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Go here for a MEETING SCHEDULE and other club infor­ma­tion: http://​old​town​scrab​ble​.com/​c​a​t​e​g​o​r​y​/​c​l​u​b​-​p​o​s​ts/.


This web­site is set up as a blog and even­tu­ally most areas of the site will be opened up to comments.

Here is what you’ll find on the site:

Home — Site posts, in reverse chron­log­i­cal order (use the menu on the left to view posts by recency and/or cat­e­gory, or use the search box to search for spe­cific posts using key words, etc.)

Getting Started — Go to this page to start your tran­si­tion from a good casual or “kitchen-table” player to a com­pet­i­tive Scrabble player. You’ll find a to-do list for mak­ing the tran­si­tion, a descrip­tion of the OWL2-LWL, and some infor­ma­tion on the Scrabble com­mu­nity, among other things.

Word Study — One of the prin­ci­pal things that dis­tin­guishes a com­pet­i­tive player from a casual play is word knowl­edge. This page lays out a sys­tem­atic study pro­gram with links to study lists, study notes, posts, and comments.

Strategy — This page is for dis­cus­sion of game strat­egy [forthcoming].

About — This page includes brief biogra­phies and con­tact infor­ma­tion for the Nacogdoches Scrabble Club and those that have authored con­tent for this website.

Feedback is wel­come: brent@​oldtownscrabble.​com.


Brent D. Beal

920 Millard Dr.
Nacogdoches, TX 75965
225 – 802-7015 (cell)
936 – 622-6852 (fax)

I live in Nacogdoches with my wife and fam­ily. I’m a busi­ness pro­fes­sor at UT Tyler (I teach cor­po­rate strat­egy & entre­pre­neur­ship).  Scrabble is a hobby of mine.

If you’re inter­ested in join­ing the Nacogdoches Scrabble Club, then please sign up for email updates (by click­ing on the “Email Updates” link the top-right col­umn) and then send me an email at brent@​oldtownscrabble.​com. I’m also look­ing for some folks to help me out with this site (see http://​old​town​scrab​ble​.com/​2​8​/​0​3​/​s​c​r​a​b​b​l​e​-​b​l​o​g​g​e​r​s​-​w​a​n​t​ed/).


Article in the Nacogdoches Daily Sentinel
