain spores) is related, in at least of abstract way, to REXINE (an outer cover for a book).  SEXING is an easy word to remem­ber, once you know it exists.

The last E word, EXURB, is a cool word that sticks with you – EXURBAN is the related adjective.

FAQIR is a word on the Q No QU (22) list – it is one of the few words that has a Q but no U (there are two words that have a Q and U, but the U doesn’t fol­low the Q: QIVIUT and UMIAQ; these words also make the list).  It can also be spelled with a K or QU: FAKIR or FAQUIR.

Note that there are two alter­na­tive spellings of FAZE on the list: FEAZE and FEEZE.  I remem­ber FIQUE by asso­ci­at­ing it with PIQUE (“A FIQUE can PIQUE”).

There are two words (not count­ing deriv­a­tives) in the Scrabble lex­i­con that start with FJ and they are both on this list: FJELD and FJORD.  FJORD can also be spelled FIORD.  FJORDIC is a great adjec­tive – but remem­ber that “fiordic” is not an accept­able play (the J makes it more authen­tic, and hence wor­thy of an adjec­tive derivative).

FIXED, FIXER, FIXES, and, nat­u­rally, FIXIT.  FIXITY (sta­bil­ity) is a good hook to remem­ber, as is the FIXT (a past tense of FIX).

 FIZ  a hiss­ing or sput­ter­ing sound [n FIZZES]
 FIZZ– to make a hiss­ing or sput­ter­ing sound [v –ED, –ING, –ES]

One Z gets you the sound, but two Zs gets you the verb (and of course, there are the adjec­tives: FIZZY, FIZZIER, FIZZIEST).

FLAXY is the equiv­a­lent of FLAXEN, but gives you FLAXIER and FLAXIEST.

FRITZ (as in “my com­puter is on the FRITZ”) has dual inner hooks (i.e. you can take drop the front let­ter or the back let­ter, either way, you’ve got another accept­able word – FRIT or RITZ). FRIZZ (or FRIZ) takes a Y – FRIZZY.  Here is a list of all the four-letter words that can be made into five-letter words by repeat­ing the last let­ter – this list is a good source of sur­prise hooks.  In some cases, the def­i­n­i­tions changes, in oth­ers, it doesn’t:

–ABYS– ABY, to pay the penalty for [v]
 ABYSS– a bot­tom­less chasm [n –ES] : ABYSSAL [adj]
–AMAS– AMA, amah (an Oriental nurse) [n]
–AMASS– to gather (to bring together into one place or group) [v –ED, –ING, –ES]
–AMIS– AMI, a friend [n]
–AMISS– being out of proper order [adj]
–BRAS– BRA, a brassiere [n]
 BRASS– to coat with brass (an alloy of cop­per and zinc) [v –ED, –ING, –ES]
 BRIS  a Jewish cir­cum­ci­sion rite [n –ES]
 BRISS– bris (a Jewish cir­cum­ci­sion rite) [n –ES]
 BRIT  a young her­ring [n –S]
 BRITT– brit (a young her­ring) [n –S]
 CHAR  to burn slightly [v CHARRED, CHARRING, CHARS]
 CHARR– a small-scaled trout [n –S]
–DJIN  jinni (jinn (a super­nat­ural being in Muslim mythol­ogy)) [n –S]
–DJINN– jinni (jinn (a super­nat­ural being in Muslim mythol­ogy)) [n –S]
–DONE– DO, to begin and carry through to com­ple­tion [v]
 DONEE– a recip­i­ent of a gift [n –S]
 EYAS  a young hawk [n –ES]
 EYASS– eyas (a young hawk) [n –ES]
 FRIT  to fuse into a vit­re­ous sub­stance [v FRITTED, FRITTING, FRITS]
 FRITT– to frit (to fuse into a vit­re­ous sub­stance) [v –ED, –ING, –S]
 FRIZ  to frizz (to form into small, tight curls) [v –ED, –ING, –ES]
 FRIZZ– to form into small, tight curls [v –ED, –ING, –ES]
–FUSE  to equip with a fuse (a det­o­nat­ing device) [v FUSED, FUSING, FUSES]
 FUSEE– a large-headed fric­tion match [n –S]
 FUZE  to fuse (to equip with a fuse (a det­o­nat­ing device)) [v FUZED, FUZING, FUZES]
 FUZEE– fusee (a large-headed fric­tion match) [n –S]
 GNAR  to snarl (to growl viciously) [v GNARRED, GNARRING, GNARS]
 GNARR– to gnar (to snarl (to growl viciously)) [v –ED, –ING, –S]
–HIRE  to engage the ser­vices of for pay­ment [v HIRED, HIRING, HIRES] : HIREABLE [adj]
 HIREE– one that is hired [n –S]
 HOWF– a place fre­quently vis­ited [n –S]
 HOWFF– howf (a place fre­quently vis­ited) [n –S]
 IDYL  a poem or prose work depict­ing scenes of rural sim­plic­ity [n –S]
 IDYLL– idyl (a poem or prose work depict­ing scenes of rural sim­plic­ity) [n –S] : IDYLLIC [adj]
–KVAS  kvass (a Russian beer) [n –ES]
 KVASS– a Russian beer [n –ES]
–MAIL  to send by a gov­ern­men­tal postal sys­tem. [v –ED, –ING, –S] : MAILABLE [adj]
 MAILL– a pay­ment (some­thing that is paid) [n –S]
 POUF  a loose roll of hair [n –S] : POUFED, POUFFY [adj]
 POUFF– pouf (a loose roll of hair) [n –S] : POUFFED [adj]
 PROS– PRO, an argu­ment or vote in favor of some­thing [n]
 PROSS– a pros­ti­tute [n –ES]
 PURE– free from any­thing dif­fer­ent, infe­rior, or con­t­a­m­i­nat­ing [adj PURER, PUREST]
 PUREE– to reduce to a thick pulp by cook­ing and siev­ing [v –REED, –REEING, –REES]
–RAGE– to act or speak with vio­lent anger [v RAGED, RAGING, RAGES]
–RAGEE– ragi (an East Indian cereal grass) [n –S]
 RAKE  to gather with a toothed imple­ment [v RAKED, RAKING, RAKES]
–RAKEE– raki (a Turkish liqueur) [n –S]
 RAZE  to tear down or demol­ish [v RAZED, RAZING, RAZES]
 RAZEE– to make lower by remov­ing the upper deck, as a ship [v –ZEED, –ZEEING, –ZEES]
 READ  to look at so as to take in the mean­ing of, as some­thing writ­ten or printed [v READ, READING, READS] : READABLE [adj], READABLY [adv]
 READD– ADD, to com­bine or join so as to bring about an increase [v –ED, –ING, –S]
–SCAT  to leave hastily [v SCATTED, SCATTING, SCATS]
 SCATT– a tax [n –S]
–SHOT  to load with shot (small lead or steel pel­lets) [v SHOTTED, SHOTTING, SHOTS]
 SHOTT– chott (a saline lake) [n –S]
–SIRE– to beget (to cause to exist) [v SIRED, SIRING, SIRES]
 SIREE– sir­ree (sir (a respect­ful form of address used to a man)) [n –S]
 SPAZ– a clumsy, fool­ish, or incom­pe­tent per­son — a deroga­tory term [n SPAZZES]
 SPAZZ– spaz (a clumsy, fool­ish, or incom­pe­tent per­son — a deroga­tory term) [n –ES]
–STOT  to bound with a stiff-legged gait [v STOTTED, STOTTING, STOTS]
 STOTT– to stot (to bound with a stiff-legged gait) [v –ED, –ING, –S]
 SYCE  a male ser­vant in India [n –S]
 SYCEE– fine uncoined sil­ver for­merly used in China as money [n –S]
–TOPE– to drink liquor to excess [v TOPED, TOPING, TOPES]
 TOPEE– topi (a sun hel­met) [n –S]
 TORI– TORUS, a large con­vex mold­ing [n]
 TORII– the gate­way of a Japanese tem­ple [n TORII]
–TRES  very (absolute (free from restric­tion)) [adj]
 TRESS– a long lock of hair [n –ES] : TRESSED [adj]
 UNDE  wavy (hav­ing waves) [adj]
 UNDEE– unde (wavy (hav­ing waves)) [adj]
 WHIR  to move with a buzzing sound [v WHIRRED, WHIRRING, WHIRS]
 WHIRR– to whir (to move with a buzzing sound) [v –ED, –ING, –S]
 WHIZ  to move with a buzzing or hiss­ing sound [v WHIZZED, WHIZZING, WHIZZES]
 WHIZZ– to whiz (to move with a buzzing or hiss­ing sound) [v –ED, –ING, –ES]

I asso­ciate FURZY with FUZZY, and that helps me remem­ber the word FURZE.  FUZE is the same as FUZE, but either way, if you’re going to fuse some­thing, you prob­a­bly need a match – a FUZEE (or FUSEE).  FUZIL is another S or Z word (i.e. FUZIL or FUSIL).

GADJO is a great word.  Does your JO GAD?  It can also be spelled with an E: GADJE.  Take the Y off of GALAXY and you get an ever­green herb. GANJA can also be spelled GANJAH.  Remember that you can buy GAZAR at a BAZAR.  Here are the “ZOO” words (again):

 BAZOO  the mouth [n –ZOOS]
 GAZOO  wazoo (the anus — usu­ally con­sid­ered vul­gar) [n –S]
 KAZOO  a toy musi­cal instru­ment [n –ZOOS]
 WAZOO  the anus — usu­ally con­sid­ered vul­gar [n –S]

I asso­ci­ated GHAZI with the Gaza Strip and GINZO with Ginsu knives (I don’t know why, exactly; it also rhymes with GONZO). Remember that the plural of GINZO is GINZOES (not gin­zos). GLOZE is to gloss over (more or less). These words are all the same:

 GROSZ  a Polish coin [n GROSZY]
 GROSZE– grosz (a Polish coin) [n GROSZY]
 GROSZY– GROSZ, a Polish coin [n]

If your oppo­nent plays GROSZ next to a bonus square, a Y might come in really handy.

GYOZA has the word ZA in it (which helps me spell it).

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